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Lionel Duchier-Lapeyre LioDL
Used to be a dev before IT manager and Enterprise Architect !

Marseille, FRANCE

Yennick Yennick

Vince Vince-2211
Pas si compliqué.
Cristian Lorand cristianlorand

@moebiusol Lovrin, Timis, Romania

Garth Ormsby g0r-neom
Digital Solutions Architect for Enowa. Dabbles in Enterprise Architecture modelling.

Neom Saudi Arabia

delkyd delkyd

GininDev Changsha

Christophe Pichaud ChristophePichaud
MVP | ex-SR PFE | Net Azure Rangers. | Visual C++ since 1992 | Technical Writer & Speaker | FatherOf3Girls | Microsoft expert for C++, MFC, Win32, WRL and .NET

SAS NET Azure Rangers Paris, France

Michael Arthur marthur3
Interested in data analytics and visualization for public services questions.
Jean-noël GERARD JeannoelGerard
Transition Manager and fan of Archimate, TOGAF, ITIL and modelization tools.


Pavel Kurkin kukuRUSik

Moscow, Russian Federation

lawrence rowland lawrencerowland
Project Portfolio management. Graph databases. Reinforcement learning. Categories for systems.

Projecting Success London

Quentin Fahrner Renrhaf
Web developer & traveler. I also write and take photos sometimes.

SaaS Production Strasbourg, France

Yasen yasenstar
Enterprise Architect in Financial, Transportation and Manufacturing industry

Beijing, China

Mykhaylo mstepanyak
Hi there 👋 I am Solution Architect certified in Microsoft, TOGAF, SEI, DPBoK, ITIL, AWS, etc.

EPAM Systems Lviv, Ukraine

Alexandre Nicastro AlexxNica
Platforms • Ecosystems • Communities
