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yng._.min yng-min
Just a Student Developer.


Jonathan Hill joegorithm
Computer Science and Mathematics Enthusiast

Oregon, USA

Vitor Keller vitorkeller
Olá! Me chamo Vitor, estou cursando Engenharia de Software pela Católica de Santa Catarina em Joinville.

Joinville - SC

Pedro Euzebio phmeuzebio
Desenvolvedor Full Stack | JavaScript | TypeScript | React | Next.js | Tailwind CSS | Node.js | Fastify | Prisma ORM | Docker | NestJS

Redenção, Ceará, Brasil

Christopher Enytc chrisenytc
Insane autistic man born in the middle of nowhere in a 3rd world country who has been gifted with Asperger’s Syndrome by natural selection. 🫡🇺🇸🧩

God of Creation at The Simulation Somewhere

Helena Paixão helenapaixao
Reactjs Developer

Guarapari - ES

Terkel terkelg
Brooklyn's favorite tech cuckoo

Brooklyn, NY

devin intergrav

@skywardmc florida

Casey Ochieng CaseyOchieng
Passionate Developer proficient in JavaScript , Go, Dart, Html and Css dedicated to crafting innovative solutions and building impactful applications.



Sejong University Seoul, South Korea

Alexis MARQUIS alexismarquis

Opendev | NiHost France

Egor Stronhin egor-xyz
Frontend Architect

@acsbe Tel Aviv, Israel

Riccardo Civiero ricciviero
Tech enthusiast focused on front-end development. Currently exploring React, React Native, Swift, Next JS, and more.


Andrew Truex ajtruex
I'm a web developer with a focus on unique web experiences and products

Indianapolis, Indiana

Christian Dela Cruz cmpdc
Hi, you can call me uri.
ΛBDUL HΛJIYΞV abdulhajiyev
Web Developer ◢◤ Self-taught CG Artist

Eigen LTD Earth

Atom atomtoto
France (Nice) 🇫🇷


James Bissick JamesBissick
Software developer building web/JS things

Paris, France

Guilherme Reis guifeliper
Software Engineer 🚀 Creating awesome tools, learning with the process and impacting people! \n From: 🇧🇷

Utrecht, Netherlands

Jonathan Russ JonathanXDR

@swisscom Zürich, Switzerland

Nehul Tyagi nehultyagi1
Privacy is a Myth


Paul Pham 157 paulpham157
As know as Phạm Đình Hùng

Hanoi, Viet Nam 🇻🇳

ritwikdurga ritwikdurga
Set your Heart Ablaze.

IIT Roorkee Roorkee

1r2t3z 1r2t3z
En liten mann som vil gjøre store ting. 👀

Joaquin Farfan blessedux

Mente Maestra Design Agency Santiago de Chile

Wenderson Pires wpdas
Senior Software Engineer at Satori - Web3 • Blockchain • Rust • TypeScript • Fullstack

Banyan Collective Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil

Ryan Oliveira RyanOliveira00
Brazzilian chasing to transform our lives with technology. Transform your business | [email protected]

@Tucupy-Tecnologia Belém/PA - Brasil

一蔚蓝 yiweilan


Truong Khanh khanhtruong
An android developer but trying to learn some new cuts


Loudbook Loudbooks
An independence developer that focuses on quality and usability.
João Inácio Neto birobirobiro
Front-end Developer

Actio Software São Paulo, Brazil

cSharp noidwasavailable

@hayanmind Sudkorea

Le Dien Phuc phucledien
iOS, macOS developer. In ❤️ with Swift

@dwarvesf @consolelabs Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

Narco morong34
Software Developer

Computacenter Timisoara