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Mingkai Li Mingkai-Li
Ph.D. student at Columbia University

Columbia University New York

Georgiy Lebedev CuriousGeorgiy
PhD Researcher at @epfl-dias and @rs3lab; Contributor at @tarantool; Maintainer at @vhive-serverless Lab NTU

@epfl-dias @rs3lab Lausanne, Switzerland

Ghady Ghaadyy
Software Engineer


Aravindh Rajagopalan recurser404

National university of singapore singapore

James JamesQian11
Size The Day!!

Fudan University Shanghai

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

TcherBer TcherB31
money kills information, fuck the license Telegramm: @TcherBer



Harbin Institute of Technology (Shen Zhen) Shenzhen

Yihui Zhang WilliamEricCheung
A Ph.D Candidate of Beihang University, focusing on Serverless Computing and LLM Serving System.


Will Yu YconquestY

Lausanne, Switzerland

Jalal Mostafa jalalmostafa
Systems Research Ph.D. Candidate at KIT | Software Engineer

IPE-KIT Germany & Lebanon

Wentao Zhang whentojump
Ph.D. student @xlab-uiuc. Prev SJTU. Intern @efeslab. Computer science, systems.

Urbana, IL

Hongbo ya0guang
Becoming a *REAL FULLSTACK* engineer and a little bit more than that...
Yueyang Pan PanJason

EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland

Zihao Li zihaoli-cn
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. interested in Compiler
Lu Qiuwen luqiuwen

Institute of Information Engineering, CAS Beijing,China