diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index 76d59302b..cdc605db1 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ subprojects {
ext.androidToolsBuildGradle = '30.0.3'
ext.androidBuildToolsVersion = '30.0.3'
- ext.androidMinSdkVersion = 21
+ ext.androidMinSdkVersion = 26
ext.androidCompileSdkVersion = 31
ext.androidTargetSdkVersion = 31
ext.androidAnnotationsVersion = '3.0.1'
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/build.gradle b/opensrp-anc/build.gradle
index 88bcf7a00..8e9720ee8 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/build.gradle
+++ b/opensrp-anc/build.gradle
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ buildscript {
dependencies {
- classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.1.3'
+// classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.1.3'
+ classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:7.0.4'
classpath 'gradle.plugin.org.kt3k.gradle.plugin:coveralls-gradle-plugin:2.12.0'
classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:4.3.14'
@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ tasks.withType(Test) {
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.3.1'
- implementation('org.smartregister:opensrp-client-native-form:3.1.1-SNAPSHOT@aar') {
+ implementation('org.smartregister:opensrp-client-native-form:3.1.2-SNAPSHOT@aar') {
transitive = true
exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'recyclerview-v7'
exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'appcompat-v7'
@@ -229,6 +230,7 @@ dependencies {
implementation group: 'org.apache.commons', name: 'commons-text', version: '1.9'
implementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
implementation 'androidx.test:core:1.4.0'
+ testImplementation project(path: ':opensrp-anc')
annotationProcessor 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:10.2.3'
implementation 'net.zetetic:android-database-sqlcipher:4.4.0@aar'
implementation 'commons-validator:commons-validator:1.7'
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/attention-flags.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/attention-flags.yml
index 80d4f2aca..31a728142 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/attention-flags.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/attention-flags.yml
@@ -16,34 +16,34 @@ fields:
relevance: "!prev_preg_comps.isEmpty() && !prev_preg_comps.contains('none') && !prev_preg_comps.contains('dont_know')"
- template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.past_alcohol_substances_used}}: {substances_used_value}"
- relevance: "substances_used != null && !substances_used.isEmpty() && (!substances_used.contains('none') && !substances_used.contains('None'))"
+ relevance: "!substances_used.isEmpty() && !substances_used.contains('none')"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.pre_eclampsia_risk}}"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.pre_eclampsia_risk}}: {{attention_flags.yes}}"
relevance: "preeclampsia_risk == 1"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.diabetes_risk}}"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.diabetes_risk}}: {{attention_flags.yes}}"
relevance: "gdm_risk == 1"
- template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.surgeries}}: {surgeries_value}"
relevance: "!surgeries.isEmpty() && !surgeries.contains('none')"
- template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.chronic_health_conditions}}: {health_conditions_value}"
- relevance: "!health_conditions.isEmpty() && !health_conditions.contains('none') && !health_conditions.contains('None') && !health_conditions.contains('dont_know')"
+ relevance: "!health_conditions.isEmpty() && !health_conditions.contains('none') && !health_conditions.contains('dont_know')"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.high_daily_consumption_of_caffeine}}"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.high_daily_consumption_of_caffeine}}: {{attention_flags.yes}}"
relevance: "!caffeine_intake.isEmpty() && !caffeine_intake.contains('none')"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.second_hand_exposure_to_tobacco_smoke}}"
- relevance: "!shs_exposure.isEmpty() && shs_exposure.contains('yes')"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.second_hand_exposure_to_tobacco_smoke}}: {shs_exposure_value}"
+ relevance: "shs_exposure == 'yes'"
- template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.persistent_physiological_symptoms}}: {phys_symptoms_persist_value}"
relevance: "!phys_symptoms_persist.isEmpty() && !phys_symptoms_persist.contains('none')"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.reduced_or_no_fetal_movement_perceived_by_woman}}"
- relevance: "!mat_percept_fetal_move.isEmpty() && mat_percept_fetal_move.contains('normal_fetal_move')"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.reduced_or_no_fetal_movement_perceived_by_woman}}: {mat_percept_fetal_move_value}"
+ relevance: "mat_percept_fetal_move != '' && mat_percept_fetal_move != 'normal_fetal_move'"
- template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.weight_category}}: {weight_cat_value}"
- relevance: "!weight_cat.isEmpty() && (weight_cat.contains('underweight') || weight_cat.contains('Underweight') || weight_cat.contains('overweight') || weight_cat.contains('Overweight') || weight_cat.contains('obese') || weight_cat.contains('Obese'))"
+ relevance: "weight_cat != '' && (weight_cat == 'underweight' || weight_cat == 'overweight' || weight_cat == 'obese')"
- template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.abnormal_breast_exam}}: {breast_exam_abnormal_value}"
relevance: "!breast_exam_abnormal.contains('none') && !breast_exam_abnormal.isEmpty()"
@@ -54,20 +54,20 @@ fields:
- template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.abnormal_pelvic_exam}}: {pelvic_exam_abnormal_value}"
relevance: "!pelvic_exam_abnormal.contains('none') && !pelvic_exam_abnormal.isEmpty()"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.oedema_present}}"
- relevance: "!oedema.isEmpty() && oedema.contains('yes')"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.oedema_present}}: {oedema_value}"
+ relevance: "oedema == 'yes'"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.rh_factor_negative}}"
- relevance: "!rh_factor.isEmpty() && rh_factor.contains('negative')"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.yellow.rh_factor_negative}}: {rh_factor_value}"
+ relevance: "rh_factor == 'negative'"
group: red_attention_flag
- template: "{{attention_flags.red.danger_sign}}: {danger_signs_value}"
- relevance: "!danger_signs.isEmpty() && !danger_signs.contains('none') && !danger_signs.contains('None') && !danger_signs.contains('danger_none')"
+ relevance: "!danger_signs.isEmpty() && !danger_signs.contains('danger_none')"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.red.occupation_informal_employment_sex_worker}}"
- relevance: "!occupation.isEmpty() && occupation.contains('informal_employment_sex_worker')"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.red.occupation_informal_employment_sex_worker}}: {{attention_flags.yes}}"
+ relevance: "occupation.contains('informal_employment_sex_worker')"
- template: "{{attention_flags.red.no_of_pregnancies_lost_ended}}: {miscarriages_abortions}"
relevance: "miscarriages_abortions >= 2"
@@ -79,17 +79,16 @@ fields:
relevance: "{c_sections} >= 1"
- template: "{{attention_flags.red.allergies}}: {allergies_value}"
- relevance: "!allergies.isEmpty() && (!allergies.contains('none') || allergies.contains('None'))"
+ relevance: "!allergies.isEmpty() && !allergies.contains('none')"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.red.tobacco_user_or_recently_quit}}"
- relevance: "!tobacco_user.isEmpty() &&
- (tobacco_user.contains('yes') || tobacco_user.contains('Yes') || tobacco_user.contains('recently_quit'))"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.red.tobacco_user_or_recently_quit}}: {{attention_flags.yes}}"
+ relevance: "tobacco_user == 'yes' || tobacco_user == 'recently_quit'"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.red.woman_and_her_partner_do_not_use_condoms}}"
- relevance: "!condom_use.isEmpty() && (condom_use.contains('no') || condom_use.contains('No'))"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.red.woman_and_her_partner_do_not_use_condoms}}: {{attention_flags.yes}}"
+ relevance: "condom_use == 'no'"
- template: "{{attention_flags.red.alcohol_substances_currently_using}}: {alcohol_substance_use_value}"
- relevance: "!alcohol_substance_use.isEmpty() && (!alcohol_substance_use.contains('none') && !alcohol_substance_use.contains('None'))"
+ relevance: "!alcohol_substance_use.isEmpty() && !alcohol_substance_use.contains('none')"
- template: "{{attention_flags.red.hypertension_diagnosis}}"
relevance: "hypertension == 1"
@@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ fields:
relevance: "dilation_cm > 2"
- template: "{{attention_flags.red.no_fetal_heartbeat_observed}}"
- relevance: "fetal_heartbeat.contains('no') && gest_age > 20"
+ relevance: "fetal_heartbeat == 'no' && gest_age >= 16"
- template: "{{attention_flags.red.abnormal_fetal_heart_rate}}: {fetal_heart_rate_repeat}bpm"
relevance: "fetal_heart_rate_repeat < 100 || fetal_heart_rate_repeat > 180"
@@ -137,39 +136,42 @@ fields:
relevance: "no_of_fetuses > 1"
- template: "{{attention_flags.red.fetal_presentation}}: {fetal_presentation} "
- relevance: "gest_age >= 28 && fetal_presentation.contains('transverse')"
+ relevance: "gest_age >= 28 && fetal_presentation == 'transverse'"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.red.amniotic_fluid}}: {amniotic_fluid}"
- relevance: "!amniotic_fluid.isEmpty() && (amniotic_fluid.contains('reduced') || amniotic_fluid.contains('increased'))"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.red.amniotic_fluid}}: {{attention_flags.amniotic_fluid.reduced}}"
+ relevance: "amniotic_fluid == 'reduced'"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.red.amniotic_fluid}}: {{attention_flags.amniotic_fluid.increased}}"
+ relevance: "amniotic_fluid == 'increased'"
- template: "{{attention_flags.red.placenta_location}}: {placenta_location_value}"
- relevance: "!placenta_location.isEmpty() && placenta_location.contains('praevia')"
+ relevance: "placenta_location == 'praevia'"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.red.hiv_risk}}"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.red.hiv_risk}}: {{attention_flags.yes}}"
relevance: "hiv_risk == 1"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.red.hiv_positive}}"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.red.hiv_positive}}: {{attention_flags.yes}}"
relevance: "hiv_positive == 1"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.red.hepatitis_b_positive}}"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.red.hepatitis_b_positive}}: {{attention_flags.yes}}"
relevance: "hepb_positive == 1"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.red.hepatitis_c_positive}}"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.red.hepatitis_c_positive}}: {{attention_flags.yes}}"
relevance: "hepc_positive == 1"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.red.syphilis_positive}}"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.red.syphilis_positive}}: {{attention_flags.yes}}"
relevance: "syphilis_positive == 1"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.red.asymptomatic_bacteriuria_asb_diagnosis}}"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.red.asymptomatic_bacteriuria_asb_diagnosis}}: {{attention_flags.yes}}"
relevance: "asb_positive == 1"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.red.group_b_streptococcus_gbs_diagnosis}}"
- relevance: "!urine_culture.isEmpty() && (urine_culture.contains('positive - group b streptococcus (gbs)') || urine_culture.contains('positive_gbs'))"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.red.group_b_streptococcus_gbs_diagnosis}}: {{attention_flags.yes}}"
+ relevance: "urine_culture == 'positive - group b streptococcus (gbs)'"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.red.gestational_diabetes_mellitus_gdm_diagnosis}}"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.red.gestational_diabetes_mellitus_gdm_diagnosis}}: {{attention_flags.yes}}"
relevance: "gdm == 1"
- - template: "{{attention_flags.red.diabetes_mellitus_dm_in_pregnancy_diagnosis}}"
+ - template: "{{attention_flags.red.diabetes_mellitus_dm_in_pregnancy_diagnosis}}: {{attention_flags.yes}}"
relevance: "dm_in_preg == 1"
- template: "{{attention_flags.red.hematocrit_ht}}: {ht}"
@@ -182,4 +184,4 @@ fields:
relevance: "platelets < 100000"
- template: "{{attention_flags.red.tb_screening_positive}}"
- relevance: "!tb_screening_result.isEmpty() && tb_screening_result.contains('positive')"
+ relevance: "tb_screening_result == 'positive'"
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/contact-globals.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/contact-globals.yml
index 5d501794c..83390ef45 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/contact-globals.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/contact-globals.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
+form: anc_quick_check
+ - "entity_id"
form: anc_counselling_treatment
+ - "visit_date"
- "hepc_positive"
- "danger_signs"
- "danger_signs_value"
@@ -122,6 +127,7 @@ fields:
form: anc_profile
+ - "visit_date"
- "contact_no"
- "no_of_fetuses"
- "bmi"
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/contact-summary.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/contact-summary.yml
index 33128a513..4ebb58561 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/contact-summary.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/contact-summary.yml
@@ -3,171 +3,171 @@ properties_file_name: "contact_summary"
group: hospital_referral
- template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.woman_referred_to_hospital}}"
- relevance: "referred_hosp == 'yes'"
+ relevance: "referred_hosp_value == 'yes'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.woman_not_referred_to_hospital}}: {referred_hosp_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "referred_hosp == 'no'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.woman_not_referred_to_hospital}}: {referred_hosp_notdone}"
+ relevance: "referred_hosp_value == 'no'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.danger_signs}}: {danger_signs_value}"
- relevance: "!danger_signs.isEmpty() && !danger_signs.contains('danger_none')"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.danger_signs}}: {danger_signs}"
+ relevance: "!danger_signs_value.isEmpty() && !danger_signs_value.contains('danger_none')"
- template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.severe_hypertension}}: {bp_systolic_repeat}/{bp_diastolic_repeat} mmHg"
- relevance: "severe_hypertension == 1"
+ relevance: "severe_hypertension_value == 1"
- template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.hypertension_and_symptom_of_severe_pre_eclampsia}}: {symp_sev_preeclampsia_value}"
- relevance: "hypertension == 1 && symp_sev_preeclampsia != '' && !symp_sev_preeclampsia.contains('none')"
+ relevance: "hypertension_value == 1 && symp_sev_preeclampsia_value != '' && !symp_sev_preeclampsia_value.contains('none')"
- template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.pre_eclampsia_diagnosis}}"
- relevance: "preeclampsia == 1"
+ relevance: "preeclampsia_value == 1"
- template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.severe_pre_eclampsia_diagnosis}}"
- relevance: "severe_preeclampsia == 1"
+ relevance: "severe_preeclampsia_value == 1"
- template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.fever}}: {body_temp_repeat}ºC"
- relevance: "body_temp_repeat >= 38"
+ relevance: "body_temp_repeat_value >= 38"
- template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.abnormal_pulse_rate}}: {pulse_rate_repeat}bpm"
- relevance: "pulse_rate_repeat < 60 || pulse_rate_repeat > 100"
+ relevance: "pulse_rate_repeat_value < 60 || pulse_rate_repeat_value > 100"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.respiratory_distress}}: {respiratory_exam_abnormal_value}"
- relevance: "!respiratory_exam_abnormal.contains('none') && !respiratory_exam_abnormal.isEmpty()"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.respiratory_distress}}: {respiratory_exam_abnormal}"
+ relevance: "!respiratory_exam_abnormal_value.contains('none') && !respiratory_exam_abnormal_value.isEmpty()"
- template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.low_oximetry}}: {oximetry}%"
- relevance: "oximetry < 92"
+ relevance: "oximetry_value < 92"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.abnormal_cardiac_exam}}: {cardiac_exam_abnormal_value}"
- relevance: "!cardiac_exam_abnormal.contains('none') && !cardiac_exam_abnormal.isEmpty()"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.abnormal_cardiac_exam}}: {cardiac_exam_abnormal}"
+ relevance: "!cardiac_exam_abnormal_value.contains('none') && !cardiac_exam_abnormal_value.isEmpty()"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.abnormal_breast_exam}}: {breast_exam_abnormal_value}"
- relevance: "!breast_exam_abnormal.contains('none') && !breast_exam_abnormal.isEmpty()"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.abnormal_breast_exam}}: {breast_exam_abnormal}"
+ relevance: "!breast_exam_abnormal_value.contains('none') && !breast_exam_abnormal_value.isEmpty()"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.abnormal_abdominal_exam}}: {abdominal_exam_abnormal_value}"
- relevance: "!abdominal_exam_abnormal.contains('none') && !abdominal_exam_abnormal.isEmpty()"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.abnormal_abdominal_exam}}: {abdominal_exam_abnormal}"
+ relevance: "!abdominal_exam_abnormal_value.contains('none') && !abdominal_exam_abnormal_value.isEmpty()"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.abnormal_pelvic_exam}}: {pelvic_exam_abnormal_value}"
- relevance: "!pelvic_exam_abnormal.contains('none') && !pelvic_exam_abnormal.isEmpty()"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.abnormal_pelvic_exam}}: {pelvic_exam_abnormal}"
+ relevance: "!pelvic_exam_abnormal_value.contains('none') && !pelvic_exam_abnormal_value.isEmpty()"
- template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.no_fetal_heartbeat_observed}}"
- relevance: "fetal_heartbeat == 'no'"
+ relevance: "fetal_heartbeat_value == 'no'"
- template: "{{contact_summary.hospital_referral.abnormal_fetal_heart_rate}}: {fetal_heart_rate_repeat}bpm"
- relevance: "fetal_heart_rate_repeat < 100 || fetal_heart_rate_repeat > 180"
+ relevance: "fetal_heart_rate_repeat_value < 100 || fetal_heart_rate_repeat_value > 180"
group: reason_for_visit
- - template: "{{contact_summary.reason_for_visit.reason_for_coming_to_facility}}: {contact_reason_value}"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.reason_for_visit.reason_for_coming_to_facility}}: {contact_reason}"
relevance: "contact_reason_value != ''"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.reason_for_visit.health_complaint}}: {specific_complaint_value}"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.reason_for_visit.health_complaint}}: {specific_complaint}"
relevance: "specific_complaint_value != ''"
group: demographic_info
- - template: "{{contact_summary.demographic_info.educ_level}}: {educ_level_value}"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.demographic_info.educ_level}}: {educ_level}"
relevance: "educ_level_value != ''"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.demographic_info.marital_status}}: {marital_status_value}"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.demographic_info.marital_status}}: {marital_status}"
relevance: "marital_status_value != ''"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.demographic_info.occupation}}: {occupation_value}"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.demographic_info.occupation}}: {occupation}"
relevance: "occupation_value != ''"
group: current_pregnancy
- template: "{{contact_summary.current_pregnancy.ga}}: {gest_age}"
- relevance: "gest_age !='' "
+ relevance: "gest_age_value !='' "
- template: "{{contact_summary.current_pregnancy.edd}}: {edd}"
- relevance: "edd != '' "
+ relevance: "edd_value != '' "
- template: "{{contact_summary.current_pregnancy.ultrasound_date}}: {ultrasound_date}"
- relevance: "ultrasound_date != ''"
+ relevance: "ultrasound_date_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.current_pregnancy.no_of_fetuses}}: {no_of_fetuses}"
- relevance: "no_of_fetuses != ''"
+ relevance: "no_of_fetuses_value != ''"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.current_pregnancy.fetal_presentation}}: {fetal_presentation_value}"
- relevance: "fetal_presentation != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.current_pregnancy.fetal_presentation}}: {fetal_presentation}"
+ relevance: "fetal_presentation_value != ''"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.current_pregnancy.amniotic_fluid}}: {amniotic_fluid_value}"
- relevance: "amniotic_fluid != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.current_pregnancy.amniotic_fluid}}: {amniotic_fluid}"
+ relevance: "amniotic_fluid_value != ''"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.current_pregnancy.placenta_location}}: {placenta_location_value}"
- relevance: "placenta_location != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.current_pregnancy.placenta_location}}: {placenta_location}"
+ relevance: "placenta_location_value != ''"
group: obstetric_history
- template: "{{contact_summary.obstetric_history.gravida}} = {gravida}, {{contact_summary.obstetric_history.parity}} = {parity}"
- relevance: "gravida !='' || parity != ''"
+ relevance: "gravida_value !='' || parity_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.obstetric_history.no_of_pregnancies_lost_ended}}: {miscarriages_abortions}"
- relevance: "miscarriages_abortions > 0"
+ relevance: "miscarriages_abortions_value > 0"
- template: "{{contact_summary.obstetric_history.no_of_live_births}}: {live_births}"
- relevance: "live_births > 0"
+ relevance: "live_births_value > 0"
- template: "{{contact_summary.obstetric_history.no_of_stillbirths}}: {stillbirths}"
- relevance: "stillbirths > 0"
+ relevance: "stillbirths_value > 0"
- template: "{{contact_summary.obstetric_history.no_of_c_sections}}: {c_sections}"
- relevance: "c_sections > 0"
+ relevance: "c_sections_value > 0"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.obstetric_history.past_pregnancy_problems}}: {prev_preg_comps_value}"
- relevance: "(!prev_preg_comps.contains('dont_know') || !prev_preg_comps.contains('none'))"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.obstetric_history.past_pregnancy_problems}}: {prev_preg_comps}"
+ relevance: "(!prev_preg_comps_value.contains('dont_know') || !prev_preg_comps_value.contains('none'))"
- template: "{{contact_summary.obstetric_history.past_substances_used}}: {substances_used_value}"
- relevance: "(!substances_used.isEmpty()) "
+ relevance: "(!substances_used_value.isEmpty()) "
group: medical_history
- - template: "{{contact_summary.medical_history.allergies}}: {allergies_value}"
- relevance: "!allergies.isEmpty()"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.medical_history.allergies}}: {allergies}"
+ relevance: "!allergies_value.isEmpty()"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.medical_history.surgeries}}: {surgeries_value}"
- relevance: "!surgeries.isEmpty()"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.medical_history.surgeries}}: {surgeries}"
+ relevance: "!surgeries_value.isEmpty()"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.medical_history.chronic_health_conditions}}: {health_conditions_value}"
- relevance: "!health_conditions.isEmpty()"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.medical_history.chronic_health_conditions}}: {health_conditions}"
+ relevance: "!health_conditions_value.isEmpty()"
- template: "{{contact_summary.medical_history.hiv_diagnosis_date}}: {hiv_diagnosis_date}"
- relevance: "hiv_diagnosis_date != ''"
+ relevance: "hiv_diagnosis_date_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.medical_history.hiv_diagnosis_date_unknown}}"
- relevance: "hiv_diagnosis_date_unknown.contains('yes') "
+ relevance: "hiv_diagnosis_date_unknown_value.contains('yes') "
group: immunisation_status
- - template: "{{contact_summary.immunisation_status.tt_immunisation_status}}: {tt_immun_status_value}"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.immunisation_status.tt_immunisation_status}}: {tt_immun_status}"
relevance: "tt_immun_status_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.immunisation_status.tt_dose_1}}: {tt1_date_done_date_today_hidden} {tt1_date_done}"
- relevance: "tt1_date == 'done_today' || tt1_date == 'done_earlier'"
+ relevance: "tt1_date_value == 'done_today' || tt1_date_value == 'done_earlier'"
- template: "{{contact_summary.immunisation_status.tt_dose_2}}:{tt2_date_done_date_today_hidden} {tt2_date_done}"
- relevance: "tt2_date == 'done_today' || tt2_date == 'done_earlier'"
+ relevance: "tt2_date_value == 'done_today' || tt2_date_value == 'done_earlier'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.immunisation_status.tt_dose_not_given}}: {tt_dose_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "tt1_date == 'not_done' || tt2_date == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.immunisation_status.tt_dose_not_given}}: {tt_dose_notdone}"
+ relevance: "tt1_date_value == 'not_done' || tt2_date_value == 'not_done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.immunisation_status.flu_immunisation_status}}: {flu_immun_status_value}"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.immunisation_status.flu_immunisation_status}}: {flu_immun_status}"
relevance: "flu_immun_status_value != ''"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.immunisation_status.flu_dose}}: {flu_date_done}"
- relevance: "flu_date == 'done_today' || flu_date == 'done_earlier'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.immunisation_status.flu_dose}}: {flu_date}"
+ relevance: "flu_date_value == 'done_today' || flu_date_value == 'done_earlier'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.immunisation_status.flu_dose_not_given}}: {flu_dose_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "flu_date == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.immunisation_status.flu_dose_not_given}}: {flu_dose_notdone}"
+ relevance: "flu_date_value == 'not_done'"
group: medications
- - template: "{{contact_summary.medications.current_medications}}: {medications_value}"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.medications.current_medications}}: {medications}"
relevance: "!medications_value.isEmpty()"
- template: "{{contact_summary.medications.medications_prescribed}}: {vita}, {alben_meben}, {mag_calc}, {nausea_pharma}, {antacid}, {penicillin}, {antibiotic}, {prep}, {sp}, {ifa}, {ifa_medication}, {aspirin}, {calcium}"
@@ -175,208 +175,208 @@ fields:
isMultiWidget: true
- template: "{{contact_summary.medications.calcium_compliance}}: {calcium_comply}"
- relevance: "calcium_comply != ''"
+ relevance: "calcium_comply_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.medications.calcium_side_effects}}: {calcium_effects}"
- relevance: "calcium_effects != ''"
+ relevance: "calcium_effects_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.medications.ifa_compliance}}: {ifa_comply}"
- relevance: "ifa_comply != ''"
+ relevance: "ifa_comply_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.medications.ifa_side_effects}}: {ifa_effects}"
- relevance: "ifa_effects != ''"
+ relevance: "ifa_effects_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.medications.aspirin_compliance}}: {aspirin_comply}"
- relevance: "aspirin_comply != ''"
+ relevance: "aspirin_comply_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.medications.vitamin_a_compliance}}: {vita_comply}"
- relevance: "vita_comply != ''"
+ relevance: "vita_comply_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.medications.penicillin_compliance}}: {penicillin_comply}"
- relevance: "penicillin_comply != ''"
+ relevance: "penicillin_comply_value != ''"
-group: woman's_behaviour
+group: womans_behaviour
- - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.persisting_behaviours}}: {behaviour_persist_value}"
- relevance: "behaviour_persist != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.persisting_behaviours}}: {behaviour_persist}"
+ relevance: "behaviour_persist_value != ''"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.caffeine_intake}}: {caffeine_intake_value}"
- relevance: "caffeine_intake != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.caffeine_intake}}: {caffeine_intake}"
+ relevance: "caffeine_intake_value != ''"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.caffeine_reduction_counseling}}: {caffeine_counsel_value}"
- relevance: "caffeine_counsel == 'done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.caffeine_reduction_counseling}}: {caffeine_counsel}"
+ relevance: "caffeine_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.caffeine_reduction_not_counseling}}: {caffeine_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "caffeine_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.caffeine_reduction_not_counseling}}: {caffeine_counsel_notdone}"
+ relevance: "caffeine_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.tobacco_user}}: {tobacco_user_value}"
- relevance: "tobacco_user != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.tobacco_user}}: {tobacco_user}"
+ relevance: "tobacco_user_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.tobacco_cessation_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "tobacco_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "tobacco_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.tobacco_cessation_counseling_done}}: {tobacco_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "tobacco_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.tobacco_cessation_counseling_done}}: {tobacco_counsel_notdone}"
+ relevance: "tobacco_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.shs_exposure}}: {shs_exposure_value}"
- relevance: "shs_exposure != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.shs_exposure}}: {shs_exposure}"
+ relevance: "shs_exposure_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.shs_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "shs_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "shs_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.shs_counseling_not_done}}: {shs_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "shs_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.shs_counseling_not_done}}: {shs_counsel_notdone}"
+ relevance: "shs_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.condom_use}}: {condom_use_value}"
- relevance: "condom_use != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.condom_use}}: {condom_use}"
