High Availability installation with 3 replicas.
Install High Availability Storage Compatible with Hashicorp High Availability.
The Consul storage backend is officially supported by HashiCorp.
oc new-project hashicorp
git clone https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-helm.git /tmp/consul-helm
helm install consul /tmp/consul-helm
Consul Helm has a fixed securityContext.fsGroup: 1000 The vaule 1000 is not an allowed group for OpenShift, will apply a patch to remove it.
oc -n hashicorp patch sts consul-consul-server --type json --patch="[
{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/template/spec/securityContext"}
Expose Consul UI
oc -n hashicorp create route reencrypt consul --port=8500 --service=consul-consul-server
Vault helm chart is not used on purpose, the aim is to understand all components involed.
If you like to use vault helm chart in OpenShift consider the following.
IPC_LOCK capability is fixed and it cannot be removed. This is not necessary because in OpenShift the swap is disabled.
The User, Group and fsGroup id are fixed on the manifest, the values can be overridden but still is not necessary to force the id.
oc apply -f ./vault/ha/install/
The following kubernetes components will be created:
- vault-server-binding ClusterRoleBinding
- vault ServiceAccount
- vault-config ConfigMap
- vault PodDisruptionBudget
- vault StatefulSet
- vault Route
- vault NetworkPolicy
vault-server-binding ClusterRoleBinding allows vault service account to leverage Kubernetes oauth with the oauth-delegator ClusterRole
In case of OpenShift SDN Multitenant
oc adm pod-network make-projects-global hashicorp
In case of High Availability, the unseal has to be done in all vault replicas.
oc rsh vault-0
vault operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1
Save the Unseal Key 1
and the Initial Root Token
Unseal Key 1: hhL/LRDPsSGRzG8N8UvEuHBo7TC4GOGyKV6VwhX2OHU=
Initial Root Token: s.HUA25MAzSqgguvqW8NozZP0Z
And export them as environment variables, for further use:
export ROOT_TOKEN=s.HUA25MAzSqgguvqW8NozZP0Z
For each replica:
export ROOT_TOKEN=s.HUA25MAzSqgguvqW8NozZP0Z
vault operator unseal $KEYS
More information about Auto Unseal: https://learn.hashicorp.com/vault/operations/autounseal-transit