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Russell Brian Fulache Dugaduga Jale Palma RussPalms
Self-taught tech enthusiast in CA. Passionate about ML, Quantum Computing, Python automation, and web development. Aspiring ML Quantum Computationist. 🎶🚀🌱

PalmaView L.L.C. Colton, CA

Daksh Kishore DakshDev
Hi, I'm Daksh Kishore, A professional and skilled Developer 🎃. I am currently learning (MERN) and (SEO)

Pakistan Sindh Karachi

Matt Chad MTheProgrammer
Involved in e-commerce solutions and 3D for Web. People should think and machines (computers) do the work.

Lucid Modules Taipei

Gregory Echo24h
👨‍🎓 42 Student


John Wick J-Wick4
CEO of a small tech company.
Virgilio Pontes virgiliopontes
I'm a web developer, but sometimes I play with Andruino, Java, Phyton, DialogFlow (Bots). email: [email protected]

@INWBrasil Nova Iguaçu, Brazil

Scott Carpenter squatto
Full-stack software developer. PHP, Laravel, JavaScript, React, etc. Co-founder/Head of Technology @QuadraEcommerce

@QuadraEcommerce and @BlueHelix Utah