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Mohammad Hossein Khoshechin Jorshari joulook
Ph.D. Student @ MPI-SWS & RPTU / Computer Science / Interested in Formal Methods / Distributed Systems / Concurrency Theory


Vikram Goyal VikramGoyal23
Hi! I'm a CS student from NUS who loves formal verification!


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Learning LEAN 4
Tony Beta Lambda tonyxty
Free (free as in FreeCell) software supporter & practitioner.
Yang Ming-Tian skylee03
HKU CS '25

University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Nailin Guan Thmoas-Guan

Peking University Haidian, Beijing, China