diff --git a/api/Blog.php b/api/Blog.php
index d29af50..a363ad7 100755
--- a/api/Blog.php
+++ b/api/Blog.php
@@ -14,68 +14,74 @@
class Blog extends Simpla
- /*
- *
- * Функция возвращает пост по его id или url
- * (в зависимости от типа аргумента, int - id, string - url)
- * @param $id id или url поста
- *
- */
- public function get_post($id)
- {
- if(is_int($id))
- $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE b.id=? ', intval($id));
- else
- $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE b.url=? ', $id);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT b.id, b.url, b.name, b.annotation, b.text, b.meta_title, b.meta_keywords, b.meta_description, b.visible, b.date
+ /*
+ *
+ * Функция возвращает пост по его id или url
+ * (в зависимости от типа аргумента, int - id, string - url)
+ * @param $id id или url поста
+ *
+ */
+ public function get_post($id)
+ {
+ if (is_int($id)) {
+ $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE b.id=? ', intval($id));
+ } else {
+ $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE b.url=? ', $id);
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT b.id, b.url, b.name, b.annotation, b.text, b.meta_title, b.meta_keywords, b.meta_description, b.visible, b.date
FROM __blog b
LIMIT 1");
- if($this->db->query($query))
- return $this->db->result();
- else
- return false;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Функция возвращает массив постов, удовлетворяющих фильтру
- * @param $filter
- *
- */
- public function get_posts($filter = array())
- {
- // По умолчанию
- $limit = 1000;
- $page = 1;
- $post_id_filter = '';
- $visible_filter = '';
- $keyword_filter = '';
- $posts = array();
- if(isset($filter['limit']))
- $limit = max(1, intval($filter['limit']));
- if(isset($filter['page']))
- $page = max(1, intval($filter['page']));
- if(!empty($filter['id']))
- $post_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND b.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
- if(isset($filter['visible']))
- $visible_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND b.visible = ?', intval($filter['visible']));
- if(isset($filter['keyword']))
- {
- $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
- foreach($keywords as $keyword)
- $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (b.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR b.meta_keywords LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%") ');
- }
- $sql_limit = $this->db->placehold(' LIMIT ?, ? ', ($page-1)*$limit, $limit);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT b.id, b.url, b.name, b.annotation, b.text, b.meta_title, b.meta_keywords, b.meta_description, b.visible, b.date
+ if ($this->db->query($query)) {
+ return $this->db->result();
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Функция возвращает массив постов, удовлетворяющих фильтру
+ * @param $filter
+ *
+ */
+ public function get_posts($filter = array())
+ {
+ // По умолчанию
+ $limit = 1000;
+ $page = 1;
+ $post_id_filter = '';
+ $visible_filter = '';
+ $keyword_filter = '';
+ $posts = array();
+ if (isset($filter['limit'])) {
+ $limit = max(1, intval($filter['limit']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['page'])) {
+ $page = max(1, intval($filter['page']));
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['id'])) {
+ $post_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND b.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['visible'])) {
+ $visible_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND b.visible = ?', intval($filter['visible']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['keyword'])) {
+ $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
+ foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
+ $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (b.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR b.meta_keywords LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%") ');
+ }
+ }
+ $sql_limit = $this->db->placehold(' LIMIT ?, ? ', ($page-1)*$limit, $limit);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT b.id, b.url, b.name, b.annotation, b.text, b.meta_title, b.meta_keywords, b.meta_description, b.visible, b.date
FROM __blog b
@@ -84,148 +90,154 @@ public function get_posts($filter = array())
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- /*
- *
- * Функция вычисляет количество постов, удовлетворяющих фильтру
- * @param $filter
- *
- */
- public function count_posts($filter = array())
- {
- $post_id_filter = '';
- $visible_filter = '';
- $keyword_filter = '';
- if(!empty($filter['id']))
- $post_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND b.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
- if(isset($filter['visible']))
- $visible_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND b.visible = ?', intval($filter['visible']));
- if(isset($filter['keyword']))
- {
- $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
- foreach($keywords as $keyword)
- $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (b.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR b.meta_keywords LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%") ');
- }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT COUNT(distinct b.id) as count
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Функция вычисляет количество постов, удовлетворяющих фильтру
+ * @param $filter
+ *
+ */
+ public function count_posts($filter = array())
+ {
+ $post_id_filter = '';
+ $visible_filter = '';
+ $keyword_filter = '';
+ if (!empty($filter['id'])) {
+ $post_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND b.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['visible'])) {
+ $visible_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND b.visible = ?', intval($filter['visible']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['keyword'])) {
+ $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
+ foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
+ $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (b.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR b.meta_keywords LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%") ');
+ }
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT COUNT(distinct b.id) as count
FROM __blog b
- if($this->db->query($query))
- return $this->db->result('count');
- else
- return false;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Создание поста
- * @param $post
- *
- */
- public function add_post($post)
- {
- if(!isset($post->date))
- $date_query = ', date=NOW()';
- else
- $date_query = '';
- $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __blog SET ?% $date_query", $post);
- if(!$this->db->query($query))
- return false;
- else
- return $this->db->insert_id();
- }
- /*
- *
- * Обновить пост(ы)
- * @param $post
- *
- */
- public function update_post($id, $post)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __blog SET ?% WHERE id in(?@) LIMIT ?", $post, (array)$id, count((array)$id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $id;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Удалить пост
- * @param $id
- *
- */
- public function delete_post($id)
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __blog WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- if($this->db->query($query))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __comments WHERE type='blog' AND object_id=?", intval($id));
- if($this->db->query($query))
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Следующий пост
- * @param $post
- *
- */
- public function get_next_post($id)
- {
- $this->db->query("SELECT date FROM __blog WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
- $date = $this->db->result('date');
- $this->db->query("(SELECT id FROM __blog WHERE date=? AND id>? AND visible ORDER BY id limit 1)
+ if ($this->db->query($query)) {
+ return $this->db->result('count');
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Создание поста
+ * @param $post
+ *
+ */
+ public function add_post($post)
+ {
+ if (!isset($post->date)) {
+ $date_query = ', date=NOW()';
+ } else {
+ $date_query = '';
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __blog SET ?% $date_query", $post);
+ if (!$this->db->query($query)) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return $this->db->insert_id();
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Обновить пост(ы)
+ * @param $post
+ *
+ */
+ public function update_post($id, $post)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __blog SET ?% WHERE id in(?@) LIMIT ?", $post, (array)$id, count((array)$id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Удалить пост
+ * @param $id
+ *
+ */
+ public function delete_post($id)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __blog WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ if ($this->db->query($query)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __comments WHERE type='blog' AND object_id=?", intval($id));
+ if ($this->db->query($query)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Следующий пост
+ * @param $post
+ *
+ */
+ public function get_next_post($id)
+ {
+ $this->db->query("SELECT date FROM __blog WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
+ $date = $this->db->result('date');
+ $this->db->query("(SELECT id FROM __blog WHERE date=? AND id>? AND visible ORDER BY id limit 1)
(SELECT id FROM __blog WHERE date>? AND visible ORDER BY date, id limit 1)",
- $date, $id, $date);
- $next_id = $this->db->result('id');
- if($next_id)
- return $this->get_post(intval($next_id));
- else
- return false;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Предыдущий пост
- * @param $post
- *
- */
- public function get_prev_post($id)
- {
- $this->db->query("SELECT date FROM __blog WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
- $date = $this->db->result('date');
- $this->db->query("(SELECT id FROM __blog WHERE date=? AND id AND visible ORDER BY id DESC limit 1)
+ $date, $id, $date);
+ $next_id = $this->db->result('id');
+ if ($next_id) {
+ return $this->get_post(intval($next_id));
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Предыдущий пост
+ * @param $post
+ *
+ */
+ public function get_prev_post($id)
+ {
+ $this->db->query("SELECT date FROM __blog WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
+ $date = $this->db->result('date');
+ $this->db->query("(SELECT id FROM __blog WHERE date=? AND id AND visible ORDER BY id DESC limit 1)
(SELECT id FROM __blog WHERE date AND visible ORDER BY date DESC, id DESC limit 1)",
- $date, $id, $date);
- $prev_id = $this->db->result('id');
- if($prev_id)
- return $this->get_post(intval($prev_id));
- else
- return false;
- }
+ $date, $id, $date);
+ $prev_id = $this->db->result('id');
+ if ($prev_id) {
+ return $this->get_post(intval($prev_id));
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/api/Brands.php b/api/Brands.php
index ddf78ae..67743d1 100755
--- a/api/Brands.php
+++ b/api/Brands.php
@@ -13,133 +13,131 @@
class Brands extends Simpla
- /*
- *
- * Функция возвращает массив брендов, удовлетворяющих фильтру
- * @param $filter
- *
- */
- public function get_brands($filter = array())
- {
- $category_id_filter = '';
- $visible_filter = '';
- $in_stock_filter = '';
- if(isset($filter['in_stock']))
- $in_stock_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND (SELECT count(*)>0 FROM __variants pv WHERE pv.product_id=p.id AND pv.price>0 AND (pv.stock IS NULL OR pv.stock>0) LIMIT 1) = ?', intval($filter['in_stock']));
- if(isset($filter['visible']))
- $visible_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.visible=?', intval($filter['visible']));
- if(!empty($filter['category_id']))
- $category_id_filter = $this->db->placehold("LEFT JOIN __products p ON p.brand_id=b.id LEFT JOIN __products_categories pc ON p.id = pc.product_id WHERE pc.category_id in(?@) $visible_filter $in_stock_filter", (array)$filter['category_id']);
- // Выбираем все бренды
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT DISTINCT b.id, b.name, b.url, b.meta_title, b.meta_keywords, b.meta_description, b.description, b.image
+ /*
+ *
+ * Функция возвращает массив брендов, удовлетворяющих фильтру
+ * @param $filter
+ *
+ */
+ public function get_brands($filter = array())
+ {
+ $category_id_filter = '';
+ $visible_filter = '';
+ $in_stock_filter = '';
+ if (isset($filter['in_stock'])) {
+ $in_stock_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND (SELECT count(*)>0 FROM __variants pv WHERE pv.product_id=p.id AND pv.price>0 AND (pv.stock IS NULL OR pv.stock>0) LIMIT 1) = ?', intval($filter['in_stock']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['visible'])) {
+ $visible_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.visible=?', intval($filter['visible']));
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['category_id'])) {
+ $category_id_filter = $this->db->placehold("LEFT JOIN __products p ON p.brand_id=b.id LEFT JOIN __products_categories pc ON p.id = pc.product_id WHERE pc.category_id in(?@) $visible_filter $in_stock_filter", (array)$filter['category_id']);
+ }
+ // Выбираем все бренды
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT DISTINCT b.id, b.name, b.url, b.meta_title, b.meta_keywords, b.meta_description, b.description, b.image
FROM __brands b
ORDER BY b.name");
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- /*
- *
- * Функция возвращает бренд по его id или url
- * (в зависимости от типа аргумента, int - id, string - url)
- * @param $id id или url поста
- *
- */
- public function get_brand($id)
- {
- if(is_int($id))
- $filter = $this->db->placehold('b.id = ?', $id);
- else
- $filter = $this->db->placehold('b.url = ?', $id);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT b.id, b.name, b.url, b.meta_title, b.meta_keywords, b.meta_description, b.description, b.image
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Функция возвращает бренд по его id или url
+ * (в зависимости от типа аргумента, int - id, string - url)
+ * @param $id id или url поста
+ *
+ */
+ public function get_brand($id)
+ {
+ if (is_int($id)) {
+ $filter = $this->db->placehold('b.id = ?', $id);
+ } else {
+ $filter = $this->db->placehold('b.url = ?', $id);
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT b.id, b.name, b.url, b.meta_title, b.meta_keywords, b.meta_description, b.description, b.image
FROM __brands b
WHERE $filter
LIMIT 1");
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->result();
- }
- /*
- *
- * Добавление бренда
- * @param $brand
- *
- */
- public function add_brand($brand)
- {
- $brand = (array)$brand;
- if(empty($brand['url']))
- {
- $brand['url'] = preg_replace("/[\s]+/ui", '_', $brand['name']);
- $brand['url'] = strtolower(preg_replace("/[^0-9a-zа-я_]+/ui", '', $brand['url']));
- }
- $this->db->query("INSERT INTO __brands SET ?%", $brand);
- return $this->db->insert_id();
- }
- /*
- *
- * Обновление бренда(ов)
- * @param $brand
- *
- */
- public function update_brand($id, $brand)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __brands SET ?% WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $brand, intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $id;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Удаление бренда
- * @param $id
- *
- */
- public function delete_brand($id)
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- $this->delete_image($id);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __brands WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __products SET brand_id=NULL WHERE brand_id=?", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- }
- /*
- *
- * Удаление изображения бренда
- * @param $id
- *
- */
- public function delete_image($brand_id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT image FROM __brands WHERE id=?", intval($brand_id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- $filename = $this->db->result('image');
- if(!empty($filename))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __brands SET image=NULL WHERE id=?", $brand_id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT count(*) as count FROM __brands WHERE image=? LIMIT 1", $filename);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $count = $this->db->result('count');
- if($count == 0)
- {
- @unlink($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->brands_images_dir.$filename);
- }
- }
- }
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->result();
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Добавление бренда
+ * @param $brand
+ *
+ */
+ public function add_brand($brand)
+ {
+ $brand = (array)$brand;
+ if (empty($brand['url'])) {
+ $brand['url'] = preg_replace("/[\s]+/ui", '_', $brand['name']);
+ $brand['url'] = strtolower(preg_replace("/[^0-9a-zа-я_]+/ui", '', $brand['url']));
+ }
+ $this->db->query("INSERT INTO __brands SET ?%", $brand);
+ return $this->db->insert_id();
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Обновление бренда(ов)
+ * @param $brand
+ *
+ */
+ public function update_brand($id, $brand)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __brands SET ?% WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $brand, intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Удаление бренда
+ * @param $id
+ *
+ */
+ public function delete_brand($id)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ $this->delete_image($id);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __brands WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __products SET brand_id=NULL WHERE brand_id=?", $id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Удаление изображения бренда
+ * @param $id
+ *
+ */
+ public function delete_image($brand_id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT image FROM __brands WHERE id=?", intval($brand_id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $filename = $this->db->result('image');
+ if (!empty($filename)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __brands SET image=NULL WHERE id=?", $brand_id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT count(*) as count FROM __brands WHERE image=? LIMIT 1", $filename);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $count = $this->db->result('count');
+ if ($count == 0) {
+ @unlink($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->brands_images_dir.$filename);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/api/Cart.php b/api/Cart.php
index d715b3a..ee5bb5a 100755
--- a/api/Cart.php
+++ b/api/Cart.php
@@ -14,185 +14,169 @@
class Cart extends Simpla
- /*
- *
- * Функция возвращает корзину
- *
- */
- public function get_cart()
- {
- $cart = new stdClass();
- $cart->purchases = array();
- $cart->total_price = 0;
- $cart->total_products = 0;
- $cart->coupon = null;
- $cart->discount = 0;
- $cart->coupon_discount = 0;
- // Берем из сессии список variant_id=>amount
- if(!empty($_SESSION['shopping_cart']))
- {
- $session_items = $_SESSION['shopping_cart'];
- $variants = $this->variants->get_variants(array('id'=>array_keys($session_items)));
- if(!empty($variants))
- {
- foreach($variants as $variant)
- {
- $items[$variant->id] = new stdClass();
- $items[$variant->id]->variant = $variant;
- $items[$variant->id]->amount = $session_items[$variant->id];
- $products_ids[] = $variant->product_id;
- }
- $products = array();
- foreach($this->products->get_products(array('id'=>$products_ids, 'limit' => count($products_ids))) as $p)
- $products[$p->id]=$p;
- $images = $this->products->get_images(array('product_id'=>$products_ids));
- foreach($images as $image)
- $products[$image->product_id]->images[$image->id] = $image;
- foreach($items as $variant_id=>$item)
- {
- $purchase = null;
- if(!empty($products[$item->variant->product_id]))
- {
- $purchase = new stdClass();
- $purchase->product = $products[$item->variant->product_id];
- $purchase->variant = $item->variant;
- $purchase->amount = $item->amount;
- $cart->purchases[] = $purchase;
- $cart->total_price += $item->variant->price*$item->amount;
- $cart->total_products += $item->amount;
- }
- }
- // Пользовательская скидка
- $cart->discount = 0;
- if(isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && $user = $this->users->get_user(intval($_SESSION['user_id'])))
- $cart->discount = $user->discount;
- $cart->total_price *= (100-$cart->discount)/100;
- // Скидка по купону
- if(isset($_SESSION['coupon_code']))
- {
- $cart->coupon = $this->coupons->get_coupon($_SESSION['coupon_code']);
- if($cart->coupon && $cart->coupon->valid && $cart->total_price>=$cart->coupon->min_order_price)
- {
- if($cart->coupon->type=='absolute')
- {
- // Абсолютная скидка не более суммы заказа
- $cart->coupon_discount = $cart->total_price>$cart->coupon->value?$cart->coupon->value:$cart->total_price;
- $cart->total_price = max(0, $cart->total_price-$cart->coupon->value);
- }
- else
- {
- $cart->coupon_discount = $cart->total_price * ($cart->coupon->value)/100;
- $cart->total_price = $cart->total_price-$cart->coupon_discount;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- unset($_SESSION['coupon_code']);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $cart;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Добавление варианта товара в корзину
- *
- */
- public function add_item($variant_id, $amount = 1)
- {
- $amount = max(1, $amount);
- if(isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart'][$variant_id]))
- $amount = max(1, $amount+$_SESSION['shopping_cart'][$variant_id]);
- // Выберем товар из базы, заодно убедившись в его существовании
- $variant = $this->variants->get_variant($variant_id);
- // Если товар существует, добавим его в корзину
- if(!empty($variant) && ($variant->stock>0) )
- {
- // Не дадим больше чем на складе
- $amount = min($amount, $variant->stock);
- $_SESSION['shopping_cart'][$variant_id] = intval($amount);
- }
- }
- /*
- *
- * Обновление количества товара
- *
- */
- public function update_item($variant_id, $amount = 1)
- {
- $amount = max(1, $amount);
- // Выберем товар из базы, заодно убедившись в его существовании
- $variant = $this->variants->get_variant($variant_id);
- // Если товар существует, добавим его в корзину
- if(!empty($variant) && $variant->stock>0)
- {
- // Не дадим больше чем на складе
- $amount = min($amount, $variant->stock);
- $_SESSION['shopping_cart'][$variant_id] = intval($amount);
- }
- }
- /*
- *
- * Удаление товара из корзины
- *
- */
- public function delete_item($variant_id)
- {
- unset($_SESSION['shopping_cart'][$variant_id]);
- }
- /*
- *
- * Очистка корзины
- *
- */
- public function empty_cart()
- {
- unset($_SESSION['shopping_cart']);
- unset($_SESSION['coupon_code']);
- }
- /*
- *
- * Применить купон
- *
- */
- public function apply_coupon($coupon_code)
- {
- $coupon = $this->coupons->get_coupon((string)$coupon_code);
- if($coupon && $coupon->valid)
- {
- $_SESSION['coupon_code'] = $coupon->code;
- }
- else
- {
- unset($_SESSION['coupon_code']);
- }
- }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Функция возвращает корзину
+ *
+ */
+ public function get_cart()
+ {
+ $cart = new stdClass();
+ $cart->purchases = array();
+ $cart->total_price = 0;
+ $cart->total_products = 0;
+ $cart->coupon = null;
+ $cart->discount = 0;
+ $cart->coupon_discount = 0;
+ // Берем из сессии список variant_id=>amount
+ if (!empty($_SESSION['shopping_cart'])) {
+ $session_items = $_SESSION['shopping_cart'];
+ $variants = $this->variants->get_variants(array('id'=>array_keys($session_items)));
+ if (!empty($variants)) {
+ foreach ($variants as $variant) {
+ $items[$variant->id] = new stdClass();
+ $items[$variant->id]->variant = $variant;
+ $items[$variant->id]->amount = $session_items[$variant->id];
+ $products_ids[] = $variant->product_id;
+ }
+ $products = array();
+ foreach ($this->products->get_products(array('id'=>$products_ids, 'limit' => count($products_ids))) as $p) {
+ $products[$p->id]=$p;
+ }
+ $images = $this->products->get_images(array('product_id'=>$products_ids));
+ foreach ($images as $image) {
+ $products[$image->product_id]->images[$image->id] = $image;
+ }
+ foreach ($items as $variant_id=>$item) {
+ $purchase = null;
+ if (!empty($products[$item->variant->product_id])) {
+ $purchase = new stdClass();
+ $purchase->product = $products[$item->variant->product_id];
+ $purchase->variant = $item->variant;
+ $purchase->amount = $item->amount;
+ $cart->purchases[] = $purchase;
+ $cart->total_price += $item->variant->price*$item->amount;
+ $cart->total_products += $item->amount;
+ }
+ }
+ // Пользовательская скидка
+ $cart->discount = 0;
+ if (isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && $user = $this->users->get_user(intval($_SESSION['user_id']))) {
+ $cart->discount = $user->discount;
+ }
+ $cart->total_price *= (100-$cart->discount)/100;
+ // Скидка по купону
+ if (isset($_SESSION['coupon_code'])) {
+ $cart->coupon = $this->coupons->get_coupon($_SESSION['coupon_code']);
+ if ($cart->coupon && $cart->coupon->valid && $cart->total_price>=$cart->coupon->min_order_price) {
+ if ($cart->coupon->type=='absolute') {
+ // Абсолютная скидка не более суммы заказа
+ $cart->coupon_discount = $cart->total_price>$cart->coupon->value?$cart->coupon->value:$cart->total_price;
+ $cart->total_price = max(0, $cart->total_price-$cart->coupon->value);
+ } else {
+ $cart->coupon_discount = $cart->total_price * ($cart->coupon->value)/100;
+ $cart->total_price = $cart->total_price-$cart->coupon_discount;
+ }
+ } else {
+ unset($_SESSION['coupon_code']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $cart;
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Добавление варианта товара в корзину
+ *
+ */
+ public function add_item($variant_id, $amount = 1)
+ {
+ $amount = max(1, $amount);
+ if (isset($_SESSION['shopping_cart'][$variant_id])) {
+ $amount = max(1, $amount+$_SESSION['shopping_cart'][$variant_id]);
+ }
+ // Выберем товар из базы, заодно убедившись в его существовании
+ $variant = $this->variants->get_variant($variant_id);
+ // Если товар существует, добавим его в корзину
+ if (!empty($variant) && ($variant->stock>0)) {
+ // Не дадим больше чем на складе
+ $amount = min($amount, $variant->stock);
