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Jared Johnson DOH-JDJ0303

Washington State Department of Health Oregon

Postdoc Associate

University of Minnesota Minneapolis

Kristin Keith binfwizard

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA

Broncio Aguilar-Sanjuan broncio123
PDRA - Bioinformatics Systems Developer

University of Oxford Oxford, England, UK

Maryam Samieinasab maryamsamiei
Data Scientist with over 7 years of experience in bioinformatics, machine learning, and medical imaging

Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX

Dhatri Badri dhatribadri
Bioinformatician at University of Michigan Medical School

University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor, MI

Young erinyoung
Bioinformatician in public health

Utah Public Health Laboratory Salt Lake City, UT

Srimadhav Nallani snallani-msdh

Mississippi Public Health Laboratory Jackson, MS

Johon Li Tuobang 李拓邦 johon-lituobang
Theoretical statistics & Biostatistics, Studied at Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

University of California, Berkeley People's Republic of China

yibo dong ybdong919
Database Consultant

Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories Jacksonville, FL

Eva Gunawan evagunawan
Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene data scientist.

APHL Bioinformatics Fellow Madison, WI

Simon Laurin-Lemay Simonll
I am a bioinformatician with a background in ecology and evolution and an interest in evolutionary applications.


Karen Loaiza kalilamali


Matthew Geniza genizamt
Data Analyst/Computational Biologist


Tamás Stirling stitam

Biological Research Centre Szeged, Hungary

Suresh Kumar M suresh2014
Bacterial pathogens, Genomics, One Health and Epidemiology

University of Hyderabad, India India

Jared Lumpe jlumpe
Computational biologist and bioinformatics software developer.

Sunnyvale, CA

Jennifer Holmes JH36
Data Analyst| Bioinformatician | Coffee Lover | Cat Momma

Columbus, Ohio

Elizabeth McDaniel elizabethmcd
Scientist passionate about microbes, sustainability, bioinformatics, & open science.

Berkeley, CA

Hua Gao ghbore
般若 (bō rě), Prajñā or paññā, is a Buddhist term often translated as "wisdom", "intelligence", or "understanding"

Stanford University Stanford, CA

Jill V. Hagey, MS, PhD jvhagey
Animal Biologist and Bioinformatician

personal projects Atlanta, GA

Curtis Kapsak kapsakcj
Bioinformatics Scientist. Member of StaPH-B (State Public Health Bioinformaticians)

@theiagen Richmond, VA