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Markus Rauhalahti mrauha
independent researcher (applied metascience and HCI) :: phd in computational chemistry :: nerding hard
Srdan Masirevic srdjanma
Computational biologist

A*STAR Singapore

Karina Pikalyova karinapikalyova
Deep Learning for small molecule & biologics design ı Dimensionality reduction methods for chemical & biological spaces analysis

University of Strasbourg France

Arne Schneuing arneschneuing
PhD student in computational biology @ EPFL

EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland

Josh Southern jks17

Imperial College London London

Matheus Müller mpds

National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC/MCTI) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Azmine Toushik Wasi azminewasi
Machine Learning Research (GNN, Medical AI, HAI, NLP) | Kaggle Grandmaster | Explorer | Looking for Research opportunities

Comilla, Bangladesh

Kehinde Ajayi kajayi
CS researcher specializing in representational deep learning
Sebastien Vigneau svigneau
Computational biologist with a focus on gene expression.

Ginkgo Bioworks Boston, Massachusetts, USA

mnarayan mnarayan
ML & Statistical Science | Causal Inference | Metascience | Protein Design @neuroquant. Maker of @skggm.

Pasteur's Quadrant

ZhangLiChuan ErikZhang-9762
Drug design and Deep learning.
FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Ashlin James Poruthoor Poruthoor
MacKerell Lab, University of Maryland Baltimore

University of Rochester

Johannes Kaminski JohannesKaminski
PhD Student Computation Drug Discovery

University of Münster Münster, Germany

Simon Mathis Croydon-Brixton
PhD student at Cambridge Uni. AI x Bio x Sustainability. Enzyme design and engineering.

Cambridge Uni, Institute for Protein Design (Baker lab), ETH Zurich Cambridge UK


TandemAI CA

Achchala Deepan achchala
engineering + computing @uWaterloo

@Valence-Labs Toronto

Alpri Else AlpriElse
prev @ UIUC, HubSpot

something new Seattle, WA

Lu Zhu zhu0619
Translational Researcher at Valence Labs.

Recursion Pharmaceuticals Montreal

Anna Kelmanson AnnaKelmanson
Computational chemist

Lausanne, Switzerland

Nick Lynch nicklynch

Curlew Research UK


United States

Magdalena Lederbauer mlederbauer
Visiting Graduate Student at MIT @coleygroup | Master student at ETH Zurich | Digital Chemistry

MIT | ETH Zurich Massachusetts, USA



Alex Müller alexarnimueller
Data Scientist and Cheminformatician

Roche Basel, Switzerland

Jianmin Wang AspirinCode
Drug Design , Linux enthusiast , Medicinal_Chemistry_&_ Synthesis , Chemoinformatics , Data Science, Python and C/C++ programmer,Bioinformatics,Deep Learning,AI

Yonsei University 中国(China)

Wenhao Gao wenhao-gao
I'm currently a PhD student in ChemE at MIT. I'm interested in developing systematical molecular design and synthesis protocols.

Cambridge, MA

Bola Khalil bolak92
CompChem Scientist/PhD-candidate @johnsonandjohnson and @ULeiden NL Interested in AI-driven Drug Discovery & Cheminformatics

Johnson & Johnson and Leiden University Belgium

Kun Zhu kunkunzhu
'25 BMath student at University of Waterloo passionate about the intersection between technology & empathy
Julien St-Laurent jstlaurent

@valence-labs Montréal, QC, Canada

Cas Wognum cwognum
Trying to teach machines (and myself) drug discovery at Valence Discovery


Hadrien Mary hadim
Scientist and engineer. Building things at the intersection of bio/phys/chem/ai/cs/infra. Former @valence-labs


Michel Moreau MichelML
Building at @valence-labs .

@valence-labs Montreal, Canada