+ relevance: "condom_use_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.condom_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "condom_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "condom_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.condom_counseling_not_done}}: {condom_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "condom_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.condom_counseling_not_done}}: {condom_counsel_notdone}"
+ relevance: "condom_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.alcohol_substance_enquiry}}: {alcohol_substance_enquiry_value}"
- relevance: "alcohol_substance_enquiry != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.alcohol_substance_enquiry}}: {alcohol_substance_enquiry}"
+ relevance: "alcohol_substance_enquiry_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.alcohol_substances_used}}: {alcohol_substance_use_value}, {other_substance_use}"
- relevance: "alcohol_substance_use != ''"
+ relevance: "alcohol_substance_use_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.alcohol_substances_use_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "alcohol_substance_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "alcohol_substance_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.alcohol_substances_use_counseling_not_done}}: {alcohol_substance_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "alcohol_substance_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.woman_behaviour.alcohol_substances_use_counseling_not_done}}: {alcohol_substance_counsel_notdone}"
+ relevance: "alcohol_substance_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
group: physiological_symptoms
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.persisting_physiological_symptoms}}: {phys_symptoms_persist_value}"
- relevance: "phys_symptoms_persist != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.persisting_physiological_symptoms}}: {phys_symptoms_persist}"
+ relevance: "phys_symptoms_persist_value != ''"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.physiological_symptoms}}: {phys_symptoms_value}"
- relevance: "phys_symptoms != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.physiological_symptoms}}: {phys_symptoms}"
+ relevance: "phys_symptoms_value != ''"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.low_back_and_pelvic_pain_other_symptoms}}: {other_sym_lbpp_value}"
- relevance: "other_sym_lbpp != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.low_back_and_pelvic_pain_other_symptoms}}: {other_sym_lbpp}"
+ relevance: "other_sym_lbpp_value != ''"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.varicose_veins_or_oedema_other_symptoms}}: {other_sym_vvo_value}"
- relevance: "other_sym_vvo != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.varicose_veins_or_oedema_other_symptoms}}: {other_sym_vvo}"
+ relevance: "other_sym_vvo_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.non_pharma_nausea_and_vomiting_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "nausea_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "nausea_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.non_pharma_nausea_and_vomiting_counseling_not_done}}: {nausea_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "nausea_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.non_pharma_nausea_and_vomiting_counseling_not_done}}: {nausea_counsel_notdone}"
+ relevance: "nausea_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.pharma_nausea_and_vomiting_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "nausea_not_relieved_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "nausea_not_relieved_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.pharma_nausea_and_vomiting_counseling_not_done}}: {nausea_not_relieved_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "nausea_not_relieved_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.pharma_nausea_and_vomiting_counseling_not_done}}: {nausea_not_relieved_counsel_notdone}"
+ relevance: "nausea_not_relieved_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.diet_heartburn_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "heartburn_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "heartburn_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.diet_heartburn_counseling_not_done}}: {heartburn_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "heartburn_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.diet_heartburn_counseling_not_done}}: {heartburn_counsel_notdone}"
+ relevance: "heartburn_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.antacid_heartburn_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "heartburn_not_relieved_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "heartburn_not_relieved_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.antacid_heartburn_counseling_not_done}}: {heartburn_not_relieved_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "heartburn_not_relieved_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.antacid_heartburn_counseling_not_done}}: {heartburn_not_relieved_counsel_notdone}"
+ relevance: "heartburn_not_relieved_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.no_pharma_legs_cramps_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "leg_cramp_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "leg_cramp_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.no_pharma_legs_cramps_counseling_not_done}}: {leg_cramp_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "leg_cramp_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.no_pharma_legs_cramps_counseling_not_done}}: {leg_cramp_counsel_notdone}"
+ relevance: "leg_cramp_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.calcium_legs_cramps_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "leg_cramp_not_relieved_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "leg_cramp_not_relieved_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.calcium_legs_cramps_counseling_not_done}}: {leg_cramp_not_relieved_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "leg_cramp_not_relieved_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.calcium_legs_cramps_counseling_not_done}}: {leg_cramp_not_relieved_counsel_notdone}"
+ relevance: "leg_cramp_not_relieved_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.dietary_modifications_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "constipation_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "constipation_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.dietary_modifications_counseling_not_done}}: {constipation_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "constipation_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.dietary_modifications_counseling_not_done}}: {constipation_counsel_notdone}"
+ relevance: "constipation_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.fiber_relieve_constipation_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "constipation_not_relieved_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "constipation_not_relieved_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.fiber_relieve_constipation_counseling_not_done}}: {constipation_not_relieved_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "constipation_not_relieved_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.fiber_relieve_constipation_counseling_not_done}}: {constipation_not_relieved_counsel_notdone}"
+ relevance: "constipation_not_relieved_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.regular_low_back_pelvic_pain_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "back_pelvic_pain_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "back_pelvic_pain_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.regular_low_back_pelvic_pain_counseling_not_done}}: {back_pelvic_pain_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "back_pelvic_pain_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.regular_low_back_pelvic_pain_counseling_not_done}}: {back_pelvic_pain_counsel_notdone}"
+ relevance: "back_pelvic_pain_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.pharma_oedema_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "varicose_oedema_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "varicose_oedema_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.pharma_oedema_counseling_not_done}}: {varicose_oedema_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "varicose_oedema_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.pharma_oedema_counseling_not_done}}: {varicose_oedema_counsel_notdone}"
+ relevance: "varicose_oedema_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.other_persisting_symptoms}}: {other_symptoms_persist_value}"
- relevance: "other_symptoms_persist != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.other_persisting_symptoms}}: {other_symptoms_persist}"
+ relevance: "other_symptoms_persist_value != ''"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.other_symptoms}}: {other_symptoms_value}"
- relevance: "other_symptoms != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.other_symptoms}}: {other_symptoms}"
+ relevance: "other_symptoms_value != ''"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.fetal_movement_felt_by_woman}}: {mat_percept_fetal_move_value}"
- relevance: "mat_percept_fetal_move != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.physiological_symptoms.fetal_movement_felt_by_woman}}: {mat_percept_fetal_move}"
+ relevance: "mat_percept_fetal_move_value != ''"
group: height_and_weight
- template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.height}}: {height} cm"
- relevance: "height != ''"
+ relevance: "height_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.pre_gestational_weight}}: {first_weight} kg"
- relevance: "first_weight != ''"
+ relevance: "first_weight_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.bmi}} = {bmi}"
- relevance: "bmi != ''"
+ relevance: "bmi_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.weight_category}}: {weight_cat}"
- relevance: "weight_cat !=''"
+ relevance: "weight_cat_value !=''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.weight_gain_during_pregnancy}}: {exp_weight_gain}"
- relevance: "exp_weight_gain != ''"
+ relevance: "exp_weight_gain_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.current_weight}}: {current_weight} kg"
- relevance: "current_weight != ''"
+ relevance: "current_weight_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.weight_gain_per_last_contact}}: {weight_gain} kg"
- relevance: "weight_gain != ''"
+ relevance: "weight_gain_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.total_weight_pregnancy}}: {tot_weight_gain} kg"
- relevance: "tot_weight_gain != ''"
+ relevance: "tot_weight_gain_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.health_eating_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "eat_exercise_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "eat_exercise_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.health_eating_counseling_not_done}}: {eat_exercise_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "eat_exercise_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.health_eating_counseling_not_done}}: {eat_exercise_counsel}"
+ relevance: "eat_exercise_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.daily_energy_protein_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "increase_energy_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "increase_energy_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.daily_energy_protein_counseling_not_done}}: {increase_energy_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "increase_energy_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.daily_energy_protein_counseling_not_done}}: {increase_energy_counsel}"
+ relevance: "increase_energy_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
- template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.balanced_protein_dietary_counseling_done}}"
- relevance: "balanced_energy_counsel == 'done'"
+ relevance: "balanced_energy_counsel_value == 'done'"
- - template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.balanced_protein_dietary_counseling_not_done}}: {balanced_energy_counsel_notdone_value}"
- relevance: "balanced_energy_counsel == 'not_done'"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.height_and_weight.balanced_protein_dietary_counseling_not_done}}: {balanced_energy_counsel}"
+ relevance: "balanced_energy_counsel_value == 'not_done'"
group: blood_pressure
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ fields:
- template: "{{contact_summary.other_tests.other_test_result}}: {other_test_result}"
relevance: "other_test_result != ''"
-group: pre-eclampsia_risk
+group: pre_eclampsia_risk
- template: "{{contact_summary.pre_eclampsia_risk.asprin_till_deliver_prescribed}}"
@@ -876,8 +876,8 @@ fields:
group: birth_plan_counseling
- - template: "{{contact_summary.birth_plan_counseling.planned_birth_place}}: {delivery_place_value}"
- relevance: "delivery_place != ''"
+ - template: "{{contact_summary.birth_plan_counseling.planned_birth_place}}: {delivery_place}"
+ relevance: "delivery_place_value != ''"
- template: "{{contact_summary.birth_plan_counseling.birth_preparedness_counseling_done}}"
relevance: "birth_prep_counsel == 'done'"
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/profile-overview.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/profile-overview.yml
index 48bca0622..5828834eb 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/profile-overview.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/config/profile-overview.yml
@@ -6,7 +6,13 @@ fields:
- template: "{{profile_overview.overview_of_pregnancy.demographic_info.occupation}}: {occupation_value}"
relevance: "occupation.contains('informal_employment_sex_worker')"
isRedFont: "true"
+sub_group: visit_details
+ - template: "{{profile_overview.overview_of_pregnancy.current_pregnancy.visit_date}}: {visit_date}"
+ relevance: "visit_date != ''"
+ - template: "{{profile_overview.overview_of_pregnancy.current_pregnancy.contact_date}}: {contact_date}"
+ relevance: "contact_date != ''"
sub_group: current_pregnancy
@@ -33,7 +39,6 @@ fields:
- template: "{{profile_overview.overview_of_pregnancy.current_pregnancy.placenta_location}}: {placenta_location}"
relevance: "placenta_location != ''"
isRedFont: "placenta_location.contains('Previa')"
sub_group: obstetric_history
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/ec_client_fields.json b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/ec_client_fields.json
index e6cc6e745..a2752233d 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/ec_client_fields.json
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/ec_client_fields.json
@@ -1,233 +1,289 @@
- "bindobjects": [
- {
- "name": "ec_mother_details",
- "columns": [
- {
- "column_name": "base_entity_id",
- "type": "Client",
- "json_mapping": {
- "field": "baseEntityId"
- }
- },
- {
- "column_name": "phone_number",
- "type": "Client",
- "json_mapping": {
- "field": "attributes.phone_number"
- }
- },
- {
- "column_name": "alt_name",
- "type": "Event",
- "json_mapping": {
- "field": "attributes.alt_name"
- }
- },
- {
- "column_name": "alt_phone_number",
- "type": "Client",
- "json_mapping": {
- "field": "attributes.alt_phone_number"
- }
- },
- {
- "column_name": "reminders",
- "type": "Event",
- "json_mapping": {
- "field": "obs.fieldCode",
- }
- },
- {
- "column_name": "cohabitants",
- "type": "Client",
- "json_mapping": {
- "field": "attributes.cohabitants"
- }
- },
- {
- "column_name": "alt_name",
- "type": "Event",
- "json_mapping": {
- "field": "obs.fieldCode",
- }
- },
- {
- "column_name": "alt_phone_number",
- "type": "Client",
- "json_mapping": {
- "field": "attributes.alt_phone_number"
- }
- },
- {
- "column_name": "edd",
- "type": "Client",
- "json_mapping": {
- "field": "attributes.edd"
- }
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- "hint": "{{anc_profile.step2.sfh_gest_age.hint}}",
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- "err": "GA from SFH or abdominal palpation - weeks should 4 or greater"
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- "err": "GA from SFH or abdominal palpation - weeks should be 40 or less"
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- "text": "{{anc_profile.step2.select_gest_age_edd_label.text}}",
- "label_info_text": "If the difference between GA from LMP and early ultrasound is one week or less, then use GA from LMP. If the difference is more than 7 days, use the early ultrasound GA. If ultrasound was done late, use GA from LMP. Between late ultrasound and SFH or abdominal palpation, use your best judgment to select GA.",
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\ No newline at end of file
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- "label_info_title": "High caffeine intake",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
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@@ -77,6 +85,7 @@
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@@ -93,6 +103,7 @@
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@@ -60,6 +64,7 @@
"key": "stock_out",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_test_notdone.options.stock_out.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_test_notdone.options.stock_out.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -67,6 +72,7 @@
"key": "expired_stock",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_test_notdone.options.expired_stock.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_test_notdone.options.expired_stock.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -74,6 +80,7 @@
"key": "other",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_test_notdone.options.other.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_test_notdone.options.other.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "161156AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -166,13 +173,14 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "165438AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"type": "check_box",
"label": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_test_type.label}}",
- "label_info_text": "Midstream urine culture is the preferred method for testing for asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) in pregnancy. If culture is not available, midstream urine Gram-staining is recommended over dipstick.",
- "label_info_title": "Urine test",
+ "label_info_text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_test_type.label_info_text}}",
+ "label_info_title": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_test_type.label_info_title}}",
"label_text_style": "bold",
"options": [
"key": "midstream_urine_culture",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_test_type.options.midstream_urine_culture.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_test_type.options.midstream_urine_culture.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -180,6 +188,7 @@
"key": "midstream_urine_gram",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_test_type.options.midstream_urine_gram.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_test_type.options.midstream_urine_gram.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -187,6 +196,7 @@
"key": "urine_dipstick",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_test_type.options.urine_dipstick.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_test_type.options.urine_dipstick.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -216,6 +226,7 @@
"key": "positive_any",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_culture.options.positive_any.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_culture.options.positive_any.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -223,6 +234,7 @@
"key": "positive_gbs",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_culture.options.positive_gbs.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_culture.options.positive_gbs.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -230,6 +242,7 @@
"key": "negative",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_culture.options.negative.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_culture.options.negative.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -237,6 +250,7 @@
"key": "not_available",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_culture.options.not_available.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_culture.options.not_available.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -266,6 +280,7 @@
"key": "positive",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_gram_stain.options.positive.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_gram_stain.options.positive.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -273,6 +288,7 @@
"key": "negative",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_gram_stain.options.negative.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_gram_stain.options.negative.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -302,6 +318,7 @@
"key": "none",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_nitrites.options.none.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_nitrites.options.none.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -309,6 +326,7 @@
"key": "+",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_nitrites.options.plus_one.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_nitrites.options.plus_one.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -316,6 +334,7 @@
"key": "++",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_nitrites.options.plus_two.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_nitrites.options.plus_two.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -323,6 +342,7 @@
"key": "+++",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_nitrites.options.plus_three.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_nitrites.options.plus_three.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -330,6 +350,7 @@
"key": "++++",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_nitrites.options.plus_four.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_nitrites.options.plus_four.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -359,6 +380,7 @@
"key": "none",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_leukocytes.options.none.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_leukocytes.options.none.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -366,6 +388,7 @@
"key": "+",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_leukocytes.options.plus_one.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_leukocytes.options.plus_one.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -373,6 +396,7 @@
"key": "++",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_leukocytes.options.plus_two.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_leukocytes.options.plus_two.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -380,6 +404,7 @@
"key": "+++",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_leukocytes.options.plus_three.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_leukocytes.options.plus_three.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -387,6 +412,7 @@
"key": "++++",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_leukocytes.options.plus_four.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_leukocytes.options.plus_four.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -416,6 +442,7 @@
"key": "none",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_protein.options.none.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_protein.options.none.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -423,6 +450,7 @@
"key": "+",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_protein.options.plus_one.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_protein.options.plus_one.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -430,6 +458,7 @@
"key": "++",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_protein.options.plus_two.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_protein.options.plus_two.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -437,6 +466,7 @@
"key": "+++",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_protein.options.plus_three.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_protein.options.plus_three.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -444,6 +474,7 @@
"key": "++++",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_protein.options.plus_four.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_protein.options.plus_four.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -473,6 +504,7 @@
"key": "none",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_glucose.options.none.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_glucose.options.none.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -480,6 +512,7 @@
"key": "+",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_glucose.options.plus_one.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_glucose.options.plus_one.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -487,6 +520,7 @@
"key": "++",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_glucose.options.plus_two.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_glucose.options.plus_two.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -494,6 +528,7 @@
"key": "+++",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_glucose.options.plus_three.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_glucose.options.plus_three.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -501,6 +536,7 @@
"key": "++++",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_glucose.options.plus_four.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.urine_glucose.options.plus_four.text",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -539,6 +575,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.gdm_risk_toaster.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.gdm_risk_toaster.text",
"toaster_info_text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.gdm_risk_toaster.toaster_info_text}}",
"toaster_info_title": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.gdm_risk_toaster.toaster_info_title}}",
"toaster_type": "warning",
@@ -573,6 +610,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.asb_positive_toaster.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.asb_positive_toaster.text",
"toaster_info_text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.asb_positive_toaster.toaster_info_text}}",
"toaster_info_title": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.asb_positive_toaster.toaster_info_title}}",
"toaster_type": "warning",
@@ -591,6 +629,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
"text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.gbs_agent_note.text}}",
+ "translation_text": "tests_urine_sub_form.step1.gbs_agent_note.text",
"toaster_info_text": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.gbs_agent_note.toaster_info_text}}",
"toaster_info_title": "{{tests_urine_sub_form.step1.gbs_agent_note.toaster_info_title}}",
"toaster_type": "warning",
@@ -604,6 +643,5 @@
"count": 1,
- "properties_file_name": "tests_urine_sub_form",
- "validate_on_submit": true
+ "properties_file_name": "tests_urine_sub_form"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/anc_quick_check_relevance.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/anc_quick_check_relevance.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ec7c8dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/anc_quick_check_relevance.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+name: step1_visit_date_toaster
+description: Shows when visit_date is invalid.
+priority: 1
+condition: "!helper.validateVisitDate(global_entity_id, step1_visit_date)"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step1_specific_complaint
+description: danger_signs
+priority: 1
+condition: "!step1_contact_reason.isEmpty() && step1_contact_reason == 'specific_complaint'"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step1_specific_complaint_other
+description: danger_signs
+priority: 1
+condition: "step1_specific_complaint.contains('other_specify')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step1_danger_signs
+description: danger_signs
+priority: 1
+condition: "!step1_contact_reason.isEmpty()"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/registration_calculation_rules.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/anc_register_calculation.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/registration_calculation_rules.yml
rename to opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/anc_register_calculation.yml
index a1bd92e6c..d8131da7e 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/registration_calculation_rules.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/anc_register_calculation.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,4 @@
-name: step1_age_calculated
-description: Calculated Age
-priority: 1
-condition: "step1_dob_entered != ''"
- - 'calculation = helper.getDifferenceDays(step1_dob_entered) / 365.25'
name: step1_dob_calculated
description: Calculated D.O.B
priority: 1
@@ -13,6 +6,13 @@ condition: "step1_age_entered != ''"
- 'calculation = helper.getDOBFromAge(step1_age_entered)'
+name: step1_age_calculated
+description: Calculated Age
+priority: 1
+condition: "step1_dob_entered != ''"
+ - 'calculation = helper.getDifferenceDays(step1_dob_entered) / 365.25'
name: step1_dob
description: Final calculated DOB
priority: 1
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/anc_register_relevance.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/anc_register_relevance.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8ca37878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/anc_register_relevance.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+name: step1_uid
+description: Hide "uid" input field if "uid_unknown" option is selected.
+priority: 1
+condition: "(!step1_uid_unknown.contains('yes'))"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step1_uid_unknown_reason
+description: Show "unknown_uid_reason" input field if "uid_unknown" option is selected.
+priority: 1
+condition: "(step1_uid_unknown.contains('yes'))"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step1_dob_entered
+description: Hide "dob_entered" input field if "dob_unknown" option is selected.
+priority: 1
+condition: "(!step1_dob_unknown.contains('yes'))"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step1_age_entered
+description: Show "age_entered" input field if "dob_unknown" option is selected.
+priority: 1
+condition: "(step1_dob_unknown.contains('yes'))"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step1_phone_number
+description: Hide "phone_number" input field if "phone_number_unknown" option is selected.
+priority: 1
+condition: "(!step1_phone_number_unknown.contains('yes'))"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step1_phone_number_unknown_reason
+description: Show "unknown_uid_reason" input field if "uid_unknown" option is selected.
