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Hélène Demanet HDemanet
Speech therapist turned aspiring web developer with a passion for digital accessibility. Former École 19 (42 Network) student and graduate of Le Wagon.

Brussels, Belgium

Dany danbenba
Bonjour, je m'appelle Dany, développeur avec deux ans d'expérience. Pour plus d'infos, visitez mon site

AlgoForge France

Vavelin Kevin kevinvavelin
Developer. Entrepreneur. CEO and Founder of @codetics-software


Hwa-Seon hwaseonchoi
Currently managing product, former backend engineer

Worldia Paris, France

Sacha sduperret

Université de Bordeaux France

André Polykanine Menelion
A geek from Ukraine, married to @Nostie, now living in Strasbourg, France. PHP, C#, accessibility.

@Oire Strasbourg, France

Alexandre Mouriec mrcalexandre
Full-Stack Developer - Full-Time Curious

OMS Rennes, France

Jan Maack Kjerbye janhalen
Enterprise Architect @ Aarhus

David DIVERRES comxd
DevOps, Google Cloud, Google Workspace, e-business solutions, SaaS, PHP, JS, Symfony, Node.js, React. Self-employed ⭐

@comexpertise Paris/Nantes/Bordeaux (France)

Kevin Masseix MKCG
Software architect. Stack : C99, Typescript, Python, Golang, PHP, docker, terraform, ansible, tensorflow, AWS, ...

Paris, France

Jean Ducrot jducrot
Making the web a more welcoming place for all

OneTechForAll Saratoga Springs, NY

eb_assist eb-assist
Assistante freelance


Adrien Chauve achauve
DevSecops / Tech Lead / Senior full stack developper - ex Cofounder EthicAdvisor and @Serenytics

@DNUM-SocialGouv Blois - Tours

Sofiane Abdallah soufatn
Ingénieur informaticien passionné par le développement #Web, #HTML5, #CSS3, #JavaScript et des #applications #mobiles. Tech-Lead Front #angular @SoatGroup


Johan Richer johanricher
Outilleur #opendata #opensource

@multi-coop @codeforfr Saint-Denis, France

Julien Bouquillon revolunet
🚀 Push the web forward #web #OSS #OpenData #JavaScript #ReactJS #k8s #python #frenchy #Paris10 #SSD #BetaGouv

@BetaGouv Paris, France

Mattèo Gauthier MatteoGauthier
Software Engineer (Web/Mobile) Bordeaux, France

Nicolas Riss nriss
PharmD, FHIR @ansforge

Agence du Numérique en Santé Paris

Nicolas AMBROISE nicolasambroise
Front-End Web developer and Accessibility analyst with interest in impoving ease-of-use ! All to save user time and avoid them bad experiences !

CTIE Luxembourg

Laura Cavallucci Cavallucci
Montpellier BS & 42 Paris 👩‍🎓


front-end developer @ dafox


Fabien Angot MaTtLeFoU

Société Générale