+ $_SESSION['shopping_cart'][$variant_id] = intval($amount);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Обновление количества товара
+ *
+ */
+ public function update_item($variant_id, $amount = 1)
+ {
+ $amount = max(1, $amount);
+ // Выберем товар из базы, заодно убедившись в его существовании
+ $variant = $this->variants->get_variant($variant_id);
+ // Если товар существует, добавим его в корзину
+ if (!empty($variant) && $variant->stock>0) {
+ // Не дадим больше чем на складе
+ $amount = min($amount, $variant->stock);
+ $_SESSION['shopping_cart'][$variant_id] = intval($amount);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Удаление товара из корзины
+ *
+ */
+ public function delete_item($variant_id)
+ {
+ unset($_SESSION['shopping_cart'][$variant_id]);
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Очистка корзины
+ *
+ */
+ public function empty_cart()
+ {
+ unset($_SESSION['shopping_cart']);
+ unset($_SESSION['coupon_code']);
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Применить купон
+ *
+ */
+ public function apply_coupon($coupon_code)
+ {
+ $coupon = $this->coupons->get_coupon((string)$coupon_code);
+ if ($coupon && $coupon->valid) {
+ $_SESSION['coupon_code'] = $coupon->code;
+ } else {
+ unset($_SESSION['coupon_code']);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/api/Categories.php b/api/Categories.php
index eea3030..e48d12c 100755
--- a/api/Categories.php
+++ b/api/Categories.php
@@ -13,247 +13,247 @@
class Categories extends Simpla
- // Список указателей на категории в дереве категорий (ключ = id категории)
- private $all_categories;
- // Дерево категорий
- private $categories_tree;
- // Функция возвращает массив категорий
- public function get_categories($filter = array())
- {
- if(!isset($this->categories_tree))
- $this->init_categories();
- if(!empty($filter['product_id']))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT category_id FROM __products_categories WHERE product_id in(?@) ORDER BY position", (array)$filter['product_id']);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $categories_ids = $this->db->results('category_id');
- $result = array();
- foreach($categories_ids as $id)
- if(isset($this->all_categories[$id]))
- $result[$id] = $this->all_categories[$id];
- return $result;
- }
- return $this->all_categories;
- }
- // Функция возвращает id категорий для заданного товара
- public function get_product_categories($product_id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT product_id, category_id, position FROM __products_categories WHERE product_id in(?@) ORDER BY position", (array)$product_id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- // Функция возвращает id категорий для всех товаров
- public function get_products_categories()
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT product_id, category_id, position FROM __products_categories ORDER BY position");
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- // Функция возвращает дерево категорий
- public function get_categories_tree()
- {
- if(!isset($this->categories_tree))
- $this->init_categories();
- return $this->categories_tree;
- }
- // Функция возвращает заданную категорию
- public function get_category($id)
- {
- if(!isset($this->all_categories))
- $this->init_categories();
- if(is_int($id) && array_key_exists(intval($id), $this->all_categories))
- return $category = $this->all_categories[intval($id)];
- elseif(is_string($id))
- foreach ($this->all_categories as $category)
- if ($category->url == $id)
- return $this->get_category((int)$category->id);
- return false;
- }
- // Добавление категории
- public function add_category($category)
- {
- $category = (array)$category;
- if(empty($category['url']))
- {
- $category['url'] = preg_replace("/[\s]+/ui", '_', $category['name']);
- $category['url'] = strtolower(preg_replace("/[^0-9a-zа-я_]+/ui", '', $category['url']));
- }
- // Если есть категория с таким URL, добавляем к нему число
- while($this->get_category((string)$category['url']))
- {
- if(preg_match('/(.+)_([0-9]+)$/', $category['url'], $parts))
- $category['url'] = $parts[1].'_'.($parts[2]+1);
- else
- $category['url'] = $category['url'].'_2';
- }
- $this->db->query("INSERT INTO __categories SET ?%", $category);
- $id = $this->db->insert_id();
- $this->db->query("UPDATE __categories SET position=id WHERE id=?", $id);
- unset($this->categories_tree);
- unset($this->all_categories);
- return $id;
- }
- // Изменение категории
- public function update_category($id, $category)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __categories SET ?% WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $category, intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- unset($this->categories_tree);
- unset($this->all_categories);
- return intval($id);
- }
- // Удаление категории
- public function delete_category($ids)
- {
- $ids = (array) $ids;
- foreach($ids as $id)
- {
- if($category = $this->get_category(intval($id)))
- $this->delete_image($category->children);
- if(!empty($category->children))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __categories WHERE id in(?@)", $category->children);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __products_categories WHERE category_id in(?@)", $category->children);
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- }
- unset($this->categories_tree);
- unset($this->all_categories);
- return $id;
- }
- // Добавить категорию к заданному товару
- public function add_product_category($product_id, $category_id, $position=0)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT IGNORE INTO __products_categories SET product_id=?, category_id=?, position=?", $product_id, $category_id, $position);
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- // Удалить категорию заданного товара
- public function delete_product_category($product_id, $category_id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __products_categories WHERE product_id=? AND category_id=? LIMIT 1", intval($product_id), intval($category_id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- // Удалить изображение категории
- public function delete_image($categories_ids)
- {
- $categories_ids = (array) $categories_ids;
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT image FROM __categories WHERE id in(?@)", $categories_ids);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $filenames = $this->db->results('image');
- if(!empty($filenames))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __categories SET image=NULL WHERE id in(?@)", $categories_ids);
- $this->db->query($query);
- foreach($filenames as $filename)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT count(*) as count FROM __categories WHERE image=?", $filename);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $count = $this->db->result('count');
- if($count == 0)
- {
- @unlink($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->categories_images_dir.$filename);
- }
- }
- unset($this->categories_tree);
- unset($this->all_categories);
- }
- }
- // Инициализация категорий, после которой категории будем выбирать из локальной переменной
- private function init_categories()
- {
- // Дерево категорий
- $tree = new stdClass();
- $tree->subcategories = array();
- // Указатели на узлы дерева
- $pointers = array();
- $pointers[0] = &$tree;
- $pointers[0]->path = array();
- $pointers[0]->level = 0;
- // Выбираем все категории
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT c.id, c.parent_id, c.name, c.description, c.url, c.meta_title, c.meta_keywords, c.meta_description, c.image, c.visible, c.position
+ // Список указателей на категории в дереве категорий (ключ = id категории)
+ private $all_categories;
+ // Дерево категорий
+ private $categories_tree;
+ // Функция возвращает массив категорий
+ public function get_categories($filter = array())
+ {
+ if (!isset($this->categories_tree)) {
+ $this->init_categories();
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['product_id'])) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT category_id FROM __products_categories WHERE product_id in(?@) ORDER BY position", (array)$filter['product_id']);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $categories_ids = $this->db->results('category_id');
+ $result = array();
+ foreach ($categories_ids as $id) {
+ if (isset($this->all_categories[$id])) {
+ $result[$id] = $this->all_categories[$id];
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ return $this->all_categories;
+ }
+ // Функция возвращает id категорий для заданного товара
+ public function get_product_categories($product_id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT product_id, category_id, position FROM __products_categories WHERE product_id in(?@) ORDER BY position", (array)$product_id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ // Функция возвращает id категорий для всех товаров
+ public function get_products_categories()
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT product_id, category_id, position FROM __products_categories ORDER BY position");
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ // Функция возвращает дерево категорий
+ public function get_categories_tree()
+ {
+ if (!isset($this->categories_tree)) {
+ $this->init_categories();
+ }
+ return $this->categories_tree;
+ }
+ // Функция возвращает заданную категорию
+ public function get_category($id)
+ {
+ if (!isset($this->all_categories)) {
+ $this->init_categories();
+ }
+ if (is_int($id) && array_key_exists(intval($id), $this->all_categories)) {
+ return $category = $this->all_categories[intval($id)];
+ } elseif (is_string($id)) {
+ foreach ($this->all_categories as $category) {
+ if ($category->url == $id) {
+ return $this->get_category((int)$category->id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Добавление категории
+ public function add_category($category)
+ {
+ $category = (array)$category;
+ if (empty($category['url'])) {
+ $category['url'] = preg_replace("/[\s]+/ui", '_', $category['name']);
+ $category['url'] = strtolower(preg_replace("/[^0-9a-zа-я_]+/ui", '', $category['url']));
+ }
+ // Если есть категория с таким URL, добавляем к нему число
+ while ($this->get_category((string)$category['url'])) {
+ if (preg_match('/(.+)_([0-9]+)$/', $category['url'], $parts)) {
+ $category['url'] = $parts[1].'_'.($parts[2]+1);
+ } else {
+ $category['url'] = $category['url'].'_2';
+ }
+ }
+ $this->db->query("INSERT INTO __categories SET ?%", $category);
+ $id = $this->db->insert_id();
+ $this->db->query("UPDATE __categories SET position=id WHERE id=?", $id);
+ unset($this->categories_tree);
+ unset($this->all_categories);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ // Изменение категории
+ public function update_category($id, $category)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __categories SET ?% WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $category, intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ unset($this->categories_tree);
+ unset($this->all_categories);
+ return intval($id);
+ }
+ // Удаление категории
+ public function delete_category($ids)
+ {
+ $ids = (array) $ids;
+ foreach ($ids as $id) {
+ if ($category = $this->get_category(intval($id))) {
+ $this->delete_image($category->children);
+ }
+ if (!empty($category->children)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __categories WHERE id in(?@)", $category->children);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __products_categories WHERE category_id in(?@)", $category->children);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ }
+ unset($this->categories_tree);
+ unset($this->all_categories);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ // Добавить категорию к заданному товару
+ public function add_product_category($product_id, $category_id, $position=0)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT IGNORE INTO __products_categories SET product_id=?, category_id=?, position=?", $product_id, $category_id, $position);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ // Удалить категорию заданного товара
+ public function delete_product_category($product_id, $category_id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __products_categories WHERE product_id=? AND category_id=? LIMIT 1", intval($product_id), intval($category_id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ // Удалить изображение категории
+ public function delete_image($categories_ids)
+ {
+ $categories_ids = (array) $categories_ids;
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT image FROM __categories WHERE id in(?@)", $categories_ids);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $filenames = $this->db->results('image');
+ if (!empty($filenames)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __categories SET image=NULL WHERE id in(?@)", $categories_ids);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ foreach ($filenames as $filename) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT count(*) as count FROM __categories WHERE image=?", $filename);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $count = $this->db->result('count');
+ if ($count == 0) {
+ @unlink($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->categories_images_dir.$filename);
+ }
+ }
+ unset($this->categories_tree);
+ unset($this->all_categories);
+ }
+ }
+ // Инициализация категорий, после которой категории будем выбирать из локальной переменной
+ private function init_categories()
+ {
+ // Дерево категорий
+ $tree = new stdClass();
+ $tree->subcategories = array();
+ // Указатели на узлы дерева
+ $pointers = array();
+ $pointers[0] = &$tree;
+ $pointers[0]->path = array();
+ $pointers[0]->level = 0;
+ // Выбираем все категории
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT c.id, c.parent_id, c.name, c.description, c.url, c.meta_title, c.meta_keywords, c.meta_description, c.image, c.visible, c.position
FROM __categories c
ORDER BY c.parent_id, c.position");
- // Выбор категорий с подсчетом количества товаров для каждой. Может тормозить при большом количестве товаров.
- // $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT c.id, c.parent_id, c.name, c.description, c.url, c.meta_title, c.meta_keywords, c.meta_description, c.image, c.visible, c.position, COUNT(p.id) as products_count
- // FROM __categories c LEFT JOIN __products_categories pc ON pc.category_id=c.id LEFT JOIN __products p ON p.id=pc.product_id AND p.visible GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.parent_id, c.position");
- $this->db->query($query);
- $categories = $this->db->results();
- $finish = false;
- // Не кончаем, пока не кончатся категории, или пока ниодну из оставшихся некуда приткнуть
- while(!empty($categories) && !$finish)
- {
- $flag = false;
- // Проходим все выбранные категории
- foreach($categories as $k=>$category)
- {
- if(isset($pointers[$category->parent_id]))
- {
- // В дерево категорий (через указатель) добавляем текущую категорию
- $pointers[$category->id] = $pointers[$category->parent_id]->subcategories[] = $category;
- // Путь к текущей категории
- $curr = $pointers[$category->id];
- $pointers[$category->id]->path = array_merge((array)$pointers[$category->parent_id]->path, array($curr));
- // Уровень вложенности категории
- $pointers[$category->id]->level = 1+$pointers[$category->parent_id]->level;
- // Убираем использованную категорию из массива категорий
- unset($categories[$k]);
- $flag = true;
- }
- }
- if(!$flag) $finish = true;
- }
- // Для каждой категории id всех ее деток узнаем
- $ids = array_reverse(array_keys($pointers));
- foreach($ids as $id)
- {
- if($id>0)
- {
- $pointers[$id]->children[] = $id;
- if(isset($pointers[$pointers[$id]->parent_id]->children))
- $pointers[$pointers[$id]->parent_id]->children = array_merge($pointers[$id]->children, $pointers[$pointers[$id]->parent_id]->children);
- else
- $pointers[$pointers[$id]->parent_id]->children = $pointers[$id]->children;
- // Добавляем количество товаров к родительской категории, если текущая видима
- // if(isset($pointers[$pointers[$id]->parent_id]) && $pointers[$id]->visible)
- // $pointers[$pointers[$id]->parent_id]->products_count += $pointers[$id]->products_count;
- }
- }
- unset($pointers[0]);
- unset($ids);
- $this->categories_tree = $tree->subcategories;
- $this->all_categories = $pointers;
- }
+ // Выбор категорий с подсчетом количества товаров для каждой. Может тормозить при большом количестве товаров.
+ // $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT c.id, c.parent_id, c.name, c.description, c.url, c.meta_title, c.meta_keywords, c.meta_description, c.image, c.visible, c.position, COUNT(p.id) as products_count
+ // FROM __categories c LEFT JOIN __products_categories pc ON pc.category_id=c.id LEFT JOIN __products p ON p.id=pc.product_id AND p.visible GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY c.parent_id, c.position");
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $categories = $this->db->results();
+ $finish = false;
+ // Не кончаем, пока не кончатся категории, или пока ниодну из оставшихся некуда приткнуть
+ while (!empty($categories) && !$finish) {
+ $flag = false;
+ // Проходим все выбранные категории
+ foreach ($categories as $k=>$category) {
+ if (isset($pointers[$category->parent_id])) {
+ // В дерево категорий (через указатель) добавляем текущую категорию
+ $pointers[$category->id] = $pointers[$category->parent_id]->subcategories[] = $category;
+ // Путь к текущей категории
+ $curr = $pointers[$category->id];
+ $pointers[$category->id]->path = array_merge((array)$pointers[$category->parent_id]->path, array($curr));
+ // Уровень вложенности категории
+ $pointers[$category->id]->level = 1+$pointers[$category->parent_id]->level;
+ // Убираем использованную категорию из массива категорий
+ unset($categories[$k]);
+ $flag = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$flag) {
+ $finish = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Для каждой категории id всех ее деток узнаем
+ $ids = array_reverse(array_keys($pointers));
+ foreach ($ids as $id) {
+ if ($id>0) {
+ $pointers[$id]->children[] = $id;
+ if (isset($pointers[$pointers[$id]->parent_id]->children)) {
+ $pointers[$pointers[$id]->parent_id]->children = array_merge($pointers[$id]->children, $pointers[$pointers[$id]->parent_id]->children);
+ } else {
+ $pointers[$pointers[$id]->parent_id]->children = $pointers[$id]->children;
+ }
+ // Добавляем количество товаров к родительской категории, если текущая видима
+ // if(isset($pointers[$pointers[$id]->parent_id]) && $pointers[$id]->visible)
+ // $pointers[$pointers[$id]->parent_id]->products_count += $pointers[$id]->products_count;
+ }
+ }
+ unset($pointers[0]);
+ unset($ids);
+ $this->categories_tree = $tree->subcategories;
+ $this->all_categories = $pointers;
+ }
diff --git a/api/Comments.php b/api/Comments.php
index 1a1d173..b1a0a2e 100755
--- a/api/Comments.php
+++ b/api/Comments.php
@@ -14,61 +14,69 @@
class Comments extends Simpla
- // Возвращает комментарий по id
- public function get_comment($id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT c.id, c.object_id, c.name, c.ip, c.type, c.text, c.date, c.approved FROM __comments c WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- if($this->db->query($query))
- return $this->db->result();
- else
- return false;
- }
- // Возвращает комментарии, удовлетворяющие фильтру
- public function get_comments($filter = array())
- {
- // По умолчанию
- $limit = 0;
- $page = 1;
- $object_id_filter = '';
- $type_filter = '';
- $keyword_filter = '';
- $approved_filter = '';
- if(isset($filter['limit']))
- $limit = max(1, intval($filter['limit']));
- if(isset($filter['page']))
- $page = max(1, intval($filter['page']));
- if(isset($filter['ip']))
- $ip = $this->db->placehold("OR c.ip=?", $filter['ip']);
- if(isset($filter['approved']))
- $approved_filter = $this->db->placehold("AND (c.approved=? $ip)", intval($filter['approved']));
- if($limit)
- $sql_limit = $this->db->placehold(' LIMIT ?, ? ', ($page-1)*$limit, $limit);
- else
- $sql_limit = '';
- if(!empty($filter['object_id']))
- $object_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND c.object_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['object_id']);
- if(!empty($filter['type']))
- $type_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND c.type=?', $filter['type']);
- if(!empty($filter['keyword']))
- {
- $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
- foreach($keywords as $keyword)
- $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND c.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR c.text LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" ');
- }
- $sort='DESC';
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT c.id, c.object_id, c.ip, c.name, c.text, c.type, c.date, c.approved
+ // Возвращает комментарий по id
+ public function get_comment($id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT c.id, c.object_id, c.name, c.ip, c.type, c.text, c.date, c.approved FROM __comments c WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ if ($this->db->query($query)) {
+ return $this->db->result();
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Возвращает комментарии, удовлетворяющие фильтру
+ public function get_comments($filter = array())
+ {
+ // По умолчанию
+ $limit = 0;
+ $page = 1;
+ $object_id_filter = '';
+ $type_filter = '';
+ $keyword_filter = '';
+ $approved_filter = '';
+ if (isset($filter['limit'])) {
+ $limit = max(1, intval($filter['limit']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['page'])) {
+ $page = max(1, intval($filter['page']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['ip'])) {
+ $ip = $this->db->placehold("OR c.ip=?", $filter['ip']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['approved'])) {
+ $approved_filter = $this->db->placehold("AND (c.approved=? $ip)", intval($filter['approved']));
+ }
+ if ($limit) {
+ $sql_limit = $this->db->placehold(' LIMIT ?, ? ', ($page-1)*$limit, $limit);
+ } else {
+ $sql_limit = '';
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['object_id'])) {
+ $object_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND c.object_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['object_id']);
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['type'])) {
+ $type_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND c.type=?', $filter['type']);
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['keyword'])) {
+ $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
+ foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
+ $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND c.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR c.text LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" ');
+ }
+ }
+ $sort='DESC';
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT c.id, c.object_id, c.ip, c.name, c.text, c.type, c.date, c.approved
FROM __comments c
@@ -78,35 +86,38 @@ public function get_comments($filter = array())
ORDER BY id $sort
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- // Количество комментариев, удовлетворяющих фильтру
- public function count_comments($filter = array())
- {
- $object_id_filter = '';
- $type_filter = '';
- $approved_filter = '';
- $keyword_filter = '';
- if(!empty($filter['object_id']))
- $object_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND c.object_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['object_id']);
- if(!empty($filter['type']))
- $type_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND c.type=?', $filter['type']);
- if(isset($filter['approved']))
- $approved_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND c.approved=?', intval($filter['approved']));
- if(!empty($filter['keyword']))
- {
- $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
- foreach($keywords as $keyword)
- $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND c.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR c.text LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" ');
- }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT count(distinct c.id) as count
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ // Количество комментариев, удовлетворяющих фильтру
+ public function count_comments($filter = array())
+ {
+ $object_id_filter = '';
+ $type_filter = '';
+ $approved_filter = '';
+ $keyword_filter = '';
+ if (!empty($filter['object_id'])) {
+ $object_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND c.object_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['object_id']);
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['type'])) {
+ $type_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND c.type=?', $filter['type']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['approved'])) {
+ $approved_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND c.approved=?', intval($filter['approved']));
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['keyword'])) {
+ $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
+ foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
+ $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND c.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR c.text LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" ');
+ }
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT count(distinct c.id) as count
FROM __comments c
@@ -114,48 +125,46 @@ public function count_comments($filter = array())
$approved_filter", $this->settings->date_format);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->result('count');
- }
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->result('count');
+ }
- // Добавление комментария
- public function add_comment($comment)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold('INSERT INTO __comments
+ // Добавление комментария
+ public function add_comment($comment)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold('INSERT INTO __comments
SET ?%,
date = NOW()',
- $comment);
- if(!$this->db->query($query))
- return false;
- $id = $this->db->insert_id();
- return $id;
- }
- // Изменение комментария
