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+ dcTensor: An R package for discrete matrix/tensor
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+Journal of Open Source Software
+Open Journals
+dcTensor: An R package for discrete matrix/tensor
+Department of Artificial Intelligence Medicine, Graduate
+School of Medicine, Chiba University, Japan
+Laboratory for Bioinformatics Research, RIKEN Center for
+Biosystems Dynamics Research, Japan
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the
+work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC
+BY 4.0)
+The article authors
+Authors of papers retain copyright and release the work under
+a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY
+discrete matrix factorization
+discrete tensor factorization
+dimension reduction
+ Summary
Matrix factorization (MF) is a widely used approach to extract
+ significant patterns in a data matrix. MF is formalized as the
+ approximation of a data matrix
+ X
+ by the matrix product of two factor matrices
+ U
+ and
+ V.
+ Because this formalization has a large number of degrees of freedom,
+ some constraints are imposed on the solution. Non-negative matrix
+ factorization (NMF) imposing a non-negative solution for the factor
+ matrices is a widely used algorithm to decompose non-negative matrix
+ data matrix. Due to the interpretability of its non-negativity and the
+ convenience of using decomposition results as clustering, there are
+ many applications of NMF in image processing, audio processing, and
+ bioinformatics
+ (Cichocki
+ et al., 2009).
A discrete version of NMF can also be considered by imposing a
+ binary solution (e.g., {0,1}) for the factor matrices extracted from
+ the data matrix and it is called binary matrix factorization (BMF)
+ (Z.
+ Zhang et al., 2007). BMF is recently featured in some data
+ science domains such as market basket data, document-term data, Web
+ click-stream data, DNA microarray expression profiles, or
+ protein-protein complex interaction networks.
Although BMF is becoming more used, in the current data analysis,
+ further extensions are required. For example, we may need a ternary
+ solution (e.g., {0,1,2}) instead of a binary one. Here, I call it
+ ternary matrix factorization (TMF). TMF would contribute to the
+ extraction of ordered patterns, such as stages of disease severity. It
+ is also possible to apply the discretization to only one of the two
+ factor matrices (
+ U
+ or
+ V)
+ and here I call it semi-binary matrix factorization (SBMF)
+ (Ma et al.,
+ 2021) or semi-ternary matrix factorization (STMF). This
+ extension contributes to the extraction of discrete patterns in
+ continuous-valued matrix data. Finally, there is a growing demand to
+ extend MF to the simultaneous factorization of multiple matrices or
+ tensors (high-dimensional arrays)
+ (Cichocki
+ et al., 2009). Such heterogeneous data sets are obtained when
+ multiple measurements with a common data structure are performed under
+ different experimental conditions. Therefore, it is very convenient if
+ discretization is available to such heterogeneous data structures. To
+ meet these requirements, I originally developed
+ dcTensor, which is an R/CRAN package to perform
+ some discrete matrix/tensor decomposition algorithms
+ (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dcTensor/index.html).
+ Statement of need
There are some tools to perform BMF such as
+ Nimfa, libmf,
+ recosystem, and
+ Origami.jl but there is no implementation to
+ perform TMF, SBMF, STMF, or extensions of MF to multiple matrices or
+ tensor. For this reason, I originally implemented such discrete
+ matrix/tensor decomposition algorithms in R language, which is one of
+ the popular open-source programming languages.
dcTensor provides the matrix/tensor
+ decomposition functions as follows:
MF against a matrix data
dNMF: Discretized Non-negative
+ Matrix Factorization
+ (Cichocki
+ et al., 2009;
+ Lee
+ & Seung, 1999)
dSVD: Discretized Singular Value
+ Decomposition
+ (Tsuyuzaki
+ et al., 2020)
MF against multiple matrices data
dsiNMF: Discretized Simultaneous
+ Non-negative Matrix Factorization
+ (Badea,
+ 2008;
+ Cichocki
+ et al., 2009;
+ Yilmaz,
+ 2010;
+ C.-C.
+ Zhang S. Liu et al., 2012)
djNMF: Discretized Joint
+ Non-negative Matrix Factorization
+ (Cichocki
+ et al., 2009;
+ Yang
+ & Michailidis, 2016)
dPLS: Discretized Partial Least
+ Squares
+ (Arora,
+ 2012)
dNTD: Discretized Non-negative
+ Tucker Decomposition
+ (Cichocki
+ et al., 2009;
+ Kim
+ & Choi, 2007)
+ Example
For the demonstration, here I show that SBMF can be easily
+ performed on any machine where R is pre-installed by using the
+ following commands in R:
+ # Install package required (one per computer)
+# Load required package (once per R instance)
+# Load Toy data
+data <- toyModel("NMF")
+# Perform SBMF
+out <- dNMF(data, Bin_U=1E+6, J=5)
+# Reconstruction of the data matrix
+rec.data <- out$U %*% t(out$V)
+# Visualization
+layout(rbind(1:2, 3:4))
+image.plot(data, main="Original Data", legend.mar=8, zlim=c(0, max(data)))
+image.plot(rec.data, main="Reconstructed Data", legend.mar=8, zlim=c(0,max(data)))
+hist(out$U, breaks=100)
+hist(out$V, breaks=100)
Semi-binary Matrix Factorization
+ (SBMF).
In the top left of
+ [fig:sbmf], we can
+ see that the demo data has five significant patterns as blocks. In the
+ top right of
+ [fig:sbmf], we can
+ see that the reconstructed data, which is the matrix product of the
+ factor matrices
+ U
+ and
+ V,
+ also has the same patterns and this means the optimization of SBMF is
+ properly converged. In the bottom left of
+ [fig:sbmf], we can
+ see that
+ U
+ is binary ({0,1}), but
+ V
+ is not (the bottom right of
+ [fig:sbmf]), which
+ means the solution is semi-binary. This solution is imposed by setting
+ a large value against Bin_U argument in dNMF function, which is the
+ binary regularization parameter for
+ U.
+ dNMF also has Bin_V argument, which is the binary regularization
+ parameter for
+ V.
+ Setting large values against Bin_U and Bin_V, BMF can also be
+ obtained. Likewise, the ternary solutions (TMF and STMF) can be
+ obtained by ternary regularization parameters such as Ter_U and
+ Ter_V.