+priority: 1
+condition: "(step1_phone_number_unknown.contains('yes'))"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/contact-rules.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/contact-rules.yml
index d8ae6c478..05385b316 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/contact-rules.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/contact-rules.yml
@@ -1,70 +1,48 @@
-name: after_eight
-description: after eight weeks
+name: first_tm
+description: First Trisemester
priority: 2
-condition: "contactRule.currentVisit < 20"
+condition: "contactRule.currentVisit <= 12"
- - "contactRule.currentVisit = contactRule.currentVisit + 8"
+ - "contactRule.currentVisit = 13"
- "contactRule.set.add(contactRule.currentVisit)"
-name: after_six
-description: after six weeks
+name: second_tm_1
+description: Second Trisemester (1)
priority: 2
-condition: "contactRule.currentVisit >= 20 && contactRule.currentVisit < 26"
+condition: "contactRule.currentVisit > 12 && contactRule.currentVisit < 20"
- - "contactRule.currentVisit = contactRule.currentVisit + 6"
+ - "contactRule.currentVisit = contactRule.currentVisit + 7"
- "contactRule.set.add(contactRule.currentVisit)"
-name: after_four
-description: after four weeks
+name: second_tm_2
+description: Second Trisemester (2)
priority: 2
-condition: "contactRule.currentVisit >= 26 && contactRule.currentVisit < 34"
+condition: "contactRule.currentVisit >= 20 && contactRule.currentVisit < 27"
- - "contactRule.currentVisit = contactRule.currentVisit + 4"
- - "contactRule.set.add(contactRule.currentVisit)"
+ - "contactRule.currentVisit = 27"
+ - "contactRule.set.add(contactRule.currentVisit)"
-name: after_two
-description: after two weeks
+name: third_tm_1
+description: Third Trisemester (1)
priority: 2
-condition: "contactRule.currentVisit >= 34 && contactRule.currentVisit < 40"
- - "contactRule.currentVisit = contactRule.currentVisit + 2"
- - "contactRule.set.add(contactRule.currentVisit)"
-name: contains_40
-description: contains 40 weeks
-priority: 3
-condition: "!contactRule.set.contains(40) && contactRule.initialVisit != 41"
- - "contactRule.set.add(40)"
-name: contains_41
-description: contains 41 weeks
-priority: 3
-condition: "!contactRule.set.contains(41)"
+condition: "contactRule.currentVisit >= 27 && contactRule.currentVisit < 32"
- - "contactRule.set.add(41)"
-name: first_visit_22_23
-description: first visit is 22 or 23 weeks
-priority: 1
-condition: "contactRule.isFirst && (contactRule.initialVisit == 22 || contactRule.initialVisit == 23) && contactRule.currentVisit >= 30 && contactRule.currentVisit < 40"
- - "contactRule.currentVisit = contactRule.currentVisit + 2"
- - "contactRule.set.add(contactRule.currentVisit)"
+ - "contactRule.currentVisit = 32"
+ - "contactRule.set.add(contactRule.currentVisit)"
-name: first_visit_28_29
-description: first visit is 28 or 29 weeks
-priority: 1
-condition: "contactRule.isFirst && (contactRule.initialVisit == 28 || contactRule.initialVisit == 29) && contactRule.currentVisit >= 32 && contactRule.currentVisit < 40"
+name: third_tm_2
+description: Third Trisemester (2)
+priority: 2
+condition: "contactRule.currentVisit >= 32 && contactRule.currentVisit < 37"
- - "contactRule.currentVisit = contactRule.currentVisit + 2"
- - "contactRule.set.add(contactRule.currentVisit)"
+ - "contactRule.currentVisit = 37"
+ - "contactRule.set.add(contactRule.currentVisit)"
-name: first_visit_30
-description: first visit is 30 weeks
-priority: 1
-condition: "contactRule.isFirst && (contactRule.initialVisit >= 30) && contactRule.currentVisit < 40"
+name: third_tm_3
+description: Third Trisemester (3)
+priority: 2
+condition: "contactRule.currentVisit >= 37 && contactRule.currentVisit < 40"
- - "contactRule.currentVisit = contactRule.currentVisit + 2"
- - "contactRule.set.add(contactRule.currentVisit)"
\ No newline at end of file
+ - "contactRule.currentVisit = 40"
+ - "contactRule.set.add(contactRule.currentVisit)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/ct_calculation_rules.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/ct_calculation_rules.yml
index e682ad425..2e01a80ee 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/ct_calculation_rules.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/ct_calculation_rules.yml
@@ -18,112 +18,112 @@ description: Hypertension and symptom of severe
priority: 1
condition: "global_hypertension == 1 && !global_symp_sev_preeclampsia.isEmpty() && !global_symp_sev_preeclampsia.contains('none')"
- - 'calculation = ["symp_sev_preeclampsia" : global_symp_sev_preeclampsia_value]'
+ - 'calculation = ["symp_sev_preeclampsia" : global_symp_sev_preeclampsia_value]'
name: step1_fever_toaster
description: Fever temp
priority: 1
condition: "global_body_temp_repeat >= 38"
- - 'calculation = ["body_temp_repeat" : global_body_temp_repeat]'
+ - 'calculation = ["body_temp_repeat" : global_body_temp_repeat]'
name: step1_abnormal_pulse_rate_toaster
description: Abnormal pulse rate
priority: 1
condition: "global_pulse_rate_repeat < 60 || global_pulse_rate_repeat > 100"
- - 'calculation = ["pulse_rate_repeat" : global_pulse_rate_repeat]'
+ - 'calculation = ["pulse_rate_repeat" : global_pulse_rate_repeat]'
name: step1_resp_distress_toaster
description: Respiratory distress
priority: 1
condition: "global_respiratory_exam == 3"
- - 'calculation = ["respiratory_exam_abnormal" : global_respiratory_exam_abnormal_value]'
+ - 'calculation = ["respiratory_exam_abnormal" : global_respiratory_exam_abnormal_value]'
name: step1_low_oximetry_toaster
description: Low oximetry
priority: 1
condition: "global_oximetry < 92"
- - 'calculation = ["oximetry" : global_oximetry]'
+ - 'calculation = ["oximetry" : global_oximetry]'
name: step1_abn_cardiac_exam_toaster
description: Abnormal cardiac exam
priority: 1
condition: "global_cardiac_exam == 3"
- - 'calculation = ["cardiac_exam_abnormal" : global_cardiac_exam_abnormal_value, "cardiac_exam_abnormal_other": global_cardiac_exam_abnormal_other]'
+ - 'calculation = ["cardiac_exam_abnormal" : global_cardiac_exam_abnormal_value, "cardiac_exam_abnormal_other": global_cardiac_exam_abnormal_other]'
name: step1_abn_breast_exam_toaster
description: Abnormal breast exam
priority: 1
condition: "global_breast_exam == 3"
- - 'calculation = ["breast_exam_abnormal" : global_breast_exam_abnormal_value, "breast_exam_abnormal_other": global_breast_exam_abnormal_other]'
+ - 'calculation = ["breast_exam_abnormal" : global_breast_exam_abnormal_value, "breast_exam_abnormal_other": global_breast_exam_abnormal_other]'
name: step1_abn_abdominal_exam_toaster
description: Abnormal abdominal exam
priority: 1
condition: "global_abdominal_exam == 3"
- - 'calculation = ["abdominal_exam_abnormal" : global_abdominal_exam_abnormal_value, "abdominal_exam_abnormal_other": global_abdominal_exam_abnormal_other]'
+ - 'calculation = ["abdominal_exam_abnormal" : global_abdominal_exam_abnormal_value, "abdominal_exam_abnormal_other": global_abdominal_exam_abnormal_other]'
name: step1_abn_pelvic_exam_toaster
description: Abnormal pelvic exam
priority: 1
condition: "global_pelvic_exam == 3"
- - 'calculation = ["pelvic_exam_abnormal" : global_pelvic_exam_abnormal_value, "pelvic_exam_abnormal_other": global_pelvic_exam_abnormal_other]'
+ - 'calculation = ["pelvic_exam_abnormal" : global_pelvic_exam_abnormal_value, "pelvic_exam_abnormal_other": global_pelvic_exam_abnormal_other]'
name: step1_abn_feat_heart_rate_toaster
description: Abnormal fetal heart rate
priority: 1
condition: "global_fetal_heart_rate_repeat < 110 || global_fetal_heart_rate_repeat > 160"
- - 'calculation = ["fetal_heart_rate_repeat" : global_fetal_heart_rate_repeat]'
+ - 'calculation = ["fetal_heart_rate_repeat" : global_fetal_heart_rate_repeat]'
name: step4_body_mass_toaster
description: Information
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - 'calculation = ["bmi" : global_bmi, "weight_cat" : global_weight_cat, "exp_weight_gain" : global_exp_weight_gain]'
+ - 'calculation = ["bmi" : global_bmi, "weight_cat" : global_weight_cat, "exp_weight_gain" : global_exp_weight_gain]'
name: step4_average_weight_toaster
description: Information
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - 'calculation = ["weight_gain" : global_weight_gain, "tot_weight_gain" : global_tot_weight_gain]'
+ - 'calculation = ["weight_gain" : global_weight_gain, "tot_weight_gain" : global_tot_weight_gain]'
name: step3_mag_calc
description: mag_calc
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - 'calculation = (step3_leg_cramp_not_relieved_counsel == "done" ? "Magnesium and calcium for persistent leg cramps" : "")'
+ - 'calculation = (step3_leg_cramp_not_relieved_counsel == "done" ? "Magnesium and calcium for persistent leg cramps" : "")'
name: step3_nausea_pharma
description: nausea_pharma
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - 'calculation = (step3_nausea_not_relieved_counsel == "done" ? "Pharmacologicals for persistent nausea and vomiting" : "")'
+ - 'calculation = (step3_nausea_not_relieved_counsel == "done" ? "Pharmacologicals for persistent nausea and vomiting" : "")'
name: step3_antacid
description: antacid
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - 'calculation = (step3_heartburn_not_relieved_counsel == "done" ? "Antacids for persistent heartburn" : "")'
+ - 'calculation = (step3_heartburn_not_relieved_counsel == "done" ? "Antacids for persistent heartburn" : "")'
name: step5_penicillin
description: penicillin
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - 'calculation = (step5_syphilis_high_prev_counsel == "done" || step5_syphilis_low_prev_counsel == "done" ? ((!global_allergies.isEmpty() && global_allergies.contains("penicillin")) ? "Erythromycin 500 mg orally four times daily for 14 days or Azithromycin 2 g once orally." : "Penicillin for syphilis") : "") '
+ - 'calculation = (step5_syphilis_high_prev_counsel == "done" || step5_syphilis_low_prev_counsel == "done" ? ((!global_allergies.isEmpty() && global_allergies.contains("penicillin")) ? "Erythromycin 500 mg orally four times daily for 14 days or Azithromycin 2 g once orally." : "Penicillin for syphilis") : "") '
name: step5_ifa_medication
description: ifa_medication
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ description: antibiotic
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - 'calculation = (step5_asb_positive_counsel == "done" ? "Seven-day antibiotic for ASB" : "") '
+ - 'calculation = (step5_asb_positive_counsel == "done" ? "Seven-day antibiotic for ASB" : "") '
name: step5_low_prev_allergy_toaster
description: Displays the womans allergies .
@@ -158,21 +158,21 @@ description: aspirin
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - 'calculation = ((step6_pe_risk_aspirin == "done" || step6_pe_risk_aspirin_calcium == "done") ? "Aspirin for pre-eclampsia risk" : "") '
+ - 'calculation = ((step6_pe_risk_aspirin == "done" || step6_pe_risk_aspirin_calcium == "done") ? "Aspirin for pre-eclampsia risk" : "") '
name: step6_prep
description: prep
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - 'calculation = (step6_hiv_prep == "done" ? "HIV Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)" : "") '
+ - 'calculation = (step6_hiv_prep == "done" ? "HIV Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)" : "") '
name: step9_ifa
description: ifa
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - 'calculation = ((step9_ifa_high_prev == "done" || step9_ifa_low_prev == "done") ? "Iron & folic acid supplement" : "") '
+ - 'calculation = ((step9_ifa_high_prev == "done" || step9_ifa_low_prev == "done") ? "Iron & folic acid supplement" : "") '
name: step9_ifa_high_prev_toaster
description: Displays the womans allergies .
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ description: alben_meben
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - 'calculation = (step10_deworm == "done" ? "Albendazole/mebendazole for deworming" : "")'
+ - 'calculation = (step10_deworm == "done" ? "Albendazole/mebendazole for deworming" : "")'
name: step10_deworm_toaster
description: Displays the womans allergies .
@@ -207,88 +207,88 @@ description: sp
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - 'calculation = (step10_iptp_sp1 == "done" ? "Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) for malaria prevention" : "") '
+ - 'calculation = (step10_iptp_sp1 == "done" ? "Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) for malaria prevention" : "") '
name: step9_calcium
description: calcium
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - 'calculation = (step9_calcium_supp == "done" ? "Calcium supplement" : "") '
+ - 'calculation = (step9_calcium_supp == "done" ? "Calcium supplement" : "") '
name: step9_vita
description: vita
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - 'calculation = (step9_vita_supp == "done" ? "Vitamin A supplement" : "") '
+ - 'calculation = (step9_vita_supp == "done" ? "Vitamin A supplement" : "") '
name: step10_iptp_sp1_dose_number
description: iptp_sp1_dose_number
priority: 1
condition: "step10_iptp_sp1 != '' && step10_iptp_sp1 == 'done'"
- - "calculation = 1"
+ - "calculation = 1"
name: step10_iptp_sp2_dose_number
description: iptp_sp2_dose_number
priority: 1
condition: "step10_iptp_sp2 != '' && step10_iptp_sp2 == 'done'"
- - "calculation = 2"
+ - "calculation = 2"
name: step10_iptp_sp3_dose_number
description: iptp_sp3_dose_number
priority: 1
condition: "step10_iptp_sp3 != '' && step10_iptp_sp3 == 'done'"
- - "calculation = 3"
+ - "calculation = 3"
name: step11_tt1_date_done_date_today_hidden
description: tt1_date_done_today
priority: 1
condition: "step11_tt1_date != '' && step11_tt1_date == 'done_today'"
- - "calculation = helper.getDateToday()"
+ - "calculation = helper.getDateToday()"
name: step11_tt1_dose_number
description: tt1_dose_number
priority: 1
condition: "step11_tt1_date != '' && step11_tt1_date != 'not_done'"
- - "calculation = 1"
+ - "calculation = 1"
name: step11_tt2_date_done_date_today_hidden
description: tt2_date_done
priority: 1
condition: "step11_tt2_date != '' && step11_tt2_date == 'done_today'"
- - "calculation = helper.getDateToday()"
+ - "calculation = helper.getDateToday()"
name: step11_tt2_dose_number
description: tt2_dose_number
priority: 1
condition: "step11_tt2_date != '' && step11_tt2_date != 'not_done'"
- - "calculation = 2"
+ - "calculation = 2"
name: step11_tt3_date_done_date_today_hidden
description: tt3_date_done_today
priority: 1
condition: "step11_tt3_date != '' && step11_tt3_date == 'done_today'"
- - "calculation = helper.getDateToday()"
+ - "calculation = helper.getDateToday()"
name: step11_tt3_dose_number
description: tt3_dose_number
priority: 1
condition: "step11_tt3_date != '' && step11_tt3_date != 'not_done'"
- - "calculation = 3"
+ - "calculation = 3"
name: step11_flu_date_done_date_today_hidden
description: Date flu dose was given
priority: 1
condition: "step11_flu_date != '' && step11_flu_date == 'done_today'"
- - "calculation = helper.getDateToday()"
\ No newline at end of file
+ - "calculation = helper.getDateToday()"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/ct_relevance_rules.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/ct_relevance_rules.yml
index ffbd0d659..4111c9cf4 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/ct_relevance_rules.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/ct_relevance_rules.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
name: step1_danger_signs_toaster
description: Danger sign problem toaster
priority: 1
-condition: "!global_danger_signs.isEmpty() && !global_danger_signs.contains('danger_none') && global_danger_signs_value != 'None'"
+condition: "global_danger_signs && !global_danger_signs.isEmpty() && !global_danger_signs.contains('danger_none') && global_danger_signs_value != 'None'"
- "isRelevant = true"
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ actions:
name: step1_referred_hosp
description: Referred to hospital
priority: 1
-condition: "(global_severe_hypertension != '' && global_severe_hypertension == 1) || (!global_danger_signs.isEmpty() && !global_danger_signs.contains('danger_none') && global_danger_signs_value != 'None') || (global_hypertension != '' && global_hypertension == 1 && !global_symp_sev_preeclampsia.isEmpty() && !global_symp_sev_preeclampsia.contains('none')) || (global_preeclampsia != '' && global_preeclampsia == 1) || (global_severe_preeclampsia != '' && global_severe_preeclampsia == 1) || (global_body_temp_repeat != '' && global_body_temp_repeat >= 38) || global_pulse_rate_repeat != '' && (global_pulse_rate_repeat < 60 || global_pulse_rate_repeat > 100) || global_respiratory_exam == 3 || global_cardiac_exam == 3 || global_breast_exam == 3 || global_abdominal_exam == 3 || global_pelvic_exam == 3 || (global_fetal_heartbeat == 'no' && global_gest_age_openmrs > 20) || global_fetal_heart_rate_repeat != '' && (global_fetal_heart_rate_repeat < 110 || global_fetal_heart_rate_repeat > 160)"
+condition: "(global_danger_signs && global_severe_hypertension != '' && global_severe_hypertension == 1) || (!global_danger_signs.isEmpty() && !global_danger_signs.contains('danger_none') && global_danger_signs_value != 'None') || (global_hypertension != '' && global_hypertension == 1 && !global_symp_sev_preeclampsia.isEmpty() && !global_symp_sev_preeclampsia.contains('none')) || (global_preeclampsia != '' && global_preeclampsia == 1) || (global_severe_preeclampsia != '' && global_severe_preeclampsia == 1) || (global_body_temp_repeat != '' && global_body_temp_repeat >= 38) || global_pulse_rate_repeat != '' && (global_pulse_rate_repeat < 60 || global_pulse_rate_repeat > 100) || global_respiratory_exam == 3 || global_cardiac_exam == 3 || global_breast_exam == 3 || global_abdominal_exam == 3 || global_pelvic_exam == 3 || (global_fetal_heartbeat == 'no' && global_gest_age_openmrs > 20) || global_fetal_heart_rate_repeat != '' && (global_fetal_heart_rate_repeat < 110 || global_fetal_heart_rate_repeat > 160)"
- "isRelevant = true"
@@ -233,14 +233,14 @@ actions:
name: step4_increase_energy_counsel
description: Increase daily energy and protein intake counseling
priority: 1
-condition: "global_pop_undernourish == true && global_weight_cat == 'Underweight'"
+condition: "global_pop_undernourish == true && global_weight_cat == helper.weightIMT('Underweight')"
- "isRelevant = true"
name: step4_balanced_energy_counsel
description: Balanced energy and protein dietary supplementation counseling
priority: 1
-condition: "global_pop_undernourish == true && global_weight_cat == 'Underweight'"
+condition: "global_pop_undernourish == true && global_weight_cat == helper.weightIMT('Underweight')"
- "isRelevant = true"
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/physical-exam-calculations-rules.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/physical-exam-calculations-rules.yml
index 64d685de8..bdc1b0331 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/physical-exam-calculations-rules.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/physical-exam-calculations-rules.yml
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ description: weight cat tingz
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - "calculation = (step1_bmi < 18.5 ? 'Underweight' : ((step1_bmi >= 18.5 && step1_bmi < 25) ? 'Normal Weight' : ((step1_bmi >= 25 && step1_bmi < 30) ? 'Overweight' : 'Obese')))"
+ - "calculation = helper.weightCatString(step1_bmi)"
name: step1_exp_weight_gain
description: weight gain tingz
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - "calculation = (step1_weight_cat == 'Underweight' ? '12.5 - 18': (step1_weight_cat == 'Normal Weight' ? '11.5 - 16' : (step1_weight_cat == 'Overweight' ? '7 - 11.5' : '5 - 9')))"
+ - "calculation = helper.expWeightGain(step1_bmi)"
name: step1_gdm_risk
description: gdm risk
@@ -69,58 +69,65 @@ condition: "true"
- "calculation = ['weight_gain' : step1_weight_gain,'tot_weight_gain' : step1_tot_weight_gain]"
-name: step2_hypertension
+name: step2_muac_cat
+description: MUAC category is calculated based on 23.5 cm cut off
+priority: 1
+condition: "true"
+ - "calculation = helper.muacCatString(step2_muac)"
+name: step3_hypertension
description: Hypertension Diognosis
priority: 1
-condition: "step2_urine_protein == 'none' || step2_urine_protein == '+'"
+condition: "step3_urine_protein == 'none' || step3_urine_protein == '+'"
- "calculation = 1"
-name: step2_severe_hypertension
+name: step3_severe_hypertension
description: Severe hypertension
priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_hypertension == 1 && (step2_bp_systolic_repeat >= 160 || step2_bp_diastolic_repeat >= 110))"
+condition: "(step3_hypertension == 1 && (step3_bp_systolic_repeat >= 160 || step3_bp_diastolic_repeat >= 110))"
- "calculation = 1"
-name: step2_severe_preeclampsia
+name: step3_severe_preeclampsia
description: Severe preeclampsia
priority: 1
-condition: "((step2_bp_systolic_repeat >= 160 || step2_bp_diastolic_repeat >= 110) && (step2_urine_protein == '++' || step2_urine_protein == '+++' || step2_urine_protein == '++++')) || ((step2_urine_protein == '++' || step2_urine_protein == '+++' || step2_urine_protein == '++++') && (!step2_symp_sev_preeclampsia.isEmpty() && !step2_symp_sev_preeclampsia.contains('none')))"
+condition: "((step3_bp_systolic_repeat >= 160 || step3_bp_diastolic_repeat >= 110) && (step3_urine_protein == '++' || step3_urine_protein == '+++' || step3_urine_protein == '++++')) || ((step3_urine_protein == '++' || step3_urine_protein == '+++' || step3_urine_protein == '++++') && (!step3_symp_sev_preeclampsia.isEmpty() && !step3_symp_sev_preeclampsia.contains('none')))"
- "calculation = 1"
-name: step2_preeclampsia
+name: step3_preeclampsia
description: preeclampsia
priority: 1
-condition: "((step2_urine_protein == '++' || step2_urine_protein == '+++' || step2_urine_protein == '++++') && (!step2_symp_sev_preeclampsia.isEmpty() && step2_symp_sev_preeclampsia.contains('none')) && (step2_bp_systolic_repeat < 160 && step2_bp_diastolic_repeat < 110))"
+condition: "((step3_urine_protein == '++' || step3_urine_protein == '+++' || step3_urine_protein == '++++') && (!step3_symp_sev_preeclampsia.isEmpty() && step3_symp_sev_preeclampsia.contains('none')) && (step3_bp_systolic_repeat < 160 && step3_bp_diastolic_repeat < 110))"
- "calculation = 1"
-name: step3_anaemic
+name: step4_anaemic
description: Anaemic
priority: 1
-condition: "(global_hb_result != '' && global_hb_result < 11 && (global_gest_age_openmrs <= 12 || global_gest_age_openmrs >= 28)) || (global_hb_result != '' && global_hb_result < 10.5 && (global_gest_age_openmrs > 12 && global_gest_age_openmrs < 28)) || (global_hb_result == '' && step3_pallor == 'yes')"
+condition: "(global_hb_result != '' && global_hb_result < 11 && (global_gest_age_openmrs <= 12 || global_gest_age_openmrs >= 28)) || (global_hb_result != '' && global_hb_result < 10.5 && (global_gest_age_openmrs > 12 && global_gest_age_openmrs < 28)) || (global_hb_result == '' && step4_pallor == 'yes')"
- "calculation = 1"
-name: step4_preeclampsia_risk
+name: step5_preeclampsia_risk
description: Preeclampsia_risk
priority: 1
-condition: "((global_prev_preg_comps != null && !global_prev_preg_comps.isEmpty() && (global_prev_preg_comps.contains('convulsions') || global_prev_preg_comps.contains('pre_eclampsia'))) || (global_health_conditions != null && !global_health_conditions.isEmpty() && (global_health_conditions.contains('autoimmune_disease') || global_health_conditions.contains('diabetes') || global_health_conditions.contains('gest_diabetes') || global_health_conditions.contains('diabetes_other') || global_health_conditions.contains('diabetes_type2') || global_health_conditions.contains('Hypertension') || global_health_conditions.contains('kidney_disease'))) || (step4_no_of_fetuses != null && step4_no_of_fetuses != '' && step4_no_of_fetuses >= 2))"
+condition: "((global_prev_preg_comps != null && !global_prev_preg_comps.isEmpty() && (global_prev_preg_comps.contains('convulsions') || global_prev_preg_comps.contains('pre_eclampsia'))) || (global_health_conditions != null && !global_health_conditions.isEmpty() && (global_health_conditions.contains('autoimmune_disease') || global_health_conditions.contains('diabetes') || global_health_conditions.contains('gest_diabetes') || global_health_conditions.contains('diabetes_other') || global_health_conditions.contains('diabetes_type2') || global_health_conditions.contains('Hypertension') || global_health_conditions.contains('kidney_disease'))) || (step5_no_of_fetuses != null && step5_no_of_fetuses != '' && step5_no_of_fetuses >= 2))"
- "calculation = 1"
-name: step3_toaster26_hidden
+name: step4_toaster26_hidden
description: toaster
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_dilation_cm > 2"
+condition: "step4_dilation_cm > 2"
- - 'calculation = step3_dilation_cm'
+ - 'calculation = step4_dilation_cm'
-name: step3_ipv_suspect
+name: step4_ipv_suspect
description: ipv_suspect
priority: 1
-condition: "(global_ipv_signs_symptoms != null && !global_ipv_signs_symptoms.isEmpty() && !global_ipv_signs_symptoms.contains('none')) || (step3_ipv_physical_signs_symptoms != null && !step3_ipv_physical_signs_symptoms.isEmpty() && !step3_ipv_physical_signs_symptoms.contains('none'))"
+condition: "(global_ipv_signs_symptoms != null && !global_ipv_signs_symptoms.isEmpty() && !global_ipv_signs_symptoms.contains('none')) || (step4_ipv_physical_signs_symptoms != null && !step4_ipv_physical_signs_symptoms.isEmpty() && !step4_ipv_physical_signs_symptoms.contains('none'))"
- "calculation = 1"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/physical-exam-relevance-rules.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/physical-exam-relevance-rules.yml
index a12961f83..8d141d002 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/physical-exam-relevance-rules.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/physical-exam-relevance-rules.yml
@@ -1,141 +1,287 @@
-name: step2_toaster7
+name: step3_bp_systolic_optibp_label
+description: BP Systolic OptiBP Label
+priority: 1
+condition: "step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp') && !step3_cant_record_bp_optibp.contains('cant_record_bp_optibp')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step3_bp_systolic
+description: BP Systolic OptiBP Value
+priority: 1
+condition: "step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp') && !step3_cant_record_bp_optibp.contains('cant_record_bp_optibp')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step3_bp_diastolic_optibp_label
+description: BP diastolic OptiBP Label
+priority: 1
+condition: "step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp') && !step3_cant_record_bp_optibp.contains('cant_record_bp_optibp')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step3_bp_diastolic
+description: BP diastolic OptiBP Value
+priority: 1
+condition: "step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp') && !step3_cant_record_bp_optibp.contains('cant_record_bp_optibp')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step3_bp_systolic_manual_label
+description: BP Systolic Manual Label
+priority: 1
+condition: "(step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('manually'))
+ && !step3_cant_record_bp_manual.contains('cant_record_bp_manual')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step3_bp_systolic_manual
+description: BP Systolic Manual Value
+priority: 1
+condition: "(step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('manually'))
+ && !step3_cant_record_bp_manual.contains('cant_record_bp_manual')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step3_bp_diastolic_manual_label
+description: BP Diastolic Manual Label
+priority: 1
+condition: "(step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('manually'))
+ && !step3_cant_record_bp_manual.contains('cant_record_bp_manual')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step3_bp_diastolic_manual
+description: BP Diastolic Manual Value
+priority: 1
+condition: "(step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('manually'))
+ && !step3_cant_record_bp_manual.contains('cant_record_bp_manual')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step3_cant_record_bp_optibp
+description: BP Can't Record (OptiBP)
+priority: 1
+condition: "step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step3_cant_record_bp_manual
+description: BP Diastolic Value
+priority: 1
+condition: "step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('manually')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step3_record_bp_using_optibp_button
+description: BP Measurement Widget
+priority: 1
+condition: "step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp') && !step3_cant_record_bp_optibp.contains('cant_record_bp_optibp')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step3_cant_record_bp_reason
+description: Cant record BP reason
+priority: 1
+condition: "step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('manually') && step3_cant_record_bp_manual.contains('cant_record_bp_manual')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step3_cant_record_bp_reason_opt
+description: Cant record BP reason via OptiBP
+priority: 1
+condition: "step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp') && step3_cant_record_bp_optibp.contains('cant_record_bp_optibp')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step3_bp_warning_manual
+description: BP measurement warning toaster
+priority: 1
+condition: "(step3_bp_systolic_manual >= 140 || step3_bp_diastolic_manual >= 90)
+ && step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('manually')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step3_bp_warning_optibp
description: BP measurement warning toaster
priority: 1
-condition: "step2_bp_systolic >= 140 || step2_bp_diastolic >= 90"
+condition: "(step3_bp_systolic >= 140 || step3_bp_diastolic >= 90)
+ && step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp')"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_bp_systolic_repeat_label
+name: step3_bp_systolic_repeat_label
description: BP measurement
priority: 1
-condition: "step2_bp_systolic >= 140 || step2_bp_diastolic >= 90"
+condition: "(step3_bp_systolic >= 140 || step3_bp_diastolic >= 90)
+ && (step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp') || step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('manually'))"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_bp_systolic_repeat
+name: step3_bp_systolic_repeat
description: BP measurement
priority: 1
-condition: "step2_bp_systolic >= 140 || step2_bp_diastolic >= 90"
+condition: "(step3_bp_systolic >= 140 || step3_bp_diastolic >= 90)
+ && (step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp') || step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('manually'))"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_bp_diastolic_repeat_label
+name: step3_bp_diastolic_repeat_label
description: BP measurement
priority: 1
-condition: "step2_bp_systolic >= 140 || step2_bp_diastolic >= 90"
+condition: "(step3_bp_systolic >= 140 || step3_bp_diastolic >= 90)
+ && (step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp') || step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('manually'))"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_bp_diastolic_repeat
+name: step3_bp_diastolic_repeat
description: BP measurement
priority: 1
-condition: "step2_bp_systolic >= 140 || step2_bp_diastolic >= 90"
+condition: "(step3_bp_systolic >= 140 || step3_bp_diastolic >= 90)
+ && (step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp') || step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('manually'))"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step3_record_bp_using_optibp_2nd_reading_button
+description: BP measurement method 2
+priority: 1
+condition: "(step3_bp_systolic >= 140 || step3_bp_diastolic >= 90) && step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp')"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_toaster8
+name: step3_toaster8
description: BP measurement warning toaster8
priority: 1
-condition: "step2_bp_systolic_repeat >= 140 || step2_bp_diastolic_repeat >= 90"
+condition: "(step3_bp_systolic_repeat >= 140 || step3_bp_diastolic_repeat >= 90)
+ && (step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp') || step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('manually'))"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_symp_sev_preeclampsia
+name: step3_symp_sev_preeclampsia
description: Check if the woman has any of the following symptoms of severe pre-eclampsia.
