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K. Cihan Sipahi bcrtvkcs
computer's own mouse 🖱

KCS Software Istanbul

Mahmut Güngör Frezeons
Information Systems and Technology & Software Engineer Student
Time is The best teacher, but unfortunately it kills all of its students

FiveStar Development ISFAHAN [IRAN]

Priceton k Braswell PricetonB
Im a new developer interested in web design, MERN stack, python, and data structures.

Hickory NC

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ladder nerd.
Halano HalanoSiblee

@github Egypt

Yukino Hayakawa YukinoHayakawa
Game developer. C++ programmer.
Ahmed Shifaau Shifaau9

Myself Moon

Aureliano Tito Nunes aurennunes
Software Developer

@spollytech Angola

Petar Bogdanov pibogdanov

Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

Piotr Wróbel WROOBELEK
certified bruh

Szczecin, Poland

Alex K. nnm74
porn star


Hovac Hovac89

GTA: Archivist Russia, Tambov

Tasty Nut TastyNut
Doing something with video games here.


Mykyta Shcherbyna mshcherbyna99
Full-stack developer passionate about problem-solving, coding, and innovation. Always exploring tech with curiosity and striving for constant growth.

Gdańsk, Republic of Poland

Nehul Tyagi nehultyagi1
Privacy is a Myth


Nazar Kornienko blefnk
Nazarii Korniienko. Front-end developer focusing on Next.js and TypeScript. Certified UI/UX designer. Open to office, remote jobs, and freelance projects.


渡程 LukeBriton
Sīc ītur ad astra! 🌌 Parole, langue, langage. 語言


KonaloboStudio KonaloboStudio
A white pony with blue-black hair who loves seaside and near beach related themes, editing videos and music..... #StandWithMyslivets

SonicProject хочу уехать из россии///

Rafeed Mahbub Rafi rafi99-bat

Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology Dhaka, Bangladesh

Marcel Faraday mrclfd

Central Java, Indonesia