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IndomieNoSleep NTGNguyen
I love Indomie(Type of noodle) and Sleep

University of Information Technology Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam

Reed Vogt reedoooo
Just a regular ol' person doin' normal people stuff.


Vukasin Terzic vukasinterzic
Microsoft Azure MVP, Cloud Solution Architect, Digital Nomad Digital Nomad

Satr14 SX-9
hi, i make random stuff 4 fun

Indonesia Bekasi

Pablo Augusto pabloaugusto
Working Hard 👷

Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Aylmer Bolzan aylmerbolzan
Evoluindo na constante melhoria das habilidades na área da tecnologia 💡

EL Produções de Software Ltda Domingos Martins/ES

Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

Juan Rada Radapls
Programming one line at a time.
Anda Toshiki andatoshiki
Former full time INTP & current INTJ & part time ISTP whom is caffein overdosed hyperboosted by Monster meanwhile an egoistic capitalist that overthinks ;)

@toshikidev arizona@tempe:~/toshiki

Gabriel Villa gab-villa
Azure / M365 Cybersecurity Analyst


Caroline Heloíse Carol42
🧬Bioinformatics | 👩‍💻 Computer Engineering

@uepg @e2compjr

Amara Oussama amaraoussama94
Embedded System Developer engineer

Sofia Tech Tunis,Tunisia

Amar Panjwani amarpan
I'm a technical writer and former teacher specializing in creating software tutorials, documentation, and blog posts.

Los Angeles, California, USA