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rekteks rekteks
I teach engineering for both work and pleasure.


astrochemx astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe

Joost Mulders joostm1
DevOps. Chaining process{[*]}anything to a release.


Sergio Catapreta walknh3ll
Your flesh is a relic; a mere vessel

Hexagon Mining Parauapebas, Pará, Brazil

Fernando Luiz Avanzo FernandoAvanzo
Desenvolvedor Fullstack, Clojure, Kotlin, Python, Java, JS

Open To Work Curitiba

jay DSzshine
developer of many things thoughtful

jsi canada

Rakib Hasan Babu imRHB
Specialized in cutting-edge web and mobile technologies as well as pixel-perfect designs. STACK ▶ JavaScript | Next JS | Express JS | MongoDB | Tailwind

@Standard-Insights Dhaka, Bangladesh

Fooly369 Fooly666

Elrazi university Egypt

Afshin Parhizkari AfshinParhizkari
◆ubuntu◆k8s◆docker ◆devops(gitlab,jenkins,app-servers,elk,nexus,passbolt,...) ◆db ◆Java◆SpringCloud◆SpringBoot ◆amqp ◆DDD ◆Jscript,AJAX,JQuery,Bootstrap


Michael Molin genetechnics
System Archtect


Ibis Brito ibisbra91
I'm a systems engineer with 7 years of experience in Software Testing. I love testing and develop software. I am creative, curious and organized girl.
Juliana (Jules) Barros Lima tiidadavena
@pyladiesrecife | @apyb | developer at daylight | artist at moonlight | npx tiidadavena | STEMinist

@CheesecakeLabs Brazil

Rob McDonald visualsbytheRob
Exploring and Learning Programming, Web Development, Artificial Intelligence, Generative 3D AV, Cloud and Quantum Computing. Check out my Starred Repositories.
WiTTg3N wittg3n
Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.


Adres Pranata adrespranata
Lulusan Sarjana Informatika dari Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

Bengkulu, Indonesia

Ricardo Garrido rych182
Frontend Developer learning a little all. Cuernavaca Morelos México

Rainbowbeast RainbowScientist5

RainbowScientist Playground Nevada

Jack Pontes jackelineferreira
Student of the Internet Systems course, IFRN. First-timer in the world of technology and curious. Seeking to learn daily, without making excuses.
Luo Ocean H-0110

Henan Polytechnic University. Jiaozuo,Henan

jim3 jim3
I like Node.js, Python, Go and about anything that involves API's and/or servers. And I ♥🐈's too!

Albany, GA

Suhail Ahamed Suhailcj
IT Administrator


Magnus C. 5kj41d
MSc in Computer Science. I live in Northern Jutland, Denmark. I have a huge interest Computational Archaeology/Paleoanthropology and Computer Vision.

Tinywolf and TimeTrails Denmark

MAD CITY MULTIMEDIA madcitymultimedia
MAD CITY DISTRIBUTION West 30 Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90031, United States,

MAD CITY MULTIMEDIA MAD CITY DISTRIBUTION West 30 Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90031, United States

Edwin HC edwinrhc
Software developer | Oracle | MySQL | Java | Spring Boot | Node JS |Nest JS| Angular | JavaScript | Typescript | OCI | Python |


Mehmet Keçeci WhiteSymmetry
Physicist (Completed the dissertation phase of the Ph.D. in Physics) <M|ehme|t><K|eçec|i> #FreeGaza


Elijah Wilt wilt-83
Grad @ OSU | UGrad @ Cornell