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Alejandro Vasquez Echeverri avasquee

Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellin

Gaurav Sablok sciencegenome
Bioinformatician Python, RUST, Bash, SQL, SLURM, PyTorch, Tensorflow, XGBoost, Scikit-learn.


Varenya Jain VarenyaJ
Passionate bioinformagician with approximate knowledge of many things. HPC enthusiast and student researcher innovating in genomics and hardware systems

Bio+ECE > Research @illinois > @ncsa > @IGBIllinois > > BIH Washington Heights, New York City

Postdoc Associate

University of Minnesota Minneapolis

S Moreno sandyarrecife
- Molecular ecology - Population genetics - Insect genomics

IgorsLaB, uniklinik-freiburg Freiburg, Germany

Qazi Fahim Farhan (Soumic) fahimfarhan
🛰️ Through hardships to the stars 🚀 Nothing is true, everything is permitted

@sharetripnet Earth

BioWalker shijianasdf
I focused on bioinformatics and computational biology via machine learning and deep learning

Madrid - Spain

Moonerss Moonerss

Nanjing Medical University NanJing

Kilian Leon Kleemann Kiliankleemann
Passionate about impact of retroelements on neuroimmunology. Developing tools to investigate retroelement activty.

Bonn University & Bonn University Hospital Bonn

Arthur Rand ArtRand

@nanoporetech Santa Cruz, CA

Bigardcode Bigardcode
Translational Genomics
Sundharesan I Sundharesan10
Hi all. I'm a student pursuing Masters in Bioinformatics. Interested in Machine language and AI.
NhungVu NhungVu910

SungKyunKwan University Suwon, Korea

arrowif arrowifjn
biomedicine phd

Southwest medical university China

Andreas Stroehlein stroehleina
Bioinformatician at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment

Berlin, Germany

Suresh Kumar M suresh2014
Bacterial pathogens, Genomics, One Health and Epidemiology

University of Hyderabad, India India

Gabriel Lichtenstein glichtenstein
✔ Bioinformatics Research Scientist

>_ glicht University of Miami

Bob D bdeb1337

Leuven, Belgium

Ward D WardDeb

Freiburg, Germany

David Koppstein dkoppstein
Junior Group Leader for Cancer Bioinformatics and Multiomics at the DKTK/DKFZ and Uniklinikum Düsseldorf

DKTK/DKFZ Düsseldorf, DE

jaymepsantos jaymepsantos

Brasil, Rio Grande Do Sul, Tramandaí.

Yuling Zhao Yuling-Zhao

Max Planck Institute of Immunology and Epigenetics

Ronald Oellers RonaldOellers
PhD Student at Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics @maxplanck-ie

Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics

Tobias Hohl TobiasHohl
PhD student at @maxplanck-ie


Malte Petersen mptrsen
High-performance bioinformatician and currently IT infrastructure project lead at the University Hospital of Bonn.

University Hospital of Bonn Bonn, Germany

A.s. adRn-s
Bioinformatics, Data Science, and everything around GNU/Linux!