priority: 1
-condition: "step2_bp_systolic_repeat >= 140 || step2_bp_diastolic_repeat >= 90"
+condition: "(step3_bp_systolic_repeat >= 140 || step3_bp_diastolic_repeat >= 90)
+ && (step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp') || step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('manually'))"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_urine_protein
+name: step3_urine_protein
description: Enter the result for the dipstick test - protein.
priority: 1
-condition: "step2_bp_systolic_repeat >= 140 || step2_bp_diastolic_repeat >= 90"
+condition: "(step3_bp_systolic_repeat >= 140 || step3_bp_diastolic_repeat >= 90)
+ && (step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('optibp') || step3_bp_measurement_method.contains('manually'))"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_toaster9
+name: step3_toaster9
description: Hypertension diagnosis
priority: 1
-condition: "step2_hypertension == 1"
+condition: "step3_hypertension == 1"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_toaster17
+name: step4_toaster17
description: Hypertension diagnosis
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_pulse_rate > 0 && (step3_pulse_rate < 60 || step3_pulse_rate > 100)"
+condition: "step4_pulse_rate > 0 && (step4_pulse_rate < 60 || step4_pulse_rate > 100)"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_pulse_rate_repeat
+name: step4_pulse_rate_repeat
description: Pulse rate measurement
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_pulse_rate > 0 && (step3_pulse_rate < 60 || step3_pulse_rate > 100)"
+condition: "step4_pulse_rate > 0 && (step4_pulse_rate < 60 || step4_pulse_rate > 100)"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_pulse_rate_repeat_label
+name: step4_pulse_rate_repeat_label
description: Pulse rate measurement
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_pulse_rate > 0 && (step3_pulse_rate < 60 || step3_pulse_rate > 100) "
+condition: "step4_pulse_rate > 0 && (step4_pulse_rate < 60 || step4_pulse_rate > 100) "
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_toaster18
+name: step4_toaster18
description: Pulse rate measurement
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_pulse_rate_repeat > 0 && (step3_pulse_rate_repeat < 60 || step3_pulse_rate_repeat > 100) "
+condition: "step4_pulse_rate_repeat > 0 && (step4_pulse_rate_repeat < 60 || step4_pulse_rate_repeat > 100) "
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_toaster21
+name: step4_toaster21
description: Oxymetry Entry
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_oximetry > 0 && step3_oximetry < 92"
+condition: "step4_oximetry > 0 && step4_oximetry < 92"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step4_respiratory_rate_label
+description: RR
+priority: 1
+condition: "step4_respiratory_exam == 2 || step4_respiratory_exam == 3"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step4_respiratory_rate
+description: RR
+priority: 1
+condition: "step4_respiratory_exam == 2 || step4_respiratory_exam == 3"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step5_sfh_label
+description: SFH Label
+priority: 1
+condition: "step5_sfh_measurement == 'done'"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step4_toaster28
+name: step5_sfh
+description: SFH Label
+priority: 1
+condition: "step5_sfh_measurement == 'done'"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step5_toaster28
description: Fetal heart beat rate
priority: 1
-condition: "(step4_fetal_heart_rate > 0 && (step4_fetal_heart_rate < 100 || step4_fetal_heart_rate > 180))"
+condition: "(step5_fetal_heart_rate > 0 && (step5_fetal_heart_rate < 100 || step5_fetal_heart_rate > 180))"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step4_fetal_movement
+name: step5_fetal_movement
description: Fetal movement
priority: 1
condition: "(global_gest_age_openmrs != '' && global_gest_age_openmrs > 20)"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step4_fetal_heart_rate_repeat_label
+name: step5_fetal_heart_rate_repeat_label
description: Fetal heart beat rate
priority: 1
-condition: "(step4_fetal_heart_rate > 0 && (step4_fetal_heart_rate < 100 || step4_fetal_heart_rate > 180))"
+condition: "(step5_fetal_heart_rate > 0 && (step5_fetal_heart_rate < 100 || step5_fetal_heart_rate > 180))"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step4_fetal_heart_rate_repeat
+name: step5_fetal_heart_rate_repeat
description: Fetal heart beat rate
priority: 1
-condition: "(step4_fetal_heart_rate > 0 && (step4_fetal_heart_rate < 100 || step4_fetal_heart_rate > 180))"
+condition: "(step5_fetal_heart_rate > 0 && (step5_fetal_heart_rate < 100 || step5_fetal_heart_rate > 180))"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step4_toaster27
+name: step5_toaster27
description: No fetal heartbeat observed. Refer to hospital.
priority: 1
-condition: "(step4_fetal_heartbeat == 'no' && (global_gest_age_openmrs != '' && global_gest_age_openmrs > 20))"
+condition: "(step5_fetal_heartbeat == 'no' && (global_gest_age_openmrs != '' && global_gest_age_openmrs >= 16))"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step4_toaster29
+name: step5_toaster29
description: Fetal heart beat rate repeat toaster
priority: 1
-condition: "(step4_fetal_heart_rate_repeat > 0 && (step4_fetal_heart_rate_repeat < 100 || step4_fetal_heart_rate_repeat > 180))"
+condition: "(step5_fetal_heart_rate_repeat > 0 && (step5_fetal_heart_rate_repeat < 100 || step5_fetal_heart_rate_repeat > 180))"
- "isRelevant = true"
@@ -149,146 +295,167 @@ actions:
name: step1_toaster5
description: Note displaying that counseling on increasing daily energy and protein intake should be given.
priority: 1
-condition: "global_pop_undernourish == true && step1_weight_cat == 'Underweight'"
+condition: "global_pop_undernourish == true && step1_weight_cat == helper.weightIMT('Underweight')"
- "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_toaster6
description: Note displaying that counseling on balanced energy and protein dietary supplementation should be given.
priority: 1
-condition: "global_pop_undernourish == true && step1_weight_cat == 'Underweight'"
+condition: "global_pop_undernourish == true && step1_weight_cat == helper.weightIMT('Underweight')"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step2_muac_toaster_malnourished
+description: Note displaying the woman's nutritional status based on MUAC.
+priority: 1
+condition: "step2_muac < 23.5 && step2_muac != 0"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step2_muac_toaster_nourished
+description: Note displaying the woman's nutritional status based on MUAC.
+priority: 1
+condition: "step2_muac >= 23.5 && step2_muac <= 40 && step2_muac != 0"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
+name: step2_muac_toaster_abnormal
+description: Note displaying the woman's nutritional status based on MUAC.
+priority: 1
+condition: "step2_muac > 40"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_toaster10
+name: step3_toaster10
description: Severe hypertension toaster`
priority: 1
-condition: "step2_severe_hypertension == 1"
+condition: "step3_severe_hypertension == 1"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_toaster11
+name: step3_toaster11
description: Note displaying that the woman has severe pre-eclampsia.
priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_hypertension == 1 && !step2_symp_sev_preeclampsia.isEmpty() && !step2_symp_sev_preeclampsia.contains('none'))"
+condition: "(step3_hypertension == 1 && !step3_symp_sev_preeclampsia.isEmpty() && !step3_symp_sev_preeclampsia.contains('none'))"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_toaster13
+name: step3_toaster13
description: Note displaying that the woman has severe pre-eclampsia.
priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_severe_preeclampsia == 1)"
+condition: "(step3_severe_preeclampsia == 1)"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_toaster14
+name: step3_toaster14
description: Note displaying that the woman has severe pre-eclampsia.
priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_preeclampsia == 1)"
+condition: "(step3_preeclampsia == 1)"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_toaster19
+name: step4_toaster19
description: Note displaying that anaemic
priority: 1
-condition: "(step3_anaemic == 1)"
+condition: "(step4_anaemic == 1)"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step4_toaster30
+name: step5_toaster30
description: Note displaying that preeclampsia risk
priority: 1
-condition: "(step4_preeclampsia_risk == 1)"
+condition: "(step5_preeclampsia_risk == 1)"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step4_fetal_presentation
+name: step5_fetal_presentation
description: Fetal movement
priority: 1
condition: "(global_gest_age_openmrs != '' && global_gest_age_openmrs >= 28)"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_toaster22
+name: step4_toaster22
description: toaster22
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_cardiac_exam == 3"
+condition: "step4_cardiac_exam == 3"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_toaster23
+name: step4_toaster23
description: toaster23
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_breast_exam == 3"
+condition: "step4_breast_exam == 3"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_toaster24
+name: step4_toaster24
description: toaster24
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_abdominal_exam == 3"
+condition: "step4_abdominal_exam == 3"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_toaster25
+name: step4_toaster25
description: toaster25
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_pelvic_exam == 3"
+condition: "step4_pelvic_exam == 3"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_toaster26
+name: step4_toaster26
description: toaster26
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_toaster26_hidden > 2"
+condition: "step4_toaster26_hidden > 2 && step4_cervical_exam == '1'"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_evaluate_labour_toaster
+name: step4_evaluate_labour_toaster
description: evaluate_labour_toaster
priority: 1
-condition: "!step3_pelvic_exam_abnormal.isEmpty() && step3_pelvic_exam_abnormal.contains('amniotic_fluid_evidence')"
+condition: "!step4_pelvic_exam_abnormal.isEmpty() && step4_pelvic_exam_abnormal.contains('amniotic_fluid_evidence')"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_ipv_physical_signs_symptoms
+name: step4_ipv_physical_signs_symptoms
description: ipv_physical_signs_symptoms
priority: 1
condition: "global_site_ipv_assess == true"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_toaster31
+name: step4_toaster31
description: toaster31
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_ipv_suspect == 1 "
+condition: "step4_ipv_suspect == 1 "
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_ipv_clinical_enquiry
+name: step4_ipv_clinical_enquiry
description: ipv_clinical_enquiry
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_ipv_suspect == 1"
+condition: "step4_ipv_suspect == 1"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_ipv_clinical_enquiry_not_done_reason
+name: step4_ipv_clinical_enquiry_not_done_reason
description: ipv_clinical_enquiry_not_done_reason
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_ipv_clinical_enquiry == 'no'"
+condition: "step4_ipv_clinical_enquiry == 'no'"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_ipv_subject
+name: step4_ipv_subject
description: ipv_subject
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_ipv_clinical_enquiry == 'yes'"
+condition: "step4_ipv_clinical_enquiry == 'yes'"
- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step3_ipv_subject_violence_types
+name: step4_ipv_subject_violence_types
description: ipv_subject
priority: 1
-condition: "step3_ipv_subject == 'yes'"
+condition: "step4_ipv_subject == 'yes'"
- "isRelevant = true"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/profile_calculation_rules.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/profile_calculation_rules.yml
index 2954e3e63..d9fedbc16 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/profile_calculation_rules.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/profile_calculation_rules.yml
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ description: step2_lmp_known_date
priority: 1
condition: "step2_lmp_known == 'yes'"
- - "calculation = helper.getDateToday()"
+ - "calculation = helper.getSecondaryValue(step2_lmp_known_date)"
name: step2_lmp_edd
description: LMP EDD
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ description: LMP Gest age
priority: 1
condition: "step2_lmp_known == 'yes'"
- - "calculation = helper.getWeeksAndDaysFromDays(helper.getDifferenceDays(helper.getSecondaryValue(step2_lmp_known_date)))"
+ - "calculation = helper.getWeeksAndDaysFromDays(helper.getDifferenceDays(helper.getSecondaryValue(step2_lmp_known_date), helper.getSecondaryValue(global_visit_date)))"
name: step2_ultrasound_gest_age_concept
description: Ultrasound Gest age concept
@@ -40,35 +40,35 @@ description: step2_ultrasound_done_date
priority: 1
condition: "step2_ultrasound_done == 'yes'"
- - "calculation = helper.getDateToday()"
+ - "calculation = helper.getSecondaryValue(step2_ultrasound_done_date)"
name: step2_ultrasound_edd
description: Ultrasound edd
priority: 1
condition: "step2_ultrasound_gest_age_wks != ''"
- - "calculation = helper.addDuration(helper.getSecondaryValue(step2_ultrasound_done_date), ( (280 - ( (new Integer(step2_ultrasound_gest_age_wks) * 7) + new Integer(step2_ultrasound_gest_age_days != '' ? step2_ultrasound_gest_age_days : 0)) ) +'d'))"
+ - "calculation = helper.addDuration(helper.getSecondaryValue(global_visit_date), ( (280 - ( (new Integer(step2_ultrasound_gest_age_wks) * 7) + new Integer(step2_ultrasound_gest_age_days != '' ? step2_ultrasound_gest_age_days : 0)) ) +'d'))"
name: step2_ultrasound_gest_age
description: Ultrasound Gest age
priority: 1
condition: "step2_ultrasound_done== 'yes'"
- - "calculation = helper.getWeeksAndDaysFromDays( 280 - helper.getDifferenceDays(helper.getSecondaryValue(step2_ultrasound_edd)) - 1 )"
+ - "calculation = helper.getWeeksAndDaysFromDays( helper.getDifferenceDays(helper.getSecondaryValue(step2_ultrasound_done_date), helper.getSecondaryValue(global_visit_date)) + (new Integer(step2_ultrasound_gest_age_wks) * 7) + (new Integer(step2_ultrasound_gest_age_days != '' ? step2_ultrasound_gest_age_days : 0)) )"
name: step2_sfh_edd
description: SFH edd
priority: 1
condition: "step2_sfh_gest_age > 0"
- - "calculation = helper.addDuration((280 - (step2_sfh_gest_age * 7)) + 'd')"
+ - "calculation = helper.addDuration(helper.getSecondaryValue(global_visit_date), (280 - (step2_sfh_gest_age * 7)) + 'd')"
name: step2_sfh_ga_hidden
description: SFH edd
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - "calculation = step2_sfh_gest_age > 0 ? step2_sfh_gest_age + ' weeks' : 0"
+ - "calculation = step2_sfh_gest_age > 0 ? helper.getWeeksAndDaysFromDays(step2_sfh_gest_age * 7) : 0"
name: step2_lmp_gest_age_selection
description: Gest age
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ description: Gest age
priority: 1
condition: "true"
- - "calculation = ['sfh_gest_age':step2_sfh_ga_hidden,'sfh_edd':step2_sfh_edd]"
+ - "calculation = ['sfh_gest_age': step2_sfh_ga_hidden, 'sfh_edd': step2_sfh_edd]"
name: step2_lmp_ultrasound_gest_age_selection
description: Gest age
@@ -182,6 +182,13 @@ condition: "(global_bmi != null && global_bmi != '' && global_bmi >= 30) || (!st
- "calculation = 1"
+name: step3_gdm_risk_value
+description: gdm_risk_value
+priority: 1
+condition: "(global_bmi != null && global_bmi != '' && global_bmi >= 30) || (!step3_prev_preg_comps.isEmpty() && (step3_prev_preg_comps.contains('gestational_diabetes') || step3_prev_preg_comps.contains('macrosomia'))) || (global_urine_glucose != null && global_urine_glucose != '' && (global_urine_glucose == '++' || global_urine_glucose == '+++' || global_urine_glucose == '++++'))"
+ - "calculation = 1"
name: step4_preeclampsia_risk
description: preeclampsia_risk
priority: 1
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/profile_constraint_rules.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/profile_constraint_rules.yml
index 33854b044..775d40a81 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/profile_constraint_rules.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/profile_constraint_rules.yml
@@ -4,25 +4,25 @@ description: miscarriage abortions number selectors
priority: 1
condition: "true"
-- "constraint = step3_previous_pregnancies + 1"
+ - "constraint = step3_previous_pregnancies + 1"
name: step3_live_births
description: live births number selectors
priority: 1
condition: "true"
-- "constraint = (step3_previous_pregnancies - step3_miscarriages_abortions) + 1"
+ - "constraint = (step3_previous_pregnancies - step3_miscarriages_abortions) + 1"
name: step3_stillbirths
description: Still birth number selector
priority: 1
condition: "true"
-- "constraint = (step3_previous_pregnancies - step3_miscarriages_abortions- step3_live_births) + 1"
+ - "constraint = (step3_previous_pregnancies - step3_miscarriages_abortions- step3_live_births) + 1"
name: step3_c_sections
description: C -Sections number selector
priority: 1
condition: "true"
-- "constraint = step3_parity + 1"
+ - "constraint = step3_parity + 1"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/profile_relevance_rules.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/profile_relevance_rules.yml
index 54d5bafdf..61623222c 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/profile_relevance_rules.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/profile_relevance_rules.yml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ actions:
name: step2_sfh_gest_age
description: sfh_gest_age
priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_lmp_known == 'no' && step2_ultrasound_done == 'no') || (step2_lmp_known == 'no' && step2_ultrasound_gest_age_wks >= 24)"
+condition: "(step2_lmp_known == 'no' && step2_ultrasound_done == 'no')"
- "isRelevant = true"
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ actions:
name: step2_sfh_gest_age_selection
description: sfh_gest_age_selection
priority: 1
-condition: "step2_lmp_known == '' || step2_ultrasound_done == '' || (step2_lmp_known == 'no' && step2_ultrasound_done == 'no')"
+condition: "(step2_lmp_known == 'no' && step2_ultrasound_done == 'no')"
- "isRelevant = true"
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ actions:
- "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_headss_toaster
-description: HEADSS info
+description: Headss Toaster
priority: 1
condition: "(global_age < 19)"
- - "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/quick_check_relevance_rules.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/quick_check_relevance_rules.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a3fda7759..000000000
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/quick_check_relevance_rules.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-name: step1_danger_signs
-description: danger_signs
-priority: 1
-condition: "!step1_contact_reason.isEmpty()"
- - "isRelevant = true"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/sf_relevance_rules.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/sf_relevance_rules.yml
index 7881e6941..b692c6efa 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/sf_relevance_rules.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/sf_relevance_rules.yml
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ description: Intimate Partner Violence(IPV)
priority: 1
condition: "global_site_ipv_assess == true"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step4_toaster23
description: Intimate Partner Violence(IPV) Toaster
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/tests_calculation_rules.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/tests_calculation_rules.yml
index b536d51ea..7f7aa1b8c 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/tests_calculation_rules.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/tests_calculation_rules.yml
@@ -271,26 +271,3 @@ priority: 1
condition: "step2_hb_test_status != '' && step2_hb_test_status == 'done_today'"
- "calculation = helper.getDateToday()"
-name: step1_covid_positive
-description: covid_positive
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step1_covid_pcr_test == 'positive') || (step1_covid_antigen_test == 'positive') || (step1_covid_igg_test == 'positive') || (step1_covid_igm_test == 'positive')"
- - "calculation = 1"
-name: step1_covid_date_today_hidden
-description: Covid_test_date
-priority: 1
-condition: "step1_covid_status != '' && step1_covid_status == 'done_today'"
- - "calculation = helper.getDateToday()"
-name: step1_toxo_test_date
-description: toxo_test_date
-priority: 1
-condition: "step1_toxo_test_status == 'done_today'"
- - "calculation = helper.getDateToday()"
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/tests_expansion_panel_relevance_rules.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/tests_expansion_panel_relevance_rules.yml
index be15ea76c..1f9555192 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/tests_expansion_panel_relevance_rules.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/tests_expansion_panel_relevance_rules.yml
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ actions:
name: step1_accordion_hepatitis_c
description: Hepatitis C test
priority: 1
-condition: "helper.getValueFromAccordion('accordion_hiv', 'step1_hiv_positive') == '1' || global_alcohol_substance_use.contains('injectable_drugs') || global_occupation.contains('informal_employment_sex_worker') || global_previous_hepc_test_status.contains('') || global_previous_hepc_test_status.contains('not_done') || global_previous_hepc_test_status.contains ('ordered')"
+condition: "((helper.getValueFromAccordion('accordion_hiv', 'step1_hiv_positive') == '1' || global_pop_hepc == true || (!global_alcohol_substance_use.isEmpty() && global_alcohol_substance_use.contains('injectable_drugs')) || (!global_occupation.isEmpty() && global_occupation.contains('informal_employment_sex_worker')))) && (global_contact_no == 1 || (global_contact_no > 1 && (global_previous_hepc_test_status == '' || global_previous_hepc_test_status == 'not_done' || global_previous_hepc_test_status == 'ordered')))"
- "isRelevant = true"
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ actions:
name: step2_accordion_partner_hiv
description: Partner HIV test
priority: 1
-condition: "global_partner_hiv_status.contains('dont_know') || global_partner_hiv_status == ''"
+condition: "(global_partner_hiv_status == 'dont_know' || global_partner_hiv_status == '') && (global_contact_no == 1 || (global_contact_no > 1 && ((global_previous_hiv_test_partner_status == 'done_earlier' || global_previous_hiv_test_partner_status == 'done_today') && global_previous_hiv_test_partner_result == 'inconclusive') || global_previous_hiv_test_partner_status == ''))"
- "isRelevant = true"
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ condition: "global_contact_no == 1 || (global_contact_no > 1 && (global_previous
- "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_accordion_blood_type
description: step2 blood type accordion
priority: 1
@@ -130,19 +129,5 @@ name: step2_accordion_blood_haemoglobin
description: hb_test_status
priority: 1
condition: "(global_contact_no > 1 && (global_previous_hb_test_status != '' && (global_previous_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier' || global_previous_hb_test_status == 'done_today')))"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_accordion_covid-19
-description: accordion_covid-19
-priority: 1
-condition: "1 == 1"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_accordion_toxo
-description: accordion_covid-19
-priority: 1
-condition: "1 == 1"
- "isRelevant = true"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/tests_relevance_rules.yml b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/tests_relevance_rules.yml
index 2f139666b..023cba9fb 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/tests_relevance_rules.yml
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/assets/rule/tests_relevance_rules.yml
@@ -4,1217 +4,1068 @@ description: Date that the ultrasound was done.
