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Iskander 0xisk


SeanF jabroniCode


Alex Nesovic alexnesov
Founder of Full-stack developer.

Infocom Luxembourg

Abiodun 🏯🎴 odunlemi
Programmer. Network testing / Validator for blockchain protocols. OS Contributor. Interested in systems and efficient tools.

Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (Study) Nigeria

Soona chainsona
dream BIG. build FAST. don't HURRY.


Aaditya Baranwal eternal-f1ame
conflicted in versions of pain T-T

University of Central Florida FL, USA

Oleh craterface77
⚙️ Solidity Smart Contract Engineer 🔗 Blockchain Integrations Engineer

Poland, Warsaw

Rémy Tuyéras remytuyeras
Trained mathematician & computer scientist developing AI-driven tools and cryptographic solutions for privacy and security, with a focus on real-world impact.

Cambridge (MA)

Sai Roshini K CAT-ROM
I really enjoy rain.
Backend, Distributed Systems, Blockchain

IIIT-H internet

Mattia Papa mp-web3
I am a Full Stack and Solidity Developer


Danielle Meer ALGOREX-PH
Private Repositories for future References

Machine Learning Engineer Makati City, PH

hazardkrypto.eth iBrainiac
Blockchain Dev Working with Smart Contracts in RUST, Solidity, Cairo | OpenSource Research in Blockchain Tech

D.Y.O.R Blockchain Academy Metaverse

Kadircan Bozkurt kadirchan
some stuff

METU Turkey

Kaveri Chhikara kaveriC

University of Chicago Chicago, IL

Sebastian sebastianlujan

ratherlabs Uruguay, Montevideo

Achita lordachita
All-round investor


Mehdi mghasemi

Edmonton Police Services Canada

Philipp Litzenberger plitzenberger
Full-Stack Software Engineer building impactful solutions for sustainably oriented businesses. Provides development of apps, platforms and cloud services.

Bendcircular GmbH Hamburg

Gregory Croisdale gcrois
PhD Candidate @ University of Michigan

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI



Hikaru Rev0li
Blockchain archeologue ! I'm going to dust off and explore this idealistic world of tokens

Free code ...

kesgin | KafnTeam Oxkesgin
I take care to research and scan.
Ikal rakhid16
Machine Learning & Backend Engineering :electron:

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Kingdom of Saudi Arabia