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Lianyu Hu hulianyu
Ph.D. student in AI

Dalian University of Technology Dalian, China

Umayr Hassan umayrh
Algorithms, data, systems, people

Lahore, Pakistan

Łukasz Sztukiewicz LukaszSztukiewicz
Artificial Intelligence Engineering student
Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Hyewon Jeong mandiehyewon
PhD Student, MIT EECS

Cambridge, MA

Alex Albors Juez alexalbors7
Undergraduate student at the University of Washington studying Mathematics


David Nicholson NickleDave
ML, AI; behavior + cog + neuro. Open + inclusive science. Pythonista. He/him (they's ok too). Habla espanglish y baila salsa y bachata a medio tiempo.

@vocalpy Charm City

Qihuang Zhang QihuangZhang
Assistant Professor, McGill University, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health


Kexin Xie xkx842044566
Ph.D. student in Statistics.

Virginia Tech

Frederick Boehm fboehm
I study biostatistics, with a focus in statistical genetics. I strive to understand how our genes influence our health and biology.

South Dakota State University Brookings, South Dakota, USA

Shiguo Jiang jiangshiguo
GIS, Remote Sensing, Spatial Statistics, Criminology, Urban Systems

SUNY Albany Albany, NY

Peiyuan Zhu garyzhubc

University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC

Johon Li Tuobang 李拓邦 johon-lituobang
Theoretical statistics & Biostatistics, Studied at Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

University of California, Berkeley People's Republic of China

Elías Aburto-Camacllanqui EliasAburtoC
Research assistant in the Research Center (CIUP) at the University of Pacific. Bachelor of Organizational Psychology from the National University of San Marcos

Universidad del Pacífico Lima, Peru

xiaoning xiaoningwang
Associate Professor at Commucation University of China

Communication University of China Beijing,China

Postdoc@Yale; Alumni@CUHK (Ph.D.); Alumni@ZJU (B.S.)

Yale University

Linwei Sang sanglinwei
Focusing on sustaintable power system analytics via AI and OR.

Tsinghua University Berkeley, USA

Junda Chen GindaChen
UCSD CS PhD Student | (Former) Technical Lead at DataChat

San Diego, CA

Yuan Bian krisyuanbian
Postdoc in Biostatistics

Columbia University

王彦博 XJTV
我是王彦博(Yanbo Wang). Hi! I am a senior math&stats student in XJTU, plus a green hand in programming. I visited UC Berkeley in 2022 Fall.


linyingyang linyingyang
Dphil Candidate - Oxford STATML; AI Applied Scientist-Microsoft NERD; ICME-Stanford University; Statistics-Fudan University

University of Oxford Oxford

Student of the Serpent


Sarp Nalcin the-tyler
Passionate about Data Science & Quantitative Finance
Haoxue wanghaoxue0
Mathematics student in University of Cambridge | Founder of LLMQuant

United Kingdom Cambridge

xiaoerlageid xiaoerlaigeid
Phd student in KTH
PhD Candidate Statistics | Lab: @SMAC-Group | University of Geneva | Interests: Statistics, Data Science, Business Analytics and Machine Learning

Université de Genève Genève

Jason Poulos jvpoulos
Working on machine learning and causal inference in health and social sciences

Boston, MA