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Felipe Truman felipetruman
The quieter you become,the more you are able to hear.

Watch out Mitnick here I come. I plan on moving you to #2 in the list

Western Slope Digital Forensics (in the near future) Grand Junction Colorado

Bradley Guffey BcPrepp
Biomedical Engineer/ITCosultant from Nashville, TN

L&L Services, Inc. Nashville, TN

Sett Sarverott Sarverott
Metallurgist, Artificer, Technomancer
MG Accordingtomark

The Humble Estates Columbus, OH

Andy Beals Bandicoot
I've been around. I like to fix things. I love to play music with my friends.

@ata-aviation Overland Park, Kansas, USA

Rabid Root RabidRoot
I break things , sometimes fix them.


therealdj97 therealdj97
AI/ML, Big Data & Electrical Engineer | Ex-CDAC

Mumbai, India

christoph beagle Th3flyingb3agl3
my name is chris hill i have a anfinitely for my beagles and basset hounds ever since i lost my dogs my home my family my job my entire life in a blink of a eye

Th3 Flying B3agl3 industries bigfork mt 59911

David Cdaprod
As a highly motivated autodidact, a single father of triplet boys, I’ve got an amazing story to tell.

CDAProd Douglasville, GA (West ATL)

𝐁𝐈𝐎: I am an .............. IT Professional - Entrepreneur - Activist - Hacktavist - Pentester - Coder - Gamer and Cyber Pirate Sailing The Internet Ocean

Dark Side Of The Moon