dhcp6c_ia: make log message clearer
dhcp6c_ia: make log message clearer
dhcp6c_ia: make log message clearer
dhcp6c_ia: make log message clearer
dhcp6c_ia: rearrange the code slightly
dhcp6c_ia: rearrange the code slightly
missing: remove arc4random() shims
missing: remove arc4random() shims
common: fix underflow, enforce RAND boundaries correctly
common: fix underflow, enforce RAND boundaries correctly
common: refactor and look at these random values
common: refactor and look at these random values
dhcp6c: remove this code disabled at compile time
dhcp6c: remove this code disabled at compile time
commit: one possibly safe transformation, code updates and RFC annota…
commit: one possibly safe transformation, code updates and RFC annota…
make: provide an upgrade target for better opnsense-code integration
make: provide an upgrade target for better opnsense-code integration
dhcp6c_ia: two more debugs
dhcp6c_ia: two more debugs
Force push
Revert "missing: remove arc4random() shims"
Revert "missing: remove arc4random() shims"
common: kill unused function using random()
common: kill unused function using random()
Revert "dhcp6c: use arc4random_uniform()"
Revert "dhcp6c: use arc4random_uniform()"
dhcp6c_ia: two more debugs
dhcp6c_ia: two more debugs
common: add visbility of add event and debug list
common: add visbility of add event and debug list
missing: remove arc4random() shims
missing: remove arc4random() shims
dhcp6c: use arc4random_uniform()
dhcp6c: use arc4random_uniform()
dhcp6c: fix release/remove madness
dhcp6c: fix release/remove madness
dhcp6c: fix release/remove madness
dhcp6c: fix release/remove madness
Force push
dhcp6c: wait for pending events on reload
dhcp6c: wait for pending events on reload
Force push
dhcp6c: wait for pending events on reload
dhcp6c: wait for pending events on reload
Force push