- public function update_comment($id, $comment)
- {
- $date_query = '';
- if(isset($comment->date))
- {
- $date = $comment->date;
- unset($comment->date);
- $date_query = $this->db->placehold(', date=STR_TO_DATE(?, ?)', $date, $this->settings->date_format);
- }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __comments SET ?% $date_query WHERE id in(?@) LIMIT 1", $comment, (array)$id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $id;
- }
- // Удаление комментария
- public function delete_comment($id)
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __comments WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- }
+ $comment);
+ if (!$this->db->query($query)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $id = $this->db->insert_id();
+ return $id;
+ }
+ // Изменение комментария
+ public function update_comment($id, $comment)
+ {
+ $date_query = '';
+ if (isset($comment->date)) {
+ $date = $comment->date;
+ unset($comment->date);
+ $date_query = $this->db->placehold(', date=STR_TO_DATE(?, ?)', $date, $this->settings->date_format);
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __comments SET ?% $date_query WHERE id in(?@) LIMIT 1", $comment, (array)$id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ // Удаление комментария
+ public function delete_comment($id)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __comments WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/api/Config.php b/api/Config.php
index b2d2c25..a8297b5 100755
--- a/api/Config.php
+++ b/api/Config.php
@@ -13,118 +13,118 @@
class Config
- public $version = '2.3.7';
- // Файл для хранения настроек
- public $config_file = 'config/config.php';
- private $vars = array();
- // В конструкторе записываем настройки файла в переменные этого класса
- // для удобного доступа к ним. Например: $simpla->config->db_user
- public function __construct()
- {
- // Читаем настройки из дефолтного файла
- $ini = parse_ini_file(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.$this->config_file);
- // Записываем настройку как переменную класса
- foreach($ini as $var=>$value)
- $this->vars[$var] = $value;
- // Вычисляем DOCUMENT_ROOT вручную, так как иногда в нем находится что-то левое
- $localpath = getenv("SCRIPT_NAME");
- $absolutepath = getenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME");
- $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']=substr($absolutepath,0,strpos($absolutepath,$localpath));
- // Адрес сайта - тоже одна из настроек, но вычисляем его автоматически, а не берем из файла
- $script_dir1 = realpath(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
- $script_dir2 = realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
- $subdir = trim(substr($script_dir1, strlen($script_dir2)), "/\\");
- if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))
- $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = getenv('HTTP_HOST');
- $this->vars['host'] = rtrim($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
- // Протокол (http OR https)
- $protocol = strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"],0,5))=='https'? 'https' : 'http';
- if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && (($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') || ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == '1'))) {
- $protocol = 'https';
- } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https' || !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL'] == 'on') {
- $protocol = 'https';
- } elseif( isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && '443' == $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] ) {
- $protocol = 'https';
- }
- $this->vars['protocol'] = $protocol;
- $this->vars['root_url'] = $protocol.'://'.$this->vars['host'];
- if(!empty($subdir))
- $this->vars['root_url'] .= '/'.$subdir;
- // Подпапка в которую установлена симпла относительно корня веб-сервера
- $this->vars['subfolder'] = $subdir.'/';
- // Определяем корневую директорию сайта
- $this->vars['root_dir'] = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/';
- // Максимальный размер загружаемых файлов
- $max_upload = (int)(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
- $max_post = (int)(ini_get('post_max_size'));
- $memory_limit = (int)(ini_get('memory_limit'));
- $this->vars['max_upload_filesize'] = min($max_upload, $max_post, $memory_limit)*1024*1024;
- // Если соль не определена, то будем генировать ее
- if(empty($this->vars['salt']))
- {
- // Соль (разная для каждой копии сайта, изменяющаяся при изменении config-файла)
- $s = stat(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.$this->config_file);
- $this->vars['salt'] = md5(md5_file(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.$this->config_file).$s['dev'].$s['ino'].$s['uid'].$s['mtime']);
- }
- // Часовой пояс
- if(!empty($this->vars['php_timezone']))
- {
- date_default_timezone_set($this->vars['php_timezone']);
- }
- elseif(!ini_get('date.timezone'))
- {
- date_default_timezone_set('UTC');
- }
- }
- // Магическим методов возвращаем нужную переменную
- public function __get($name)
- {
- if(isset($this->vars[$name]))
- return $this->vars[$name];
- else
- return null;
- }
- // Магическим методов задаём нужную переменную
- public function __set($name, $value)
- {
- # Запишем конфиги
- if(isset($this->vars[$name]))
- {
- $conf = file_get_contents(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.$this->config_file);
- $conf = preg_replace("/".$name."\s*=.*\n/i", $name.' = '.$value."\r\n", $conf);
- $cf = fopen(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.$this->config_file, 'w');
- fwrite($cf, $conf);
- fclose($cf);
- $this->vars[$name] = $value;
- }
- }
- public function token($text)
- {
- return md5($text.$this->salt);
- }
- public function check_token($text, $token)
- {
- if(!empty($token) && $token === $this->token($text))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
+ public $version = '2.3.7';
+ // Файл для хранения настроек
+ public $config_file = 'config/config.php';
+ private $vars = array();
+ // В конструкторе записываем настройки файла в переменные этого класса
+ // для удобного доступа к ним. Например: $simpla->config->db_user
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ // Читаем настройки из дефолтного файла
+ $ini = parse_ini_file(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.$this->config_file);
+ // Записываем настройку как переменную класса
+ foreach ($ini as $var=>$value) {
+ $this->vars[$var] = $value;
+ }
+ // Вычисляем DOCUMENT_ROOT вручную, так как иногда в нем находится что-то левое
+ $localpath = getenv("SCRIPT_NAME");
+ $absolutepath = getenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME");
+ $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']=substr($absolutepath, 0, strpos($absolutepath, $localpath));
+ // Адрес сайта - тоже одна из настроек, но вычисляем его автоматически, а не берем из файла
+ $script_dir1 = realpath(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
+ $script_dir2 = realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
+ $subdir = trim(substr($script_dir1, strlen($script_dir2)), "/\\");
+ if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
+ $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = getenv('HTTP_HOST');
+ }
+ $this->vars['host'] = rtrim($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
+ // Протокол (http OR https)
+ $protocol = strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"], 0, 5))=='https'? 'https' : 'http';
+ if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && (($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') || ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == '1'))) {
+ $protocol = 'https';
+ } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https' || !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL'] == 'on') {
+ $protocol = 'https';
+ } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && '443' == $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) {
+ $protocol = 'https';
+ }
+ $this->vars['protocol'] = $protocol;
+ $this->vars['root_url'] = $protocol.'://'.$this->vars['host'];
+ if (!empty($subdir)) {
+ $this->vars['root_url'] .= '/'.$subdir;
+ }
+ // Подпапка в которую установлена симпла относительно корня веб-сервера
+ $this->vars['subfolder'] = $subdir.'/';
+ // Определяем корневую директорию сайта
+ $this->vars['root_dir'] = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/';
+ // Максимальный размер загружаемых файлов
+ $max_upload = (int)(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
+ $max_post = (int)(ini_get('post_max_size'));
+ $memory_limit = (int)(ini_get('memory_limit'));
+ $this->vars['max_upload_filesize'] = min($max_upload, $max_post, $memory_limit)*1024*1024;
+ // Если соль не определена, то будем генировать ее
+ if (empty($this->vars['salt'])) {
+ // Соль (разная для каждой копии сайта, изменяющаяся при изменении config-файла)
+ $s = stat(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.$this->config_file);
+ $this->vars['salt'] = md5(md5_file(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.$this->config_file).$s['dev'].$s['ino'].$s['uid'].$s['mtime']);
+ }
+ // Часовой пояс
+ if (!empty($this->vars['php_timezone'])) {
+ date_default_timezone_set($this->vars['php_timezone']);
+ } elseif (!ini_get('date.timezone')) {
+ date_default_timezone_set('UTC');
+ }
+ }
+ // Магическим методов возвращаем нужную переменную
+ public function __get($name)
+ {
+ if (isset($this->vars[$name])) {
+ return $this->vars[$name];
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ // Магическим методов задаём нужную переменную
+ public function __set($name, $value)
+ {
+ # Запишем конфиги
+ if (isset($this->vars[$name])) {
+ $conf = file_get_contents(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.$this->config_file);
+ $conf = preg_replace("/".$name."\s*=.*\n/i", $name.' = '.$value."\r\n", $conf);
+ $cf = fopen(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.$this->config_file, 'w');
+ fwrite($cf, $conf);
+ fclose($cf);
+ $this->vars[$name] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ public function token($text)
+ {
+ return md5($text.$this->salt);
+ }
+ public function check_token($text, $token)
+ {
+ if (!empty($token) && $token === $this->token($text)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
diff --git a/api/Coupons.php b/api/Coupons.php
index 4538c4b..7596ea3 100755
--- a/api/Coupons.php
+++ b/api/Coupons.php
@@ -14,71 +14,78 @@
class Coupons extends Simpla
- /*
- *
- * Функция возвращает купон по его id или url
- * (в зависимости от типа аргумента, int - id, string - code)
- * @param $id id или code купона
- *
- */
- public function get_coupon($id)
- {
- if(gettype($id) == 'string')
- $where = $this->db->placehold('WHERE c.code=? ', $id);
- else
- $where = $this->db->placehold('WHERE c.id=? ', $id);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT c.id, c.code, c.value, c.type, c.expire, min_order_price, c.single, c.usages,
+ /*
+ *
+ * Функция возвращает купон по его id или url
+ * (в зависимости от типа аргумента, int - id, string - code)
+ * @param $id id или code купона
+ *
+ */
+ public function get_coupon($id)
+ {
+ if (gettype($id) == 'string') {
+ $where = $this->db->placehold('WHERE c.code=? ', $id);
+ } else {
+ $where = $this->db->placehold('WHERE c.id=? ', $id);
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT c.id, c.code, c.value, c.type, c.expire, min_order_price, c.single, c.usages,
((DATE(NOW()) <= DATE(c.expire) OR c.expire IS NULL) AND (c.usages=0 OR NOT c.single)) AS valid
FROM __coupons c
LIMIT 1");
- if($this->db->query($query))
- return $this->db->result();
- else
- return false;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Функция возвращает массив купонов, удовлетворяющих фильтру
- * @param $filter
- *
- */
- public function get_coupons($filter = array())
- {
- // По умолчанию
- $limit = 1000;
- $page = 1;
- $coupon_id_filter = '';
- $valid_filter = '';
- $keyword_filter = '';
- if(isset($filter['limit']))
- $limit = max(1, intval($filter['limit']));
- if(isset($filter['page']))
- $page = max(1, intval($filter['page']));
- if(!empty($filter['id']))
- $coupon_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND c.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
- if(isset($filter['valid']))
- if($filter['valid'])
- $valid_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND ((DATE(NOW()) <= DATE(c.expire) OR c.expire IS NULL) AND (c.usages=0 OR NOT c.single))');
- else
- $valid_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND NOT ((DATE(NOW()) <= DATE(c.expire) OR c.expire IS NULL) AND (c.usages=0 OR NOT c.single))');
- if(isset($filter['keyword']))
- {
- $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
- foreach($keywords as $keyword)
- $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (b.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR b.meta_keywords LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%") ');
- }
- $sql_limit = $this->db->placehold(' LIMIT ?, ? ', ($page-1)*$limit, $limit);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT c.id, c.code, c.value, c.type, c.expire, min_order_price, c.single, c.usages,
+ if ($this->db->query($query)) {
+ return $this->db->result();
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Функция возвращает массив купонов, удовлетворяющих фильтру
+ * @param $filter
+ *
+ */
+ public function get_coupons($filter = array())
+ {
+ // По умолчанию
+ $limit = 1000;
+ $page = 1;
+ $coupon_id_filter = '';
+ $valid_filter = '';
+ $keyword_filter = '';
+ if (isset($filter['limit'])) {
+ $limit = max(1, intval($filter['limit']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['page'])) {
+ $page = max(1, intval($filter['page']));
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['id'])) {
+ $coupon_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND c.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['valid'])) {
+ if ($filter['valid']) {
+ $valid_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND ((DATE(NOW()) <= DATE(c.expire) OR c.expire IS NULL) AND (c.usages=0 OR NOT c.single))');
+ } else {
+ $valid_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND NOT ((DATE(NOW()) <= DATE(c.expire) OR c.expire IS NULL) AND (c.usages=0 OR NOT c.single))');
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['keyword'])) {
+ $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
+ foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
+ $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (b.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR b.meta_keywords LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%") ');
+ }
+ }
+ $sql_limit = $this->db->placehold(' LIMIT ?, ? ', ($page-1)*$limit, $limit);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT c.id, c.code, c.value, c.type, c.expire, min_order_price, c.single, c.usages,
((DATE(NOW()) <= DATE(c.expire) OR c.expire IS NULL) AND (c.usages=0 OR NOT c.single)) AS valid
FROM __coupons c
@@ -88,93 +95,96 @@ public function get_coupons($filter = array())
$sql_limit", $this->settings->date_format);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- /*
- *
- * Функция вычисляет количество постов, удовлетворяющих фильтру
- * @param $filter
- *
- */
- public function count_coupons($filter = array())
- {
- $coupon_id_filter = '';
- $valid_filter = '';
- if(!empty($filter['id']))
- $coupon_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND c.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
- if(isset($filter['valid']))
- $valid_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND ((DATE(NOW()) <= DATE(c.expire) OR c.expire IS NULL) AND (c.usages=0 OR NOT c.single))');
- if(isset($filter['keyword']))
- {
- $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
- foreach($keywords as $keyword)
- $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (b.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR b.meta_keywords LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%") ');
- }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT COUNT(distinct c.id) as count
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Функция вычисляет количество постов, удовлетворяющих фильтру
+ * @param $filter
+ *
+ */
+ public function count_coupons($filter = array())
+ {
+ $coupon_id_filter = '';
+ $valid_filter = '';
+ if (!empty($filter['id'])) {
+ $coupon_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND c.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['valid'])) {
+ $valid_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND ((DATE(NOW()) <= DATE(c.expire) OR c.expire IS NULL) AND (c.usages=0 OR NOT c.single))');
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['keyword'])) {
+ $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
+ foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
+ $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (b.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR b.meta_keywords LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%") ');
+ }
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT COUNT(distinct c.id) as count
FROM __coupons c
- if($this->db->query($query))
- return $this->db->result('count');
- else
- return false;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Создание купона
- * @param $coupon
- *
- */
- public function add_coupon($coupon)
- {
- if(empty($coupon->single))
- $coupon->single = 0;
- $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __coupons SET ?%", $coupon);
- if(!$this->db->query($query))
- return false;
- else
- return $this->db->insert_id();
- }
- /*
- *
- * Обновить купон(ы)
- * @param $id, $coupon
- *
- */
- public function update_coupon($id, $coupon)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __coupons SET ?% WHERE id in(?@) LIMIT ?", $coupon, (array)$id, count((array)$id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $id;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Удалить купон
- * @param $id
- *
- */
- public function delete_coupon($id)
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __coupons WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- return $this->db->query($query);
- }
- }
+ if ($this->db->query($query)) {
+ return $this->db->result('count');
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Создание купона
+ * @param $coupon
+ *
+ */
+ public function add_coupon($coupon)
+ {
+ if (empty($coupon->single)) {
+ $coupon->single = 0;
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __coupons SET ?%", $coupon);
+ if (!$this->db->query($query)) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return $this->db->insert_id();
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Обновить купон(ы)
+ * @param $id, $coupon
+ *
+ */
+ public function update_coupon($id, $coupon)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __coupons SET ?% WHERE id in(?@) LIMIT ?", $coupon, (array)$id, count((array)$id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Удалить купон
+ * @param $id
+ *
+ */
+ public function delete_coupon($id)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __coupons WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ return $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/api/Database.php b/api/Database.php
index 05d21a9..349f7bc 100755
--- a/api/Database.php
+++ b/api/Database.php
@@ -13,493 +13,471 @@
class Database extends Simpla
- private $mysqli;
- private $res;
- /**
- * В конструкторе подключаем базу
- */
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- $this->connect();
- }
- /**
- * В деструкторе отсоединяемся от базы
- */
- public function __destruct()
- {
- $this->disconnect();
- }
- /**
- * Подключение к базе данных
- */
- public function connect()
- {
- // При повторном вызове возвращаем существующий линк
- if(!empty($this->mysqli))
- return $this->mysqli;
- // Иначе устанавливаем соединение
- else
- $this->mysqli = new mysqli($this->config->db_server, $this->config->db_user, $this->config->db_password, $this->config->db_name);
- // Выводим сообщение, в случае ошибки
- if($this->mysqli->connect_error)
- {
- trigger_error("Could not connect to the database: ".$this->mysqli->connect_error, E_USER_WARNING);
- return false;
- }
- // Или настраиваем соединение
- else
- {
- if($this->config->db_charset)
- $this->mysqli->query('SET NAMES '.$this->config->db_charset);
- if($this->config->db_sql_mode)
- $this->mysqli->query('SET SESSION SQL_MODE = "'.$this->config->db_sql_mode.'"');
- if($this->config->db_timezone)
- $this->mysqli->query('SET time_zone = "'.$this->config->db_timezone.'"');
- }
- return $this->mysqli;
- }
- /**
- * Закрываем подключение к базе данных
- */
- public function disconnect()
- {
- if(!@$this->mysqli->close())
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Запрос к базе. Обазятелен первый аргумент - текст запроса.
- * При указании других аргументов автоматически выполняется placehold() для запроса с подстановкой этих аргументов
- */
- public function query()
- {
- if(is_object($this->res))
- $this->res->free();
- $args = func_get_args();
- $q = call_user_func_array(array($this, 'placehold'), $args);
- return $this->res = $this->mysqli->query($q);
- }
- /**
- * Экранирование
- */
- public function escape($str)
- {
- return $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($str);
- }
- /**
- * Плейсхолдер для запросов. Пример работы: $query = $db->placehold('SELECT name FROM products WHERE id=?', $id);
- */
- public function placehold()
- {
- $args = func_get_args();
- $tmpl = array_shift($args);
- // Заменяем все __ на префикс, но только необрамленные кавычками
- $tmpl = preg_replace('/([^"\'0-9a-z_])__([a-z_]+[^"\'])/i', "\$1".$this->config->db_prefix."\$2", $tmpl);
- if(!empty($args))
- {
- $result = $this->sql_placeholder_ex($tmpl, $args, $error);
- if ($result === false)
- {
- $error = "Placeholder substitution error. Diagnostics: \"$error\"";
- trigger_error($error, E_USER_WARNING);
- return false;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- else
- return $tmpl;
- }
- /**
- * Возвращает результаты запроса. Необязательный второй аргумент указывает какую колонку возвращать вместо всего массива колонок
- */
- public function results($field = null)
- {
- $results = array();
- if(!$this->res)
- {
- trigger_error($this->mysqli->error, E_USER_WARNING);
- return false;
- }
- if($this->res->num_rows == 0)
- return array();
- while($row = $this->res->fetch_object())
- {
- if(!empty($field) && isset($row->$field))
- array_push($results, $row->$field);
- else
- array_push($results, $row);
- }
- return $results;
- }
- /**
- * Возвращает первый результат запроса. Необязательный второй аргумент указывает какую колонку возвращать вместо всего массива колонок
- */
- public function result($field = null)
- {
- $result = array();
- if(!$this->res)
- {
- $this->error_msg = "Could not execute query to database";
- return 0;
- }
- $row = $this->res->fetch_object();
- if(!empty($field) && isset($row->$field))
- return $row->$field;
- elseif(!empty($field) && !isset($row->$field))
- return false;
- else
- return $row;
- }
- /**
- * Возвращает последний вставленный id
- */
- public function insert_id()
- {
- return $this->mysqli->insert_id;
- }
- /**
- * Возвращает количество выбранных строк
- */
- public function num_rows()
- {
- return $this->res->num_rows;
- }
- /**
- * Возвращает количество затронутых строк
- */
- public function affected_rows()
- {
- return $this->mysqli->affected_rows;
- }
- /**
- * Компиляция плейсхолдера
- */
- private function sql_compile_placeholder($tmpl)
- {
- $compiled = array();
- $p = 0; // текущая позиция в строке
- $i = 0; // счетчик placeholder-ов
- $has_named = false;
- while(false !== ($start = $p = strpos($tmpl, "?", $p)))
- {
- // Определяем тип placeholder-а.
- switch ($c = substr($tmpl, ++$p, 1))
- {
- case '%': case '@': case '#':
- $type = $c; ++$p; break;
- default:
- $type = ''; break;
- }
- // Проверяем, именованный ли это placeholder: "?keyname"
- if (preg_match('/^((?:[^\s[:punct:]]|_)+)/', substr($tmpl, $p), $pock))
- {
- $key = $pock[1];
- if ($type != '#')
- $has_named = true;
- $p += strlen($key);
- }
- else
- {
- $key = $i;
- if ($type != '#')
- $i++;
- }
- // Сохранить запись о placeholder-е.
- $compiled[] = array($key, $type, $start, $p - $start);
- }
- return array($compiled, $tmpl, $has_named);
- }
- /**
- * Выполнение плейсхолдера
- */
- private function sql_placeholder_ex($tmpl, $args, &$errormsg)
- {
- // Запрос уже разобран?.. Если нет, разбираем.
- if (is_array($tmpl))
- $compiled = $tmpl;
- else
- $compiled = $this->sql_compile_placeholder($tmpl);
- list ($compiled, $tmpl, $has_named) = $compiled;
- // Если есть хотя бы один именованный placeholder, используем
- // первый аргумент в качестве ассоциативного массива.
- if ($has_named)
- $args = @$args[0];
- // Выполняем все замены в цикле.
- $p = 0; // текущее положение в строке
- $out = ''; // результирующая строка
- $error = false; // были ошибки?
- foreach ($compiled as $num=>$e)
- {
- list ($key, $type, $start, $length) = $e;
- // Pre-string.
- $out .= substr($tmpl, $p, $start - $p);
- $p = $start + $length;
- $repl = ''; // текст для замены текущего placeholder-а
- $errmsg = ''; // сообщение об ошибке для этого placeholder-а
- do {
- // Это placeholder-константа?
- if ($type === '#')
- {
- $repl = @constant($key);
- if (NULL === $repl)
- $error = $errmsg = "UNKNOWN_CONSTANT_$key";
- break;
- }
- // Обрабатываем ошибку.
- if (!isset($args[$key]))
- {
- $error = $errmsg = "UNKNOWN_PLACEHOLDER_$key";
- break;
- }
- // Вставляем значение в соответствии с типом placeholder-а.
- $a = $args[$key];
- if ($type === '')
- {
- // Скалярный placeholder.
- if (is_array($a))
- {
- $error = $errmsg = "NOT_A_SCALAR_PLACEHOLDER_$key";
- break;
- }
- $repl = is_int($a) || is_float($a) ? str_replace(',', '.', $a) : "'".addslashes($a)."'";
- break;
- }
- // Иначе это массив или список.
- if(is_object($a))
- $a = get_object_vars($a);
- if (!is_array($a))
- {
- $error = $errmsg = "NOT_AN_ARRAY_PLACEHOLDER_$key";
- break;
- }
- if ($type === '@')
- {
- // Это список.
