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Callum duckettc

United Kingdom

Mirza Begunić MirzaBegunic
Student at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tuzla. Android Developer at BicomSystems.

BicomSystems Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Woody MWGMorningwood
From fast food worker, to helpdesk tech, to CTO of @BezaluLLC and owner of @MW-GC, my passion for tech has always been at the center of my life.

@MW-GC @BezaluLLC Detroit, MI


Bicomsystems Tuzla

Tarik Redžepagić TRedzepagic
Software Engineer @pickleballinc . B.Sc. Electrical Engineering. "Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute."

@pickleballinc Tuzla, Bosnia & Herzegovina