priority: 1
condition: "step1_hiv_test_status != '' && step1_hiv_test_status == 'done_earlier' "
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hiv_test_date
description: Date that the ultrasound was done.
priority: 1
condition: "step2_hiv_test_status != '' && step2_hiv_test_status == 'done_earlier' "
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hiv_test_notdone
description: HIV not done
priority: 1
condition: "step1_hiv_test_status != '' && step1_hiv_test_status == 'not_done' "
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hiv_test_notdone
description: HIV not done.
priority: 1
condition: "step2_hiv_test_status != '' && step2_hiv_test_status == 'not_done' "
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hiv_test_notdone_other
description: Reason
priority: 1
condition: "!step1_hiv_test_notdone.isEmpty() && step1_hiv_test_notdone.contains('other')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hiv_test_notdone_other
description: Reason
priority: 1
condition: "!step2_hiv_test_notdone.isEmpty() && step2_hiv_test_notdone.contains('other')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hiv_inconclusive_toaster
description: HIV test resupt
priority: 1
condition: "step1_hiv_test_result != '' && step1_hiv_test_result == 'inconclusive'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hiv_inconclusive_toaster
description: HIV test resupt
priority: 1
condition: "step2_hiv_test_result != '' && step2_hiv_test_result == 'inconclusive'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hiv_test_result
description: HIV test result
priority: 1
condition: "step1_hiv_test_status != '' && (step1_hiv_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_hiv_test_status == 'done_earlier') "
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hiv_test_result
description: HIV test result
priority: 1
condition: "step2_hiv_test_status != '' && (step2_hiv_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_hiv_test_status == 'done_earlier') "
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hiv_positive_toaster
description: HIV positive counseling
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hiv_positive == 1)"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hiv_positive_toaster
description: HIV positive counseling
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hiv_positive == 1)"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hiv_test_partner_date
description: Partner HIV test date
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hiv_test_partner_status != '' && step2_hiv_test_partner_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hiv_test_partner_result
description: partner HIV result
priority: 1
condition: "step2_hiv_test_partner_status != '' && (step2_hiv_test_partner_status == 'done_today' || step2_hiv_test_partner_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hiv_risk_toaster
description: hiv_risk_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step2_hiv_risk == 1"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hepb_test_notdone
description: Reason
priority: 1
condition: "step1_hepb_test_status == 'not_done'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hepb_test_notdone
description: Reason
priority: 1
condition: "step2_hepb_test_status == 'not_done'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hepb_test_notdone_other
description: Reason
priority: 1
condition: "!step1_hepb_test_notdone.isEmpty() && step1_hepb_test_notdone.contains('other')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hepb_test_notdone_other
description: Reason
priority: 1
condition: "!step2_hepb_test_notdone.isEmpty() && step2_hepb_test_notdone.contains('other')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hepb_test_date
description: Hep B test date
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hepb_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hepb_test_date
description: Hep B test date
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hepb_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hepb_test_type
description: Hep B test type
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hepb_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_hepb_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hepb_test_type
description: Hep B test type
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hepb_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_hepb_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hbsag_lab_ima
description: HBsAg laboratory-based immunoassay (recommended)
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hepb_test_type == 'hbsag_lab_based' && step1_hepb_test_status == 'done_today') || (step1_hepb_test_type == 'hbsag_lab_based' && step1_hepb_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hbsag_lab_ima
description: HBsAg laboratory-based immunoassay (recommended)
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hepb_test_type == 'hbsag_lab_based' && step2_hepb_test_status == 'done_today') || (step2_hepb_test_type == 'hbsag_lab_based' && step2_hepb_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hbsag_rdt
description: HBsAg rapid diagnostic test (RDT)
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hepb_test_type == 'hbsag_rdt' && step1_hepb_test_status == 'done_today') || (step1_hepb_test_type == 'hbsag_rdt' && step1_hepb_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hbsag_rdt
description: HBsAg rapid diagnostic test (RDT)
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hepb_test_type == 'hbsag_rdt' && step2_hepb_test_status == 'done_today') || (step2_hepb_test_type == 'hbsag_rdt' && step2_hepb_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hbsag_dbs
description: Dried Blood Spot (DBS) HBsAg test
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hepb_test_type == 'hbsag_dbs' && step1_hepb_test_status == 'done_today') || (step1_hepb_test_type == 'hbsag_dbs' && step1_hepb_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hbsag_dbs
description: Dried Blood Spot (DBS) HBsAg test
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hepb_test_type == 'hbsag_dbs' && step2_hepb_test_status == 'done_today') || (step2_hepb_test_type == 'hbsag_dbs' && step2_hepb_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hepatitis_b_danger_toaster
description: Hep B positive diagnosis!
priority: 1
condition: "step1_hepb_positive == 1"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hepatitis_b_danger_toaster
description: Hep B positive diagnosis!
priority: 1
condition: "step2_hepb_positive == 1"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hepatitis_b_info_toaster
description: Hep B vaccination required
priority: 1
condition: "step1_hepb_positive == 0"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hepatitis_b_info_toaster
description: Hep B vaccination required
priority: 1
condition: "step2_hepb_positive == 0"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hepc_test_notdone
description: Reason
priority: 1
condition: "step1_hepc_test_status == 'not_done'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hepc_test_notdone
description: Reason
priority: 1
condition: "step2_hepc_test_status == 'not_done'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hepc_test_date
description: Hep C test date
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hepc_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hepc_test_date
description: Hep C test date
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hepc_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hepc_test_type
description: Hep C test type
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hepc_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_hepc_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hepc_test_type
description: Hep C test type
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hepc_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_hepc_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hcv_lab_ima
description: Anti-HCV laboratory-based immunoassay (recommended)
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hepc_test_type == 'anti_hcv_lab_based' && step1_hepc_test_status == 'done_today') || (step1_hepc_test_type == 'anti_hcv_lab_based' && step1_hepc_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hcv_lab_ima
description: Anti-HCV laboratory-based immunoassay (recommended)
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hepc_test_type == 'anti_hcv_lab_based' && step2_hepc_test_status == 'done_today') || (step2_hepc_test_type == 'anti_hcv_lab_based' && step2_hepc_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hcv_rdt
description: Anti-HCV rapid diagnostic test (RDT)
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hepc_test_type == 'anti_hcv_rdt' && step1_hepc_test_status == 'done_today') || (step1_hepc_test_type == 'anti_hcv_rdt' && step1_hepc_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hcv_rdt
description: Anti-HCV rapid diagnostic test (RDT)
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hepc_test_type == 'anti_hcv_rdt' && step2_hepc_test_status == 'done_today') || (step2_hepc_test_type == 'anti_hcv_rdt' && step2_hepc_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hcv_dbs
description: Dried Blood Spot (DBS) anti-HCV test
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hepc_test_type == 'anti_hcv_dbs' && step1_hepc_test_status == 'done_today') || (step1_hepc_test_type == 'anti_hcv_dbs' && step1_hepc_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hcv_dbs
description: Dried Blood Spot (DBS) anti-HCV test
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hepc_test_type == 'anti_hcv_dbs' && step2_hepc_test_status == 'done_today') || (step2_hepc_test_type == 'anti_hcv_dbs' && step2_hepc_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hepc_test_notdone_other
description: Reason
priority: 1
condition: "!step1_hepc_test_notdone.isEmpty() && step1_hepc_test_notdone.contains('other')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hepc_test_notdone_other
description: Reason
priority: 1
condition: "!step1_hepc_test_notdone.isEmpty() && step1_hepc_test_notdone.contains('other')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hepatitis_c_danger_toaster
description: Counselling and referral required.
priority: 1
condition: "step1_hepc_positive == 1"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hepatitis_c_danger_toaster
description: Counselling and referral required.
priority: 1
condition: "step2_hepc_positive == 1"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_syphilis_greater_5_toaster
description: syphilis_greater_5_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "global_pop_syphilis == true && global_pop_syphilis != ''"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_syphilis_greater_5_toaster
description: syphilis_greater_5_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "global_pop_syphilis == true && global_pop_syphilis != ''"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_syphilis_below_5_toaster
description: syphilis_below_5_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "global_pop_syphilis == false && global_pop_syphilis != ''"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_syphilis_below_5_toaster
description: syphilis_below_5_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "global_pop_syphilis == false && global_pop_syphilis != ''"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_syph_test_notdone
description: Reason
priority: 1
condition: "step1_syph_test_status == 'not_done'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_syph_test_notdone
description: Reason
priority: 1
condition: "step2_syph_test_status == 'not_done'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_syph_test_notdone_other
description: Specify
priority: 1
condition: "step1_syph_test_notdone.contains('other')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_syph_test_notdone_other
description: Specify
priority: 1
condition: "step2_syph_test_notdone.contains('other')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_syphilis_test_date
description: Syphilis test date
priority: 1
condition: "step1_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_syphilis_test_date
description: Syphilis test date
priority: 1
condition: "step2_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_syph_test_type
description: Syphilis test type
priority: 1
condition: "step1_syph_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_syph_test_type
description: Syphilis test type
priority: 1
condition: "step2_syph_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_rapid_syphilis_test
description: Rapid syphilis test (RST)
priority: 1
-condition: "((step1_syph_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_syph_test_type.contains('rapid_syphilis'))"
+condition: "((step1_syph_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_syph_test_type == 'rapid_syphilis')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_rapid_syphilis_test
description: Rapid syphilis test (RST)
priority: 1
-condition: "((step2_syph_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_syph_test_type.contains('rapid_syphilis'))"
+condition: "((step2_syph_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_syph_test_type == 'rapid_syphilis')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_rpr_syphilis_test
description: Rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test
priority: 1
-condition: "((step1_syph_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_syph_test_type.contains('rapid_plasma'))"
+condition: "((step1_syph_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_syph_test_type == 'rapid_plasma')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_rpr_syphilis_test
description: Rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test
priority: 1
-condition: "((step2_syph_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_syph_test_type.contains('rapid_plasma'))"
+condition: "((step2_syph_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_syph_test_type == 'rapid_plasma')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_lab_syphilis_test
description: Off-site lab test for syphilis
priority: 1
-condition: "((step1_syph_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_syph_test_type.contains('off_site_lab'))"
+condition: "((step1_syph_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_syph_test_type == 'off_site_lab')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_lab_syphilis_test
description: Off-site lab test for syphilis
priority: 1
-condition: "((step2_syph_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_syph_test_type.contains('off_site_lab'))"
+condition: "((step2_syph_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_syph_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_syph_test_type == 'off_site_lab')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_syphilis_danger_toaster
description: Syphilis test positive
priority: 1
condition: "step1_syphilis_positive == 1"
-- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step1_syphilis_positive_and_pencillin_allergy_toaster
-description: Syphilis test positive
-priority: 1
-condition: "step1_syphilis_positive == 1"
- "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_syphilis_danger_toaster
description: Syphilis test positive
priority: 1
condition: "step2_syphilis_positive == 1"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_urine_test_notdone
description: Reason
priority: 1
condition: "step1_urine_test_status == 'not_done'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_urine_test_notdone
description: Reason
priority: 1
condition: "step2_urine_test_status == 'not_done'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_urine_test_notdone_other
description: Specify
priority: 1
condition: "step1_urine_test_notdone.contains('other')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_urine_test_notdone_other
description: Specify
priority: 1
condition: "step2_urine_test_notdone.contains('other')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_urine_test_date
description: Urine test date
priority: 1
condition: "step1_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_urine_test_date
description: Urine test date
priority: 1
condition: "step2_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_urine_test_type
description: Urine test type
priority: 1
condition: "step1_urine_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier' || step1_urine_test_status == 'ordered'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_urine_test_type
description: Urine test type
priority: 1
condition: "step2_urine_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier' || step2_urine_test_status == 'ordered'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_urine_culture
description: Midstream urine culture (recommended)
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_urine_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_urine_test_type.contains('midstream_urine_culture')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_urine_culture
description: Midstream urine culture (recommended)
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_urine_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_urine_test_type.contains('midstream_urine_culture')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_urine_gram_stain
description: Midstream urine Gram-staining
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_urine_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_urine_test_type.contains('midstream_urine_gram')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_urine_gram_stain
description: Midstream urine Gram-staining
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_urine_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_urine_test_type.contains('midstream_urine_gram')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_urine_nitrites
description: Urine dipstick result - nitrites
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_urine_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_urine_test_type.contains('urine_dipstick')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_urine_nitrites
description: Urine dipstick result - nitrites
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_urine_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_urine_test_type.contains('urine_dipstick')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_urine_leukocytes
description: Urine dipstick result - leukocytes
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_urine_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_urine_test_type.contains('urine_dipstick')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_urine_leukocytes
description: Urine dipstick result - leukocytes
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_urine_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_urine_test_type.contains('urine_dipstick')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_urine_protein
description: Urine dipstick result - protein
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_urine_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_urine_test_type.contains('urine_dipstick')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_urine_protein
description: Urine dipstick result - protein
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_urine_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_urine_test_type.contains('urine_dipstick')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_urine_glucose
description: Urine dipstick result - glucose
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_urine_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_urine_test_type.contains('urine_dipstick')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_urine_glucose
description: Urine dipstick result - glucose
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_urine_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_urine_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_urine_test_type.contains('urine_dipstick')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_gdm_risk_toaster
description: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) risk counseling
priority: 1
condition: "step1_gdm_risk == 1 && helper.getValueFromAccordion('accordion_blood_glucose', 'step2_gdm') != '1' && helper.getValueFromAccordion('accordion_blood_glucose', 'step2_dm_in_preg') != '1'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_gdm_risk_toaster
description: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) risk counseling
priority: 1
condition: "step2_gdm_risk == 1 && helper.getValueFromAccordion('accordion_blood_glucose', 'step2_gdm') != '1' && helper.getValueFromAccordion('accordion_blood_glucose', 'step2_dm_in_preg') != '1'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_asb_positive_toaster
description: asb_positive_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step1_asb_positive == 1"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_asb_positive_toaster
description: asb_positive_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step2_asb_positive == 1"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_gbs_agent_note
description: gbs_agent_note
priority: 1
condition: "step1_urine_culture == 'positive_gbs'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_gbs_agent_note
description: gbs_agent_note
priority: 1
condition: "step2_urine_culture == 'positive_gbs'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_glucose_test_date
description: Blood glucose test date.
priority: 1
condition: "step2_glucose_test_status == 'done_earlier'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_glucose_test_type
description: Blood glucose test.
priority: 1
condition: "step2_glucose_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_glucose_test_status == 'done_earlier' || step2_glucose_test_status == 'ordered'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_fasting_plasma_gluc
description: Fasting plasma glucose results (mg/dl)
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_glucose_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_glucose_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_glucose_test_type == 'fasting_plasma'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_ogtt_fasting
description: 75g OGTT - fasting glucose results (mg/dl)
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_glucose_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_glucose_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_glucose_test_type == 'ogtt_75'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_ogtt_1
description: 75g OGTT - 1 hr results (mg/dl)
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_glucose_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_glucose_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_glucose_test_type == 'ogtt_75'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_ogtt_2
description: 75g OGTT - 2 hrs results (mg/dl)
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_glucose_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_glucose_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_glucose_test_type == 'ogtt_75'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_random_plasma
description: Random plasma glucose results (mg/dl)
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_glucose_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_glucose_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_glucose_test_type == 'random_plasma'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_gestational_diabetes_danger_toaster
description: gestational_diabetes_danger_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step2_gdm == 1"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_diabetes_mellitus_danger_toaster
description: diabetes_mellitus_danger_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step2_dm_in_preg == 1"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_dietary_intervention_danger_toaster
description: dietary_intervention_danger_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step2_gdm == 1 || step2_dm_in_preg == 1"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hb_test_notdone
description: hb_test_notdone
priority: 1
condition: "step1_hb_test_status == 'not_done'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hb_test_notdone
description: hb_test_notdone
priority: 1
condition: "step2_hb_test_status == 'not_done'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hb_test_notdone_other
description: hb_test_notdone_other
priority: 1
condition: "step1_hb_test_notdone.contains('other')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hb_test_notdone_other
description: hb_test_notdone_other
priority: 1
condition: "step2_hb_test_notdone.contains('other')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hb_test_date
description: hb_test_date
priority: 1
condition: "step1_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hb_test_date
description: hb_test_date
priority: 1
condition: "step2_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hb_test_type
description: hb_test_type
priority: 1
condition: "step1_hb_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier' || step1_hb_test_status == 'ordered'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hb_test_type
description: hb_test_type
priority: 1
condition: "step2_hb_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier' || step2_hb_test_status == 'ordered'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_cbc
description: cbc
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hb_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_hb_test_type == 'complete_blood_count'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_cbc
description: cbc
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hb_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_hb_test_type == 'complete_blood_count'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hb_gmeter
description: hb_gmeter
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hb_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_hb_test_type == 'hb_test_haemoglobinometer'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hb_gmeter
description: hb_gmeter
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hb_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_hb_test_type == 'hb_test_haemoglobinometer'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hb_colour
description: hb_test_type
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hb_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_hb_test_type == 'hb_test_colour_scale'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hb_colour
description: hb_test_type
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hb_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_hb_test_type == 'hb_test_colour_scale'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_anaemia_diagnosis_danger_toaster
description: anaemia_diagnosis_danger_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step1_anaemic == 1"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_anaemia_diagnosis_danger_toaster
description: anaemia_diagnosis_danger_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step2_anaemic == 1"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_ht
description: ht
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hb_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_hb_test_type == 'complete_blood_count'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_ht
description: ht
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hb_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_hb_test_type == 'complete_blood_count'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_hematocrit_danger_toaster
description: hematocrit_danger_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step1_ht > 0 && step1_ht < 20"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_hematocrit_danger_toaster
description: hematocrit_danger_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step2_ht > 0 && step2_ht < 20"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_wbc
description: wbc
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hb_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_hb_test_type == 'complete_blood_count'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_wbc
description: wbc
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hb_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_hb_test_type == 'complete_blood_count'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_wbc_danger_toaster
description: wbc_danger_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step1_wbc > 16000"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_wbc_danger_toaster
description: wbc_danger_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step2_wbc > 16000"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_platelets
description: platelets
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_hb_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step1_hb_test_type == 'complete_blood_count'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_platelets
description: platelets
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_hb_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_hb_test_status == 'done_earlier') && step2_hb_test_type == 'complete_blood_count'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_paltelets_danger_toaster
description: paltelets_danger_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step1_platelets > 0 && step1_platelets < 100000"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_paltelets_danger_toaster
description: paltelets_danger_toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step2_platelets > 0 && step2_platelets < 100000"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_tb_screening_notdone
description: tb_screening_status
priority: 1
condition: "step1_tb_screening_status != '' && step1_tb_screening_status == 'not_done'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_tb_screening_notdone
description: tb_screening_status
priority: 1
condition: "step2_tb_screening_status != '' && step2_tb_screening_status == 'not_done'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_tb_screening_date
description: tb date
priority: 1
condition: "step1_tb_screening_status != '' && step1_tb_screening_status == 'done_earlier'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_tb_screening_date
description: tb date
priority: 1
condition: "step2_tb_screening_status != '' && step2_tb_screening_status == 'done_earlier'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_tb_screening_danger_toaster
description: tb toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step1_tb_screening_result != '' && step1_tb_screening_result == 'positive'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_tb_screening_danger_toaster
description: tb toaster
priority: 1
condition: "step2_tb_screening_result!= '' && step2_tb_screening_result == 'positive'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_tb_screening_notdone_other
description: tb_screening_status
priority: 1
condition: "!step1_tb_screening_notdone.isEmpty() && step1_tb_screening_notdone.contains('other')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_tb_screening_notdone_other
description: tb_screening_status
priority: 1
condition: "!step2_tb_screening_notdone.isEmpty() && step2_tb_screening_notdone.contains('other')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_tb_screening_result
description: tb_screening_result
priority: 1
condition: "step1_tb_screening_status != '' && (step1_tb_screening_status == 'done_today' || step1_tb_screening_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_tb_screening_result
description: tb_screening_result
priority: 1
condition: "step2_tb_screening_status != '' && (step2_tb_screening_status == 'done_today' || step2_tb_screening_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_blood_type_test_date
description: blood_type_test_date
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_blood_type_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_blood_type_test_date
description: blood_type_test_date
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_blood_type_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_blood_type
description: blood_type
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_blood_type_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_blood_type_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_blood_type
description: blood_type
