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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


MeAPikachu MeAPikachu
Wanna become a strong and happy pikachu.

Stanford Physics Department Stanford

Jane Shtalenkova lunarlady
My goals are to seek knowledge and bring value. I love physics, art, coding, and nature.
LeoXia hz-xiaxz
Junior physics student @ Fudan University

Shanghai, China

Viswanath Pasumarthi vpasumarthi

Purdue University West Lafayette, IN

Piyush Pradhan piyush-ppradhan
PhD. Candidate @columbia Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering

Columbia University

Indranil Nayak nayak77
RA @ SLAC, Stanford | Ph.D., OSU | B.Tech E&ECE, IIT KGP

Stanford University Stanford

Heather Kelly heather999
Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.
Kenny Jia Kenny-Jia
Physics PhD student at Stanford/SLAC HEP, FastML, ATLAS, FCC, Muon Collider, C^3, ex-CMS

Stanford University / SLAC Stanford, CA

Divyansh Goyal divital-coder
Sentient Being, Julia Admirer.


εˆ˜ι“­ iuming
Just for fun!

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing

Timothy Noble Thysk

Science and Technology Facilities Council

Omkar Bhilare ombhilare999
Electronics Enthusiasts. I'm proficient in circuit and PCB designing. I have a great interest in fields like FPGA, Digital VLSI.

@BeagleWire @PyFive-RISC-V @SRA-VJTI mumbai

Manas Pange Manasmw01
MS in Electrical Engineering at Columbia University, Interested in Computer Architecture, SystemC, Verilog, and Formal Verification

United States of America

ac6y micha ac6y

Stanford, California, USA

飞 konosubakonoakua


Niko Lorantos nlorant-s

University of Massachusetts, Amherst Massachusetts, USA