- foreach ($a as $v)
- {
- if(is_null($v))
- $r = "NULL";
- else
- $r = "'".@addslashes($v)."'";
- $repl .= ($repl===''? "" : ",").$r;
- }
- }
- elseif ($type === '%')
- {
- // Это набор пар ключ=>значение.
- $lerror = array();
- foreach ($a as $k=>$v)
- {
- if (!is_string($k))
- $lerror[$k] = "NOT_A_STRING_KEY_{$k}_FOR_PLACEHOLDER_$key";
- else
- $k = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '_', $k);
- if(is_null($v))
- $r = "=NULL";
- else
- $r = "='".@addslashes($v)."'";
- $repl .= ($repl===''? "" : ", ").$k.$r;
- }
- // Если была ошибка, составляем сообщение.
- if (count($lerror))
- {
- $repl = '';
- foreach ($a as $k=>$v)
- {
- if (isset($lerror[$k]))
- {
- $repl .= ($repl===''? "" : ", ").$lerror[$k];
- }
- else
- {
- $k = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/', '_', $k);
- $repl .= ($repl===''? "" : ", ").$k."=?";
- }
- }
- $error = $errmsg = $repl;
- }
- }
- } while (false);
- if ($errmsg) $compiled[$num]['error'] = $errmsg;
- if (!$error) $out .= $repl;
- }
- $out .= substr($tmpl, $p);
- // Если возникла ошибка, переделываем результирующую строку
- // в сообщение об ошибке (расставляем диагностические строки
- // вместо ошибочных placeholder-ов).
- if ($error)
- {
- $out = '';
- $p = 0; // текущая позиция
- foreach ($compiled as $num=>$e)
- {
- list ($key, $type, $start, $length) = $e;
- $out .= substr($tmpl, $p, $start - $p);
- $p = $start + $length;
- if (isset($e['error']))
- {
- $out .= $e['error'];
- }
- else
- {
- $out .= substr($tmpl, $start, $length);
- }
- }
- // Последняя часть строки.
- $out .= substr($tmpl, $p);
- $errormsg = $out;
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- $errormsg = false;
- return $out;
- }
- }
- public function dump($filename)
- {
- $h = fopen($filename, 'w');
- $q = $this->placehold("SHOW FULL TABLES LIKE '__%';");
- $result = $this->mysqli->query($q);
- while($row = $result->fetch_row())
- {
- if($row[1] == 'BASE TABLE')
- $this->dump_table($row[0], $h);
- }
- fclose($h);
- }
- public function restore($filename)
- {
- $templine = '';
- $h = fopen($filename, 'r');
- // Loop through each line
- if($h)
- {
- while(!feof($h))
- {
- $line = fgets($h);
- // Only continue if it's not a comment
- if (substr($line, 0, 2) != '--' && $line != '')
- {
- // Add this line to the current segment
- $templine .= $line;
- // If it has a semicolon at the end, it's the end of the query
- if (substr(trim($line), -1, 1) == ';')
- {
- // Perform the query
- $this->query($templine) or print('Error performing query \''.$templine.'\': '.$this->mysqli->error.'
- // Reset temp variable to empty
- $templine = '';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fclose($h);
- }
- private function dump_table($table, $h)
- {
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM `$table`;";
- $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql);
- if($result)
- {
- $table_no_prefix = preg_replace('/^('.$this->config->db_prefix.')/i', "__", $table);
- fwrite($h, "/* Data for table $table_no_prefix */\n");
- fwrite($h, "TRUNCATE TABLE `$table_no_prefix`;\n");
- $num_rows = $result->num_rows;
- $num_fields = $this->mysqli->field_count;
- if($num_rows > 0)
- {
- $field_type=array();
- $field_name = array();
- $meta = $result->fetch_fields();
- foreach($meta as $m)
- {
- array_push($field_type, $m->type);
- array_push($field_name, $m->name);
- }
- $fields = implode('`, `', $field_name);
- fwrite($h, "INSERT INTO `$table_no_prefix` (`$fields`) VALUES\n");
- $index=0;
- while( $row = $result->fetch_row())
- {
- fwrite($h, "(");
- for( $i=0; $i < $num_fields; $i++)
- {
- if( is_null( $row[$i]))
- fwrite($h, "null");
- else
- {
- switch( $field_type[$i])
- {
- case 'int':
- fwrite($h, $row[$i]);
- break;
- case 'string':
- case 'blob' :
- default:
- fwrite($h, "'". $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($row[$i])."'");
- }
- }
- if( $i < $num_fields-1)
- fwrite($h, ",");
- }
- fwrite($h, ")");
- if( $index < $num_rows-1)
- fwrite($h, ",");
- else
- fwrite($h, ";");
- fwrite($h, "\n");
- $index++;
- }
- }
- $result->free();
- }
- fwrite($h, "\n");
- }
+ private $mysqli;
+ private $res;
+ /**
+ * В конструкторе подключаем базу
+ */
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ parent::__construct();
+ $this->connect();
+ }
+ /**
+ * В деструкторе отсоединяемся от базы
+ */
+ public function __destruct()
+ {
+ $this->disconnect();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Подключение к базе данных
+ */
+ public function connect()
+ {
+ // При повторном вызове возвращаем существующий линк
+ if (!empty($this->mysqli)) {
+ return $this->mysqli;
+ }
+ // Иначе устанавливаем соединение
+ else {
+ $this->mysqli = new mysqli($this->config->db_server, $this->config->db_user, $this->config->db_password, $this->config->db_name);
+ }
+ // Выводим сообщение, в случае ошибки
+ if ($this->mysqli->connect_error) {
+ trigger_error("Could not connect to the database: ".$this->mysqli->connect_error, E_USER_WARNING);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Или настраиваем соединение
+ else {
+ if ($this->config->db_charset) {
+ $this->mysqli->query('SET NAMES '.$this->config->db_charset);
+ }
+ if ($this->config->db_sql_mode) {
+ $this->mysqli->query('SET SESSION SQL_MODE = "'.$this->config->db_sql_mode.'"');
+ }
+ if ($this->config->db_timezone) {
+ $this->mysqli->query('SET time_zone = "'.$this->config->db_timezone.'"');
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->mysqli;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Закрываем подключение к базе данных
+ */
+ public function disconnect()
+ {
+ if (!@$this->mysqli->close()) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Запрос к базе. Обазятелен первый аргумент - текст запроса.
+ * При указании других аргументов автоматически выполняется placehold() для запроса с подстановкой этих аргументов
+ */
+ public function query()
+ {
+ if (is_object($this->res)) {
+ $this->res->free();
+ }
+ $args = func_get_args();
+ $q = call_user_func_array(array($this, 'placehold'), $args);
+ return $this->res = $this->mysqli->query($q);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Экранирование
+ */
+ public function escape($str)
+ {
+ return $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($str);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Плейсхолдер для запросов. Пример работы: $query = $db->placehold('SELECT name FROM products WHERE id=?', $id);
+ */
+ public function placehold()
+ {
+ $args = func_get_args();
+ $tmpl = array_shift($args);
+ // Заменяем все __ на префикс, но только необрамленные кавычками
+ $tmpl = preg_replace('/([^"\'0-9a-z_])__([a-z_]+[^"\'])/i', "\$1".$this->config->db_prefix."\$2", $tmpl);
+ if (!empty($args)) {
+ $result = $this->sql_placeholder_ex($tmpl, $args, $error);
+ if ($result === false) {
+ $error = "Placeholder substitution error. Diagnostics: \"$error\"";
+ trigger_error($error, E_USER_WARNING);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ } else {
+ return $tmpl;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Возвращает результаты запроса. Необязательный второй аргумент указывает какую колонку возвращать вместо всего массива колонок
+ */
+ public function results($field = null)
+ {
+ $results = array();
+ if (!$this->res) {
+ trigger_error($this->mysqli->error, E_USER_WARNING);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ($this->res->num_rows == 0) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ while ($row = $this->res->fetch_object()) {
+ if (!empty($field) && isset($row->$field)) {
+ array_push($results, $row->$field);
+ } else {
+ array_push($results, $row);
+ }
+ }
+ return $results;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Возвращает первый результат запроса. Необязательный второй аргумент указывает какую колонку возвращать вместо всего массива колонок
+ */
+ public function result($field = null)
+ {
+ $result = array();
+ if (!$this->res) {
+ $this->error_msg = "Could not execute query to database";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $row = $this->res->fetch_object();
+ if (!empty($field) && isset($row->$field)) {
+ return $row->$field;
+ } elseif (!empty($field) && !isset($row->$field)) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return $row;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Возвращает последний вставленный id
+ */
+ public function insert_id()
+ {
+ return $this->mysqli->insert_id;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Возвращает количество выбранных строк
+ */
+ public function num_rows()
+ {
+ return $this->res->num_rows;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Возвращает количество затронутых строк
+ */
+ public function affected_rows()
+ {
+ return $this->mysqli->affected_rows;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Компиляция плейсхолдера
+ */
+ private function sql_compile_placeholder($tmpl)
+ {
+ $compiled = array();
+ $p = 0; // текущая позиция в строке
+ $i = 0; // счетчик placeholder-ов
+ $has_named = false;
+ while (false !== ($start = $p = strpos($tmpl, "?", $p))) {
+ // Определяем тип placeholder-а.
+ switch ($c = substr($tmpl, ++$p, 1)) {
+ case '%': case '@': case '#':
+ $type = $c; ++$p; break;
+ default:
+ $type = ''; break;
+ }
+ // Проверяем, именованный ли это placeholder: "?keyname"
+ if (preg_match('/^((?:[^\s[:punct:]]|_)+)/', substr($tmpl, $p), $pock)) {
+ $key = $pock[1];
+ if ($type != '#') {
+ $has_named = true;
+ }
+ $p += strlen($key);
+ } else {
+ $key = $i;
+ if ($type != '#') {
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Сохранить запись о placeholder-е.
+ $compiled[] = array($key, $type, $start, $p - $start);
+ }
+ return array($compiled, $tmpl, $has_named);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Выполнение плейсхолдера
+ */
+ private function sql_placeholder_ex($tmpl, $args, &$errormsg)
+ {
+ // Запрос уже разобран?.. Если нет, разбираем.
+ if (is_array($tmpl)) {
+ $compiled = $tmpl;
+ } else {
+ $compiled = $this->sql_compile_placeholder($tmpl);
+ }
+ list($compiled, $tmpl, $has_named) = $compiled;
+ // Если есть хотя бы один именованный placeholder, используем
+ // первый аргумент в качестве ассоциативного массива.
+ if ($has_named) {
+ $args = @$args[0];
+ }
+ // Выполняем все замены в цикле.
+ $p = 0; // текущее положение в строке
+ $out = ''; // результирующая строка
+ $error = false; // были ошибки?
+ foreach ($compiled as $num=>$e) {
+ list($key, $type, $start, $length) = $e;
+ // Pre-string.
+ $out .= substr($tmpl, $p, $start - $p);
+ $p = $start + $length;
+ $repl = ''; // текст для замены текущего placeholder-а
+ $errmsg = ''; // сообщение об ошибке для этого placeholder-а
+ do {
+ // Это placeholder-константа?
+ if ($type === '#') {
+ $repl = @constant($key);
+ if (null === $repl) {
+ $error = $errmsg = "UNKNOWN_CONSTANT_$key";
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Обрабатываем ошибку.
+ if (!isset($args[$key])) {
+ $error = $errmsg = "UNKNOWN_PLACEHOLDER_$key";
+ break;
+ }
+ // Вставляем значение в соответствии с типом placeholder-а.
+ $a = $args[$key];
+ if ($type === '') {
+ // Скалярный placeholder.
+ if (is_array($a)) {
+ $error = $errmsg = "NOT_A_SCALAR_PLACEHOLDER_$key";
+ break;
+ }
+ $repl = is_int($a) || is_float($a) ? str_replace(',', '.', $a) : "'".addslashes($a)."'";
+ break;
+ }
+ // Иначе это массив или список.
+ if (is_object($a)) {
+ $a = get_object_vars($a);
+ }
+ if (!is_array($a)) {
+ $error = $errmsg = "NOT_AN_ARRAY_PLACEHOLDER_$key";
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($type === '@') {
+ // Это список.
+ foreach ($a as $v) {
+ if (is_null($v)) {
+ $r = "NULL";
+ } else {
+ $r = "'".@addslashes($v)."'";
+ }
+ $repl .= ($repl===''? "" : ",").$r;
+ }
+ } elseif ($type === '%') {
+ // Это набор пар ключ=>значение.
+ $lerror = array();
+ foreach ($a as $k=>$v) {
+ if (!is_string($k)) {
+ $lerror[$k] = "NOT_A_STRING_KEY_{$k}_FOR_PLACEHOLDER_$key";
+ } else {
+ $k = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '_', $k);
+ }
+ if (is_null($v)) {
+ $r = "=NULL";
+ } else {
+ $r = "='".@addslashes($v)."'";
+ }
+ $repl .= ($repl===''? "" : ", ").$k.$r;
+ }
+ // Если была ошибка, составляем сообщение.
+ if (count($lerror)) {
+ $repl = '';
+ foreach ($a as $k=>$v) {
+ if (isset($lerror[$k])) {
+ $repl .= ($repl===''? "" : ", ").$lerror[$k];
+ } else {
+ $k = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/', '_', $k);
+ $repl .= ($repl===''? "" : ", ").$k."=?";
+ }
+ }
+ $error = $errmsg = $repl;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (false);
+ if ($errmsg) {
+ $compiled[$num]['error'] = $errmsg;
+ }
+ if (!$error) {
+ $out .= $repl;
+ }
+ }
+ $out .= substr($tmpl, $p);
+ // Если возникла ошибка, переделываем результирующую строку
+ // в сообщение об ошибке (расставляем диагностические строки
+ // вместо ошибочных placeholder-ов).
+ if ($error) {
+ $out = '';
+ $p = 0; // текущая позиция
+ foreach ($compiled as $num=>$e) {
+ list($key, $type, $start, $length) = $e;
+ $out .= substr($tmpl, $p, $start - $p);
+ $p = $start + $length;
+ if (isset($e['error'])) {
+ $out .= $e['error'];
+ } else {
+ $out .= substr($tmpl, $start, $length);
+ }
+ }
+ // Последняя часть строки.
+ $out .= substr($tmpl, $p);
+ $errormsg = $out;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ $errormsg = false;
+ return $out;
+ }
+ }
+ public function dump($filename)
+ {
+ $h = fopen($filename, 'w');
+ $q = $this->placehold("SHOW FULL TABLES LIKE '__%';");
+ $result = $this->mysqli->query($q);
+ while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) {
+ if ($row[1] == 'BASE TABLE') {
+ $this->dump_table($row[0], $h);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($h);
+ }
+ public function restore($filename)
+ {
+ $templine = '';
+ $h = fopen($filename, 'r');
+ // Loop through each line
+ if ($h) {
+ while (!feof($h)) {
+ $line = fgets($h);
+ // Only continue if it's not a comment
+ if (substr($line, 0, 2) != '--' && $line != '') {
+ // Add this line to the current segment
+ $templine .= $line;
+ // If it has a semicolon at the end, it's the end of the query
+ if (substr(trim($line), -1, 1) == ';') {
+ // Perform the query
+ $this->query($templine) or print('Error performing query \''.$templine.'\': '.$this->mysqli->error.'
+ // Reset temp variable to empty
+ $templine = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($h);
+ }
+ private function dump_table($table, $h)
+ {
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM `$table`;";
+ $result = $this->mysqli->query($sql);
+ if ($result) {
+ $table_no_prefix = preg_replace('/^('.$this->config->db_prefix.')/i', "__", $table);
+ fwrite($h, "/* Data for table $table_no_prefix */\n");
+ fwrite($h, "TRUNCATE TABLE `$table_no_prefix`;\n");
+ $num_rows = $result->num_rows;
+ $num_fields = $this->mysqli->field_count;
+ if ($num_rows > 0) {
+ $field_type=array();
+ $field_name = array();
+ $meta = $result->fetch_fields();
+ foreach ($meta as $m) {
+ array_push($field_type, $m->type);
+ array_push($field_name, $m->name);
+ }
+ $fields = implode('`, `', $field_name);
+ fwrite($h, "INSERT INTO `$table_no_prefix` (`$fields`) VALUES\n");
+ $index=0;
+ while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) {
+ fwrite($h, "(");
+ for ($i=0; $i < $num_fields; $i++) {
+ if (is_null($row[$i])) {
+ fwrite($h, "null");
+ } else {
+ switch ($field_type[$i]) {
+ case 'int':
+ fwrite($h, $row[$i]);
+ break;
+ case 'string':
+ case 'blob' :
+ default:
+ fwrite($h, "'". $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($row[$i])."'");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($i < $num_fields-1) {
+ fwrite($h, ",");
+ }
+ }
+ fwrite($h, ")");
+ if ($index < $num_rows-1) {
+ fwrite($h, ",");
+ } else {
+ fwrite($h, ";");
+ }
+ fwrite($h, "\n");
+ $index++;
+ }
+ }
+ $result->free();
+ }
+ fwrite($h, "\n");
+ }
diff --git a/api/Delivery.php b/api/Delivery.php
index b5650e9..ffbe52e 100755
--- a/api/Delivery.php
+++ b/api/Delivery.php
@@ -14,87 +14,88 @@
class Delivery extends Simpla
- public function get_delivery($id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT d.id, d.name, d.description, d.free_from, d.price, d.enabled, d.position, d.separate_payment
+ public function get_delivery($id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT d.id, d.name, d.description, d.free_from, d.price, d.enabled, d.position, d.separate_payment
FROM __delivery d
WHERE d.id=?
LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->result();
- }
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->result();
+ }
- public function get_deliveries($filter = array())
- {
- // По умолчанию
- $enabled_filter = '';
+ public function get_deliveries($filter = array())
+ {
+ // По умолчанию
+ $enabled_filter = '';
- if(!empty($filter['enabled']))
- $enabled_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND d.enabled=?', intval($filter['enabled']));
+ if (!empty($filter['enabled'])) {
+ $enabled_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND d.enabled=?', intval($filter['enabled']));
+ }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT d.id, d.name, d.description, d.free_from, d.price, d.enabled, d.position, d.separate_payment
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT d.id, d.name, d.description, d.free_from, d.price, d.enabled, d.position, d.separate_payment
FROM __delivery d
ORDER BY d.position");
- $this->db->query($query);
+ $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
- public function update_delivery($id, $delivery)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __delivery SET ?% WHERE id in(?@)", $delivery, (array)$id);
- $this->db->query($query);
+ public function update_delivery($id, $delivery)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __delivery SET ?% WHERE id in(?@)", $delivery, (array)$id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
- return $id;
- }
+ return $id;
+ }
- public function add_delivery($delivery)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold('INSERT INTO __delivery SET ?%', $delivery);
+ public function add_delivery($delivery)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold('INSERT INTO __delivery SET ?%', $delivery);
- if(!$this->db->query($query))
- return false;
+ if (!$this->db->query($query)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- $id = $this->db->insert_id();
- $this->db->query("UPDATE __delivery SET position=id WHERE id=?", intval($id));
+ $id = $this->db->insert_id();
+ $this->db->query("UPDATE __delivery SET position=id WHERE id=?", intval($id));
- return $id;
- }
+ return $id;
+ }
- public function delete_delivery($id)
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- // Удаляем связь метода доставки с оплатами
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __delivery_payment WHERE delivery_id=?", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
+ public function delete_delivery($id)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ // Удаляем связь метода доставки с оплатами
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __delivery_payment WHERE delivery_id=?", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __delivery WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __delivery WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ }
- }
+ public function get_delivery_payments($id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT payment_method_id FROM __delivery_payment WHERE delivery_id=?", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
- public function get_delivery_payments($id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT payment_method_id FROM __delivery_payment WHERE delivery_id=?", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results('payment_method_id');
- }
- public function update_delivery_payments($id, $payment_methods_ids)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __delivery_payment WHERE delivery_id=?", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- if(is_array($payment_methods_ids))
- foreach($payment_methods_ids as $p_id)
- $this->db->query("INSERT INTO __delivery_payment SET delivery_id=?, payment_method_id=?", $id, $p_id);
- }
+ return $this->db->results('payment_method_id');
+ }
+ public function update_delivery_payments($id, $payment_methods_ids)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __delivery_payment WHERE delivery_id=?", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ if (is_array($payment_methods_ids)) {
+ foreach ($payment_methods_ids as $p_id) {
+ $this->db->query("INSERT INTO __delivery_payment SET delivery_id=?, payment_method_id=?", $id, $p_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/api/Design.php b/api/Design.php
index b77fd85..c5ba383 100755
--- a/api/Design.php
+++ b/api/Design.php
@@ -14,294 +14,310 @@
class Design extends Simpla
- public $smarty;
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- // Создаем и настраиваем Смарти
- $this->smarty = new Smarty();
- $this->smarty->compile_check = $this->config->smarty_compile_check;
- $this->smarty->caching = $this->config->smarty_caching;
- $this->smarty->cache_lifetime = $this->config->smarty_cache_lifetime;
- $this->smarty->debugging = $this->config->smarty_debugging;
- $this->smarty->error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE;
- // Берем тему из настроек
- $theme = $this->settings->theme;
- $this->smarty->compile_dir = $this->config->root_dir.'/compiled/'.$theme;
- $this->smarty->template_dir = $this->config->root_dir.'/design/'.$theme.'/html';
- if(!is_dir($this->config->root_dir.'/compiled'))
- mkdir($this->config->root_dir.'/compiled', 0777);
- // Создаем папку для скомпилированных шаблонов текущей темы
- if(!is_dir($this->smarty->compile_dir))
- mkdir($this->smarty->compile_dir, 0777);
- $this->smarty->cache_dir = 'cache';
- $this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'resize', array($this, 'resize_modifier'));
- $this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'token', array($this, 'token_modifier'));
- $this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'plural', array($this, 'plural_modifier'));
- $this->smarty->registerPlugin('function', 'url', array($this, 'url_modifier'));
- $this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'first', array($this, 'first_modifier'));
- $this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'cut', array($this, 'cut_modifier'));
- $this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'date', array($this, 'date_modifier'));
- $this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'time', array($this, 'time_modifier'));
- $this->smarty->registerPlugin('function', 'api', array($this, 'api_plugin'));
- if($this->config->smarty_html_minify)
- $this->smarty->loadFilter('output', 'trimwhitespace');
- }
- public function assign($var, $value)
- {
- return $this->smarty->assign($var, $value);
- }
- public function fetch($template)
- {
- // Передаем в дизайн то, что может понадобиться в нем
- $this->assign('config', $this->config);
- $this->assign('settings', $this->settings);
- return $this->smarty->fetch($template);
- }
- public function set_templates_dir($dir)
- {
- $this->smarty->template_dir = $dir;
- }
- public function set_compiled_dir($dir)
- {
- $this->smarty->compile_dir = $dir;
- }
- public function get_var($name)
- {
- return $this->smarty->getTemplateVars($name);
- }
- public function clear_cache()
- {
- $this->smarty->clearAllCache();
- }
- private function is_mobile_browser()
- {
- $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
- $http_accept = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])?$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']:'';
- if(eregi('iPad', $user_agent))
- return false;
- if(stristr($user_agent, 'windows') && !stristr($user_agent, 'windows ce'))
- return false;
- if(eregi('windows ce|iemobile|mobile|symbian|mini|wap|pda|psp|up.browser|up.link|mmp|midp|phone|pocket', $user_agent))
- return true;
- if(stristr($http_accept, 'text/vnd.wap.wml') || stristr($http_accept, 'application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml'))
- return true;
- if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE']) || !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_PROFILE']) || !empty($_SERVER['X-OperaMini-Features']) || !empty($_SERVER['UA-pixels']))
- return true;
- $agents = array(
- 'acs-'=>'acs-',
- 'alav'=>'alav',
- 'alca'=>'alca',
- 'amoi'=>'amoi',
- 'audi'=>'audi',
- 'aste'=>'aste',
- 'avan'=>'avan',
- 'benq'=>'benq',
- 'bird'=>'bird',
- 'blac'=>'blac',
- 'blaz'=>'blaz',
- 'brew'=>'brew',
- 'cell'=>'cell',
- 'cldc'=>'cldc',
- 'cmd-'=>'cmd-',
- 'dang'=>'dang',
- 'doco'=>'doco',
- 'eric'=>'eric',
- 'hipt'=>'hipt',
- 'inno'=>'inno',
- 'ipaq'=>'ipaq',
- 'java'=>'java',
- 'jigs'=>'jigs',
- 'kddi'=>'kddi',
- 'keji'=>'keji',
- 'leno'=>'leno',
- 'lg-c'=>'lg-c',
- 'lg-d'=>'lg-d',
- 'lg-g'=>'lg-g',
- 'lge-'=>'lge-',
- 'maui'=>'maui',
- 'maxo'=>'maxo',
- 'midp'=>'midp',
- 'mits'=>'mits',
- 'mmef'=>'mmef',
- 'mobi'=>'mobi',
- 'mot-'=>'mot-',
- 'moto'=>'moto',
- 'mwbp'=>'mwbp',
- 'nec-'=>'nec-',
- 'newt'=>'newt',
- 'noki'=>'noki',
- 'opwv'=>'opwv',
- 'palm'=>'palm',
- 'pana'=>'pana',
- 'pant'=>'pant',
- 'pdxg'=>'pdxg',
- 'phil'=>'phil',
- 'play'=>'play',
- 'pluc'=>'pluc',
- 'port'=>'port',
- 'prox'=>'prox',
- 'qtek'=>'qtek',
- 'qwap'=>'qwap',
- 'sage'=>'sage',
- 'sams'=>'sams',
- 'sany'=>'sany',
- 'sch-'=>'sch-',
- 'sec-'=>'sec-',
- 'send'=>'send',
- 'seri'=>'seri',
- 'sgh-'=>'sgh-',
- 'shar'=>'shar',
- 'sie-'=>'sie-',
- 'siem'=>'siem',
- 'smal'=>'smal',
- 'smar'=>'smar',
- 'sony'=>'sony',
- 'sph-'=>'sph-',
- 'symb'=>'symb',
- 't-mo'=>'t-mo',
- 'teli'=>'teli',
- 'tim-'=>'tim-',
- 'tosh'=>'tosh',
- 'treo'=>'treo',
- 'tsm-'=>'tsm-',
- 'upg1'=>'upg1',
- 'upsi'=>'upsi',
- 'vk-v'=>'vk-v',
- 'voda'=>'voda',
- 'wap-'=>'wap-',
- 'wapa'=>'wapa',
- 'wapi'=>'wapi',
- 'wapp'=>'wapp',
- 'wapr'=>'wapr',
- 'webc'=>'webc',
- 'winw'=>'winw',
- 'winw'=>'winw',
- 'xda-'=>'xda-'
- );
- if(!empty($agents[substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 0, 4)]))
- return true;
- }
- public function resize_modifier($filename, $width=0, $height=0, $set_watermark=false)
- {
- $resized_filename = $this->image->add_resize_params($filename, $width, $height, $set_watermark);
- $resized_filename_encoded = $resized_filename;
- if(substr($resized_filename_encoded, 0, 7) == 'http://')
- $resized_filename_encoded = rawurlencode($resized_filename_encoded);
- $resized_filename_encoded = rawurlencode($resized_filename_encoded);
- return $this->config->root_url.'/'.$this->config->resized_images_dir.$resized_filename_encoded.'?'.$this->config->token($resized_filename);
- }
- public function token_modifier($text)
- {
- return $this->config->token($text);
- }
- public function url_modifier($params)
- {
- if(is_array(reset($params)))
- return $this->request->url(reset($params));
- else
- return $this->request->url($params);
- }
- public function plural_modifier($number, $singular, $plural1, $plural2=null)
- {
- $number = abs($number);
- if(!empty($plural2))
- {
- $p1 = $number%10;
- $p2 = $number%100;
- if($number == 0)
- return $plural1;
- if($p1==1 && !($p2>=11 && $p2<=19))
- return $singular;
- elseif($p1>=2 && $p1<=4 && !($p2>=11 && $p2<=19))
- return $plural2;
- else
- return $plural1;
- }else
- {
- if($number == 1)
- return $singular;
- else
- return $plural1;
- }
- }
- public function first_modifier($params = array())
- {
- if(!is_array($params))
- return false;
- return reset($params);
- }
- public function cut_modifier($array, $num=1)
- {
- if($num>=0)
- return array_slice($array, $num, count($array)-$num, true);
- else
- return array_slice($array, 0, count($array)+$num, true);
- }
- public function date_modifier($date, $format = null)
- {
- if(empty($date))
- $date = date("Y-m-d");
- return date(empty($format)?$this->settings->date_format:$format, strtotime($date));
- }
- public function time_modifier($date, $format = null)
- {
- return date(empty($format)?'H:i':$format, strtotime($date));
- }
- public function api_plugin($params, &$smarty)
- {
- if(!isset($params['module']) || !isset($params['method']))
- return false;
- $module = $params['module'];
- $method = $params['method'];
- $var = $params['var'];
- unset($params['module']);
- unset($params['method']);
- unset($params['var']);
- if(isset($params['_']))
- $res = $this->$module->$method($params['_']);
- else
- $res = $this->$module->$method($params);
- $smarty->assign($var, $res);
- }
+ public $smarty;
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ parent::__construct();
+ // Создаем и настраиваем Смарти
+ $this->smarty = new Smarty();
+ $this->smarty->compile_check = $this->config->smarty_compile_check;
+ $this->smarty->caching = $this->config->smarty_caching;
+ $this->smarty->cache_lifetime = $this->config->smarty_cache_lifetime;
+ $this->smarty->debugging = $this->config->smarty_debugging;
+ $this->smarty->error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE;
+ // Берем тему из настроек
+ $theme = $this->settings->theme;
+ $this->smarty->compile_dir = $this->config->root_dir.'/compiled/'.$theme;
+ $this->smarty->template_dir = $this->config->root_dir.'/design/'.$theme.'/html';
+ if (!is_dir($this->config->root_dir.'/compiled')) {
+ mkdir($this->config->root_dir.'/compiled', 0777);
+ }
+ // Создаем папку для скомпилированных шаблонов текущей темы
+ if (!is_dir($this->smarty->compile_dir)) {
+ mkdir($this->smarty->compile_dir, 0777);
+ }
+ $this->smarty->cache_dir = 'cache';
+ $this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'resize', array($this, 'resize_modifier'));
+ $this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'token', array($this, 'token_modifier'));
+ $this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'plural', array($this, 'plural_modifier'));
+ $this->smarty->registerPlugin('function', 'url', array($this, 'url_modifier'));
+ $this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'first', array($this, 'first_modifier'));
+ $this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'cut', array($this, 'cut_modifier'));
+ $this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'date', array($this, 'date_modifier'));
+ $this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'time', array($this, 'time_modifier'));
+ $this->smarty->registerPlugin('function', 'api', array($this, 'api_plugin'));
+ if ($this->config->smarty_html_minify) {
+ $this->smarty->loadFilter('output', 'trimwhitespace');
+ }
+ }
+ public function assign($var, $value)
+ {
+ return $this->smarty->assign($var, $value);
+ }
+ public function fetch($template)
+ {
+ // Передаем в дизайн то, что может понадобиться в нем
+ $this->assign('config', $this->config);
+ $this->assign('settings', $this->settings);
+ return $this->smarty->fetch($template);
+ }
+ public function set_templates_dir($dir)
+ {
+ $this->smarty->template_dir = $dir;
+ }
+ public function set_compiled_dir($dir)
+ {
+ $this->smarty->compile_dir = $dir;
+ }
+ public function get_var($name)
+ {
+ return $this->smarty->getTemplateVars($name);
+ }
+ public function clear_cache()
+ {
+ $this->smarty->clearAllCache();
+ }
+ private function is_mobile_browser()
+ {
+ $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
+ $http_accept = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])?$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']:'';
+ if (eregi('iPad', $user_agent)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (stristr($user_agent, 'windows') && !stristr($user_agent, 'windows ce')) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (eregi('windows ce|iemobile|mobile|symbian|mini|wap|pda|psp|up.browser|up.link|mmp|midp|phone|pocket', $user_agent)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (stristr($http_accept, 'text/vnd.wap.wml') || stristr($http_accept, 'application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml')) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE']) || !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_PROFILE']) || !empty($_SERVER['X-OperaMini-Features']) || !empty($_SERVER['UA-pixels'])) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ $agents = array(
+ 'acs-'=>'acs-',
+ 'alav'=>'alav',
+ 'alca'=>'alca',
+ 'amoi'=>'amoi',
+ 'audi'=>'audi',
+ 'aste'=>'aste',
+ 'avan'=>'avan',
+ 'benq'=>'benq',
+ 'bird'=>'bird',
+ 'blac'=>'blac',
+ 'blaz'=>'blaz',
+ 'brew'=>'brew',
+ 'cell'=>'cell',
+ 'cldc'=>'cldc',
+ 'cmd-'=>'cmd-',
+ 'dang'=>'dang',
+ 'doco'=>'doco',
+ 'eric'=>'eric',
+ 'hipt'=>'hipt',
+ 'inno'=>'inno',
+ 'ipaq'=>'ipaq',
+ 'java'=>'java',
+ 'jigs'=>'jigs',
+ 'kddi'=>'kddi',
+ 'keji'=>'keji',
+ 'leno'=>'leno',
+ 'lg-c'=>'lg-c',
+ 'lg-d'=>'lg-d',
+ 'lg-g'=>'lg-g',
+ 'lge-'=>'lge-',
+ 'maui'=>'maui',
+ 'maxo'=>'maxo',
+ 'midp'=>'midp',
+ 'mits'=>'mits',
+ 'mmef'=>'mmef',
+ 'mobi'=>'mobi',
+ 'mot-'=>'mot-',
+ 'moto'=>'moto',
+ 'mwbp'=>'mwbp',
+ 'nec-'=>'nec-',
+ 'newt'=>'newt',
+ 'noki'=>'noki',
+ 'opwv'=>'opwv',
+ 'palm'=>'palm',
+ 'pana'=>'pana',
+ 'pant'=>'pant',
+ 'pdxg'=>'pdxg',
+ 'phil'=>'phil',
+ 'play'=>'play',
+ 'pluc'=>'pluc',
+ 'port'=>'port',
+ 'prox'=>'prox',
+ 'qtek'=>'qtek',
+ 'qwap'=>'qwap',
+ 'sage'=>'sage',
+ 'sams'=>'sams',
+ 'sany'=>'sany',
+ 'sch-'=>'sch-',
+ 'sec-'=>'sec-',
+ 'send'=>'send',
+ 'seri'=>'seri',
+ 'sgh-'=>'sgh-',
+ 'shar'=>'shar',
+ 'sie-'=>'sie-',
+ 'siem'=>'siem',
+ 'smal'=>'smal',
+ 'smar'=>'smar',
+ 'sony'=>'sony',
+ 'sph-'=>'sph-',
+ 'symb'=>'symb',
+ 't-mo'=>'t-mo',
+ 'teli'=>'teli',
+ 'tim-'=>'tim-',
+ 'tosh'=>'tosh',
+ 'treo'=>'treo',
+ 'tsm-'=>'tsm-',
+ 'upg1'=>'upg1',
+ 'upsi'=>'upsi',
+ 'vk-v'=>'vk-v',
+ 'voda'=>'voda',
+ 'wap-'=>'wap-',
+ 'wapa'=>'wapa',
+ 'wapi'=>'wapi',
+ 'wapp'=>'wapp',
+ 'wapr'=>'wapr',
+ 'webc'=>'webc',
+ 'winw'=>'winw',
+ 'winw'=>'winw',
+ 'xda-'=>'xda-'
+ );
+ if (!empty($agents[substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 0, 4)])) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ public function resize_modifier($filename, $width=0, $height=0, $set_watermark=false)
+ {
+ $resized_filename = $this->image->add_resize_params($filename, $width, $height, $set_watermark);
+ $resized_filename_encoded = $resized_filename;
+ if (substr($resized_filename_encoded, 0, 7) == 'http://') {
+ $resized_filename_encoded = rawurlencode($resized_filename_encoded);
+ }
+ $resized_filename_encoded = rawurlencode($resized_filename_encoded);
+ return $this->config->root_url.'/'.$this->config->resized_images_dir.$resized_filename_encoded.'?'.$this->config->token($resized_filename);
+ }
+ public function token_modifier($text)
+ {
+ return $this->config->token($text);
+ }
+ public function url_modifier($params)
+ {
+ if (is_array(reset($params))) {
+ return $this->request->url(reset($params));
+ } else {
+ return $this->request->url($params);
+ }
+ }
+ public function plural_modifier($number, $singular, $plural1, $plural2=null)
+ {
+ $number = abs($number);
+ if (!empty($plural2)) {
+ $p1 = $number%10;
+ $p2 = $number%100;
+ if ($number == 0) {
+ return $plural1;
+ }
+ if ($p1==1 && !($p2>=11 && $p2<=19)) {
+ return $singular;
+ } elseif ($p1>=2 && $p1<=4 && !($p2>=11 && $p2<=19)) {
+ return $plural2;
+ } else {
+ return $plural1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($number == 1) {
+ return $singular;
+ } else {
+ return $plural1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function first_modifier($params = array())
+ {
+ if (!is_array($params)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return reset($params);
+ }
+ public function cut_modifier($array, $num=1)
+ {
+ if ($num>=0) {
+ return array_slice($array, $num, count($array)-$num, true);
+ } else {
+ return array_slice($array, 0, count($array)+$num, true);
+ }
+ }
+ public function date_modifier($date, $format = null)
+ {
+ if (empty($date)) {
+ $date = date("Y-m-d");
+ }
+ return date(empty($format)?$this->settings->date_format:$format, strtotime($date));
+ }
+ public function time_modifier($date, $format = null)
+ {
+ return date(empty($format)?'H:i':$format, strtotime($date));
+ }
+ public function api_plugin($params, &$smarty)
+ {
+ if (!isset($params['module']) || !isset($params['method'])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $module = $params['module'];
+ $method = $params['method'];
+ $var = $params['var'];
+ unset($params['module']);
+ unset($params['method']);
+ unset($params['var']);
+ if (isset($params['_'])) {
+ $res = $this->$module->$method($params['_']);
+ } else {
+ $res = $this->$module->$method($params);
+ }
+ $smarty->assign($var, $res);
+ }
diff --git a/api/Features.php b/api/Features.php
index 01ef55b..6545ece 100755
--- a/api/Features.php
+++ b/api/Features.php
@@ -14,183 +14,192 @@
class Features extends Simpla
- public function get_features($filter = array())
- {
- $category_id_filter = '';
- if(isset($filter['category_id']))
- $category_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND id in(SELECT feature_id FROM __categories_features AS cf WHERE cf.category_id in(?@))', (array)$filter['category_id']);
- $in_filter_filter = '';
- if(isset($filter['in_filter']))
- $in_filter_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND f.in_filter=?', intval($filter['in_filter']));
- $id_filter = '';
- if(!empty($filter['id']))
- $id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND f.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
- // Выбираем свойства
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT f.id, f.name, f.position, f.in_filter
+ public function get_features($filter = array())
+ {
+ $category_id_filter = '';
+ if (isset($filter['category_id'])) {
+ $category_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND id in(SELECT feature_id FROM __categories_features AS cf WHERE cf.category_id in(?@))', (array)$filter['category_id']);
+ }
+ $in_filter_filter = '';
+ if (isset($filter['in_filter'])) {
+ $in_filter_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND f.in_filter=?', intval($filter['in_filter']));
+ }
+ $id_filter = '';
+ if (!empty($filter['id'])) {
+ $id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND f.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
+ }
+ // Выбираем свойства
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT f.id, f.name, f.position, f.in_filter
FROM __features AS f
ORDER BY f.position");
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- public function get_feature($id)
- {
- // Выбираем свойство
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT f.id, f.name, f.position, f.in_filter
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ public function get_feature($id)
+ {
+ // Выбираем свойство
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT f.id, f.name, f.position, f.in_filter
FROM __features AS f
WHERE f.id=?
LIMIT 1", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->result();
- }
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->result();
+ }
- public function get_feature_categories($id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT cf.category_id as category_id
+ public function get_feature_categories($id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT cf.category_id as category_id
FROM __categories_features cf
WHERE cf.feature_id = ?", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results('category_id');
- }
- public function add_feature($feature)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __features SET ?%", $feature);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $id = $this->db->insert_id();
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __features SET position=id WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $id;
- }
- public function update_feature($id, $feature)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __features SET ?% WHERE id in(?@) LIMIT ?", (array)$feature, (array)$id, count((array)$id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $id;
- }
- public function delete_feature($id = array())
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __features WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __options WHERE feature_id=?", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __categories_features WHERE feature_id=?", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- }
- public function delete_option($product_id, $feature_id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __options WHERE product_id=? AND feature_id=? LIMIT 1", intval($product_id), intval($feature_id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- public function update_option($product_id, $feature_id, $value)
- {
- if($value != '')
- $query = $this->db->placehold("REPLACE INTO __options SET value=?, product_id=?, feature_id=?", $value, intval($product_id), intval($feature_id));
- else
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __options WHERE feature_id=? AND product_id=?", intval($feature_id), intval($product_id));
- return $this->db->query($query);
- }
- public function add_feature_category($id, $category_id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT IGNORE INTO __categories_features SET feature_id=?, category_id=?", $id, $category_id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- public function update_feature_categories($id, $categories)
- {
- $id = intval($id);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __categories_features WHERE feature_id=?", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- if(is_array($categories))
- {
- $values = array();
- foreach($categories as $category)
- $values[] = "($id , ".intval($category).")";
- $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __categories_features (feature_id, category_id) VALUES ".implode(', ', $values));
- $this->db->query($query);
- // Удалим значения из options
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE o
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results('category_id');
+ }
+ public function add_feature($feature)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __features SET ?%", $feature);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $id = $this->db->insert_id();
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __features SET position=id WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ public function update_feature($id, $feature)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __features SET ?% WHERE id in(?@) LIMIT ?", (array)$feature, (array)$id, count((array)$id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ public function delete_feature($id = array())
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __features WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __options WHERE feature_id=?", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __categories_features WHERE feature_id=?", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ }
+ public function delete_option($product_id, $feature_id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __options WHERE product_id=? AND feature_id=? LIMIT 1", intval($product_id), intval($feature_id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ public function update_option($product_id, $feature_id, $value)
+ {
+ if ($value != '') {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("REPLACE INTO __options SET value=?, product_id=?, feature_id=?", $value, intval($product_id), intval($feature_id));
+ } else {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __options WHERE feature_id=? AND product_id=?", intval($feature_id), intval($product_id));
+ }
+ return $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ public function add_feature_category($id, $category_id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT IGNORE INTO __categories_features SET feature_id=?, category_id=?", $id, $category_id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ public function update_feature_categories($id, $categories)
+ {
+ $id = intval($id);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __categories_features WHERE feature_id=?", $id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ if (is_array($categories)) {
+ $values = array();
+ foreach ($categories as $category) {
+ $values[] = "($id , ".intval($category).")";
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __categories_features (feature_id, category_id) VALUES ".implode(', ', $values));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ // Удалим значения из options
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE o
FROM __options o
LEFT JOIN __products_categories pc ON pc.product_id=o.product_id
WHERE o.feature_id=?
