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Pinja PingWang3
I'm an outgoing individual with a Finnish educational background and experience in ICT and customer service. Proficient in both Finnish and English, I enjoy tra



Taitopilvi 0.98327 - 1.017 AU

Egor jieggii
Adore electronics, ICT, music and sports. Someday I will combine them all.

@Uncle-Alex-Travel Finland

Web Developer


Phuong Nguyen phuongfi91
Code to live. Live to code.


Maksim Pechnikov parallel588


Ville Touronen villetou

@puro-earth Helsinki


Helsinki, Finland

Lauri Lovén lloven

University of Oulu Oulu, Finland

Leevi Kopakkala LeeviKopakkala
Health-tech and startup enthusiast based in Finland 🇫🇮 Software Developer at @MoflixGroup

Moflix Finland

Lauri Kantola lauritk
A software developer. My stack: Master of Science in Computer Science, Master of Arts in Psychology, Graphic Artisan degree.

@Solita Finland

Juha Halmu jhalmu
Mostly backend. Mail and have a smile.

Me, my Laptop And I Helsinki, Finland

Jere Mäennenä maennenajere
⌨️☕ age = 27 | location = 'Oulu, Finland' | 🎓 education = '2nd year ICT Engineering student'


Juha Wiberg jwiberg
Old fart trying to learn new stuff. Developing, not managing people and software.
Sami Kuhmonen Symbiatch

Tokavuh Technologies oy

Jesse Keskelä theisoj
this is my free-time job. a member of @Testausserveri.

@JesunMaailma @Testausserveri Suomi/Finland

Eric Jalal Eric-Jalal
Focus on engineering

Vaisala Helsinki, Finland

Can Ural urlDev
Software Developer - TS/React

Helsinki, Finland

Elena ElaFinIta
Web developer with a background in NLP.


glory goldenglorys
chronic stuff builder.. building till i crack..


Nicklas NicklasAkerman
Future wizard


Tomi Toivio TomiToivio
Data Steward at Helsinki University.

Helsinki University Finland

Hope Hoppeful
Teaching Assistant at the Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering

University of Ghana Accra Ghana

Aleksanteri Jaakola ajaakol
Creating beautiful applications with React Native, React.js and Vue.js


Otso Lappalainen otsolap

Varangian Venture Helsinki

Ilari Katajamäki idvele
Former teacher heading towards the it-field

Academic work Finland

Pyry Rannikko rannikkopyry
CEO RP-Solutions Oy, Founder

RP-Solutions Oy Vuokatti, Finland