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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Bardh Quni qunib

University of Manitoba Winnipeg

Eslam Mohamed mohamedmoses

The American University in Cairo

Yousif Shabaan El-feky Yousif-Elfeky

American University in Cairo

Gabriel Zardo Becker zardobecker
PhD student at high energy particle physics: small-x, two-boson interaction, weak interaction, spin physics, dipole formalism.

UFSC and NCT-FNA in Brazil; OSU in US Columbus, Ohio

Amritanshu Thakur Amritanshu983
A postgraduate student pursuing a Master of Science in Physics. I am interested in Computational Physics

Department of Physics, Panjab University Chandigarh

Luca Pontisso lucapontisso

INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics

Ievgen Lavrukhin IevgenLavrukhin

University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Athavan Ramalingam Gitavan
Experimental Particle Physics Student At The University Of Birmingham.

Birmingham, UK

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Samuel Henry henryg7vdj
Particle Physicist at University of Oxford

University of Oxford Oxford


Philadelphia, United States

Evan Croft largewedge
Physics Graduate Student

Lehigh University Bethlehem

Abeda Nabeel Mohammed Aljarrah Abeda-Aljarrah

Yarmouk University / ZagTrader Jordan

Tom Bleher tom-bleher
Current interests lie in the understanding and applications of physics in the nuclear medium.
Ming Liu mxliu6

LANL New Mexico

Caroline Riedl criedl77

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Abdulrahman Tarek abdulrahmantarek2

The American University In Cairo Egypt

Roman Tkachenko RomanTkachenko-dev
Undergraduate Physics and Astronomy Researcher

National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Ukraine

Frank Geurts fgeurts

Rice University Houston, TX

Rasmita Timalsina Rasmita-Timalsina

Catholic University of America Washington, DC

Esraa Elsayed Saad Eliawwa
I love every thing about physics


Mohd Faiz Khan ProfFaiz
Aspiring Physicist

Indian Institute of Technology Patna