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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Omar Elfiki omarelfiki
Software Developer (Java, Dart)

Maastricht University - FSE DACS Maastricht, Netherlands

Tóth Kristóf GuTory
Interested in creating aesthetically pleasing user interfaces, and working on creative projects


Marlo marloverket

Uniklinik RWTH Aachen Aachen, NRW, Germany

Mikołaj Najda najdamikolaj00
PhD Candidate at Maastricht University | AI & ML engineer, researcher at AUTOMATIC: CA and ANS using ML

Maastricht University Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands

The further dream.
Felipe Arruda Pontes arruda
Researcher in the field of ecologically sustainable distributed event processing systems with a background in software engineering.

Maastricht - Netherlands

Mikel Egaña Aranguren mikel-egana-aranguren
Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data, FAIR data, Open Data, Government Transparency, Ontology Engineering, Bioinformatics, Free Software, Semantic Web


Yojana Gadiya YojanaGadiya
Data Scientist / Bioinformatician / Computational Biologist I / Chemoinformatician

Fraunhofer ITMP | Enveda Biosciences Hamburg, Germany

Kozo Nishida kozo2
PyData Osaka organizer, Bioconductor Community Advisory Board, Software Carpentry Japanese Team

Tokyo, Japan

Emirkan Burak Yılmaz ebylmz
Computer Engineer

PHITECH Bioinformatics

Priyanka O priya-gitTest
Love everything Python (Pandas) and SQL, Data Management, Open Data, Open Source, Open Science in that order ... [* relaxed Tiger Mom ]



Maastricht University Maastricht, NL

Interested in AI for personal organization.
Yuyang Yan Yuyang-YAN

Maastricht University Maastricht

weiwei wang weiweivv2222

Maastricht Netherlands

William Correa William-CCS96
Data Analyst | Data Scientist | Python Developer | Machine learning | Power Bi | SQL | MySQL | ETL

Bogotá D.C

Filippo Wang PhilHippo
High Performance Computing Double MSc Degree at Politecnico di Milano and USI

Polimi Rome

Michel Dumontier micheldumontier
Dr. Michel Dumontier is a Distinguished Professor of Data Science at Maastricht University.

Maastricht University Maastricht, The Netherlands

Bilel Nasri biso1991

ubiai Tunis, Tunisia

Matus Kosut matuskosut
SRE (HUNT Cloud), Pythonist, open sourcerer 🧙‍♂️

NTNU | HUNT Cloud Trondheim, Norway

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Johannes Franz jojofranz
Interested in biology and (cognitive) neuroscience. Microscopy and (f)MRI. Researcher at @microscopycorelab and @cbclab.

Maastricht University