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Luiz Yamada luizyamada

Curitiba, PR, Brazil

Dawid dszwed

Silesia, Poland

David González dgsngular
Machine Learning Engineer & MLOps Architect
Michael Obiero Obi96Mike
I know one or two things sometimes

Nairobi, Kenya

Brayden Anthony H. hord-brayden
Full Stack Developer | PhD Student | Data Guy | Information Theory & HCC

Caeruli Obscuri Labs Salt Lake City, Utah

Ilya Motamedi ilyamotamedi
Solutions consultant @googlers


Kwanghoon Jhin electronicnomad

@googlers a corner of the network

Sweta SwetaShah3
Technical marketing expert with experience in digital marketing, GA4 and GTM implementation. I am advancing my career and skills in data analysis.


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Aziz agolca123

admoons istanbul

Joan Mora Grau JoanMora

Valencia, Spain

Ray Lai RLWH
Data scientist

Hong Kong

Samar Patel Sammindinventory
Having experience of 17+ years in the Software Industry and worked with Fortune 500 companies in consulting roles.


David Melamed DavidMelamed

Tenfold Traffic, Inc. Denver, Co

Erick varelaerick


Fernando Outa feouta

Bettrads São Paulo

Danella quirksalot

Vintage Vohara Pennsylvania

JoeyWinsALot JoeyWinsALot

@Entrepreneur-Rabbit-Hole miami, Florida

Fırat Yaman firatyaman
Digital Marketer | Consultant


Hesamedine Jannesari hesamedine1410
"I am a finance management student with a strong interest in blockchain and financial markets. I have about a year of experience in accounting and am eager to f