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Alan Lujan alanlujan91
Visiting Assistant Research Professor, Department of Economics, Johns Hopkins University. Core developer @econ-ark.

Johns Hopkins University Rockville, MD

Heinz-Alexander Fuetterer afuetterer
Research Software Engineer

WZB Berlin Social Science Center Berlin, Germany

Maia Guell maiaguell
Professor of Economics, CUNEF Universidad & University of Edinburgh.
Md. Mohsin Hossain mohsin-bd
Interested in sustainability ♻️, climate change 🌍, and politics 🗳️.
Philippe Joly jolyphil

FU Berlin Berlin, Germany

Cynthia Huang cynthiahqy
PhD Student in Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University

Melbourne, Australia

Alex Jakubow alexjakubow
Director of Empirical Research and Data Services at Yale Law School. @ylsdata

Yale University Cary, NC

Ken Pang-Yu Wang kenpywang
I am an accounting researcher. This Github site deposits codes and data of my research and replication projects.

National Taiwan University Taipei

François Briatte briatte
Political scientist interested in network analysis. Speaks English, French, R, Stata.

Lille / Paris, France

Librarian and amateur panda-wrangler
Alexis Rodas rodasmilian
Economist and DataLover. My subjects of interest are Applied Econometrics, Labor Economics, and DataViz.

Mexico City

Data Scientist , Development Economist and Father of three lovely children.

University of Bordeaux - Openclassromms Paris - France