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Confidence Ekeanya fido1hn
Web 3 Builder 🦀

Lagos, Nigeria

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


0xElderon Equinox-Markets
Developing Based Applications
Rabindar KUMAR rkumar0099

New Territories, Hong Kong

Juan Pablo Rombolá JuampiRombola
Software Engineer - FIUBA

Reserve Buenos Aires, Argentina

Zev ZevUhuru
AI Researcher | Software Engineer

@EsyResearch Remote

Eliécer eliecerhf

@DexKit Venezuela

just started. AI researcher & software engineer
Grasshopper Equitie


H2BC Heru2BCrypt
Freaking out about crypto! So how was it when they had to live with scraps of paper, instead gold? - The Jar Collector -


Otnael Rocha OtnaelRochaSilva

UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Blumenau, SC, Brasil

Mehdi4J Elwafi-Elmehdi
a nervous system that loves transistors.


codingsh developerfred
Blockchain Developer, White Hat, Bridge builder and Decentralization specialist ENS: codingsh.eth


Ben bshyong


0xTopaz onlyhyde
Blockchain developer. Web3 Builder. @onbloc @gnoswap-labs


Junior Full-Stack Web Developer & Marketer.
Wyn Jng wynjng
LEARN-IT-ALL 學無止境 無所不學˙

@wowwao1 world as one1

Xalkan Duarte txalkan
₿lockchain engineer specializing in stablecoins and decentralized finance using Bitcoin and modern web technologies.
Akshat Mittal akshatmittal
MΛZΞ ✦ Developer & Entrepreneur

@Reserve-Protocol | @0xMetacrypt India

kizza fredrich kizzafredrichkibalama
Let's talk AI and Web3 : Doxa, DBOT and UnscriptedAI.... Coming soon

Doxa Foundation Global

Meir Galimidi ExperimentsWithCode
Formerly into bots, and web. Currently into blockchain.

New Jersey