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- Solamento02
I really like to be a developer and I share some of my projects here 21y | 🇧🇷

Freelancer Brazil

Juan Moldes JimLoy
A developer

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Adrien Biencourt abiencourt
Full Stack developer | AWS Serverless | Arch + Neovim

@mgtgnh Galway, Ireland

Florian Carrier Akaizoku

@alteryx Amsterdam, Netherlands

Júnior Santos zzjunior
Desenvolvedor Web. Graduando Bacharelado em Ciências e Tecnologia na UFRN. Gestão estratégica CS TEIA CRM.


Simon Laux Simon-Laux


Free Software / LINUX / GODOT / BLENDER / Web3 / Blockchain / Crypto / Metaverse / PHP / JS / PYTHON / GAME

Open to work Remote

Benjamin Tuckett lordkrazymoose-official
Born in #Winnipeg 🇨🇦. Collaboration Available

Winnipeg, Canada

Eric Frendo-Cumbo DCeric
I just like using Linux for testing and buggering around. You want me to test your stuff then I can do that.
Salaheddin AbuEin sabuein
A human, father, husband, digital creative and web developer @RapidInfoSys

Seeking new opportunities London, UK

Student at D.IND, UoA C C++ Python HTML
Jeff / Jianfei Guo ventusff
Our conquest is the sea of stars     朝闻星辰大海,夕死可矣

NVIDIA Toronto AI Lab Zürich, Switzerland

Victor Manuel Calimeroak67
Software developer . I focus on process optimization. Using c and c++
miyou miyou379
Student of SWUFE, majoring in Accountancy.

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Chengdu, Sichuan

Taweechai Yuenyang abe27
Software Developer, I love open-source.

VCS Thailand Plaeng Yao,Chachoengsao,Thailand

Geová Ramalho dos Santos GeovaRS
Técnico em Eletrônica, Analista e Desenvolvedor de Sistemas

@mention HomeOffice QNM 06 Cj N Lt 32 Sl 04 Ceilândia Norte (Via Norte) Brasília - DF 72210-074

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Wittano Bonarotti Wittano
Hello :3 My name is Wittano-chan. I'm ordinary 25 yo femboy gamer UwU. I type some codes, do something weird in terminal and be Linux user hihi


Humberto Dias humbertodias
Developer, Open-source Enthusiast, Bachelor of Computer Science and Game Developer.
VetGaming_ vetgamingyt
Gamer. Dad. Disabled/Retired US Army Veteran. Grandpa. Content Creator. Diagnosed with Severe PTSD from the US Army
