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at the intersection of extreme value creation & evolving social entrepreneurship

coedit Public Benefit Co Austin, TX

Marc Bernard mbtools
Founder and CEO of Inc. and Marc Bernard Tools

@Marc-Bernard-Tools Nice. France

De'Yonte W. rxnlabs

RXN Labs Crofton, Maryland


Self-employed Lithuania

Xvezda Xvezda
Front-End Developer / Web Application Bug Hunter / VIM, JavaScript, Python ❤️

Seoul, South Korea

Shaun Merritt ShaunMerritt
Co-Founder and CTO at

@jointoucan Los Angeles, CA

Chris Lee SentientClee

@goguardian Los Angeles

dombro dom-bro
Alexey Elizarov beautyfree
Fullstack developer


Brian Roach itsbrex
Managing Director @ Savills US ♥️ #TeamRoach

Savills San Diego

Badrul alamriku
Common man dedicated to good deeds with firm belief. <?= 'Try to be a Backend Engineer' ?


Rafail Gazizyanov yogrr
🙈 🙉 🙊 Hi, my name is Gazizyanov (yogrr) Rafail // Web-developer

Россия, РМЭ, г. Йошкар-Ола

Benjamin Chavez benjamin-chavez
I am a Software Engineer with a background in Financial Analysis.

Chicago, Illinois

furopi furopi
Just some random guy from Germany...

South Germany

Patrick Yi Beckwith patrickyibeckwith
Needs Tech Terrorist Sued... Hates 24/7 365 All Male Mind Body Device Invasion.

Westlake Drive Moreno Valley, CA

Mohamed Elhadouchi melhadou
1337 Student.

1337 Marrakech,Morocco

Ahmed Mudasir viaahmed
Student of Commerce, Management plus a Web Development Enthusiast. Always on look for innovations...

@ViaAhmedCo India

Benjamin Jesuiter bjesuiter
Passionate Full-Stack WebDev striving to make the web the best platform it can be!

internett GmbH Leipzig

Milly millylee
擅长 Adobe 旗下软件,Ai、Fw、Fl、Br、Ae、Pr、Id 等的安装与卸载,精通 CSS、JavaScript、PHP 等单词的拼写。


Holden Hu sedationh
Wait, I am thinking...
Krzysztof Saczuk zakuciael
Back-end developer. Dreaming to over-complicate stuff for a living.

Pruszcz Gdański, Poland

Dave Lyon davelyon
Experienced mobile and API backend developer with a focus on iOS. Seeking remote contract work on iOS/iPadOS or React Native projects

Traboule Software Phoenix, AZ

HC AmethystCat
Code changes life (♥◠‿◠)ノ
George Bockari bitwhys
Specialization is for insects so stay foolish - (Heinlein x Jobs)

Cr8iv Atlanta, GA

Sam Johnson sljohnsondev
Engineering Manager @Ibotta

@Ibotta Denver, CO

Austin Jenkins ajenkins198621
🚀 Front-end, React/JS & Laravel/PHP ✨ Crafting Chrome Extensions & Electron apps for fun.

Vail Resorts Denver, CO

antan banzheshenghuo


Klauss klauss194
captain at
Suleyman Aliyev SuleymanAli
Vue.js & Nuxt.js Developer

@Upwork Baku, Azerbaijan

Vlas bashvlas
Chrome Extension Developer