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_blood_type_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_blood_type_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_rh_factor
description: rh_factor
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_blood_type_test_status == 'done_today' || step1_blood_type_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_rh_factor
description: rh_factor
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_blood_type_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_blood_type_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step1_rh_factor_toaster
description: rh_factor
priority: 1
condition: "(step1_rh_factor != '' && step1_rh_factor == 'negative')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_rh_factor_toaster
description: rh_factor
priority: 1
condition: "(step2_rh_factor != '' && step2_rh_factor == 'negative')"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_other_test_name
description: other_test_name
priority: 1
condition: "step2_other_test == 'done_earlier' || step2_other_test == 'done_today'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
+ - "isRelevant = true"
name: step2_other_test_result
description: other_test_result
priority: 1
condition: "step2_other_test == 'done_earlier' || step2_other_test == 'done_today'"
-- "isRelevant = true"
-name: step1_covid_test_date
-description: COVID test date
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step1_covid_status == 'done_earlier')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_covid_test_date
-description: COVID test date
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_covid_status == 'done_earlier')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step1_covid_test_type
-description: COVID test type
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step1_covid_status == 'done_today' || step1_covid_status == 'done_earlier')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_covid_test_type
-description: COVID test type
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_covid_status == 'done_today' || step2_covid_status == 'done_earlier')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step1_covid_pcr_test
-description: HBsAg laboratory-based immunoassay (recommended)
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step1_covid_test_type == 'covid_pcr_test' && step1_covid_status == 'done_today') || (step1_covid_test_type == 'hbsag_lab_based' && step1_covid_status == 'done_earlier')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_covid_pcr_test
-description: HBsAg laboratory-based immunoassay (recommended)
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_covid_test_type == 'covid_pcr_test' && step2_covid_status == 'done_today') || (step2_covid_test_type == 'hbsag_lab_based' && step2_covid_status == 'done_earlier')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step1_covid_antigen_test
-description: HBsAg laboratory-based immunoassay (recommended)
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step1_covid_test_type == 'covid_antigen_test' && step1_covid_status == 'done_today') || (step1_covid_test_type == 'covid_antigen_test' && step1_covid_status == 'done_earlier')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_covid_antigen_test
-description: HBsAg laboratory-based immunoassay (recommended)
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_covid_test_type == 'covid_antigen_test' && step2_covid_status == 'done_today') || (step2_covid_test_type == 'covid_antigen_test' && step2_covid_status == 'done_earlier')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step1_covid_igg_test
-description: HBsAg laboratory-based immunoassay (recommended)
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step1_covid_test_type == 'covid_igg_test' && step1_covid_status == 'done_today') || (step1_covid_test_type == 'covid_igg_test' && step1_covid_status == 'done_earlier')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_covid_igg_test
-description: HBsAg laboratory-based immunoassay (recommended)
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_covid_test_type == 'covid_igg_test' && step2_covid_status == 'done_today') || (step2_covid_test_type == 'covid_igg_test' && step2_covid_status == 'done_earlier')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step1_covid_igm_test
-description: HBsAg laboratory-based immunoassay (recommended)
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step1_covid_test_type == 'covid_igm_test' && step1_covid_status == 'done_today') || (step1_covid_test_type == 'covid_igm_test' && step1_covid_status == 'done_earlier')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_covid_igm_test
-description: HBsAg laboratory-based immunoassay (recommended)
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_covid_test_type == 'covid_igm_test' && step2_covid_status == 'done_today') || (step2_covid_test_type == 'covid_igm_test' && step2_covid_status == 'done_earlier')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step1_toxo_test_status
-description: toxo_test_status
-priority: 1
-condition: "global_contact_no == 1 || (global_contact_no > 1 && (global_gest_age_openmrs != '' && (global_gest_age_openmrs == 20 || global_gest_age_openmrs == 28)))"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_toxo_test_date
-description: toxo_test_datedate
-priority: 1
-condition: "step2_toxo_test_status != '' && step2_toxo_test_status == 'done_earlier'"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_toxo_igg_test
-description: toxo_igg_test
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_toxo_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_toxo_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_toxo_igm_test
-description: toxo_igm_test
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_toxo_test_status == 'done_today' || step2_toxo_test_status == 'done_earlier')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_toxo_avidity_test
-description: toxo_avidity_test
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_toxo_igm_test == 'positive')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_toaster_toxoplasmosis_susceptible
-description: toaster_toxoplasmosis_susceptible
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_toxo_igm_test == 'negative' && step2_toxo_igg_test == 'negative')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_toaster_toxoplasmosis_immune
-description: toaster_toxoplasmosis_immune
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_toxo_igm_test == 'negative' && step2_toxo_igg_test == 'positive') || (step2_toxo_igm_test == 'positive' && step2_toxo_igg_test == 'positive' && (global_gest_age_openmrs != '' && global_gest_age_openmrs < 16) && step2_toxo_avidity_test == 'greater_than_60')"
- - "isRelevant = true"
-name: step2_toaster_toxoplasmosis_positive
-description: toaster_toxoplasmosis_positive
-priority: 1
-condition: "(step2_toxo_igm_test == 'positive' && step2_toxo_igg_test == 'negative') || (step2_toxo_igm_test == 'positive' && step2_toxo_igg_test == 'positive' && (global_gest_age_openmrs != '' && global_gest_age_openmrs > 16) && step2_toxo_avidity_test == 'greater_than_60') || (step2_toxo_avidity_test == 'less_than_60')"
- "isRelevant = true"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/ic_launcher-playstore.png b/opensrp-anc/src/main/ic_launcher-playstore.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03a7ad5da
Binary files /dev/null and b/opensrp-anc/src/main/ic_launcher-playstore.png differ
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/AncLibrary.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/AncLibrary.java
index 6601042b9..41adcbb6b 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/AncLibrary.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/AncLibrary.java
@@ -348,6 +348,16 @@ public void setRegisterQueryProvider(RegisterQueryProvider registerQueryProvider
this.registerQueryProvider = registerQueryProvider;
+ public AppProperties getProperties() {
+ return CoreLibrary.getInstance().context().getAppProperties();
+ }
+ public void notifyAppContextChange() {
+ if (getApplicationContext() != null) {
+ Locale current = getApplicationContext().getResources().getConfiguration().locale;
+ Utils.saveLanguage(current.getLanguage());
+ }
+ }
public AncMetadata getAncMetadata() {
return ancMetadata;
@@ -359,15 +369,4 @@ public AppExecutors getAppExecutors() {
return appExecutors;
- public AppProperties getProperties() {
- return CoreLibrary.getInstance().context().getAppProperties();
- }
- public void notifyAppContextChange() {
- if (getApplicationContext() != null) {
- Locale current = getApplicationContext().getResources().getConfiguration().locale;
- Utils.saveLanguage(current.getLanguage());
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/AppConfig.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/AppConfig.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94f25f3ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/AppConfig.java
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package org.smartregister.anc.library;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.constants.Constants;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.Utils;
+import org.smartregister.util.LangUtils;
+import java.util.Locale;
+/** Application configuration to accomodate local requirements. */
+public class AppConfig {
+ /** The default locale of the app for language translations & locale-specific resources. */
+ public static final Locale DefaultLocale = Constants.Locales.INDONESIAN_ID;
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/BaseActivity.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/BaseActivity.java
index ef72630a2..1f91fc89c 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/BaseActivity.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/BaseActivity.java
@@ -7,10 +7,13 @@
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.AncLibrary;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.AppConfig;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.R;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.contract.SiteCharacteristicsContract;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.ANCJsonFormUtils;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.ConstantsUtils;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.Utils;
+import org.smartregister.util.LangUtils;
import java.util.Map;
@@ -46,6 +49,7 @@ protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
public void launchSiteCharacteristicsSettingsForm() {
+ setDefaultLocale();
@@ -100,4 +104,9 @@ public void launchSiteCharacteristicsSettingsFormForEdit(Map cha
+ public void setDefaultLocale() {
+ LangUtils.saveLanguage(getApplication(), AppConfig.DefaultLocale.getLanguage());
+ Utils.saveLanguage(AppConfig.DefaultLocale.getLanguage());
+ }
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/BaseHomeRegisterActivity.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/BaseHomeRegisterActivity.java
index f708a4fe7..50ea4b338 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/BaseHomeRegisterActivity.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/BaseHomeRegisterActivity.java
@@ -1,504 +1,526 @@
-package org.smartregister.anc.library.activity;
-import android.app.Activity;
-import android.content.Intent;
-import android.os.Bundle;
-import android.view.LayoutInflater;
-import android.view.Menu;
-import android.view.View;
-import android.view.ViewGroup;
-import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
-import android.widget.LinearLayout;
-import android.widget.TextView;
-import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
-import androidx.appcompat.app.AlertDialog;
-import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment;
-import com.google.android.gms.vision.barcode.Barcode;
-import com.google.android.material.bottomnavigation.LabelVisibilityMode;
-import com.vijay.jsonwizard.activities.FormConfigurationJsonFormActivity;
-import com.vijay.jsonwizard.constants.JsonFormConstants;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
-import org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus;
-import org.greenrobot.eventbus.Subscribe;
-import org.greenrobot.eventbus.ThreadMode;
-import org.json.JSONObject;
-import org.smartregister.AllConstants;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.AncLibrary;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.R;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.contract.RegisterContract;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.domain.AttentionFlag;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.domain.Contact;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.event.PatientRemovedEvent;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.event.ShowProgressDialogEvent;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.fragment.AdvancedSearchFragment;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.fragment.HomeRegisterFragment;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.fragment.LibraryFragment;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.fragment.MeFragment;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.fragment.SortFilterFragment;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.presenter.RegisterPresenter;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.repository.PatientRepository;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.ANCFormUtils;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.ANCJsonFormUtils;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.ConstantsUtils;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.DBConstantsUtils;
-import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.Utils;
-import org.smartregister.commonregistry.CommonPersonObjectClient;
-import org.smartregister.configurableviews.ConfigurableViewsLibrary;
-import org.smartregister.configurableviews.model.Field;
-import org.smartregister.domain.FetchStatus;
-import org.smartregister.helper.BottomNavigationHelper;
-import org.smartregister.listener.BottomNavigationListener;
-import org.smartregister.view.activity.BaseRegisterActivity;
-import org.smartregister.view.fragment.BaseRegisterFragment;
-import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import timber.log.Timber;
- * Created by keyman on 26/06/2018.
- */
-public class BaseHomeRegisterActivity extends BaseRegisterActivity implements RegisterContract.View {
- private static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
- private AlertDialog recordBirthAlertDialog;
- private AlertDialog attentionFlagAlertDialog;
- private View attentionFlagDialogView;
- private boolean isAdvancedSearch = false;
- private boolean isLibrary = false;
- private String advancedSearchQrText = "";
- private HashMap advancedSearchFormData = new HashMap<>();
- @Override
- protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
- super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
- recordBirthAlertDialog = createAlertDialog();
- createAttentionFlagsAlertDialog();
- }
- @Override
- protected void registerBottomNavigation() {
- bottomNavigationHelper = new BottomNavigationHelper();
- bottomNavigationView = findViewById(org.smartregister.R.id.bottom_navigation);
- if (bottomNavigationView != null) {
- if (isMeItemEnabled()) {
- bottomNavigationView.getMenu()
- .add(Menu.NONE, org.smartregister.R.string.action_me, Menu.NONE, org.smartregister.R.string.me).setIcon(
- bottomNavigationHelper
- .writeOnDrawable(org.smartregister.R.drawable.bottom_bar_initials_background, userInitials,
- getResources()));
- }
- bottomNavigationView.setLabelVisibilityMode(LabelVisibilityMode.LABEL_VISIBILITY_LABELED);
- if (!isLibraryItemEnabled()) {
- bottomNavigationView.getMenu().removeItem(R.id.action_library);
- }
- if (!isAdvancedSearchEnabled()) {
- bottomNavigationView.getMenu().removeItem(R.id.action_search);
- }
- BottomNavigationListener bottomNavigationListener = new BottomNavigationListener(this);
- bottomNavigationView.setOnNavigationItemSelectedListener(bottomNavigationListener);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onBackPressed() {
- Fragment fragment = findFragmentByPosition(currentPage);
- if (fragment instanceof AdvancedSearchFragment) {
- ((AdvancedSearchFragment) fragment).onBackPressed();
- return;
- } else if (fragment instanceof BaseRegisterFragment) {
- setSelectedBottomBarMenuItem(org.smartregister.R.id.action_clients);
- BaseRegisterFragment registerFragment = (BaseRegisterFragment) fragment;
- if (registerFragment.onBackPressed()) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (currentPage == 0) {
- super.onBackPressed();
- } else {
- switchToBaseFragment();
- setSelectedBottomBarMenuItem(org.smartregister.R.id.action_clients);
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected void initializePresenter() {
- presenter = new RegisterPresenter(this);
- }
- @Override
- public BaseRegisterFragment getRegisterFragment() {
- return new HomeRegisterFragment();
- }
- @Override
- protected Fragment[] getOtherFragments() {
- int posCounter = 0;
- if (isAdvancedSearchEnabled()) {
- BaseRegisterActivity.ADVANCED_SEARCH_POSITION = ++posCounter;
- }
- BaseRegisterActivity.SORT_FILTER_POSITION = ++posCounter;
- if (isMeItemEnabled()) {
- BaseRegisterActivity.ME_POSITION = ++posCounter;
- }
- if (isLibraryItemEnabled()) {
- BaseRegisterActivity.LIBRARY_POSITION = ++posCounter;
- }
- Fragment[] fragments = new Fragment[posCounter];
- if (isAdvancedSearchEnabled()) {
- fragments[BaseRegisterActivity.ADVANCED_SEARCH_POSITION - 1] = new AdvancedSearchFragment();
- }
- fragments[BaseRegisterActivity.SORT_FILTER_POSITION - 1] = new SortFilterFragment();
- if (isMeItemEnabled()) {
- fragments[BaseRegisterActivity.ME_POSITION - 1] = new MeFragment();
- }
- if (isLibraryItemEnabled()) {
- fragments[BaseRegisterActivity.LIBRARY_POSITION - 1] = new LibraryFragment();
- }
- return fragments;
- }
- @Override
- public void startFormActivity(String s, String s1, Map map) {
- //Todo implementing an abstract class
- }
- @Override
- public void startFormActivity(String formName, String entityId, String metaData) {
- try {
- if (mBaseFragment instanceof HomeRegisterFragment) {
- String locationId = AncLibrary.getInstance().getContext().allSharedPreferences().getPreference(AllConstants.CURRENT_LOCATION_ID);
- ((RegisterPresenter) presenter).startForm(formName, entityId, metaData, locationId);
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- Timber.e(e, "%s --> startFormActivity()", this.getClass().getCanonicalName());
- displayToast(getString(R.string.error_unable_to_start_form));
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void startFormActivity(JSONObject form) {
- Intent intent = new Intent(this, AncRegistrationActivity.class);
- intent.putExtra(ConstantsUtils.JsonFormExtraUtils.JSON, form.toString());
- intent.putExtra(JsonFormConstants.PERFORM_FORM_TRANSLATION, true);
- startActivityForResult(intent, ANCJsonFormUtils.REQUEST_CODE_GET_JSON);
- }
- @Override
- protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
- if (requestCode == AllConstants.BARCODE.BARCODE_REQUEST_CODE && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
- if (data != null) {
- Barcode barcode = data.getParcelableExtra(AllConstants.BARCODE.BARCODE_KEY);
- if (barcode != null) {
- Timber.d(barcode.displayValue);
- Fragment fragment = findFragmentByPosition(currentPage);
- if (fragment instanceof AdvancedSearchFragment) {
- advancedSearchQrText = barcode.displayValue;
- } else {
- mBaseFragment.onQRCodeSucessfullyScanned(barcode.displayValue);
- mBaseFragment.setSearchTerm(barcode.displayValue);
- }
- }
- } else {
- Timber.i("NO RESULT FOR QR CODE");
- }
- } else {
- super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected void onActivityResultExtended(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
- if (requestCode == ANCJsonFormUtils.REQUEST_CODE_GET_JSON && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
- try {
- String jsonString = data.getStringExtra(ConstantsUtils.JsonFormExtraUtils.JSON);
- Timber.d(jsonString);
- if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(jsonString)) {
- JSONObject form = new JSONObject(jsonString);
- switch (form.getString(ANCJsonFormUtils.ENCOUNTER_TYPE)) {
- case ConstantsUtils.EventTypeUtils.REGISTRATION:
- ((RegisterContract.Presenter) presenter).saveRegistrationForm(jsonString, false);
- break;
- case ConstantsUtils.EventTypeUtils.CLOSE:
- ((RegisterContract.Presenter) presenter).closeAncRecord(jsonString);
- break;
- case ConstantsUtils.EventTypeUtils.QUICK_CHECK:
- Contact contact = new Contact();
- contact.setContactNumber(getIntent().getIntExtra(ConstantsUtils.IntentKeyUtils.CONTACT_NO, 0));
- ANCFormUtils
- .persistPartial(getIntent().getStringExtra(ConstantsUtils.IntentKeyUtils.BASE_ENTITY_ID), contact);
- PatientRepository
- .updateContactVisitStartDate(getIntent().getStringExtra(ConstantsUtils.IntentKeyUtils.BASE_ENTITY_ID),
- Utils.getDBDateToday());
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- Timber.e(e, "%s --> onActivityResultExtended()", this.getClass().getCanonicalName());
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void onResume() {
- super.onResume();
- EventBus.getDefault().register(this);
- if (isAdvancedSearchEnabled()) {
- switchToAdvancedSearchFromBarcode();
- }
- if (isLibrary()) {
- switchToFragment(BaseRegisterActivity.LIBRARY_POSITION);
- setSelectedBottomBarMenuItem(org.smartregister.R.id.action_library);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public List getViewIdentifiers() {
- return Arrays.asList(ConstantsUtils.ConfigurationUtils.HOME_REGISTER);
- }
- @Override
- public void updateInitialsText(String initials) {
- this.userInitials = initials;
- }
- public void switchToBaseFragment() {
- switchToFragment(BaseRegisterActivity.BASE_REG_POSITION);
- }
- public void setSelectedBottomBarMenuItem(int itemId) {
- bottomNavigationView.setSelectedItemId(itemId);
- }
- /**
- * Forces the Home register activity to open the the Advanced search fragment after the barcode activity is closed (as
- * long as it was opened from the advanced search page)
- */
- private void switchToAdvancedSearchFromBarcode() {
- if (isAdvancedSearch) {
- switchToFragment(BaseRegisterActivity.ADVANCED_SEARCH_POSITION);
- setSelectedBottomBarMenuItem(org.smartregister.R.id.action_search);
- setAdvancedFragmentSearchTerm(advancedSearchQrText);
- setFormData(advancedSearchFormData);
- advancedSearchQrText = "";
- isAdvancedSearch = false;
- advancedSearchFormData = new HashMap<>();
- }
- }
- public boolean isLibrary() {
- return isLibrary;
- }
- private void setAdvancedFragmentSearchTerm(String searchTerm) {
- mBaseFragment.setUniqueID(searchTerm);
- }
- private void setFormData(HashMap formData) {
- mBaseFragment.setAdvancedSearchFormData(formData);
- }
- public void setLibrary(boolean library) {
- isLibrary = library;
- }
- public boolean isMeItemEnabled() {
- return true;
- }
- public boolean isLibraryItemEnabled() {
- return true;
- }
- public boolean isAdvancedSearchEnabled() {
- return true;
- }
- @NonNull
- protected AlertDialog createAlertDialog() {
- AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).create();
- alertDialog.setTitle(getString(R.string.record_birth) + "?");
- alertDialog.setButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE, getString(R.string.cancel).toUpperCase(),
- (dialog, which) -> dialog.dismiss());
- alertDialog.setButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE, getString(R.string.record_birth).toUpperCase(),
- (dialog, which) -> ANCJsonFormUtils.launchANCCloseForm(BaseHomeRegisterActivity.this));
- return alertDialog;
- }
- @NonNull
- protected void createAttentionFlagsAlertDialog() {
- AlertDialog.Builder dialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
- attentionFlagDialogView = LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.alert_dialog_attention_flag, null);
- dialogBuilder.setView(attentionFlagDialogView);
- attentionFlagDialogView.findViewById(R.id.closeButton).setOnClickListener(view -> attentionFlagAlertDialog.dismiss());
- attentionFlagAlertDialog = dialogBuilder.create();
- setAttentionFlagAlertDialog(attentionFlagAlertDialog);
- }
- public void updateSortAndFilter(List filterList, Field sortField) {
- ((HomeRegisterFragment) mBaseFragment).updateSortAndFilter(filterList, sortField);
- switchToBaseFragment();
- }
- public void startAdvancedSearch() {
- if (isAdvancedSearchEnabled()) {
- try {
- mPager.setCurrentItem(BaseRegisterActivity.ADVANCED_SEARCH_POSITION, false);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- Timber.e(e, "%s --> startAdvancedSearch()", this.getClass().getCanonicalName());
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void showLanguageDialog(final List displayValues) {
- ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter(getApplicationContext(), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,
- displayValues.toArray(new String[displayValues.size()])) {
- @Override
- public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
- TextView view = (TextView) super.getView(position, convertView, parent);
- ConfigurableViewsLibrary.getInstance();
- view.setTextColor(ConfigurableViewsLibrary.getContext().getColorResource(R.color.customAppThemeBlue));
- return view;
- }
- };
- AlertDialog languageDialog = createLanguageDialog(adapter, displayValues);
- languageDialog.show();
- }
- public AlertDialog createLanguageDialog(ArrayAdapter adapter, final List displayValues) {
- final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
- builder.setTitle(this.getString(R.string.select_language));
- builder.setSingleChoiceItems(adapter, 0, (dialog, which) -> {
- String selectedItem = displayValues.get(which);
- ((RegisterContract.Presenter) presenter).saveLanguage(selectedItem);
- dialog.dismiss();
- });
- return builder.create();
- }
- @Override
- public void showAttentionFlagsDialog(List attentionFlags) {
- ViewGroup redFlagsContainer = attentionFlagDialogView.findViewById(R.id.red_flags_container);
- ViewGroup yellowFlagsContainer = attentionFlagDialogView.findViewById(R.id.yellow_flags_container);
- redFlagsContainer.removeAllViews();
- yellowFlagsContainer.removeAllViews();
- int yellowFlagCount = 0;
- int redFlagCount = 0;
- for (AttentionFlag flag : attentionFlags) {
- if (flag.isRedFlag()) {
- LinearLayout redRow = (LinearLayout) LayoutInflater.from(this)
- .inflate(R.layout.alert_dialog_attention_flag_row_red, redFlagsContainer, false);
- ((TextView) redRow.getChildAt(1)).setText(flag.getTitle());
- redFlagsContainer.addView(redRow);
- redFlagCount += 1;
- } else {
- LinearLayout yellowRow = (LinearLayout) LayoutInflater.from(this)
- .inflate(R.layout.alert_dialog_attention_flag_row_yellow, yellowFlagsContainer, false);
- ((TextView) yellowRow.getChildAt(1)).setText(flag.getTitle());
- yellowFlagsContainer.addView(yellowRow);
- yellowFlagCount += 1;
- }
- }
- ((View) redFlagsContainer.getParent()).setVisibility(redFlagCount > 0 ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
- ((View) yellowFlagsContainer.getParent()).setVisibility(yellowFlagCount > 0 ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
- getAttentionFlagAlertDialog().show();
- }
- public AlertDialog getAttentionFlagAlertDialog() {
- return attentionFlagAlertDialog;
- }
- public void setAttentionFlagAlertDialog(AlertDialog attentionFlagAlertDialog) {
- this.attentionFlagAlertDialog = attentionFlagAlertDialog;
- }
- @Override
- public void onPause() {
- EventBus.getDefault().unregister(this);
- super.onPause();
- }
- @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN)
- public void showProgressDialogHandler(ShowProgressDialogEvent showProgressDialogEvent) {
- if (showProgressDialogEvent != null) {
- showProgressDialog(R.string.saving_dialog_title);
- }
- }
- @Subscribe(sticky = true, threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN)
- public void removePatientHandler(PatientRemovedEvent event) {
- if (event != null) {
- Utils.removeStickyEvent(event);
- refreshList(FetchStatus.fetched);
- hideProgressDialog();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void startRegistration() {
- startFormActivity(ConstantsUtils.JsonFormUtils.ANC_REGISTER, null, "");
- }
- public void showRecordBirthPopUp(CommonPersonObjectClient client) {
- //This is required
- getIntent()
- .putExtra(ConstantsUtils.IntentKeyUtils.BASE_ENTITY_ID, client.getColumnmaps().get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.BASE_ENTITY_ID));
- recordBirthAlertDialog.setMessage(String.format(this.getString(R.string.record_birth_popup_message),
- Utils.getGestationAgeFromEDDate(client.getColumnmaps().get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.EDD)),
- Utils.convertDateFormat(Utils.dobStringToDate(client.getColumnmaps().get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.EDD)),
- dateFormatter), Utils.getDuration(client.getColumnmaps().get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.EDD)),
- client.getColumnmaps().get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.FIRST_NAME)));
- recordBirthAlertDialog.show();
- }
- public void setAdvancedSearch(boolean advancedSearch) {
- isAdvancedSearch = advancedSearch;
- }
- public void setAdvancedSearchFormData(HashMap advancedSearchFormData) {
- this.advancedSearchFormData = advancedSearchFormData;
- }
+package org.smartregister.anc.library.activity;
+import android.app.Activity;
+import android.content.Intent;
+import android.os.Bundle;
+import android.util.Log;
+import android.view.LayoutInflater;
+import android.view.Menu;
+import android.view.View;
+import android.view.ViewGroup;
+import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
+import android.widget.LinearLayout;
+import android.widget.TextView;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
+import androidx.appcompat.app.AlertDialog;
+import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment;
+import com.google.android.gms.vision.barcode.Barcode;
+import com.google.android.material.bottomnavigation.LabelVisibilityMode;
+import com.google.android.material.navigation.NavigationBarView;
+import com.vijay.jsonwizard.activities.FormConfigurationJsonFormActivity;
+import com.vijay.jsonwizard.constants.JsonFormConstants;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
+import org.greenrobot.eventbus.EventBus;
+import org.greenrobot.eventbus.Subscribe;
+import org.greenrobot.eventbus.ThreadMode;
+import org.json.JSONObject;
+import org.smartregister.AllConstants;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.AncLibrary;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.AppConfig;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.R;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.constants.Constants;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.contract.RegisterContract;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.domain.AttentionFlag;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.domain.Contact;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.event.PatientRemovedEvent;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.event.ShowProgressDialogEvent;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.fragment.AdvancedSearchFragment;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.fragment.HomeRegisterFragment;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.fragment.LibraryFragment;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.fragment.MeFragment;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.fragment.SortFilterFragment;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.presenter.RegisterPresenter;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.repository.PatientRepository;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.ANCFormUtils;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.ANCJsonFormUtils;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.ConstantsUtils;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.DBConstantsUtils;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.Utils;
+import org.smartregister.commonregistry.CommonPersonObjectClient;
+import org.smartregister.configurableviews.ConfigurableViewsLibrary;
+import org.smartregister.configurableviews.model.Field;
+import org.smartregister.domain.FetchStatus;
+import org.smartregister.helper.BottomNavigationHelper;
+import org.smartregister.listener.BottomNavigationListener;
+import org.smartregister.util.LangUtils;
+import org.smartregister.view.activity.BaseRegisterActivity;
+import org.smartregister.view.fragment.BaseRegisterFragment;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.Map;
+import timber.log.Timber;
+ * Created by keyman on 26/06/2018.
