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Irina Mo IrinaMotoc
I am a meat popsticle
Jan-Ru Muller jan-ru

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam, The Netherlands

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Niek Brouwer NiekBrouwer98
PhD candidate @ TU Delft and Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdam

University of Technology Delft Delft

Thijs Vroegh ThijsVroegh
Research Software Engineer @NLeSC. Software engineering, data science, network analysis, Python and R, digital humanities, computational social sciences

Netherlands eScience Center Amsterdam

Javier Mancilla Galindo javimangal
Medical doctor and epidemiologist working at the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, @UtrechtUniversity

@UtrechtUniversity Utrecht, Netherlands

Yuxiao yuxiao-qin
This guy's a bit lazy. / 西北瓜大 Xi'an, China / 东大

Jian Kang jiankang1991
Associate Professor at Soochow University

Soochow University Suzhou

Rishabh Tyagi rishabind
PhD Student in Labor Demography

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Rostock

Zeynep Kurkcuoglu oyzeyno

Utrecht, the Netherlands

Eva Viviani n400peanuts
Research Software Engineer @NLeSC

Netherlands eScience center Amsterdam


Netherlands eScience Center

Víctor Malagón Santos victor-malagon
Coastal Oceanographer / Postdoctoral Researcher

NIOZ The Netherlands

Olga Lyashevska lyashevska

@NLeSC Amsterdam - The Netherlands

Marco Wolsza maawoo

Friedrich Schiller University Jena Jena, Germany

Komar Javanmardi komar1987

Utrecht University Utrecht University

Aleksandar Tomašević atomashevic

University of Novi Sad Novi Sad, Serbia

Giandomenico Mastrantoni gmastrantoni
Geoscientist Researcher at Sapienza University of Rome

Sapienza University of Rome Rome, Italy

Antony Barja ambarja
I love geography, geocomputation and spatial data science 🤓🌎⚕️.

Innovalab - UPCH Lima, Peru

Giulia Fedrizzi GiuliaFedrizzi
A geologist who likes computers

University of Leeds Leeds, UK

Giordano Lipari wmotion
±books ±computers ±data ±humans • ±enthusiast ±savvy about water • lifelong learner • power user • linux • c++ cuda fortran git octave python shell

Watermotion | Waterbeweging The Netherlands

Hanne Oberman hanneoberman
PhD candidate in Methodology and Statistics at Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

@amices @utrechtuniversity Utrecht, The Netherlands

Douglas Lowe douglowe

University of Manchester Manchester, UK

Luisa Orozco luisaforozco
Research software engineer at @NLeSC

Netherlands eScience center Amsterdam

Candace Makeda Moore, MD drcandacemakedamoore
Python, SQL, Javascript, and HTML. I love imaging informatics.
