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Tobias Fazio Toby56
"If at first you don't succeed, reduce your expectations until you're a success"


Sports in the morning, coding at night.
Tarik Thomas tarikthomas
👨‍🎓 I’m a first year student studying Engineering and Computer Science 🌃 I’m based in Melbourne 💬 Ask me about Formula 1! 📫 How t
Felicity Matthews FelicityMatt
work account: @matthewf256

Melbourne, VIC

Leigh Oliver leighleighleigh
Embedded systems engineer @AmbitRobotics. B.Eng.(Hons) Electrical & Computer Systems, Monash University.

Ambit Robotics Melbourne, Australia

Tomoki Saizaki 31zaki
Biomedical Engineering Student
Rümeysa Ceylan RumeysaCeylan
Software Engineer

Ankara University

Thomas Cameron tmtcam-042
5th-year software engineering student with @MonashNovaRover in software and arm subteam | Robotics Engineer for @Abi-Andromeda

@Abi-Andromeda Victoria, Australia

Jiayi (Matthew) Gu Moyu010
3rd year student at Monash University studying Electrical engineering and Computer Science

Monash University Melbourne

Ahmed Belal ahmedbelal20
A Software/System Testing Engineer with a profound passion for cars, racing, and software development.

Cairo, Egypt

Jono jchin14

Monash Nova Rover Melbourne, Australia

Liam Rene Roy liamreneroy
Human-Robot Interaction Ph.D Student at Monash University, Melbourne.

Monash University Monash University - Melbourne

I build apps and tools for every platform!

Melbourne, Australia

Tristan Clark exquisitebin

@MonashNovaRover Melbourne

William De La Rue Wilda666

Student Melbourne, Australia