+ */
+public class BaseHomeRegisterActivity extends BaseRegisterActivity implements RegisterContract.View {
+ private static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
+ private AlertDialog recordBirthAlertDialog;
+ private AlertDialog attentionFlagAlertDialog;
+ private View attentionFlagDialogView;
+ private boolean isAdvancedSearch = false;
+ private boolean isLibrary = false;
+ private String advancedSearchQrText = "";
+ private HashMap advancedSearchFormData = new HashMap<>();
+ @Override
+ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
+ if (savedInstanceState == null) {
+ setDefaultLocale();
+ }
+ super.onCreate(null);
+ recordBirthAlertDialog = createAlertDialog();
+ createAttentionFlagsAlertDialog();
+ }
+ public void setDefaultLocale() {
+ LangUtils.saveLanguage(getApplication(), AppConfig.DefaultLocale.getLanguage());
+ Utils.saveLanguage(AppConfig.DefaultLocale.getLanguage());
+ }
+ public void setLocale(Locale locale) {
+ if (locale != null) {
+ LangUtils.saveLanguage(getApplication(), locale.getLanguage());
+ Utils.saveLanguage(locale.getLanguage());
+ recreate();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void registerBottomNavigation() {
+ bottomNavigationHelper = new BottomNavigationHelper();
+ bottomNavigationView = findViewById(org.smartregister.R.id.bottom_navigation);
+ if (bottomNavigationView != null) {
+ if (isMeItemEnabled()) {
+ bottomNavigationView.getMenu()
+ .add(Menu.NONE, org.smartregister.R.string.action_me, Menu.NONE, org.smartregister.R.string.me).setIcon(
+ bottomNavigationHelper
+ .writeOnDrawable(org.smartregister.R.drawable.bottom_bar_initials_background, userInitials,
+ getResources()));
+ }
+ bottomNavigationView.setLabelVisibilityMode(NavigationBarView.LABEL_VISIBILITY_LABELED);
+ if (!isLibraryItemEnabled()) {
+ bottomNavigationView.getMenu().removeItem(R.id.action_library);
+ }
+ if (!isAdvancedSearchEnabled()) {
+ bottomNavigationView.getMenu().removeItem(R.id.action_search);
+ }
+ BottomNavigationListener bottomNavigationListener = new BottomNavigationListener(this);
+ bottomNavigationView.setOnNavigationItemSelectedListener(bottomNavigationListener);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onBackPressed() {
+ Fragment fragment = findFragmentByPosition(currentPage);
+ if (fragment instanceof AdvancedSearchFragment) {
+ ((AdvancedSearchFragment) fragment).onBackPressed();
+ return;
+ } else if (fragment instanceof BaseRegisterFragment) {
+ setSelectedBottomBarMenuItem(org.smartregister.R.id.action_clients);
+ BaseRegisterFragment registerFragment = (BaseRegisterFragment) fragment;
+ if (registerFragment.onBackPressed()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (currentPage == 0) {
+ super.onBackPressed();
+ } else {
+ switchToBaseFragment();
+ setSelectedBottomBarMenuItem(org.smartregister.R.id.action_clients);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void initializePresenter() {
+ presenter = new RegisterPresenter(this);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public BaseRegisterFragment getRegisterFragment() {
+ return new HomeRegisterFragment();
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected Fragment[] getOtherFragments() {
+ int posCounter = 0;
+ if (isAdvancedSearchEnabled()) {
+ BaseRegisterActivity.ADVANCED_SEARCH_POSITION = ++posCounter;
+ }
+ BaseRegisterActivity.SORT_FILTER_POSITION = ++posCounter;
+ if (isMeItemEnabled()) {
+ BaseRegisterActivity.ME_POSITION = ++posCounter;
+ }
+ if (isLibraryItemEnabled()) {
+ BaseRegisterActivity.LIBRARY_POSITION = ++posCounter;
+ }
+ Fragment[] fragments = new Fragment[posCounter];
+ if (isAdvancedSearchEnabled()) {
+ fragments[BaseRegisterActivity.ADVANCED_SEARCH_POSITION - 1] = new AdvancedSearchFragment();
+ }
+ fragments[BaseRegisterActivity.SORT_FILTER_POSITION - 1] = new SortFilterFragment();
+ if (isMeItemEnabled()) {
+ fragments[BaseRegisterActivity.ME_POSITION - 1] = new MeFragment();
+ }
+ if (isLibraryItemEnabled()) {
+ fragments[BaseRegisterActivity.LIBRARY_POSITION - 1] = new LibraryFragment();
+ }
+ return fragments;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void startFormActivity(String s, String s1, Map map) {
+ //Todo implementing an abstract class
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void startFormActivity(String formName, String entityId, String metaData) {
+ try {
+ if (mBaseFragment instanceof HomeRegisterFragment) {
+ String locationId = AncLibrary.getInstance().getContext().allSharedPreferences().getPreference(AllConstants.CURRENT_LOCATION_ID);
+ ((RegisterPresenter) presenter).startForm(formName, entityId, metaData, locationId);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Timber.e(e, "%s --> startFormActivity()", this.getClass().getCanonicalName());
+ displayToast(getString(R.string.error_unable_to_start_form));
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void startFormActivity(JSONObject form) {
+ Intent intent = new Intent(this, AncRegistrationActivity.class);
+ intent.putExtra(ConstantsUtils.JsonFormExtraUtils.JSON, form.toString());
+ intent.putExtra(JsonFormConstants.PERFORM_FORM_TRANSLATION, true);
+ startActivityForResult(intent, ANCJsonFormUtils.REQUEST_CODE_GET_JSON);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
+ if (requestCode == AllConstants.BARCODE.BARCODE_REQUEST_CODE && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
+ if (data != null) {
+ Barcode barcode = data.getParcelableExtra(AllConstants.BARCODE.BARCODE_KEY);
+ if (barcode != null) {
+ Timber.d(barcode.displayValue);
+ Fragment fragment = findFragmentByPosition(currentPage);
+ if (fragment instanceof AdvancedSearchFragment) {
+ advancedSearchQrText = barcode.displayValue;
+ } else {
+ mBaseFragment.onQRCodeSucessfullyScanned(barcode.displayValue);
+ mBaseFragment.setSearchTerm(barcode.displayValue);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ Timber.i("NO RESULT FOR QR CODE");
+ }
+ } else {
+ super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void onActivityResultExtended(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
+ if (requestCode == ANCJsonFormUtils.REQUEST_CODE_GET_JSON && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
+ try {
+ String jsonString = data.getStringExtra(ConstantsUtils.JsonFormExtraUtils.JSON);
+ Timber.d(jsonString);
+ if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(jsonString)) {
+ JSONObject form = new JSONObject(jsonString);
+ switch (form.getString(ANCJsonFormUtils.ENCOUNTER_TYPE)) {
+ case ConstantsUtils.EventTypeUtils.REGISTRATION:
+ ((RegisterContract.Presenter) presenter).saveRegistrationForm(jsonString, false);
+ break;
+ case ConstantsUtils.EventTypeUtils.CLOSE:
+ ((RegisterContract.Presenter) presenter).closeAncRecord(jsonString);
+ break;
+ case ConstantsUtils.EventTypeUtils.QUICK_CHECK:
+ Contact contact = new Contact();
+ contact.setContactNumber(getIntent().getIntExtra(ConstantsUtils.IntentKeyUtils.CONTACT_NO, 0));
+ ANCFormUtils
+ .persistPartial(getIntent().getStringExtra(ConstantsUtils.IntentKeyUtils.BASE_ENTITY_ID), contact);
+ PatientRepository
+ .updateContactVisitStartDate(getIntent().getStringExtra(ConstantsUtils.IntentKeyUtils.BASE_ENTITY_ID),
+ Utils.getDBDateToday());
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Timber.e(e, "%s --> onActivityResultExtended()", this.getClass().getCanonicalName());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onResume() {
+ super.onResume();
+ EventBus.getDefault().register(this);
+ if (isAdvancedSearchEnabled()) {
+ switchToAdvancedSearchFromBarcode();
+ }
+ if (isLibrary()) {
+ switchToFragment(BaseRegisterActivity.LIBRARY_POSITION);
+ setSelectedBottomBarMenuItem(org.smartregister.R.id.action_library);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List getViewIdentifiers() {
+ return Arrays.asList(ConstantsUtils.ConfigurationUtils.HOME_REGISTER);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void updateInitialsText(String initials) {
+ this.userInitials = initials;
+ }
+ public void switchToBaseFragment() {
+ switchToFragment(BaseRegisterActivity.BASE_REG_POSITION);
+ }
+ public void setSelectedBottomBarMenuItem(int itemId) {
+ bottomNavigationView.setSelectedItemId(itemId);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Forces the Home register activity to open the the Advanced search fragment after the barcode activity is closed (as
+ * long as it was opened from the advanced search page)
+ */
+ private void switchToAdvancedSearchFromBarcode() {
+ if (isAdvancedSearch) {
+ switchToFragment(BaseRegisterActivity.ADVANCED_SEARCH_POSITION);
+ setSelectedBottomBarMenuItem(org.smartregister.R.id.action_search);
+ setAdvancedFragmentSearchTerm(advancedSearchQrText);
+ setFormData(advancedSearchFormData);
+ advancedSearchQrText = "";
+ isAdvancedSearch = false;
+ advancedSearchFormData = new HashMap<>();
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean isLibrary() {
+ return isLibrary;
+ }
+ private void setAdvancedFragmentSearchTerm(String searchTerm) {
+ mBaseFragment.setUniqueID(searchTerm);
+ }
+ private void setFormData(HashMap formData) {
+ mBaseFragment.setAdvancedSearchFormData(formData);
+ }
+ public void setLibrary(boolean library) {
+ isLibrary = library;
+ }
+ public boolean isMeItemEnabled() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean isLibraryItemEnabled() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean isAdvancedSearchEnabled() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @NonNull
+ protected AlertDialog createAlertDialog() {
+ AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).create();
+ alertDialog.setTitle(getString(R.string.record_birth) + "?");
+ alertDialog.setButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE, getString(R.string.cancel).toUpperCase(),
+ (dialog, which) -> dialog.dismiss());
+ alertDialog.setButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE, getString(R.string.record_birth).toUpperCase(),
+ (dialog, which) -> ANCJsonFormUtils.launchANCCloseForm(BaseHomeRegisterActivity.this));
+ return alertDialog;
+ }
+ @NonNull
+ protected void createAttentionFlagsAlertDialog() {
+ AlertDialog.Builder dialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
+ attentionFlagDialogView = LayoutInflater.from(this).inflate(R.layout.alert_dialog_attention_flag, null);
+ dialogBuilder.setView(attentionFlagDialogView);
+ attentionFlagDialogView.findViewById(R.id.closeButton).setOnClickListener(view -> attentionFlagAlertDialog.dismiss());
+ attentionFlagAlertDialog = dialogBuilder.create();
+ setAttentionFlagAlertDialog(attentionFlagAlertDialog);
+ }
+ public void updateSortAndFilter(List filterList, Field sortField) {
+ ((HomeRegisterFragment) mBaseFragment).updateSortAndFilter(filterList, sortField);
+ switchToBaseFragment();
+ }
+ public void startAdvancedSearch() {
+ if (isAdvancedSearchEnabled()) {
+ try {
+ mPager.setCurrentItem(BaseRegisterActivity.ADVANCED_SEARCH_POSITION, false);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Timber.e(e, "%s --> startAdvancedSearch()", this.getClass().getCanonicalName());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void showLanguageDialog(final List displayValues) {
+ ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter(getApplicationContext(), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,
+ displayValues.toArray(new String[displayValues.size()])) {
+ @Override
+ public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
+ TextView view = (TextView) super.getView(position, convertView, parent);
+ ConfigurableViewsLibrary.getInstance();
+ view.setTextColor(ConfigurableViewsLibrary.getContext().getColorResource(R.color.customAppThemeBlue));
+ return view;
+ }
+ };
+ AlertDialog languageDialog = createLanguageDialog(adapter, displayValues);
+ languageDialog.show();
+ }
+ public AlertDialog createLanguageDialog(ArrayAdapter adapter, final List displayValues) {
+ final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
+ builder.setTitle(this.getString(R.string.select_language));
+ builder.setSingleChoiceItems(adapter, 0, (dialog, which) -> {
+ String selectedItem = displayValues.get(which);
+ ((RegisterContract.Presenter) presenter).saveLanguage(selectedItem);
+ dialog.dismiss();
+ });
+ return builder.create();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void showAttentionFlagsDialog(List attentionFlags) {
+ ViewGroup redFlagsContainer = attentionFlagDialogView.findViewById(R.id.red_flags_container);
+ ViewGroup yellowFlagsContainer = attentionFlagDialogView.findViewById(R.id.yellow_flags_container);
+ redFlagsContainer.removeAllViews();
+ yellowFlagsContainer.removeAllViews();
+ int yellowFlagCount = 0;
+ int redFlagCount = 0;
+ for (AttentionFlag flag : attentionFlags) {
+ if (flag.isRedFlag()) {
+ LinearLayout redRow = (LinearLayout) LayoutInflater.from(this)
+ .inflate(R.layout.alert_dialog_attention_flag_row_red, redFlagsContainer, false);
+ ((TextView) redRow.getChildAt(1)).setText(flag.getTitle());
+ redFlagsContainer.addView(redRow);
+ redFlagCount += 1;
+ } else {
+ LinearLayout yellowRow = (LinearLayout) LayoutInflater.from(this)
+ .inflate(R.layout.alert_dialog_attention_flag_row_yellow, yellowFlagsContainer, false);
+ ((TextView) yellowRow.getChildAt(1)).setText(flag.getTitle());
+ yellowFlagsContainer.addView(yellowRow);
+ yellowFlagCount += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ((View) redFlagsContainer.getParent()).setVisibility(redFlagCount > 0 ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
+ ((View) yellowFlagsContainer.getParent()).setVisibility(yellowFlagCount > 0 ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
+ getAttentionFlagAlertDialog().show();
+ }
+ public AlertDialog getAttentionFlagAlertDialog() {
+ return attentionFlagAlertDialog;
+ }
+ public void setAttentionFlagAlertDialog(AlertDialog attentionFlagAlertDialog) {
+ this.attentionFlagAlertDialog = attentionFlagAlertDialog;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void onPause() {
+ EventBus.getDefault().unregister(this);
+ super.onPause();
+ }
+ @Subscribe(threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN)
+ public void showProgressDialogHandler(ShowProgressDialogEvent showProgressDialogEvent) {
+ if (showProgressDialogEvent != null) {
+ showProgressDialog(R.string.saving_dialog_title);
+ }
+ }
+ @Subscribe(sticky = true, threadMode = ThreadMode.MAIN)
+ public void removePatientHandler(PatientRemovedEvent event) {
+ if (event != null) {
+ Utils.removeStickyEvent(event);
+ refreshList(FetchStatus.fetched);
+ hideProgressDialog();
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void startRegistration() {
+ startFormActivity(ConstantsUtils.JsonFormUtils.ANC_REGISTER, null, "");
+ }
+ public void showRecordBirthPopUp(CommonPersonObjectClient client) {
+ //This is required
+ getIntent()
+ .putExtra(ConstantsUtils.IntentKeyUtils.BASE_ENTITY_ID, client.getColumnmaps().get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.BASE_ENTITY_ID));
+ recordBirthAlertDialog.setMessage(String.format(this.getString(R.string.record_birth_popup_message),
+ Utils.getGestationAgeFromEDDate(client.getColumnmaps().get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.EDD)),
+ Utils.convertDateFormat(Utils.dobStringToDate(client.getColumnmaps().get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.EDD)),
+ dateFormatter), Utils.getDuration(client.getColumnmaps().get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.EDD)),
+ client.getColumnmaps().get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.FIRST_NAME)));
+ recordBirthAlertDialog.show();
+ }
+ public void setAdvancedSearch(boolean advancedSearch) {
+ isAdvancedSearch = advancedSearch;
+ }
+ public void setAdvancedSearchFormData(HashMap advancedSearchFormData) {
+ this.advancedSearchFormData = advancedSearchFormData;
+ }
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/BaseProfileActivity.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/BaseProfileActivity.java
index 4f8835166..b4338fa26 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/BaseProfileActivity.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/BaseProfileActivity.java
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
import org.greenrobot.eventbus.Subscribe;
import org.greenrobot.eventbus.ThreadMode;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.AncLibrary;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.AppConfig;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.R;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.contract.ProfileContract;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.event.ClientDetailsFetchedEvent;
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@
import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.ConstantsUtils;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.Utils;
import org.smartregister.repository.AllSharedPreferences;
+import org.smartregister.util.LangUtils;
import org.smartregister.view.activity.SecuredActivity;
import timber.log.Timber;
@@ -49,6 +51,7 @@ public abstract class BaseProfileActivity extends SecuredActivity
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
+ setDefaultLocale();
@@ -171,4 +174,9 @@ public ProgressDialog getProgressDialog() {
public void setProgressDialog(ProgressDialog progressDialog) {
this.progressDialog = progressDialog;
+ public void setDefaultLocale() {
+ LangUtils.saveLanguage(getApplication(), AppConfig.DefaultLocale.getLanguage());
+ Utils.saveLanguage(AppConfig.DefaultLocale.getLanguage());
+ }
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/ContactJsonFormActivity.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/ContactJsonFormActivity.java
index 9f08a0628..7d1ccd3fd 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/ContactJsonFormActivity.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/ContactJsonFormActivity.java
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
import android.app.ProgressDialog;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
+import android.util.Log;
+import android.view.View;
import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment;
import androidx.localbroadcastmanager.content.LocalBroadcastManager;
@@ -29,6 +31,7 @@
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
@@ -83,6 +86,12 @@ public void init(String json) {
globalValues = new HashMap<>();
+ if (getIntent() != null) {
+ String entityId = getIntent().getStringExtra(ConstantsUtils.IntentKeyUtils.BASE_ENTITY_ID);
+ globalValues.put("entity_id", entityId);
+ }
+ Log.v("PAMPAM", globalValues.toString());
rulesEngineFactory = new AncRulesEngineFactory(this, globalValues, getmJSONObject());
@@ -196,6 +205,13 @@ public void onResume() {
+ @Override
+ public JSONObject getObjectUsingAddress(String[] address, boolean popup) throws JSONException {
+ JSONObject result = super.getObjectUsingAddress(address, popup);
+ if (result == null) return new JSONObject();
+ return result;
+ }
* Finds gets the currently selected dangers signs on the quick change page and sets the none {@link Boolean} and other
* {@link Boolean} so as to identify times to show the refer and proceed buttons on quick check
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/ContactSummaryFinishActivity.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/ContactSummaryFinishActivity.java
index a40802833..c17803cc7 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/ContactSummaryFinishActivity.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/ContactSummaryFinishActivity.java
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ private void setUpViews() {
protected void loadContactSummaryData() {
try {
+ Facts thefacts = facts;
new LoadContactSummaryDataTask(this, getIntent(), mProfilePresenter, facts, baseEntityId).execute();
} catch (Exception e) {
Timber.e(e, "%s loadContactSummaryData()", this.getClass().getCanonicalName());
@@ -295,15 +296,10 @@ public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, in
protected boolean isPermissionGranted() {
- {
- if(Environment.isExternalStorageManager())
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- else
- return PermissionUtils.isPermissionGranted(this, Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, PermissionUtils.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE_REQUEST_CODE);
+ return Environment.isExternalStorageManager();
+ } else
+ return PermissionUtils.isPermissionGranted(this, Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, PermissionUtils.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE_REQUEST_CODE);
public List getYamlConfigList() {
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/MainContactActivity.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/MainContactActivity.java
index e7298ea2c..aaaadaff9 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/MainContactActivity.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/MainContactActivity.java
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
import com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken;
import com.vijay.jsonwizard.constants.JsonFormConstants;
import com.vijay.jsonwizard.rules.RuleConstant;
+import com.vijay.jsonwizard.utils.FormUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.json.JSONArray;
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.AncLibrary;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.R;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.constants.ANCJsonFormConstants;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.contract.ContactContract;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.domain.Contact;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.model.PartialContact;
@@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ public class MainContactActivity extends BaseContactActivity implements ContactC
private List globalValueFields = new ArrayList<>();
private List editableFields = new ArrayList<>();
private String baseEntityId;
+ private String womanOpenSRPId;
private String womanAge = "";
private final List invisibleRequiredFields = new ArrayList<>();
private final String[] contactForms = new String[]{ConstantsUtils.JsonFormUtils.ANC_QUICK_CHECK, ConstantsUtils.JsonFormUtils.ANC_PROFILE,
@@ -72,6 +75,7 @@ protected void onResume() {
(Map) getIntent().getSerializableExtra(ConstantsUtils.IntentKeyUtils.CLIENT_MAP);
if (womanDetails != null && womanDetails.size() > 0) {
womanAge = String.valueOf(Utils.getAgeFromDate(womanDetails.get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.DOB)));
+ womanOpenSRPId = womanDetails.get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.ANC_ID);
if (!presenter.baseEntityIdExists()) {
@@ -79,8 +83,10 @@ protected void onResume() {
+ int requiredCount = getRequiredCountTotal();
//Enable/Disable finalize button
- findViewById(R.id.finalize_contact).setEnabled(getRequiredCountTotal() == 0);
+ findViewById(R.id.finalize_contact).setEnabled(requiredCount == 0);
private void initializeMainContactContainers() {
@@ -108,12 +114,8 @@ private void initializeMainContactContainers() {
- if (requiredFieldsMap.containsKey(quickCheck.getName())) {
- Integer quickCheckFields = requiredFieldsMap.get(quickCheck.getName());
- quickCheck.setRequiredFields(quickCheckFields != null ? quickCheckFields : 0);
- }
+ quickCheck.setRequiredFields(0);
Contact profile = new Contact();
@@ -122,8 +124,8 @@ private void initializeMainContactContainers() {
- setRequiredFields(profile);
+ setRequiredFields(profile);
Contact symptomsAndFollowUp = new Contact();
@@ -132,8 +134,8 @@ private void initializeMainContactContainers() {
- setRequiredFields(symptomsAndFollowUp);
+ setRequiredFields(symptomsAndFollowUp);
Contact physicalExam = new Contact();
@@ -142,8 +144,8 @@ private void initializeMainContactContainers() {
- setRequiredFields(physicalExam);
+ setRequiredFields(physicalExam);
Contact tests = new Contact();
@@ -152,8 +154,8 @@ private void initializeMainContactContainers() {
- setRequiredFields(tests);
+ setRequiredFields(tests);
Contact counsellingAndTreatment = new Contact();
@@ -162,8 +164,8 @@ private void initializeMainContactContainers() {
- setRequiredFields(counsellingAndTreatment);
+ setRequiredFields(counsellingAndTreatment);
@@ -185,7 +187,7 @@ private int getRequiredCountTotal() {
count += entry.getValue();
- return count;
+ return count <= 0 ? 0 : count;
private void loadContactGlobalsConfig() throws IOException {
@@ -201,6 +203,7 @@ private void loadContactGlobalsConfig() throws IOException {
private void process(String[] mainContactForms) {
//Fetch and load previously saved values
try {
if (contactNo > 1 && !PatientRepository.isFirstVisit(baseEntityId)) {
for (String formEventType : new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(mainContactForms))) {
if (eventToFileMap.containsValue(formEventType)) {
@@ -243,8 +246,8 @@ private void process(String[] mainContactForms) {
private void setRequiredFields(Contact contact) {
- if (requiredFieldsMap != null && contact != null && requiredFieldsMap.containsKey(contact.getName())) {
- contact.setRequiredFields(requiredFieldsMap.get(contact.getName()));
+ if (requiredFieldsMap != null && contact != null && requiredFieldsMap.containsKey(contact.getFormName())) {
+ contact.setRequiredFields(requiredFieldsMap.get(contact.getFormName()));
@@ -354,6 +357,7 @@ private boolean getFieldVisibility(JSONObject field) {
private void updateFieldRequiredCount(JSONObject object, JSONObject fieldObject, boolean isRequiredField) throws JSONException {
if (isRequiredField && (!fieldObject.has(JsonFormConstants.VALUE) ||
TextUtils.isEmpty(fieldObject.getString(JsonFormConstants.VALUE)))) {
Integer requiredFieldCount = requiredFieldsMap.get(object.getString(ConstantsUtils.JsonFormKeyUtils.ENCOUNTER_TYPE));
@@ -605,26 +609,37 @@ private void preProcessDefaultValues(JSONObject object) {
private void updateDefaultValues(JSONArray stepArray, int i, JSONObject fieldObject) throws JSONException {
if (defaultValueFields.contains(fieldObject.getString(JsonFormConstants.KEY))) {
+ String secondaryValue = null;
if (!fieldObject.has(JsonFormConstants.VALUE) ||
