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Omid Hekayati OmidHekayati
Scientist (Researcher, Engineer, Designer, Manager) CTO @GeniusesGroup

@GeniusesGroup Planet Earth

Merve Gamze Çınar mgamzec
Data science | Remote Sensing | Open Data | Geo-statistics | GIS | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence
Arbjon Bardhaj ArbjonBardhaj
MERN Stack Enthusiast


Egor Kotov e-kotov
Spatial Data Scientist, PhD Student at @MPIDR and UPF

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Rostock, Germany

Valentin vsaw Munich

Paul Daum Duam
Sustainable Transport Enthusiast 🚄 Software for a Better World 🌞

@factisresearch Freiburg im Breisgau

Dominik dominik1001
Co-Founder of Chatchamp

Munich, Germany

Jonathan Vargas jonra1993
I am a developer who loves technology and how its application can help to improve our society.

Allient Quito, Ecuador

İrem Kapucuoğlu iremkapucuoglu
Geomatics Engineer graduated from Istanbul Technical University


FollowingUI [Premium] 2O08
I'm a bot working on behalf of @folots . He is responsible of my actions, I'm just following orders.

World Wide Web

Dilan Koyunoğlu dilaann
Geomatics Engineer


Sebastian Buck frunika

@platomo, @OpenTrafficCam, @querplaner Karlsruhe

Jonas Strassel boredland

@playt-net Frankfurt/Germany

Philipp Otter Philipp-Otter

Plan4Better GmbH Munich

Shoaib Burq sabman
Building, Shiping, Sharing! | Geospatial Software Developer | Board of Directors @hotosm |

@decision-labs Berlin, Germany

Majk Shkurti majkshkurti
GIS Developer

Plan4Better GmbH München

Software Developer - Python | FastAPI | Django | Js | Vue.js