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Tomhuel Tomhuel

Canary Islands

Leo leobut

Hamburg, Germany

Elliot DeMatteis brasky

@EpicGames Seattle, WA

DeVon McWhite dmcwhite
Deleted repos kill contribution calendars .. :( (Not anymore)


coaben coaben2
dessinateur industriel sur autocad. je crée et test des solutions pour m'aider dans le dessin
Marijke Luttekes MHLut
Web developer in Groningen, The Netherlands. Primarily works with Django, Python, HTML, and CSS. Django Software Foundation (DSF) member.

Mah-Rye-Kuh Groningen, The Netherlands

Nora 600891
Student ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet, 5. semester Bachelor i Informasonsteknologi
Marius Felkner mflknr
Hello there. I'm an iOS Developer.

RTL Technologies Düsseldorf, Germany

bever1337 bever1337
I love the internet

João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil.

Tobias Henahax
web projects for hobbies and learning


Danielle R IllustratorDani
A programing student at MPTC.
Christopher Siller ChriSil
Tinkering with Arch, Machine Learning, CyberSec. --- Tinkering in Python & Rust

@at-gmbh Innsbruck, Austria

Can Mekikoğlu fcanmekikoglu
I do computer stuff.

Babonbo Turkey

Katie Ravenwood katieravenwood
Data enthusiast, musician, wonk, geek, fluent in neep, feeds nocturnally on books.

@LACountyDPH Washington, D.C.

Renske Vluuks

@Q42 Amsterdam

Seän D. Shepherd byteknight
Software Developer, Linux Crusader, Writer, Entrepreneur and Gamer. Old-school to the Core—Spittin' out Code since '91.

Payson, Utah