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Iskandar Ali iskandarali

Putrajaya, Malaysia

Ahmed Gamal ahmedgamal1200
Hi 👋... My name is Ahmed gamal .. and I'm a web developer specifically BACK-END 🚀😜

Cairo, Egypt

Yurii Kindryk yuriikindryk
Full-Stack Software Engineer
Mike Mikina mikina
iOS developer. I love simplicity. Addicted to learning.

Europe ✈️

Leen Aouto LeenAouto

Qassim University Saudi Arabia

deactive Masih-Zehtab
Android, Kotlin,

betadev Isfahan-Iran

Gabriel Silva GabrielMCS01
Hello there!

Lisbon, Portugal

Tiago Moura TiagoMA90
Full Stack Web Dev.

Funchal <-> Zürich

Jasper JasperWelsing
Deerveloper @Digital-Deer

Digital Deer Utrecht, the Netherlands

Kamal kamallachinov
Making the HTML boxes look cool and filling them with data.
Carlos Jesus CarlosLiberJesus
Mestre dos Códigos e Substituições

Portugal, Faro

OsamaNagi OsamaNagi
Software Engineer

Egypt, Cairo

Janice Vilela janicemv
Former researcher, now junior Full Stack Developer!


Melvin.pinoyprogrammer secretmover02
Computer Programmer II, Web Developer, I.T Professional
Tsigabu seyoum Tsigabuwalker
Fullstack developer 👨‍💻 Full-Stack Developer | Passionate about building scalable web applications with a focus on clean architecture and user experience.
Tolosa Tolegithub7
IS Student in AAU with a focus on web development and basic video editing.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Juan Marín phreak777
Practice, training and maybe a personal project or two...
Full Stack Web Developer with a passion for building robust and scalable web applications. Experienced in both front-end and back-end development, specializing