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Romano Romano BlueRaven1975
Senior Cloud / Site Reliability / Platform Engineer, DevSecOps, simulation games enthusiast, long-term roleplaying gamer, avid book reader and much more!

@corsearch Pesaro, Italy

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Oluwatunmise Oluwatunmise-olat
Cloud X Backend Engineer

Digital Nomad

Charles Cianos (Charlie) ccianos
Wassup friends! I'm Charlie a beautiful Homo Sapien of hominization only for peace. BLM, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, the Working Class, the Poor and the Homeless matter.

Hagginwood, Sacramento, CA

Umman Mammadov UMMAN2005
CNCF Kubestronaut ⎈ | Software & DevOps Engineer

Baku, Nizami, Azer Manafav 1

ZenWang ZenWang00

Università della Svizzera italiana

Micah Murray mmurray22
EECS PhD student @ UC Berkeley
Sergi Vos ☁ sergivb01
22 - Systems Engineer

@wikiloc Girona, Catalonia

Drew Meyers drewm-swe
Software Engineer at Muon Space, Ex-NASA JPL, MIT alum

Muon Space

Daniel Carvalho DanielM08
Software Engineer - MaxMilhas | Computer Science UFRN


Ben Vilnis bvilnis
Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits...

Kindred Group Sydney, Australia

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Mary Choi mmwc01

Nautical Commerce Toronto

skooch skooch

Melbourne, Australia

Harald Nordgren HaraldNordgren
Head of Engineering at @dietdoctor. Coding since 2004. MSc thesis on video compression. Working mostly in Golang, Python, Bash, JS and C/C++.

@dietdoctor Stockholm, Sweden

Ken Rimple krimple
Developer Relationship Advocate at Honeycomb, focusing on Honeycomb Front-end Observability.

Philadelphia, PA

Sean Ankenbruck ankense-cariad
Software Engineer | Platform Engineering | Observability
Yumi YumiChen
Software Engineer/ Front-end Engineer

Toronto, Canada

Calen Legaspi calen-legaspi
Chief Scientist, Founder & Chairman, Orange & Bronze Software Labs; Senior Professional Lecturer, DLSU; Member, Technical Committee for Computer Science, CHED

Orange & Bronze Software Labs Philippines

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Joshua Jones senojj

Okta Holland, OH

He’s a tryer!


Oskar Boëthius Lissheim avocade
Founder & CTO at Multiply. We're 100% remote-first, and always on the lookout for Clojure & AI superstars. Ping me for an IRL fika @ Norrsken House, Stockholm.

@multiplyco Stockholm, Sweden

Thomas anathematic
Typey typey person.

Hobart, Australia

Mitul Patel bittricky

@MennyAI *・☾・。. • *・. • *・☆・

Alan P Currie alanpcurrie
Software Engineer

United Kingdom

Brandon Johnson darwinz

@moovfinancial and @moov-io West Jordan, Utah, United States

Weiping Chen weipingc
I am a Big Data Analytics Engineer passionate about writing good code and building highly scalable distributed systems.
Noah Puckett noah-puckett
Fulltime Dev | Part-Time Goofball