AND pc.position=(SELECT MIN(pc2.position) FROM __products_categories pc2 WHERE pc.product_id=pc2.product_id)
AND pc.category_id not in(?@)", $id, $categories);
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- else
- {
- // Удалим значения из options
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE o FROM __options o WHERE o.feature_id=?", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- }
- public function get_options($filter = array())
- {
- $feature_id_filter = '';
- $product_id_filter = '';
- $category_id_filter = '';
- $visible_filter = '';
- $in_stock_filter = '';
- $brand_id_filter = '';
- $features_filter = '';
- if(empty($filter['feature_id']) && empty($filter['product_id']))
- return array();
- $group_by = '';
- if(isset($filter['feature_id']))
- $group_by = 'GROUP BY feature_id, value';
- if(isset($filter['feature_id']))
- $feature_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND po.feature_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['feature_id']);
- if(isset($filter['product_id']))
- $product_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND po.product_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['product_id']);
- if(isset($filter['category_id']))
- $category_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('INNER JOIN __products_categories pc ON pc.product_id=po.product_id AND pc.category_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['category_id']);
- if(isset($filter['visible']))
- $visible_filter = $this->db->placehold('INNER JOIN __products p ON p.id=po.product_id AND p.visible=?', intval($filter['visible']));
- if(isset($filter['in_stock']))
- $in_stock_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND (SELECT count(*)>0 FROM __variants pv WHERE pv.product_id=po.product_id AND pv.price>0 AND (pv.stock IS NULL OR pv.stock>0) LIMIT 1) = ?', intval($filter['in_stock']));
- if(isset($filter['brand_id']))
- $brand_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND po.product_id in(SELECT id FROM __products WHERE brand_id in(?@))', (array)$filter['brand_id']);
- if(isset($filter['features']))
- foreach($filter['features'] as $feature=>$value)
- {
- $features_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (po.feature_id=? OR po.product_id in (SELECT product_id FROM __options WHERE feature_id=? AND value=? )) ', $feature, $feature, $value);
- }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT po.feature_id, po.value, count(po.product_id) as count
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ } else {
+ // Удалим значения из options
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE o FROM __options o WHERE o.feature_id=?", $id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ }
+ public function get_options($filter = array())
+ {
+ $feature_id_filter = '';
+ $product_id_filter = '';
+ $category_id_filter = '';
+ $visible_filter = '';
+ $in_stock_filter = '';
+ $brand_id_filter = '';
+ $features_filter = '';
+ if (empty($filter['feature_id']) && empty($filter['product_id'])) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ $group_by = '';
+ if (isset($filter['feature_id'])) {
+ $group_by = 'GROUP BY feature_id, value';
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['feature_id'])) {
+ $feature_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND po.feature_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['feature_id']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['product_id'])) {
+ $product_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND po.product_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['product_id']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['category_id'])) {
+ $category_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('INNER JOIN __products_categories pc ON pc.product_id=po.product_id AND pc.category_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['category_id']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['visible'])) {
+ $visible_filter = $this->db->placehold('INNER JOIN __products p ON p.id=po.product_id AND p.visible=?', intval($filter['visible']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['in_stock'])) {
+ $in_stock_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND (SELECT count(*)>0 FROM __variants pv WHERE pv.product_id=po.product_id AND pv.price>0 AND (pv.stock IS NULL OR pv.stock>0) LIMIT 1) = ?', intval($filter['in_stock']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['brand_id'])) {
+ $brand_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND po.product_id in(SELECT id FROM __products WHERE brand_id in(?@))', (array)$filter['brand_id']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['features'])) {
+ foreach ($filter['features'] as $feature=>$value) {
+ $features_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (po.feature_id=? OR po.product_id in (SELECT product_id FROM __options WHERE feature_id=? AND value=? )) ', $feature, $feature, $value);
+ }
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT po.feature_id, po.value, count(po.product_id) as count
FROM __options po
@@ -203,19 +212,19 @@ public function get_options($filter = array())
GROUP BY po.feature_id, po.value
ORDER BY po.value=0, -po.value DESC, po.value");
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
- public function get_product_options($product_id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT f.id as feature_id, f.name, po.value, po.product_id
+ public function get_product_options($product_id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT f.id as feature_id, f.name, po.value, po.product_id
FROM __options po
LEFT JOIN __features f ON f.id=po.feature_id
WHERE po.product_id in(?@)
ORDER BY f.position", (array)$product_id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
diff --git a/api/Feedbacks.php b/api/Feedbacks.php
index a2bcebc..3eb1c20 100755
--- a/api/Feedbacks.php
+++ b/api/Feedbacks.php
@@ -15,106 +15,108 @@
class Feedbacks extends Simpla
- public function get_feedback($id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT f.id, f.name, f.email, f.ip, f.message, f.date FROM __feedbacks f WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- if($this->db->query($query))
- return $this->db->result();
- else
- return false;
- }
- public function get_feedbacks($filter = array(), $new_on_top = false)
- {
- // По умолчанию
- $limit = 0;
- $page = 1;
- $keyword_filter = '';
- if(isset($filter['limit']))
- $limit = max(1, intval($filter['limit']));
- if(isset($filter['page']))
- $page = max(1, intval($filter['page']));
- $sql_limit = $this->db->placehold(' LIMIT ?, ? ', ($page-1)*$limit, $limit);
- if(!empty($filter['keyword']))
- {
- $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
- foreach($keywords as $keyword)
- $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND f.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR f.message LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR f.email LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" ');
- }
- if($new_on_top)
- $sort='DESC';
- else
- $sort='ASC';
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT f.id, f.name, f.email, f.ip, f.message, f.date
+ public function get_feedback($id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT f.id, f.name, f.email, f.ip, f.message, f.date FROM __feedbacks f WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ if ($this->db->query($query)) {
+ return $this->db->result();
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public function get_feedbacks($filter = array(), $new_on_top = false)
+ {
+ // По умолчанию
+ $limit = 0;
+ $page = 1;
+ $keyword_filter = '';
+ if (isset($filter['limit'])) {
+ $limit = max(1, intval($filter['limit']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['page'])) {
+ $page = max(1, intval($filter['page']));
+ }
+ $sql_limit = $this->db->placehold(' LIMIT ?, ? ', ($page-1)*$limit, $limit);
+ if (!empty($filter['keyword'])) {
+ $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
+ foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
+ $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND f.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR f.message LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR f.email LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" ');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($new_on_top) {
+ $sort='DESC';
+ } else {
+ $sort='ASC';
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT f.id, f.name, f.email, f.ip, f.message, f.date
FROM __feedbacks f WHERE 1 $keyword_filter ORDER BY f.id $sort $sql_limit");
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
- public function count_feedbacks($filter = array())
- {
- $keyword_filter = '';
+ public function count_feedbacks($filter = array())
+ {
+ $keyword_filter = '';
- if(!empty($filter['keyword']))
- {
- $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
- foreach($keywords as $keyword)
- $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND f.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR f.message LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR f.email LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" ');
- }
+ if (!empty($filter['keyword'])) {
+ $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
+ foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
+ $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND f.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR f.message LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR f.email LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" ');
+ }
+ }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT count(distinct f.id) as count
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT count(distinct f.id) as count
FROM __feedbacks f WHERE 1 $keyword_filter");
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->result('count');
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->result('count');
+ }
- }
- public function add_feedback($feedback)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold('INSERT INTO __feedbacks
+ public function add_feedback($feedback)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold('INSERT INTO __feedbacks
SET ?%,
date = NOW()',
- $feedback);
- if(!$this->db->query($query))
- return false;
- $id = $this->db->insert_id();
- return $id;
- }
- public function update_feedback($id, $feedback)
- {
- $date_query = '';
- if(isset($feedback->date))
- {
- $date = $feedback->date;
- unset($feedback->date);
- $date_query = $this->db->placehold(', date=STR_TO_DATE(?, ?)', $date, $this->settings->date_format);
- }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __feedbacks SET ?% $date_query WHERE id in(?@) LIMIT 1", $feedback, (array)$id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $id;
- }
- public function delete_feedback($id)
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __feedbacks WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- }
+ $feedback);
+ if (!$this->db->query($query)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $id = $this->db->insert_id();
+ return $id;
+ }
+ public function update_feedback($id, $feedback)
+ {
+ $date_query = '';
+ if (isset($feedback->date)) {
+ $date = $feedback->date;
+ unset($feedback->date);
+ $date_query = $this->db->placehold(', date=STR_TO_DATE(?, ?)', $date, $this->settings->date_format);
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __feedbacks SET ?% $date_query WHERE id in(?@) LIMIT 1", $feedback, (array)$id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ public function delete_feedback($id)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __feedbacks WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/api/Image.php b/api/Image.php
index ff68471..0222238 100755
--- a/api/Image.php
+++ b/api/Image.php
@@ -14,450 +14,459 @@
class Image extends Simpla
- private $allowed_extentions = array('png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'ico');
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- }
- /**
- * Создание превью изображения
- * @param $filename файл с изображением (без пути к файлу)
- * @param max_w максимальная ширина
- * @param max_h максимальная высота
- * @return $string имя файла превью
- */
- public function resize($filename)
- {
- list($source_file, $width , $height, $set_watermark) = $this->get_resize_params($filename);
- // Если вайл удаленный (http://), зальем его себе
- if(substr($source_file, 0, 7) == 'http://')
- {
- // Имя оригинального файла
- if(!$original_file = $this->download_image($source_file))
- return false;
- $resized_file = $this->add_resize_params($original_file, $width, $height, $set_watermark);
- }
- else
- {
- $original_file = $source_file;
- }
- $resized_file = $this->add_resize_params($original_file, $width, $height, $set_watermark);
- // Пути к папкам с картинками
- $originals_dir = $this->config->root_dir.$this->config->original_images_dir;
- $preview_dir = $this->config->root_dir.$this->config->resized_images_dir;
- $watermark_offet_x = $this->settings->watermark_offset_x;
- $watermark_offet_y = $this->settings->watermark_offset_y;
- $sharpen = min(100, $this->settings->images_sharpen)/100;
- $watermark_transparency = 1-min(100, $this->settings->watermark_transparency)/100;
- if($set_watermark && is_file($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->watermark_file))
- $watermark = $this->config->root_dir.$this->config->watermark_file;
- else
- $watermark = null;
- if(class_exists('Imagick') && $this->config->use_imagick)
- $this->image_constrain_imagick($originals_dir.$original_file, $preview_dir.$resized_file, $width, $height, $watermark, $watermark_offet_x, $watermark_offet_y, $watermark_transparency, $sharpen);
- else
- $this->image_constrain_gd($originals_dir.$original_file, $preview_dir.$resized_file, $width, $height, $watermark, $watermark_offet_x, $watermark_offet_y, $watermark_transparency);
- return $preview_dir.$resized_file;
- }
- public function add_resize_params($filename, $width=0, $height=0, $set_watermark=false)
- {
- if('.' != ($dirname = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_DIRNAME)))
- $file = $dirname.'/'.pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
- else
- $file = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
- $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
- if($width>0 || $height>0)
- $resized_filename = $file.'.'.($width>0?$width:'').'x'.($height>0?$height:'').($set_watermark?'w':'').'.'.$ext;
- else
- $resized_filename = $file.'.'.($set_watermark?'w.':'').$ext;
- return $resized_filename;
- }
- public function get_resize_params($filename)
- {
- // Определаяем параметры ресайза
- if(!preg_match('/(.+)\.([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)(w)?\.([^\.]+)$/', $filename, $matches))
- return false;
- $file = $matches[1]; // имя запрашиваемого файла
- $width = $matches[2]; // ширина будущего изображения
- $height = $matches[3]; // высота будущего изображения
- $set_watermark = $matches[4] == 'w'; // ставить ли водяной знак
- $ext = $matches[5]; // расширение файла
- return array($file.'.'.$ext, $width, $height, $set_watermark);
- }
- public function download_image($filename)
- {
- // Заливаем только есть такой файл есть в базе
- $this->db->query('SELECT 1 FROM __images WHERE filename=? LIMIT 1', $filename);
- if(!$this->db->result())
- return false;
- // Имя оригинального файла
- $basename = explode('&', pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_BASENAME));
- $uploaded_file = array_shift($basename);
- $base = urldecode(pathinfo($uploaded_file, PATHINFO_FILENAME));
- $ext = pathinfo($uploaded_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
- // Если такой файл существует, нужно придумать другое название
- $new_name = urldecode($uploaded_file);
- while(file_exists($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->original_images_dir.$new_name))
- {
- $new_base = pathinfo($new_name, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
- if(preg_match('/_([0-9]+)$/', $new_base, $parts))
- $new_name = $base.'_'.($parts[1]+1).'.'.$ext;
- else
- $new_name = $base.'_1.'.$ext;
- }
- $this->db->query('UPDATE __images SET filename=? WHERE filename=?', $new_name, $filename);
- // Перед долгим копированием займем это имя
- fclose(fopen($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->original_images_dir.$new_name, 'w'));
- copy($filename, $this->config->root_dir.$this->config->original_images_dir.$new_name);
- return $new_name;
- }
- public function upload_image($filename, $name)
- {
- // Имя оригинального файла
- $name = $this->correct_filename($name);
- $uploaded_file = $new_name = pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
- $base = pathinfo($uploaded_file, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
- $ext = pathinfo($uploaded_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
- if(in_array(strtolower($ext), $this->allowed_extentions))
- {
- while(file_exists($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->original_images_dir.$new_name))
- {
- $new_base = pathinfo($new_name, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
- if(preg_match('/_([0-9]+)$/', $new_base, $parts))
- $new_name = $base.'_'.($parts[1]+1).'.'.$ext;
- else
- $new_name = $base.'_1.'.$ext;
- }
- if(move_uploaded_file($filename, $this->config->root_dir.$this->config->original_images_dir.$new_name))
- return $new_name;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Создание превью средствами gd
- * @param $src_file исходный файл
- * @param $dst_file файл с результатом
- * @param max_w максимальная ширина
- * @param max_h максимальная высота
- * @return bool
- */
- private function image_constrain_gd($src_file, $dst_file, $max_w, $max_h, $watermark=null, $watermark_offet_x=0, $watermark_offet_y=0, $watermark_opacity=1)
- {
- $quality = 100;
- // Параметры исходного изображения
- @list($src_w, $src_h, $src_type) = array_values(getimagesize($src_file));
- $src_type = image_type_to_mime_type($src_type);
- if(empty($src_w) || empty($src_h) || empty($src_type))
- return false;
- // Нужно ли обрезать?
- if (!$watermark && ($src_w <= $max_w) && ($src_h <= $max_h))
- {
- // Нет - просто скопируем файл
- if (!copy($src_file, $dst_file))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- // Размеры превью при пропорциональном уменьшении
- @list($dst_w, $dst_h) = $this->calc_contrain_size($src_w, $src_h, $max_w, $max_h);
- // Читаем изображение
- switch ($src_type)
- {
- case 'image/jpeg':
- $src_img = imageCreateFromJpeg($src_file);
- break;
- case 'image/gif':
- $src_img = imageCreateFromGif($src_file);
- break;
- case 'image/png':
- $src_img = imageCreateFromPng($src_file);
- imagealphablending($src_img, true);
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- if(empty($src_img))
- return false;
- $src_colors = imagecolorstotal($src_img);
- // create destination image (indexed, if possible)
- if ($src_colors > 0 && $src_colors <= 256)
- $dst_img = imagecreate($dst_w, $dst_h);
- else
- $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_w, $dst_h);
- if (empty($dst_img))
- return false;
- $transparent_index = imagecolortransparent($src_img);
- if ($transparent_index >= 0 && $transparent_index <= 128)
- {
- $t_c = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, $transparent_index);
- $transparent_index = imagecolorallocate($dst_img, $t_c['red'], $t_c['green'], $t_c['blue']);
- if ($transparent_index === false)
- return false;
- if (!imagefill($dst_img, 0, 0, $transparent_index))
- return false;
- imagecolortransparent($dst_img, $transparent_index);
- }
- // or preserve alpha transparency for png
- elseif ($src_type === 'image/png')
- {
- if (!imagealphablending($dst_img, false))
- return false;
- $transparency = imagecolorallocatealpha($dst_img, 0, 0, 0, 127);
- if (false === $transparency)
- return false;
- if (!imagefill($dst_img, 0, 0, $transparency))
- return false;
- if (!imagesavealpha($dst_img, true))
- return false;
- }
- // resample the image with new sizes
- if (!imagecopyresampled($dst_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h))
- return false;
- // Watermark
- if(!empty($watermark) && is_readable($watermark))
- {
- $overlay = imagecreatefrompng($watermark);
- // Get the size of overlay
- $owidth = imagesx($overlay);
- $oheight = imagesy($overlay);
- $watermark_x = min(($dst_w-$owidth)*$watermark_offet_x/100, $dst_w);
- $watermark_y = min(($dst_h-$oheight)*$watermark_offet_y/100, $dst_h);
- imagecopy($dst_img, $overlay, $watermark_x, $watermark_y, 0, 0, $owidth, $oheight);
- //imagecopymerge($dst_img, $overlay, $watermark_x, $watermark_y, 0, 0, $owidth, $oheight, $watermark_opacity*100);
- }
- // recalculate quality value for png image
- if ('image/png' === $src_type)
- {
- $quality = round(($quality / 100) * 10);
- if ($quality < 1)
- $quality = 1;
- elseif ($quality > 10)
- $quality = 10;
- $quality = 10 - $quality;
- }
- // Сохраняем изображение
- switch ($src_type)
- {
- case 'image/jpeg':
- return imageJpeg($dst_img, $dst_file, $quality);
- case 'image/gif':
- return imageGif($dst_img, $dst_file, $quality);
- case 'image/png':
- imagesavealpha($dst_img, true);
- return imagePng($dst_img, $dst_file, $quality);
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Создание превью средствами imagick
- * @param $src_file исходный файл
- * @param $dst_file файл с результатом
- * @param max_w максимальная ширина
- * @param max_h максимальная высота
- * @return bool
- */
- private function image_constrain_imagick($src_file, $dst_file, $max_w, $max_h, $watermark=null, $watermark_offet_x=0, $watermark_offet_y=0, $watermark_opacity=1, $sharpen=0.2)
- {
- $thumb = new Imagick();
- // Читаем изображение
- if(!$thumb->readImage($src_file))
- return false;
- // Размеры исходного изображения
- $src_w = $thumb->getImageWidth();
- $src_h = $thumb->getImageHeight();
- // Нужно ли обрезать?
