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Kiyori thxforall
👋 Hello there! I'm a student aspiring to become a UX engineer. 🚀
Lyfeloop Inc lyfeloopinc

@lyfeloop United States


Order Book

Roll Tide Roll...

Atmore Al

Denis Kolodin therustmonk
Rust adept with 10 years Rust experience. Creator of YEW and CRB frameworks.


GITSRC gitsrc
AI | CloudNative | Blockchain | Security practitioner, Web3.0 researcher and builder, co-founder of @IceFireLabs

@IceFireDB @FlowShield @HiveMesh @IceGiant-Project @IceFireLabs IceFireLabs

Aravind I M AravindIM
I build things

@AravindIM India

my America inc Redracer93
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

my america inc United states

Rafael Escrich rafaelescrich
Blockchain Engineer, Cryptography enthusiast and studied Information Systems @ Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina in Florianópolis, Brasil

@dfb-chain Florianópolis

Moses Marimo mosesmarimo
Software Developer, Odoo Expert, Open Source expert

@ihubcloud Harare, Zimbabwe

James Slusser jslusser
James Slusser | Web3 Dev Mentor + Instructor w/ @proofoflearn Polkadot(Reg)+ Acala (Sr) Ambassador

Kurkuma San Diego, CA, US

Frenkie Nguyen dungnguyen-art
A software engineering student of PTIT, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology Hanoi

MEG megonx
Lifelong learning...

Alireza (0xAlireza) alireza-gsh
Computer Science B.Sc. | #Blockchain Architect & Activist | Interested in #Cryptography , Daos , Dexs and All Stuff related to Defi @Polkanaut-DAO

@Polkanaut-DAO Web3 & DXB

B.M brianmwadime

Nairobi, Kenya

Evert Escalante Evertcolombia
Software Developer

PRGX Medellin , Colombia

Jason Mansfield jaymansfield

Method5 Toronto, Canada

Deepak bhardwaj iamdeepak199
C++ | Datastructures & Algorithm | Python | JavaScript | Css | Html | Dbms

vivekananda institute of professional studies New Delhi

Darwin Subramaniam darwinsubramaniam
Working as R&D Software Developer in Keysight Pathwave Singapore

@Keysight @opentap Singapore

jack luo lpj0017
Mobile Architect

Alibaba shanghai China

Matías Agustín Méndez matagus
#django #python #rust

Chicago, IL

Zosym Yorokhov iorokhovzosim
I have three higher educations, I bring up two amazing Daughters - my Pride! co-founder and head of the Agricultural Enterprise


Cioclea Doru Octavian dorucioclea
Tech enthusiast

@CoreBuildSoftware Cluj-Napoca

223880⚡️ 22388o
Junior Timechain Engineer on ₿itcoin/Lightning Network / Cryptography/Nostr

@Bitcoin / @AreaLayer / @Horus-Org / @FrostDevKit Bitcoin / Lightning Network / Nostr