This repository provides code to get statistics reports about the tests being exercised in a TEAM Engine installation.
- Go the folder in local folder. For example
cd github/teamengine-statistics
- Update to the latest
git pull
- Compile the code:
mvn clean install
- locate where the users folder is. For example ~/users_prod
- Run:
java -cp target/stats-1.0-SNAPSHOT-with-deps.jar org.opengis.te.stats.TEReport ~/users_prod
- ==> This creates the statistic report and if some session has problem with the log.xml and session.xml file then reported in the "/result-output/AdmiLog.log" file.
- ==> It will update the session file if the date attribute is not present in the users session with the file creation time. It will resolve the null date attribute issue.
- ==> This will provide the report with the comma separated value: userName|session|date|year|month|testName|overallResult
We expect to genereate reports like the following:
- First compile the file as: javac
- Then run javac AdminLogCreator.class file as: java AdminLogCreator ${path-of-user-folder}