- if (!$watermark && ($src_w <= $max_w) && ($src_h <= $max_h))
- {
- // Нет - просто скопируем файл
- if (!copy($src_file, $dst_file))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- // Размеры превью при пропорциональном уменьшении
- list($dst_w, $dst_h) = $this->calc_contrain_size($src_w, $src_h, $max_w, $max_h);
- // Уменьшаем
- $thumb->thumbnailImage($dst_w, $dst_h);
- // Устанавливаем водяной знак
- if($watermark && is_readable($watermark))
- {
- $overlay = new Imagick($watermark);
- //$overlay->setImageOpacity($watermark_opacity);
- //$overlay_compose = $overlay->getImageCompose();
- $overlay->evaluateImage(Imagick::EVALUATE_MULTIPLY, $watermark_opacity, Imagick::CHANNEL_ALPHA);
- // Get the size of overlay
- $owidth = $overlay->getImageWidth();
- $oheight = $overlay->getImageHeight();
- $watermark_x = min(($dst_w-$owidth)*$watermark_offet_x/100, $dst_w);
- $watermark_y = min(($dst_h-$oheight)*$watermark_offet_y/100, $dst_h);
- }
- // Анимированные gif требуют прохода по фреймам
- foreach($thumb as $frame)
- {
- // Уменьшаем
- $frame->thumbnailImage($dst_w, $dst_h);
- /* Set the virtual canvas to correct size */
- $frame->setImagePage($dst_w, $dst_h, 0, 0);
- // Наводим резкость
- if($sharpen > 0)
- $thumb->adaptiveSharpenImage($sharpen, $sharpen);
- if(isset($overlay) && is_object($overlay))
- {
- // $frame->compositeImage($overlay, $overlay_compose, $watermark_x, $watermark_y, imagick::COLOR_ALPHA);
- $frame->compositeImage($overlay, imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $watermark_x, $watermark_y, imagick::COLOR_ALPHA);
- }
- }
- // Убираем комменты и т.п. из картинки
- $thumb->stripImage();
- // $thumb->setImageCompressionQuality(100);
- // Записываем картинку
- if(!$thumb->writeImages($dst_file, true))
- return false;
- // Уборка
- $thumb->destroy();
- if(isset($overlay) && is_object($overlay))
- $overlay->destroy();
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Вычисляет размеры изображения, до которых нужно его пропорционально уменьшить, чтобы вписать в квадрат $max_w x $max_h
- * @param src_w ширина исходного изображения
- * @param src_h высота исходного изображения
- * @param max_w максимальная ширина
- * @param max_h максимальная высота
- * @return array(w, h)
- */
- private function calc_contrain_size($src_w, $src_h, $max_w = 0, $max_h = 0)
- {
- if($src_w == 0 || $src_h == 0)
- return false;
- $dst_w = $src_w;
- $dst_h = $src_h;
- if($src_w > $max_w && $max_w>0)
- {
- $dst_h = $src_h * ($max_w/$src_w);
- $dst_w = $max_w;
- }
- if($dst_h > $max_h && $max_h>0)
- {
- $dst_w = $dst_w * ($max_h/$dst_h);
- $dst_h = $max_h;
- }
- return array($dst_w, $dst_h);
- }
- private function files_identical($fn1, $fn2)
- {
- $buffer_len = 1024;
- if(!$fp1 = fopen(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.$fn1, 'rb'))
- return FALSE;
- if(!$fp2 = fopen($fn2, 'rb')) {
- fclose($fp1);
- return FALSE;
- }
- $same = TRUE;
- while (!feof($fp1) and !feof($fp2))
- if(fread($fp1, $buffer_len) !== fread($fp2, $buffer_len)) {
- $same = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- if(feof($fp1) !== feof($fp2))
- $same = FALSE;
- fclose($fp1);
- fclose($fp2);
- return $same;
- }
- private function correct_filename($filename)
- {
- $ru = explode('-', "А-а-Б-б-В-в-Ґ-ґ-Г-г-Д-д-Е-е-Ё-ё-Є-є-Ж-ж-З-з-И-и-І-і-Ї-ї-Й-й-К-к-Л-л-М-м-Н-н-О-о-П-п-Р-р-С-с-Т-т-У-у-Ф-ф-Х-х-Ц-ц-Ч-ч-Ш-ш-Щ-щ-Ъ-ъ-Ы-ы-Ь-ь-Э-э-Ю-ю-Я-я");
- $en = explode('-', "A-a-B-b-V-v-G-g-G-g-D-d-E-e-E-e-E-e-ZH-zh-Z-z-I-i-I-i-I-i-J-j-K-k-L-l-M-m-N-n-O-o-P-p-R-r-S-s-T-t-U-u-F-f-H-h-TS-ts-CH-ch-SH-sh-SCH-sch---Y-y---E-e-YU-yu-YA-ya");
- $res = str_replace($ru, $en, $filename);
- $res = preg_replace("/[\s]+/ui", '-', $res);
- $res = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]+/ui", '', $res);
- $res = strtolower($res);
- return $res;
- }
+ private $allowed_extentions = array('png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'ico');
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ parent::__construct();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Создание превью изображения
+ * @param $filename файл с изображением (без пути к файлу)
+ * @param max_w максимальная ширина
+ * @param max_h максимальная высота
+ * @return $string имя файла превью
+ */
+ public function resize($filename)
+ {
+ list($source_file, $width, $height, $set_watermark) = $this->get_resize_params($filename);
+ // Если вайл удаленный (http://), зальем его себе
+ if (substr($source_file, 0, 7) == 'http://') {
+ // Имя оригинального файла
+ if (!$original_file = $this->download_image($source_file)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $resized_file = $this->add_resize_params($original_file, $width, $height, $set_watermark);
+ } else {
+ $original_file = $source_file;
+ }
+ $resized_file = $this->add_resize_params($original_file, $width, $height, $set_watermark);
+ // Пути к папкам с картинками
+ $originals_dir = $this->config->root_dir.$this->config->original_images_dir;
+ $preview_dir = $this->config->root_dir.$this->config->resized_images_dir;
+ $watermark_offet_x = $this->settings->watermark_offset_x;
+ $watermark_offet_y = $this->settings->watermark_offset_y;
+ $sharpen = min(100, $this->settings->images_sharpen)/100;
+ $watermark_transparency = 1-min(100, $this->settings->watermark_transparency)/100;
+ if ($set_watermark && is_file($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->watermark_file)) {
+ $watermark = $this->config->root_dir.$this->config->watermark_file;
+ } else {
+ $watermark = null;
+ }
+ if (class_exists('Imagick') && $this->config->use_imagick) {
+ $this->image_constrain_imagick($originals_dir.$original_file, $preview_dir.$resized_file, $width, $height, $watermark, $watermark_offet_x, $watermark_offet_y, $watermark_transparency, $sharpen);
+ } else {
+ $this->image_constrain_gd($originals_dir.$original_file, $preview_dir.$resized_file, $width, $height, $watermark, $watermark_offet_x, $watermark_offet_y, $watermark_transparency);
+ }
+ return $preview_dir.$resized_file;
+ }
+ public function add_resize_params($filename, $width=0, $height=0, $set_watermark=false)
+ {
+ if ('.' != ($dirname = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_DIRNAME))) {
+ $file = $dirname.'/'.pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
+ } else {
+ $file = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
+ }
+ $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
+ if ($width>0 || $height>0) {
+ $resized_filename = $file.'.'.($width>0?$width:'').'x'.($height>0?$height:'').($set_watermark?'w':'').'.'.$ext;
+ } else {
+ $resized_filename = $file.'.'.($set_watermark?'w.':'').$ext;
+ }
+ return $resized_filename;
+ }
+ public function get_resize_params($filename)
+ {
+ // Определаяем параметры ресайза
+ if (!preg_match('/(.+)\.([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)(w)?\.([^\.]+)$/', $filename, $matches)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $file = $matches[1]; // имя запрашиваемого файла
+ $width = $matches[2]; // ширина будущего изображения
+ $height = $matches[3]; // высота будущего изображения
+ $set_watermark = $matches[4] == 'w'; // ставить ли водяной знак
+ $ext = $matches[5]; // расширение файла
+ return array($file.'.'.$ext, $width, $height, $set_watermark);
+ }
+ public function download_image($filename)
+ {
+ // Заливаем только есть такой файл есть в базе
+ $this->db->query('SELECT 1 FROM __images WHERE filename=? LIMIT 1', $filename);
+ if (!$this->db->result()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Имя оригинального файла
+ $basename = explode('&', pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_BASENAME));
+ $uploaded_file = array_shift($basename);
+ $base = urldecode(pathinfo($uploaded_file, PATHINFO_FILENAME));
+ $ext = pathinfo($uploaded_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
+ // Если такой файл существует, нужно придумать другое название
+ $new_name = urldecode($uploaded_file);
+ while (file_exists($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->original_images_dir.$new_name)) {
+ $new_base = pathinfo($new_name, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
+ if (preg_match('/_([0-9]+)$/', $new_base, $parts)) {
+ $new_name = $base.'_'.($parts[1]+1).'.'.$ext;
+ } else {
+ $new_name = $base.'_1.'.$ext;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->db->query('UPDATE __images SET filename=? WHERE filename=?', $new_name, $filename);
+ // Перед долгим копированием займем это имя
+ fclose(fopen($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->original_images_dir.$new_name, 'w'));
+ copy($filename, $this->config->root_dir.$this->config->original_images_dir.$new_name);
+ return $new_name;
+ }
+ public function upload_image($filename, $name)
+ {
+ // Имя оригинального файла
+ $name = $this->correct_filename($name);
+ $uploaded_file = $new_name = pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
+ $base = pathinfo($uploaded_file, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
+ $ext = pathinfo($uploaded_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
+ if (in_array(strtolower($ext), $this->allowed_extentions)) {
+ while (file_exists($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->original_images_dir.$new_name)) {
+ $new_base = pathinfo($new_name, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
+ if (preg_match('/_([0-9]+)$/', $new_base, $parts)) {
+ $new_name = $base.'_'.($parts[1]+1).'.'.$ext;
+ } else {
+ $new_name = $base.'_1.'.$ext;
+ }
+ }
+ if (move_uploaded_file($filename, $this->config->root_dir.$this->config->original_images_dir.$new_name)) {
+ return $new_name;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Создание превью средствами gd
+ * @param $src_file исходный файл
+ * @param $dst_file файл с результатом
+ * @param max_w максимальная ширина
+ * @param max_h максимальная высота
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ private function image_constrain_gd($src_file, $dst_file, $max_w, $max_h, $watermark=null, $watermark_offet_x=0, $watermark_offet_y=0, $watermark_opacity=1)
+ {
+ $quality = 100;
+ // Параметры исходного изображения
+ @list($src_w, $src_h, $src_type) = array_values(getimagesize($src_file));
+ $src_type = image_type_to_mime_type($src_type);
+ if (empty($src_w) || empty($src_h) || empty($src_type)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Нужно ли обрезать?
+ if (!$watermark && ($src_w <= $max_w) && ($src_h <= $max_h)) {
+ // Нет - просто скопируем файл
+ if (!copy($src_file, $dst_file)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Размеры превью при пропорциональном уменьшении
+ @list($dst_w, $dst_h) = $this->calc_contrain_size($src_w, $src_h, $max_w, $max_h);
+ // Читаем изображение
+ switch ($src_type) {
+ case 'image/jpeg':
+ $src_img = imageCreateFromJpeg($src_file);
+ break;
+ case 'image/gif':
+ $src_img = imageCreateFromGif($src_file);
+ break;
+ case 'image/png':
+ $src_img = imageCreateFromPng($src_file);
+ imagealphablending($src_img, true);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (empty($src_img)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $src_colors = imagecolorstotal($src_img);
+ // create destination image (indexed, if possible)
+ if ($src_colors > 0 && $src_colors <= 256) {
+ $dst_img = imagecreate($dst_w, $dst_h);
+ } else {
+ $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_w, $dst_h);
+ }
+ if (empty($dst_img)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $transparent_index = imagecolortransparent($src_img);
+ if ($transparent_index >= 0 && $transparent_index <= 128) {
+ $t_c = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, $transparent_index);
+ $transparent_index = imagecolorallocate($dst_img, $t_c['red'], $t_c['green'], $t_c['blue']);
+ if ($transparent_index === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!imagefill($dst_img, 0, 0, $transparent_index)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ imagecolortransparent($dst_img, $transparent_index);
+ }
+ // or preserve alpha transparency for png
+ elseif ($src_type === 'image/png') {
+ if (!imagealphablending($dst_img, false)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $transparency = imagecolorallocatealpha($dst_img, 0, 0, 0, 127);
+ if (false === $transparency) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!imagefill($dst_img, 0, 0, $transparency)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!imagesavealpha($dst_img, true)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // resample the image with new sizes
+ if (!imagecopyresampled($dst_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Watermark
+ if (!empty($watermark) && is_readable($watermark)) {
+ $overlay = imagecreatefrompng($watermark);
+ // Get the size of overlay
+ $owidth = imagesx($overlay);
+ $oheight = imagesy($overlay);
+ $watermark_x = min(($dst_w-$owidth)*$watermark_offet_x/100, $dst_w);
+ $watermark_y = min(($dst_h-$oheight)*$watermark_offet_y/100, $dst_h);
+ imagecopy($dst_img, $overlay, $watermark_x, $watermark_y, 0, 0, $owidth, $oheight);
+ //imagecopymerge($dst_img, $overlay, $watermark_x, $watermark_y, 0, 0, $owidth, $oheight, $watermark_opacity*100);
+ }
+ // recalculate quality value for png image
+ if ('image/png' === $src_type) {
+ $quality = round(($quality / 100) * 10);
+ if ($quality < 1) {
+ $quality = 1;
+ } elseif ($quality > 10) {
+ $quality = 10;
+ }
+ $quality = 10 - $quality;
+ }
+ // Сохраняем изображение
+ switch ($src_type) {
+ case 'image/jpeg':
+ return imageJpeg($dst_img, $dst_file, $quality);
+ case 'image/gif':
+ return imageGif($dst_img, $dst_file, $quality);
+ case 'image/png':
+ imagesavealpha($dst_img, true);
+ return imagePng($dst_img, $dst_file, $quality);
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Создание превью средствами imagick
+ * @param $src_file исходный файл
+ * @param $dst_file файл с результатом
+ * @param max_w максимальная ширина
+ * @param max_h максимальная высота
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ private function image_constrain_imagick($src_file, $dst_file, $max_w, $max_h, $watermark=null, $watermark_offet_x=0, $watermark_offet_y=0, $watermark_opacity=1, $sharpen=0.2)
+ {
+ $thumb = new Imagick();
+ // Читаем изображение
+ if (!$thumb->readImage($src_file)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Размеры исходного изображения
+ $src_w = $thumb->getImageWidth();
+ $src_h = $thumb->getImageHeight();
+ // Нужно ли обрезать?
+ if (!$watermark && ($src_w <= $max_w) && ($src_h <= $max_h)) {
+ // Нет - просто скопируем файл
+ if (!copy($src_file, $dst_file)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Размеры превью при пропорциональном уменьшении
+ list($dst_w, $dst_h) = $this->calc_contrain_size($src_w, $src_h, $max_w, $max_h);
+ // Уменьшаем
+ $thumb->thumbnailImage($dst_w, $dst_h);
+ // Устанавливаем водяной знак
+ if ($watermark && is_readable($watermark)) {
+ $overlay = new Imagick($watermark);
+ //$overlay->setImageOpacity($watermark_opacity);
+ //$overlay_compose = $overlay->getImageCompose();
+ $overlay->evaluateImage(Imagick::EVALUATE_MULTIPLY, $watermark_opacity, Imagick::CHANNEL_ALPHA);
+ // Get the size of overlay
+ $owidth = $overlay->getImageWidth();
+ $oheight = $overlay->getImageHeight();
+ $watermark_x = min(($dst_w-$owidth)*$watermark_offet_x/100, $dst_w);
+ $watermark_y = min(($dst_h-$oheight)*$watermark_offet_y/100, $dst_h);
+ }
+ // Анимированные gif требуют прохода по фреймам
+ foreach ($thumb as $frame) {
+ // Уменьшаем
+ $frame->thumbnailImage($dst_w, $dst_h);
+ /* Set the virtual canvas to correct size */
+ $frame->setImagePage($dst_w, $dst_h, 0, 0);
+ // Наводим резкость
+ if ($sharpen > 0) {
+ $thumb->adaptiveSharpenImage($sharpen, $sharpen);
+ }
+ if (isset($overlay) && is_object($overlay)) {
+ // $frame->compositeImage($overlay, $overlay_compose, $watermark_x, $watermark_y, imagick::COLOR_ALPHA);
+ $frame->compositeImage($overlay, imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $watermark_x, $watermark_y, imagick::COLOR_ALPHA);
+ }
+ }
+ // Убираем комменты и т.п. из картинки
+ $thumb->stripImage();
+ // $thumb->setImageCompressionQuality(100);
+ // Записываем картинку
+ if (!$thumb->writeImages($dst_file, true)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Уборка
+ $thumb->destroy();
+ if (isset($overlay) && is_object($overlay)) {
+ $overlay->destroy();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Вычисляет размеры изображения, до которых нужно его пропорционально уменьшить, чтобы вписать в квадрат $max_w x $max_h
+ * @param src_w ширина исходного изображения
+ * @param src_h высота исходного изображения
+ * @param max_w максимальная ширина
+ * @param max_h максимальная высота
+ * @return array(w, h)
+ */
+ private function calc_contrain_size($src_w, $src_h, $max_w = 0, $max_h = 0)
+ {
+ if ($src_w == 0 || $src_h == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $dst_w = $src_w;
+ $dst_h = $src_h;
+ if ($src_w > $max_w && $max_w>0) {
+ $dst_h = $src_h * ($max_w/$src_w);
+ $dst_w = $max_w;
+ }
+ if ($dst_h > $max_h && $max_h>0) {
+ $dst_w = $dst_w * ($max_h/$dst_h);
+ $dst_h = $max_h;
+ }
+ return array($dst_w, $dst_h);
+ }
+ private function files_identical($fn1, $fn2)
+ {
+ $buffer_len = 1024;
+ if (!$fp1 = fopen(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'.$fn1, 'rb')) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!$fp2 = fopen($fn2, 'rb')) {
+ fclose($fp1);
+ return false;
+ }
+ $same = true;
+ while (!feof($fp1) and !feof($fp2)) {
+ if (fread($fp1, $buffer_len) !== fread($fp2, $buffer_len)) {
+ $same = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (feof($fp1) !== feof($fp2)) {
+ $same = false;
+ }
+ fclose($fp1);
+ fclose($fp2);
+ return $same;
+ }
+ private function correct_filename($filename)
+ {
+ $ru = explode('-', "А-а-Б-б-В-в-Ґ-ґ-Г-г-Д-д-Е-е-Ё-ё-Є-є-Ж-ж-З-з-И-и-І-і-Ї-ї-Й-й-К-к-Л-л-М-м-Н-н-О-о-П-п-Р-р-С-с-Т-т-У-у-Ф-ф-Х-х-Ц-ц-Ч-ч-Ш-ш-Щ-щ-Ъ-ъ-Ы-ы-Ь-ь-Э-э-Ю-ю-Я-я");
+ $en = explode('-', "A-a-B-b-V-v-G-g-G-g-D-d-E-e-E-e-E-e-ZH-zh-Z-z-I-i-I-i-I-i-J-j-K-k-L-l-M-m-N-n-O-o-P-p-R-r-S-s-T-t-U-u-F-f-H-h-TS-ts-CH-ch-SH-sh-SCH-sch---Y-y---E-e-YU-yu-YA-ya");
+ $res = str_replace($ru, $en, $filename);
+ $res = preg_replace("/[\s]+/ui", '-', $res);
+ $res = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]+/ui", '', $res);
+ $res = strtolower($res);
+ return $res;
+ }
diff --git a/api/Managers.php b/api/Managers.php
index d93273b..4523799 100755
--- a/api/Managers.php
+++ b/api/Managers.php
@@ -14,207 +14,204 @@
class Managers extends Simpla
- public $permissions_list = array('products', 'categories', 'brands', 'features', 'orders', 'labels',
- 'users', 'groups', 'coupons', 'pages', 'blog', 'comments', 'feedbacks', 'import', 'export',
- 'backup', 'stats', 'design', 'settings', 'currency', 'delivery', 'payment', 'managers', 'license');
- public $passwd_file = "simpla/.passwd";
- public function __construct()
- {
- // Для совсестимости с режимом CGI
- if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER']) && empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']))
- {
- }
- elseif(empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && !empty($_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"]))
- {
- }
- }
- public function get_managers()
- {
- $lines = explode("\n", @file_get_contents($this->config->root_dir.$this->passwd_file));
- $managers = array();
- foreach($lines as $line)
- {
- if(!empty($line))
- {
- $manager = null;
- $fields = explode(":", $line);
- $manager = new stdClass();
- $manager->login = trim($fields[0]);
- $manager->permissions = array();
- if(isset($fields[2]))
- {
- $manager->permissions = explode(",", $fields[2]);
- foreach($manager->permissions as &$permission)
- $permission = trim($permission);
- }
- else
- $manager->permissions = $this->permissions_list;
- $managers[] = $manager;
- }
- }
- return $managers;
- }
- public function count_managers($filter = array())
- {
- return count($this->get_managers());
- }
- public function get_manager($login = null)
- {
- // Если не запрашивается по логину, отдаём текущего менеджера или false
- if(empty($login))
- if(!empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']))
- $login = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
- else
- {
- // Тестовый менеджер, если отключена авторизация
- $m = new stdClass();
- $m->login = 'manager';
- $m->permissions = $this->permissions_list;
- return $m;
- }
- foreach($this->get_managers() as $manager)
- {
- if($manager->login == $login)
- return $manager;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public function add_manager($manager)
- {
- $manager = (object)$manager;
- if(!empty($manager->login))
- $m[0] = $manager->login;
- if(!empty($manager->password))
- {
- // захешировать пароль
- $m[1] = $this->crypt_apr1_md5($manager->password);
- }
- else
- {
- $m[1] = "";
- }
- if(is_array($manager->permissions))
- {
- if(count(array_diff($this->permissions_list, $manager->permissions))>0)
- {
- $m[2] = implode(",", $manager->permissions);
- }
- else
- {
- unset($m[2]);
- }
- }
- $line = implode(":", $m);
- file_put_contents($this->passwd_file, @file_get_contents($this->passwd_file)."\n".$line);
- if($m = $this->get_manager($manager->login))
- return $m->login;
- else
- return false;
- }
- public function update_manager($login, $manager)
- {
- $manager = (object)$manager;
- // Не допускаем двоеточия в логине
- if(!empty($manager->login))
- $manager->login = str_replace(":", "", $manager->login);
- $lines = explode("\n", @file_get_contents($this->passwd_file));
- $updated_flag = false;
- foreach($lines as &$line)
- {
- $m = explode(":", $line);
- if($m[0] == $login)
- {
- if(!empty($manager->login))
- $m[0] = $manager->login;
- if(!empty($manager->password))
- {
- // захешировать пароль
- $m[1] = $this->crypt_apr1_md5($manager->password);
- }
- if(isset($manager->permissions) && is_array($manager->permissions))
- {
- if(count(array_diff($this->permissions_list, $manager->permissions))>0)
- {
- $m[2] = implode(",", array_intersect($this->permissions_list, $manager->permissions));
- }
- else
- {
- unset($m[2]);
- }
- }
- $line = implode(":", $m);
- $updated_flag = true;
- }
- }
- if($updated_flag)
- {
- file_put_contents($this->passwd_file, implode("\n", $lines));
- if($m = $this->get_manager($manager->login))
- return $m->login;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public function delete_manager($login)
- {
- $lines = explode("\n", @file_get_contents($this->passwd_file));
- foreach($lines as $i=>$line)
- {
- $m = explode(":", $line);
- if($m[0] == $login)
- unset($lines[$i]);
- }
- file_put_contents($this->passwd_file, implode("\n", $lines));
- return true;
- }
- private function crypt_apr1_md5($plainpasswd) {
- $salt = substr(str_shuffle("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"), 0, 8);
- $len = strlen($plainpasswd);
- $text = $plainpasswd.'$apr1$'.$salt;
- $bin = pack("H32", md5($plainpasswd.$salt.$plainpasswd));
- for($i = $len; $i > 0; $i -= 16) { $text .= substr($bin, 0, min(16, $i)); }
- for($i = $len; $i > 0; $i >>= 1) { $text .= ($i & 1) ? chr(0) : $plainpasswd{0}; }
- $bin = pack("H32", md5($text));
- for($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
- $new = ($i & 1) ? $plainpasswd : $bin;
- if ($i % 3) $new .= $salt;
- if ($i % 7) $new .= $plainpasswd;
- $new .= ($i & 1) ? $bin : $plainpasswd;
- $bin = pack("H32", md5($new));
- }
- $tmp = '';
- for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
- $k = $i + 6;
- $j = $i + 12;
- if ($j == 16) $j = 5;
- $tmp = $bin[$i].$bin[$k].$bin[$j].$tmp;
- }
- $tmp = chr(0).chr(0).$bin[11].$tmp;
- $tmp = strtr(strrev(substr(base64_encode($tmp), 2)),
- "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",
- "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
- return "$"."apr1"."$".$salt."$".$tmp;
- }
- public function access($module)
- {
- $manager = $this->get_manager();
- if(is_array($manager->permissions))
- return in_array($module, $manager->permissions);
- else
- return false;
- }
+ public $permissions_list = array('products', 'categories', 'brands', 'features', 'orders', 'labels',
+ 'users', 'groups', 'coupons', 'pages', 'blog', 'comments', 'feedbacks', 'import', 'export',
+ 'backup', 'stats', 'design', 'settings', 'currency', 'delivery', 'payment', 'managers', 'license');
+ public $passwd_file = "simpla/.passwd";
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ // Для совсестимости с режимом CGI
+ if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER']) && empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
