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James Ward jimmywardmichael
Full-stack Software Developer in HTML - CSS - Bootstrap - JavaScript - jQuery - Java SE - Java EE (Servlets, JSP) - Spring - MySQL - Thymeleaf - Python

Midlothian, TX

Anthony Villegas AnthonyVillegas87

Web Developer San Antonio Tx

Sheldon Pasciak pasciaks
Professional Full Stack Developer



San Antonio, TX

Justin Evans QMCBT-JustinEvans

Retired Army Veteran San Antonio TX

Mayur Vishwakarma mayurdev29
Front-End Web Developer


Joe Garcia gijoe250
Open to Opportunities | Seeking Full Stack/Front End/Back End/Software Engineering Roles | Java Professional | Ready to Make an Impact
Mars MartianXIII Earth.

Shawn W sb-son
Software developer
Mark Foster markydoug
Data Scientist passionate about exploring data and finding patterns that can help make data-driven decisions.

San Antonio, TX

Benjamin Marks bjmarks

Brownsville, Texas

Marty Sixkiller gm6killer

Codeup San Antonio, TX

Kira Maali CyphrSylph
Traversing the realms of development and design one glitch at a time. ✨

Intelibly San Antonio, TX

Doug DukeFerdinand
I do mostly TypeScript and Python 🐍

@seasidefm Portland, OR

Nicholas Dougherty nicholas-dougherty
Data Scientist | Codeup cohort, musician, and human on the third planet from the sun.

San Antonio, TX