TextUtils.isEmpty(fieldObject.getString(JsonFormConstants.VALUE))) {
String defaultKey = fieldObject.getString(JsonFormConstants.KEY);
String mapValue = getMapValue(defaultKey);
+ if(fieldObject.has(ANCJsonFormConstants.KeyConstants.SECONDARY_VALUE_FIELD))
+ secondaryValue = getMapValue(fieldObject.getString(ANCJsonFormConstants.KeyConstants.SECONDARY_VALUE_FIELD));
if (mapValue != null) {
- fieldObject.put(JsonFormConstants.VALUE, mapValue);
- fieldObject.put(JsonFormConstants.EDITABLE, editableFields.contains(defaultKey));
- fieldObject.put(JsonFormConstants.READ_ONLY, editableFields.contains(defaultKey));
+ if(mapValue.startsWith("{")) {
+ fieldObject.put(JsonFormConstants.VALUE, new JSONObject(mapValue));
+ }
+ else {
+ fieldObject.put(JsonFormConstants.VALUE, mapValue);
+ fieldObject.put(JsonFormConstants.EDITABLE, editableFields.contains(defaultKey));
+ fieldObject.put(JsonFormConstants.READ_ONLY, editableFields.contains(defaultKey));
+ }
if (fieldObject.has(JsonFormConstants.OPTIONS_FIELD_NAME)) {
boolean addDefaults = true;
for (int m = 0; m < fieldObject.getJSONArray(JsonFormConstants.OPTIONS_FIELD_NAME).length(); m++) {
String optionValue;
+ JSONObject optionsObject = fieldObject.getJSONArray(JsonFormConstants.OPTIONS_FIELD_NAME).getJSONObject(m);
+ if(optionsObject.has(JsonFormConstants.CONTENT_WIDGET) && secondaryValue != null)
+ {
+ JSONObject secondaryValueObject = ANCJsonFormUtils.populateSecondaryValues(secondaryValue,optionsObject);
+ optionsObject.put(JsonFormConstants.SECONDARY_VALUE,new JSONArray().put(secondaryValueObject));
+ }
if (fieldObject.getJSONArray(JsonFormConstants.OPTIONS_FIELD_NAME).getJSONObject(m)
.has(JsonFormConstants.VALUE)) {
optionValue = fieldObject.getJSONArray(JsonFormConstants.OPTIONS_FIELD_NAME).getJSONObject(m)
@@ -657,6 +672,16 @@ private void updateDefaultValues(JSONArray stepArray, int i, JSONObject fieldObj
+ if (fieldObject.getString(JsonFormConstants.KEY).equals(ANCJsonFormConstants.KeyConstants.OPTIBP_BUTTON)
+ || fieldObject.getString(JsonFormConstants.KEY).equals(ANCJsonFormConstants.KeyConstants.OPTIBP_BUTTON_SECOND)) {
+ if (fieldObject.has(JsonFormConstants.OptibpConstants.OPTIBP_KEY_DATA)) {
+ fieldObject.remove(JsonFormConstants.OptibpConstants.OPTIBP_KEY_DATA);
+ }
+ String optibpButtonKey = fieldObject.getString(JsonFormConstants.KEY).equals(ANCJsonFormConstants.KeyConstants.OPTIBP_BUTTON) ? ANCJsonFormConstants.KeyConstants.OPTIBP_BUTTON : ANCJsonFormConstants.KeyConstants.OPTIBP_BUTTON_SECOND;
+ String previousContactBpValue = getMapValue(optibpButtonKey) == null ? "" : getMapValue(optibpButtonKey);
+ JSONObject optiBPData = FormUtils.createOptiBPDataObject(baseEntityId, womanOpenSRPId, previousContactBpValue);
+ fieldObject.put(JsonFormConstants.OptibpConstants.OPTIBP_KEY_DATA, optiBPData);
+ }
private void getValueMap(JSONObject object) throws JSONException {
@@ -796,6 +821,7 @@ protected void onPause() {
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
+ super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK && data != null) {
formInvalidFields = data.getStringExtra("formInvalidFields");
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/PreviousContactsDetailsActivity.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/PreviousContactsDetailsActivity.java
index 9350e062f..954c5129a 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/PreviousContactsDetailsActivity.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/PreviousContactsDetailsActivity.java
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public void loadPreviousContactsDetails(Map> allContactFacts
if (factsToUpdate.asMap().get(ConstantsUtils.ATTENTION_FLAG_FACTS) != null) {
try {
- JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject((String) Objects.requireNonNull(factsToUpdate.asMap().get(ConstantsUtils.ATTENTION_FLAG_FACTS)));
+ JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject((String) factsToUpdate.asMap().get(ConstantsUtils.ATTENTION_FLAG_FACTS));
Iterator keys = jsonObject.keys();
while (keys.hasNext()) {
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ public void loadPreviousContactsDetails(Map> allContactFacts
- Date lastContactDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.getDefault())
- .parse(String.valueOf(factsToUpdate.asMap().get(ConstantsUtils.CONTACT_DATE)));
+ Date lastContactDate = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy", Locale.getDefault())
+ .parse(String.valueOf(factsToUpdate.asMap().get("visit_date")));
String displayContactDate = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM " + "yyyy", Locale.getDefault())
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/ProfileActivity.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/ProfileActivity.java
index b1aef53a1..b83f24b42 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/ProfileActivity.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/activity/ProfileActivity.java
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
import org.greenrobot.eventbus.Subscribe;
import org.greenrobot.eventbus.ThreadMode;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.AncLibrary;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.AppConfig;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.R;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.adapter.ProfileViewPagerAdapter;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.contract.ProfileContract;
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.Utils;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.view.CopyToClipboardDialog;
import org.smartregister.repository.AllSharedPreferences;
+import org.smartregister.util.LangUtils;
import org.smartregister.util.PermissionUtils;
import org.smartregister.view.activity.BaseProfileActivity;
@@ -76,9 +78,15 @@ protected void onCreation() {
+ public void setDefaultLocale() {
+ LangUtils.saveLanguage(getApplication(), AppConfig.DefaultLocale.getLanguage());
+ Utils.saveLanguage(AppConfig.DefaultLocale.getLanguage());
+ }
protected void onResumption() {
+ setDefaultLocale();
String baseEntityId = getIntent().getStringExtra(ConstantsUtils.IntentKeyUtils.BASE_ENTITY_ID);
((ProfilePresenter) presenter).refreshProfileView(baseEntityId);
@@ -220,11 +228,13 @@ public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(final MenuItem item) {
Utils.navigateToHomeRegister(this, false, AncLibrary.getInstance().getActivityConfiguration().getHomeRegisterActivityClass());
} else {
String contactButtonText = getString(R.string.start_contact);
+ String lastVisitDate = detailMap.get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.LAST_VISIT_DATE);
+ Integer nextContact = Integer.valueOf(detailMap.get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.NEXT_CONTACT));
- if (buttonAlertStatus.equals(ConstantsUtils.AlertStatusUtils.TODAY)) {
- contactButtonText = String.format(getString(R.string.contact_recorded_today_no_break), Utils.getTodayContact(detailMap.get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.NEXT_CONTACT)));
- } else if (buttonAlertStatus.equals(ConstantsUtils.AlertStatusUtils.IN_PROGRESS)) {
- contactButtonText = String.format(getString(R.string.continue_contact), Integer.valueOf(detailMap.get(DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.NEXT_CONTACT)));
+ if (buttonAlertStatus.equals(ConstantsUtils.AlertStatusUtils.IN_PROGRESS)) {
+ contactButtonText = String.format(getString(R.string.continue_contact), nextContact);
+ } else if (lastVisitDate != null) {
+ contactButtonText = String.format(getString(R.string.contact_number), nextContact - 1) + " (" + lastVisitDate + ")";
@@ -353,13 +363,12 @@ public void setProfileID(String ancId) {
public void setProfileAge(String age) {
- ageView.setText("AGE " + age);
+ ageView.setText(age);
public void setProfileGestationAge(String gestationAge) {
- gestationAgeView.setText(gestationAge != null ? "GA: " + gestationAge + " WEEKS" : "GA");
+ gestationAgeView.setText(gestationAge != null ? gestationAge : "-");
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/adapter/ContactScheduleAdapter.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/adapter/ContactScheduleAdapter.java
index 1a8622da3..e1961561a 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/adapter/ContactScheduleAdapter.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/adapter/ContactScheduleAdapter.java
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ViewHolder viewHolder, int position) {
.setText(new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy", Locale.getDefault()).format(locateDate));
String formattedEdd = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.getDefault()).format(locateDate);
String timeAway = String.valueOf(generateTimeAway(formattedEdd));
- viewHolder.timeAwayDisplay
- .setText(String.format(context.getResources().getString(R.string.timeline_away), timeAway));
+ // viewHolder.timeAwayDisplay.setText(String.format(context.getResources().getString(R.string.timeline_away), timeAway));
+ viewHolder.timeAwayDisplay.setVisibility(View.GONE);
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/adapter/ContactSummaryFinishAdapter.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/adapter/ContactSummaryFinishAdapter.java
index ad35e5767..d43d1c072 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/adapter/ContactSummaryFinishAdapter.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/adapter/ContactSummaryFinishAdapter.java
@@ -25,12 +25,14 @@ public class ContactSummaryFinishAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter mData;
private LayoutInflater mInflater;
private Facts facts;
+ private Context context;
// data is passed into the constructor
public ContactSummaryFinishAdapter(Context context, List data, Facts facts) {
this.mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
this.mData = data;
this.facts = facts;
+ this.context = context;
// inflates the row layout from xml when needed
@@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
// binds the data to the TextView in each row
public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder, int position) {
- holder.sectionHeader.setText(processUnderscores(mData.get(position).getGroup()));
+ holder.sectionHeader.setText(getString(mData.get(position).getGroup()));
List fields = mData.get(position).getFields();
StringBuilder outputBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (YamlConfigItem yamlConfigItem : fields) {
@@ -70,6 +72,11 @@ public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder, int position) {
+ private String getString(String key) {
+ int identifier = context.getResources().getIdentifier(key, "string", context.getPackageName());
+ return context.getString(identifier);
+ }
// total number of rows
public int getItemCount() {
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/adapter/ProfileOverviewAdapter.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/adapter/ProfileOverviewAdapter.java
index 9ee669421..fc52b5ed5 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/adapter/ProfileOverviewAdapter.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/adapter/ProfileOverviewAdapter.java
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.text.TextUtils;
+import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
@@ -79,7 +80,8 @@ public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ViewHolder holder, int position) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mData.get(position).getGroup())) {
- holder.sectionHeader.setText(processUnderscores(mData.get(position).getGroup()));
+ String headerKey = mData.get(position).getGroup();
+ holder.sectionHeader.setText(getString(headerKey));
} else {
@@ -88,7 +90,8 @@ public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ViewHolder holder, int position) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mData.get(position).getSubGroup())) {
- holder.subSectionHeader.setText(processUnderscores(mData.get(position).getSubGroup()));
+ String headerKey = mData.get(position).getSubGroup();
+ holder.subSectionHeader.setText(getString(headerKey));
} else {
@@ -140,6 +143,11 @@ private String processUnderscores(String string) {
return string.replace("_", " ").toUpperCase();
+ private String getString(String key) {
+ int identifier = context.getResources().getIdentifier(key, "string", context.getPackageName());
+ return context.getString(identifier);
+ }
private Template getTemplate(String rawTemplate) {
Template template = new Template();
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/constants/ANCJsonFormConstants.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/constants/ANCJsonFormConstants.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2d4f5d99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/constants/ANCJsonFormConstants.java
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package org.smartregister.anc.library.constants;
+import com.vijay.jsonwizard.constants.JsonFormConstants;
+public class ANCJsonFormConstants extends JsonFormConstants {
+ public static class KeyConstants {
+ public static final String OPTIBP_BUTTON = "record_bp_using_optibp_button";
+ public static final String OPTIBP_BUTTON_SECOND = "record_bp_using_optibp_2nd_reading_button";
+ public static final String SECONDARY_VALUE_FIELD = "secondary_value_field";
+ public static final String SPECIFY_WIDGET = "specify_widget";
+ }
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/constants/Constants.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/constants/Constants.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3483f71c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/constants/Constants.java
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+package org.smartregister.anc.library.constants;
+import android.os.LocaleList;
+import java.util.Locale;
+public class Constants {
+ public static class Locales {
+ public static final Locale ENGLISH_US = LocaleList.forLanguageTags("en-US").get(0);
+ public static final Locale INDONESIAN_ID = LocaleList.forLanguageTags("in-ID").get(0);
+ public static final Locale FRANCE_RW = LocaleList.forLanguageTags("fr-RW").get(0);
+ public static final Locale NEPALI_NP = LocaleList.forLanguageTags("ne-NP").get(0);
+ public static final Locale PORTUGESE_BR = LocaleList.forLanguageTags("pt-BR").get(0);
+ }
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/constants/FormConstants.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/constants/FormConstants.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a8e6a564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/constants/FormConstants.java
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+package org.smartregister.anc.library.constants;
+public class FormConstants {
+ public final static class Client {
+ // Identifiers
+ public static final String IDENTIFIER_UID = "uid";
+ public static final String IDENTIFIER_SSN = "ssn";
+ // Attributes
+ public static final String ATTRIBUTE_UID_UNKNOWN = "uid_unknown";
+ public static final String ATTRIBUTE_UID_UNKNOWN_REASON = "uid_unknown_reason";
+ public static final String ATTRIBUTE_PHONE_UNKNOWN = "phone_number_unknown";
+ public static final String ATTRIBUTE_PHONE_UNKNOWN_REASON = "phone_number_unknown_reason";
+ }
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/contract/AdvancedSearchContract.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/contract/AdvancedSearchContract.java
index d14908d29..8c4aedc16 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/contract/AdvancedSearchContract.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/contract/AdvancedSearchContract.java
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package org.smartregister.anc.library.contract;
+import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import org.smartregister.domain.Response;
@@ -28,8 +29,7 @@ interface Model extends RegisterFragmentContract.Model {
Map createEditMap(String firstName, String lastName, String ancId, String edd, String dob,
String phoneNumber, String alternateContact, boolean isLocal);
- String createSearchString(String firstName, String lastName, String ancId, String edd, String dob,
- String phoneNumber, String alternateContact);
+ String createSearchString(Context context, String firstName, String lastName, String ancId, String edd, String dob, String phoneNumber, String alternateContact);
String getMainConditionString(Map editMap);
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/contract/RegisterFragmentContract.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/contract/RegisterFragmentContract.java
index 964aebc57..40f76c00b 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/contract/RegisterFragmentContract.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/contract/RegisterFragmentContract.java
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package org.smartregister.anc.library.contract;
+import android.content.Context;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.cursor.AdvancedMatrixCursor;
import org.smartregister.configurableviews.model.Field;
@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ interface Presenter extends BaseRegisterFragmentContract.Presenter {
interface Model {
- RegisterConfiguration defaultRegisterConfiguration();
+ RegisterConfiguration defaultRegisterConfiguration(Context context);
ViewConfiguration getViewConfiguration(String viewConfigurationIdentifier);
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/ContactWizardJsonFormFragment.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/ContactWizardJsonFormFragment.java
index 22ebc7b55..2ad4357cd 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/ContactWizardJsonFormFragment.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/ContactWizardJsonFormFragment.java
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.appcompat.app.ActionBar;
import com.vijay.jsonwizard.activities.FormConfigurationJsonFormActivity;
import com.vijay.jsonwizard.fragments.JsonWizardFormFragment;
import com.vijay.jsonwizard.interactors.JsonFormInteractor;
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/HomeRegisterFragment.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/HomeRegisterFragment.java
index 47c09e15b..f216dd7bb 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/HomeRegisterFragment.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/HomeRegisterFragment.java
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ public void setupViews(View view) {
//Risk view
- View attentionFlag = view.findViewById(R.id.risk);
+ View attentionFlag = view.findViewById(R.id.red_flag);
if (attentionFlag != null) {
@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ protected void onViewClicked(View view) {
if (view.getTag() != null && view.getTag(R.id.VIEW_ID) == CLICK_VIEW_NORMAL) {
Utils.navigateToProfile(getActivity(), (HashMap) pc.getColumnmaps());
} else if (view.getTag() != null && view.getTag(R.id.VIEW_ID) == CLICK_VIEW_ALERT_STATUS) {
- if (Integer.valueOf(view.getTag(R.id.GESTATION_AGE).toString()) >= ConstantsUtils.DELIVERY_DATE_WEEKS) {
+ if (Integer.parseInt(view.getTag(R.id.GESTATION_AGE).toString()) >= ConstantsUtils.DELIVERY_DATE_WEEKS) {
baseHomeRegisterActivity.showRecordBirthPopUp((CommonPersonObjectClient) view.getTag());
} else {
String baseEntityId = Utils.getValue(pc.getColumnmaps(), DBConstantsUtils.KeyUtils.BASE_ENTITY_ID, false);
@@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ public void onSyncInProgress(FetchStatus fetchStatus) {
public void showNotFoundPopup(String whoAncId) {
- .launchDialog((BaseRegisterActivity) Objects.requireNonNull(getActivity()), SecuredNativeSmartRegisterFragment.DIALOG_TAG, whoAncId);
+ .launchDialog((BaseRegisterActivity) requireActivity(), SecuredNativeSmartRegisterFragment.DIALOG_TAG, whoAncId);
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/MeFragment.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/MeFragment.java
index 0b6e603cb..c4485f1db 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/MeFragment.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/MeFragment.java
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
+import android.util.Log;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
@@ -16,8 +17,10 @@
import org.smartregister.anc.library.AncLibrary;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.R;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.activity.AncP2pModeSelectActivity;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.activity.BaseHomeRegisterActivity;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.activity.PopulationCharacteristicsActivity;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.activity.SiteCharacteristicsActivity;
+import org.smartregister.anc.library.constants.Constants;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.presenter.MePresenter;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.util.Utils;
import org.smartregister.util.LangUtils;
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ public class MeFragment extends org.smartregister.view.fragment.MeFragment imple
private RelativeLayout languageSwitcherSection;
private RelativeLayout p2pSyncSetion;
private TextView languageSwitcherText;
- private final Map locales = new HashMap<>();
+ private Locale[] locales;
private String[] languages;
@@ -118,9 +121,7 @@ private void languageSwitcherDialog() {
if (MeFragment.this.getActivity() != null) {
String selectedLanguage = languages[position];
languageSwitcherText.setText(String.format(MeFragment.this.getActivity().getResources().getString(R.string.default_language_string), selectedLanguage));
- saveLanguage(selectedLanguage);
- MeFragment.this.reloadClass();
+ saveLanguage(locales[position]);
@@ -130,52 +131,35 @@ private void languageSwitcherDialog() {
- private void saveLanguage(String selectedLanguage) {
- if (MeFragment.this.getActivity() != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(selectedLanguage)) {
- Locale selectedLanguageLocale = locales.get(selectedLanguage);
- if (selectedLanguageLocale != null) {
- LangUtils.saveLanguage(MeFragment.this.getActivity().getApplication(), getFullLanguage(selectedLanguageLocale));
- } else {
- Timber.i("Language could not be set");
+ private void saveLanguage(Locale selectedLocale) {
+ if (MeFragment.this.getActivity() != null && selectedLocale != null) {
+ if (getActivity() instanceof BaseHomeRegisterActivity) {
+ BaseHomeRegisterActivity parentActivity = (BaseHomeRegisterActivity) getActivity();
+ parentActivity.setLocale(selectedLocale);
- private void reloadClass() {
- if (getActivity() != null) {
- Intent intent = getActivity().getIntent();
- getActivity().finish();
- getActivity().startActivity(intent);
- }
- }
private void registerLanguageSwitcher() {
if (getActivity() != null) {
- addLanguages();
- languages = new String[locales.size()];
- Locale current = getActivity().getResources().getConfiguration().locale;
- int x = 0;
- for (Map.Entry language : locales.entrySet()) {
- languages[x] = language.getKey(); //Update the languages strings array with the languages to be displayed on the alert dialog
- x++;
- if (getFullLanguage(current).equalsIgnoreCase(getFullLanguage(language.getValue()))) {
- languageSwitcherText.setText(String.format(getActivity().getResources().getString(R.string.default_language_string), language.getKey()));
- }
+ setLocaleList();
+ languages = new String[locales.length];
+ Locale currentLocale = getActivity().getResources().getConfiguration().getLocales().get(0);
+ for (int index = 0; index < locales.length; index++) {
+ languages[index] = locales[index].getDisplayLanguage() + " (" + locales[index].getDisplayCountry() + ")";
+ languageSwitcherText.setText(String.format(getActivity().getResources().getString(R.string.default_language_string), currentLocale.getDisplayLanguage()));
- private String getFullLanguage(Locale locale) {
- return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(locale.getCountry()) ? locale.getLanguage() + "_" + locale.getCountry() : locale.getLanguage();
- }
- private void addLanguages() {
- locales.put(getString(R.string.english_language), Locale.ENGLISH);
- locales.put(getString(R.string.french_language), Locale.FRENCH);
- locales.put(getString(R.string.portuguese_brazil_language), new Locale("pt"));
- locales.put(getString(R.string.bahasa_indonesia_language), new Locale("ind"));
+ private void setLocaleList() {
+ locales = new Locale[]{
+ Constants.Locales.ENGLISH_US,
+ Constants.Locales.FRANCE_RW,
+ Constants.Locales.INDONESIAN_ID,
+ Constants.Locales.NEPALI_NP,
+ Constants.Locales.PORTUGESE_BR,
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/ProfileContactsFragment.java b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/ProfileContactsFragment.java
index 52e453669..46531ad4b 100644
--- a/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/ProfileContactsFragment.java
+++ b/opensrp-anc/src/main/java/org/smartregister/anc/library/fragment/ProfileContactsFragment.java
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView;
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.jeasy.rules.api.Facts;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.AncLibrary;
import org.smartregister.anc.library.R;
@@ -170,10 +168,10 @@ private void initializeLastContactDetails(HashMap clientDetails)
- String contactDate = (String) facts.asMap().get(ConstantsUtils.CONTACT_DATE);
+ String contactDate = (String) facts.asMap().get("visit_date");
String displayContactDate = "";
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(contactDate)) {
- Date lastContactDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.getDefault()).parse(contactDate);
+ Date lastContactDate = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy", Locale.getDefault()).parse(contactDate);
displayContactDate = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM " + "yyyy", Locale.getDefault())
@@ -226,13 +224,11 @@ private void addOtherRuleObjects(Facts facts) throws IOException {
- private void addAttentionFlagsRuleObjects(Facts facts) throws IOException {
+ private void addAttentionFlagsRuleObjects(Facts facts) {