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Ruben de Laat edited this page Jul 9, 2013 · 24 revisions

Last updated for Eclipse Kepler

We use Eclipse to develop BIMserver. Other IDE's should work as well, but this page describes how to get started with Eclipse.

It's best to download the "Eclipse Modeling Tools" package, but if you are not going to change the EMF model, you can also just download the "Standard" package, or use your own existing installation.

All BIMserver project are on GitHub. Eclipse should have a Git client already.

  1. Copy the BIMserver GitHub URL to your clipboard (
  2. Open the GIT perspective in Eclipse
  3. Right click in the "Git Repositories" view and select "Paste Repository Path or URI", or just press ctrl-v

Add Repository 4. Fill in your GitHub credentials if you have them.

Credentials 5. Next

Credentials 6. Next

Credentials 7. Finish 8. Switch back to the Java perspective

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