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Hugo Santos Hugoacsantos
Só um dev!! Php/Laravel/Java


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Luiz Felipe Anunciato Nobre LuizAnunciato
I am passionate about Neural Chips and I will specialize in Neurotechnology. Currently, I am studying Computer Science 🖱️.

academiadodropbrasil Jacareí, SP

Jefferson Gonçalves jeffersongoncalves
PHP/Laravel developer from Brazil 🇧🇷🇺🇦 DeveloperPHP/Laravel @jsgtecnologia and @sistemaboss


secondman secondmanveran
The Veran. Second man to walk the Earth. Over 10,000 years old, leader of the Druids. Oh ... and also a Full Stack Dev working in Laravel, Vue and AI =)

Jetstream Labs, LLC. Queen Creek, AZ

Ricardo Di Zio ricdizio
Computer Science, Simón Bolívar University - Backend & Cloud Architect Engineer

@coinet Los Angeles

Mortexa smortexa

@exaco Iran, Tehran

selden ctfang
Reda Ermich ermix3
🌟 Full stack web developer specializing in mostly JAVA & PHP


Abdelrahman Omran Omranic
Developer Relations Lead / ex- @google • Software Architect • Community Contributor • Open-source Evangelist! #ML #Web3 #DevRel

Dubai, UAE

Xiao Wang Dong xiaowangdong
Student Ape Who Likes to Knock Code
Mohammed Terfa mohammedterfa
We are born to make this world more perfect and smarter.

Al-Twijiry Computer Systems Group Kuwait

ShaoBo Wan(無尘) Tinywan
You insist, believe in yourself, Yes 👍

WoTU EDU HangZhou China

PHP Developer

Belgrade, Serbia

Nick nicklatch
Java | Go | Elixir | Rust


Joey McKenzie JoeyMckenzie
Professional code janitor. PHP enjoyer. Tribal Chief acknowledger. ☝🏻

Dayforce Redding, CA

Carlos Afonso afonsocarlos
Web developer. I enjoy using vim on Linux.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Nima HeydariNasab nimah79

@QueraTeam Alborz, Iran

Stéphane Mourey taophp
Passionate developer, turning ideas into elegant code. Open-source enthusiast. Let's build something amazing together!

@PixyBlue France


United Kingdom

Peter Brinck peterbrinck
Full-stack web developer, making pretty things online with @laravel 👨‍💻

@ephort Denmark

Ezequiel D. ezequidias
Senior Software Engineer - Full Stack

SP, Brazil

Raul Illana raulillana
Full Stack Developer and DevOps

@WPmercs Tarragona, Spain

Rohan genericrohan
Changing careers to become a developer. Currently employed in a role doing VERY JUNIOR WordPress & Laravel dev & some hosting/infrastructure work.


Lead Developer @Instadapp | Full-Stack Developer & Freelancer

@Instadapp Lebanon

Luka Mamukashvili USLTD
Hardcore fan of milsim and realistic games, terminal wonders and SCP. Computer Science (English sector) Freshman at International Black Sea University LLC

Tbilisi, GE

David Lapointe Gilbert davidwebca
I'm a web developer with an accidental background in design and branding. / Développeur web avec un parcours accidentel en design et image de marque.

guimauve-creative Quebec city

NateNateNate haxn8
Stuck inside of Emacs

The Netherlands

SunnyCat AdaaWu
Nigel James njames
I am an "Enterprise" software architect with a passion for helping those embarking on STEM careers. I run @squarecloudlabs and consult around the world.

Square Cloud Pty Ltd Central Coast, NSW

Huid zhanghuid
The day that I stopped searching for the answers and started coming up with my own was the day that I started really growing as a developer.
Andy Winarko winarcooo

Jakarta, Indonesia

赵雨愛 notshwuy
i enjoy programming.


James Doyle james2doyle
Future Corpse • People Watcher • Gym Lover • Developer • Co-Organizer Of PHP Vancouver

@enginedigital Vancouver, BC, Canada

Oleg Andreyev oleg-andreyev
CTO | Principal Software Architect | 10+ years experience in Web development.

Riga, Latvia

Thijs de Witt thijsdewitt

@trinos-nl Netherlands