+ } elseif (empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && !empty($_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"])) {
+ }
+ }
+ public function get_managers()
+ {
+ $lines = explode("\n", @file_get_contents($this->config->root_dir.$this->passwd_file));
+ $managers = array();
+ foreach ($lines as $line) {
+ if (!empty($line)) {
+ $manager = null;
+ $fields = explode(":", $line);
+ $manager = new stdClass();
+ $manager->login = trim($fields[0]);
+ $manager->permissions = array();
+ if (isset($fields[2])) {
+ $manager->permissions = explode(",", $fields[2]);
+ foreach ($manager->permissions as &$permission) {
+ $permission = trim($permission);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $manager->permissions = $this->permissions_list;
+ }
+ $managers[] = $manager;
+ }
+ }
+ return $managers;
+ }
+ public function count_managers($filter = array())
+ {
+ return count($this->get_managers());
+ }
+ public function get_manager($login = null)
+ {
+ // Если не запрашивается по логину, отдаём текущего менеджера или false
+ if (empty($login)) {
+ if (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
+ $login = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
+ } else {
+ // Тестовый менеджер, если отключена авторизация
+ $m = new stdClass();
+ $m->login = 'manager';
+ $m->permissions = $this->permissions_list;
+ return $m;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($this->get_managers() as $manager) {
+ if ($manager->login == $login) {
+ return $manager;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function add_manager($manager)
+ {
+ $manager = (object)$manager;
+ if (!empty($manager->login)) {
+ $m[0] = $manager->login;
+ }
+ if (!empty($manager->password)) {
+ // захешировать пароль
+ $m[1] = $this->crypt_apr1_md5($manager->password);
+ } else {
+ $m[1] = "";
+ }
+ if (is_array($manager->permissions)) {
+ if (count(array_diff($this->permissions_list, $manager->permissions))>0) {
+ $m[2] = implode(",", $manager->permissions);
+ } else {
+ unset($m[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ $line = implode(":", $m);
+ file_put_contents($this->passwd_file, @file_get_contents($this->passwd_file)."\n".$line);
+ if ($m = $this->get_manager($manager->login)) {
+ return $m->login;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public function update_manager($login, $manager)
+ {
+ $manager = (object)$manager;
+ // Не допускаем двоеточия в логине
+ if (!empty($manager->login)) {
+ $manager->login = str_replace(":", "", $manager->login);
+ }
+ $lines = explode("\n", @file_get_contents($this->passwd_file));
+ $updated_flag = false;
+ foreach ($lines as &$line) {
+ $m = explode(":", $line);
+ if ($m[0] == $login) {
+ if (!empty($manager->login)) {
+ $m[0] = $manager->login;
+ }
+ if (!empty($manager->password)) {
+ // захешировать пароль
+ $m[1] = $this->crypt_apr1_md5($manager->password);
+ }
+ if (isset($manager->permissions) && is_array($manager->permissions)) {
+ if (count(array_diff($this->permissions_list, $manager->permissions))>0) {
+ $m[2] = implode(",", array_intersect($this->permissions_list, $manager->permissions));
+ } else {
+ unset($m[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ $line = implode(":", $m);
+ $updated_flag = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($updated_flag) {
+ file_put_contents($this->passwd_file, implode("\n", $lines));
+ if ($m = $this->get_manager($manager->login)) {
+ return $m->login;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function delete_manager($login)
+ {
+ $lines = explode("\n", @file_get_contents($this->passwd_file));
+ foreach ($lines as $i=>$line) {
+ $m = explode(":", $line);
+ if ($m[0] == $login) {
+ unset($lines[$i]);
+ }
+ }
+ file_put_contents($this->passwd_file, implode("\n", $lines));
+ return true;
+ }
+ private function crypt_apr1_md5($plainpasswd)
+ {
+ $salt = substr(str_shuffle("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"), 0, 8);
+ $len = strlen($plainpasswd);
+ $text = $plainpasswd.'$apr1$'.$salt;
+ $bin = pack("H32", md5($plainpasswd.$salt.$plainpasswd));
+ for ($i = $len; $i > 0; $i -= 16) {
+ $text .= substr($bin, 0, min(16, $i));
+ }
+ for ($i = $len; $i > 0; $i >>= 1) {
+ $text .= ($i & 1) ? chr(0) : $plainpasswd{0};
+ }
+ $bin = pack("H32", md5($text));
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
+ $new = ($i & 1) ? $plainpasswd : $bin;
+ if ($i % 3) {
+ $new .= $salt;
+ }
+ if ($i % 7) {
+ $new .= $plainpasswd;
+ }
+ $new .= ($i & 1) ? $bin : $plainpasswd;
+ $bin = pack("H32", md5($new));
+ }
+ $tmp = '';
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
+ $k = $i + 6;
+ $j = $i + 12;
+ if ($j == 16) {
+ $j = 5;
+ }
+ $tmp = $bin[$i].$bin[$k].$bin[$j].$tmp;
+ }
+ $tmp = chr(0).chr(0).$bin[11].$tmp;
+ $tmp = strtr(strrev(substr(base64_encode($tmp), 2)),
+ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",
+ "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
+ return "$"."apr1"."$".$salt."$".$tmp;
+ }
+ public function access($module)
+ {
+ $manager = $this->get_manager();
+ if (is_array($manager->permissions)) {
+ return in_array($module, $manager->permissions);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/api/Money.php b/api/Money.php
index 32e37fe..af4b146 100755
--- a/api/Money.php
+++ b/api/Money.php
@@ -13,144 +13,145 @@
class Money extends Simpla
- private $currencies = array();
- private $currency;
+ private $currencies = array();
+ private $currency;
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ parent::__construct();
- if(isset($this->settings->price_decimals_point))
- $this->decimals_point = $this->settings->price_decimals_point;
+ if (isset($this->settings->price_decimals_point)) {
+ $this->decimals_point = $this->settings->price_decimals_point;
+ }
- if(isset($this->settings->price_thousands_separator))
- $this->thousands_separator = $this->settings->price_thousands_separator;
+ if (isset($this->settings->price_thousands_separator)) {
+ $this->thousands_separator = $this->settings->price_thousands_separator;
+ }
- $this->design->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'convert', array($this, 'convert'));
+ $this->design->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'convert', array($this, 'convert'));
- $this->init_currencies();
- }
+ $this->init_currencies();
+ }
- private function init_currencies()
- {
- $this->currencies = array();
- // Выбираем из базы валюты
- $query = "SELECT id, name, sign, code, rate_from, rate_to, cents, position, enabled FROM __currencies ORDER BY position";
- $this->db->query($query);
+ private function init_currencies()
+ {
+ $this->currencies = array();
+ // Выбираем из базы валюты
+ $query = "SELECT id, name, sign, code, rate_from, rate_to, cents, position, enabled FROM __currencies ORDER BY position";
+ $this->db->query($query);
- $results = $this->db->results();
+ $results = $this->db->results();
- foreach($results as $c)
- {
- $this->currencies[$c->id] = $c;
- }
+ foreach ($results as $c) {
+ $this->currencies[$c->id] = $c;
+ }
- $this->currency = reset($this->currencies);
+ $this->currency = reset($this->currencies);
+ }
- }
+ public function get_currencies($filter = array())
+ {
+ $currencies = array();
+ foreach ($this->currencies as $id=>$currency) {
+ if ((isset($filter['enabled']) && $filter['enabled'] == 1 && $currency->enabled) || empty($filter['enabled'])) {
+ $currencies[$id] = $currency;
+ }
+ }
- public function get_currencies($filter = array())
- {
- $currencies = array();
- foreach($this->currencies as $id=>$currency)
- if((isset($filter['enabled']) && $filter['enabled'] == 1 && $currency->enabled) || empty($filter['enabled']))
- $currencies[$id] = $currency;
+ return $currencies;
+ }
- return $currencies;
- }
+ public function get_currency($id = null)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id) && is_integer($id) && isset($this->currencies[$id])) {
+ return $this->currencies[$id];
+ }
- public function get_currency($id = null)
- {
- if(!empty($id) && is_integer($id) && isset($this->currencies[$id]))
- return $this->currencies[$id];
+ if (!empty($id) && is_string($id)) {
+ foreach ($this->currencies as $currency) {
+ if ($currency->code == $id) {
+ return $currency;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if(!empty($id) && is_string($id))
- {
- foreach($this->currencies as $currency)
- {
- if($currency->code == $id)
- return $currency;
- }
- }
+ return $this->currency;
+ }
- return $this->currency;
- }
- public function add_currency($currency)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold('INSERT INTO __currencies
+ public function add_currency($currency)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold('INSERT INTO __currencies
SET ?%',
- $currency);
+ $currency);
- if(!$this->db->query($query))
- return false;
+ if (!$this->db->query($query)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- $id = $this->db->insert_id();
- $this->db->query("UPDATE __currencies SET position=id WHERE id=?", $id);
- $this->init_currencies();
+ $id = $this->db->insert_id();
+ $this->db->query("UPDATE __currencies SET position=id WHERE id=?", $id);
+ $this->init_currencies();
- return $id;
- }
+ return $id;
+ }
- public function update_currency($id, $currency)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold('UPDATE __currencies
+ public function update_currency($id, $currency)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold('UPDATE __currencies
SET ?%
WHERE id in (?@)',
- $currency, (array)$id);
- if(!$this->db->query($query))
- return false;
- $this->init_currencies();
- return $id;
- }
- public function delete_currency($id)
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __currencies WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- $this->init_currencies();
- }
- public function convert($price, $currency_id = null, $format = true)
- {
- if(isset($currency_id))
- {
- if(is_numeric($currency_id))
- $currency = $this->get_currency((integer)$currency_id);
- else
- $currency = $this->get_currency((string)$currency_id);
- }
- elseif(isset($_SESSION['currency_id']))
- $currency = $this->get_currency($_SESSION['currency_id']);
- else
- $currency = current($this->get_currencies(array('enabled'=>1)));
- $result = $price;
- if(!empty($currency))
- {
- // Умножим на курс валюты
- $result = $result*$currency->rate_from/$currency->rate_to;
- // Точность отображения, знаков после запятой
- $precision = isset($currency->cents)?$currency->cents:2;
- }
- // Форматирование цены
- if($format)
- $result = number_format($result, $precision, $this->settings->decimals_point, $this->settings->thousands_separator);
- else
- $result = round($result, $precision);
- return $result;
- }
+ $currency, (array)$id);
+ if (!$this->db->query($query)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $this->init_currencies();
+ return $id;
+ }
+ public function delete_currency($id)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __currencies WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ $this->init_currencies();
+ }
+ public function convert($price, $currency_id = null, $format = true)
+ {
+ if (isset($currency_id)) {
+ if (is_numeric($currency_id)) {
+ $currency = $this->get_currency((integer)$currency_id);
+ } else {
+ $currency = $this->get_currency((string)$currency_id);
+ }
+ } elseif (isset($_SESSION['currency_id'])) {
+ $currency = $this->get_currency($_SESSION['currency_id']);
+ } else {
+ $currency = current($this->get_currencies(array('enabled'=>1)));
+ }
+ $result = $price;
+ if (!empty($currency)) {
+ // Умножим на курс валюты
+ $result = $result*$currency->rate_from/$currency->rate_to;
+ // Точность отображения, знаков после запятой
+ $precision = isset($currency->cents)?$currency->cents:2;
+ }
+ // Форматирование цены
+ if ($format) {
+ $result = number_format($result, $precision, $this->settings->decimals_point, $this->settings->thousands_separator);
+ } else {
+ $result = round($result, $precision);
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
diff --git a/api/Notify.php b/api/Notify.php
index aabaaa7..4f774b2 100755
--- a/api/Notify.php
+++ b/api/Notify.php
@@ -12,187 +12,192 @@
class Notify extends Simpla
- public function email($to, $subject, $message, $from = '', $reply_to = '')
- {
- $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" ;
- $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8; \r\n";
- $headers .= "From: $from\r\n";
- if(!empty($reply_to))
- $headers .= "reply-to: $reply_to\r\n";
- $subject = "=?utf-8?B?".base64_encode($subject)."?=";
- @mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
- }
- public function email_order_user($order_id)
- {
- if(!($order = $this->orders->get_order(intval($order_id))) || empty($order->email))
- return false;
- $purchases = $this->orders->get_purchases(array('order_id'=>$order->id));
- $this->design->assign('purchases', $purchases);
- $products_ids = array();
- $variants_ids = array();
- foreach($purchases as $purchase)
- {
- $products_ids[] = $purchase->product_id;
- $variants_ids[] = $purchase->variant_id;
- }
- $products = array();
- foreach($this->products->get_products(array('id'=>$products_ids, 'limit' => count($products_ids))) as $p)
- $products[$p->id] = $p;
- $images = $this->products->get_images(array('product_id'=>$products_ids));
- foreach($images as $image)
- $products[$image->product_id]->images[] = $image;
- $variants = array();
- foreach($this->variants->get_variants(array('id'=>$variants_ids)) as $v)
- {
- $variants[$v->id] = $v;
- $products[$v->product_id]->variants[] = $v;
- }
- foreach($purchases as &$purchase)
- {
- if(!empty($products[$purchase->product_id]))
- $purchase->product = $products[$purchase->product_id];
- if(!empty($variants[$purchase->variant_id]))
- $purchase->variant = $variants[$purchase->variant_id];
- }
- // Способ доставки
- $delivery = $this->delivery->get_delivery($order->delivery_id);
- $this->design->assign('delivery', $delivery);
- $this->design->assign('order', $order);
- $this->design->assign('purchases', $purchases);
- // Отправляем письмо
- // Если в шаблон не передавалась валюта, передадим
- if ($this->design->smarty->getTemplateVars('currency') === null)
- {
- $this->design->assign('currency', current($this->money->get_currencies(array('enabled'=>1))));
- }
- $email_template = $this->design->fetch($this->config->root_dir.'design/'.$this->settings->theme.'/html/email_order.tpl');
- $subject = $this->design->get_var('subject');
- $this->email($order->email, $subject, $email_template, $this->settings->notify_from_email);
- }
- public function email_order_admin($order_id)
- {
- if(!($order = $this->orders->get_order(intval($order_id))))
- return false;
- $purchases = $this->orders->get_purchases(array('order_id'=>$order->id));
- $this->design->assign('purchases', $purchases);
- $products_ids = array();
- $variants_ids = array();
- foreach($purchases as $purchase)
- {
- $products_ids[] = $purchase->product_id;
- $variants_ids[] = $purchase->variant_id;
- }
- $products = array();
- foreach($this->products->get_products(array('id'=>$products_ids, 'limit' => count($products_ids))) as $p)
- $products[$p->id] = $p;
- $images = $this->products->get_images(array('product_id'=>$products_ids));
- foreach($images as $image)
- $products[$image->product_id]->images[] = $image;
- $variants = array();
- foreach($this->variants->get_variants(array('id'=>$variants_ids)) as $v)
- {
- $variants[$v->id] = $v;
- $products[$v->product_id]->variants[] = $v;
- }
- foreach($purchases as &$purchase)
- {
- if(!empty($products[$purchase->product_id]))
- $purchase->product = $products[$purchase->product_id];
- if(!empty($variants[$purchase->variant_id]))
- $purchase->variant = $variants[$purchase->variant_id];
- }
- // Способ доставки
- $delivery = $this->delivery->get_delivery($order->delivery_id);
- $this->design->assign('delivery', $delivery);
- // Пользователь
- $user = $this->users->get_user(intval($order->user_id));
- $this->design->assign('user', $user);
- $this->design->assign('order', $order);
- $this->design->assign('purchases', $purchases);
- // В основной валюте
- $this->design->assign('main_currency', $this->money->get_currency());
- // Отправляем письмо
- $email_template = $this->design->fetch($this->config->root_dir.'simpla/design/html/email_order_admin.tpl');
- $subject = $this->design->get_var('subject');
- $this->email($this->settings->order_email, $subject, $email_template, $this->settings->notify_from_email);
- }
- public function email_comment_admin($comment_id)
- {
- if(!($comment = $this->comments->get_comment(intval($comment_id))))
- return false;
- if($comment->type == 'product')
- $comment->product = $this->products->get_product(intval($comment->object_id));
- if($comment->type == 'blog')
- $comment->post = $this->blog->get_post(intval($comment->object_id));
- $this->design->assign('comment', $comment);
- // Отправляем письмо
- $email_template = $this->design->fetch($this->config->root_dir.'simpla/design/html/email_comment_admin.tpl');
- $subject = $this->design->get_var('subject');
- $this->email($this->settings->comment_email, $subject, $email_template, $this->settings->notify_from_email);
- }
- public function email_password_remind($user_id, $code)
- {
- if(!($user = $this->users->get_user(intval($user_id))))
- return false;
- $this->design->assign('user', $user);
- $this->design->assign('code', $code);
- // Отправляем письмо
- $email_template = $this->design->fetch($this->config->root_dir.'design/'.$this->settings->theme.'/html/email_password_remind.tpl');
- $subject = $this->design->get_var('subject');
- $this->email($user->email, $subject, $email_template, $this->settings->notify_from_email);
- $this->design->smarty->clearAssign('user');
- $this->design->smarty->clearAssign('code');
- }
- public function email_feedback_admin($feedback_id)
- {
- if(!($feedback = $this->feedbacks->get_feedback(intval($feedback_id))))
- return false;
- $this->design->assign('feedback', $feedback);
- // Отправляем письмо
- $email_template = $this->design->fetch($this->config->root_dir.'simpla/design/html/email_feedback_admin.tpl');
- $subject = $this->design->get_var('subject');
- $this->email($this->settings->comment_email, $subject, $email_template, "$feedback->name <$feedback->email>", "$feedback->name <$feedback->email>");
- }
+ public function email($to, $subject, $message, $from = '', $reply_to = '')
+ {
+ $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" ;
+ $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8; \r\n";
+ $headers .= "From: $from\r\n";
+ if (!empty($reply_to)) {
+ $headers .= "reply-to: $reply_to\r\n";
+ }
+ $subject = "=?utf-8?B?".base64_encode($subject)."?=";
+ @mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
+ }
+ public function email_order_user($order_id)
+ {
+ if (!($order = $this->orders->get_order(intval($order_id))) || empty($order->email)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $purchases = $this->orders->get_purchases(array('order_id'=>$order->id));
+ $this->design->assign('purchases', $purchases);
+ $products_ids = array();
+ $variants_ids = array();
+ foreach ($purchases as $purchase) {
+ $products_ids[] = $purchase->product_id;
+ $variants_ids[] = $purchase->variant_id;
+ }
+ $products = array();
+ foreach ($this->products->get_products(array('id'=>$products_ids, 'limit' => count($products_ids))) as $p) {
+ $products[$p->id] = $p;
+ }
+ $images = $this->products->get_images(array('product_id'=>$products_ids));
+ foreach ($images as $image) {
+ $products[$image->product_id]->images[] = $image;
+ }
+ $variants = array();
+ foreach ($this->variants->get_variants(array('id'=>$variants_ids)) as $v) {
+ $variants[$v->id] = $v;
+ $products[$v->product_id]->variants[] = $v;
+ }
+ foreach ($purchases as &$purchase) {
+ if (!empty($products[$purchase->product_id])) {
+ $purchase->product = $products[$purchase->product_id];
+ }
+ if (!empty($variants[$purchase->variant_id])) {
+ $purchase->variant = $variants[$purchase->variant_id];
+ }
+ }
+ // Способ доставки
+ $delivery = $this->delivery->get_delivery($order->delivery_id);
+ $this->design->assign('delivery', $delivery);
+ $this->design->assign('order', $order);
+ $this->design->assign('purchases', $purchases);
+ // Отправляем письмо
+ // Если в шаблон не передавалась валюта, передадим
+ if ($this->design->smarty->getTemplateVars('currency') === null) {
+ $this->design->assign('currency', current($this->money->get_currencies(array('enabled'=>1))));
+ }
+ $email_template = $this->design->fetch($this->config->root_dir.'design/'.$this->settings->theme.'/html/email_order.tpl');
+ $subject = $this->design->get_var('subject');
+ $this->email($order->email, $subject, $email_template, $this->settings->notify_from_email);
+ }
+ public function email_order_admin($order_id)
+ {
+ if (!($order = $this->orders->get_order(intval($order_id)))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $purchases = $this->orders->get_purchases(array('order_id'=>$order->id));
+ $this->design->assign('purchases', $purchases);
+ $products_ids = array();
+ $variants_ids = array();
+ foreach ($purchases as $purchase) {
+ $products_ids[] = $purchase->product_id;
+ $variants_ids[] = $purchase->variant_id;
+ }
+ $products = array();
+ foreach ($this->products->get_products(array('id'=>$products_ids, 'limit' => count($products_ids))) as $p) {
+ $products[$p->id] = $p;
+ }
+ $images = $this->products->get_images(array('product_id'=>$products_ids));
+ foreach ($images as $image) {
+ $products[$image->product_id]->images[] = $image;
+ }
+ $variants = array();
+ foreach ($this->variants->get_variants(array('id'=>$variants_ids)) as $v) {
+ $variants[$v->id] = $v;
+ $products[$v->product_id]->variants[] = $v;
+ }
+ foreach ($purchases as &$purchase) {
+ if (!empty($products[$purchase->product_id])) {
+ $purchase->product = $products[$purchase->product_id];
+ }
+ if (!empty($variants[$purchase->variant_id])) {
+ $purchase->variant = $variants[$purchase->variant_id];
+ }
+ }
+ // Способ доставки
+ $delivery = $this->delivery->get_delivery($order->delivery_id);
+ $this->design->assign('delivery', $delivery);
+ // Пользователь
+ $user = $this->users->get_user(intval($order->user_id));
+ $this->design->assign('user', $user);
+ $this->design->assign('order', $order);
+ $this->design->assign('purchases', $purchases);
+ // В основной валюте
+ $this->design->assign('main_currency', $this->money->get_currency());
+ // Отправляем письмо
+ $email_template = $this->design->fetch($this->config->root_dir.'simpla/design/html/email_order_admin.tpl');
+ $subject = $this->design->get_var('subject');
+ $this->email($this->settings->order_email, $subject, $email_template, $this->settings->notify_from_email);
+ }
+ public function email_comment_admin($comment_id)
+ {
+ if (!($comment = $this->comments->get_comment(intval($comment_id)))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ($comment->type == 'product') {
+ $comment->product = $this->products->get_product(intval($comment->object_id));
+ }
+ if ($comment->type == 'blog') {
+ $comment->post = $this->blog->get_post(intval($comment->object_id));
+ }
+ $this->design->assign('comment', $comment);
+ // Отправляем письмо
+ $email_template = $this->design->fetch($this->config->root_dir.'simpla/design/html/email_comment_admin.tpl');
+ $subject = $this->design->get_var('subject');
+ $this->email($this->settings->comment_email, $subject, $email_template, $this->settings->notify_from_email);
+ }
+ public function email_password_remind($user_id, $code)
+ {
+ if (!($user = $this->users->get_user(intval($user_id)))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $this->design->assign('user', $user);
+ $this->design->assign('code', $code);
+ // Отправляем письмо
+ $email_template = $this->design->fetch($this->config->root_dir.'design/'.$this->settings->theme.'/html/email_password_remind.tpl');
+ $subject = $this->design->get_var('subject');
+ $this->email($user->email, $subject, $email_template, $this->settings->notify_from_email);
+ $this->design->smarty->clearAssign('user');
+ $this->design->smarty->clearAssign('code');
+ }
+ public function email_feedback_admin($feedback_id)
+ {
+ if (!($feedback = $this->feedbacks->get_feedback(intval($feedback_id)))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $this->design->assign('feedback', $feedback);
+ // Отправляем письмо
+ $email_template = $this->design->fetch($this->config->root_dir.'simpla/design/html/email_feedback_admin.tpl');
+ $subject = $this->design->get_var('subject');
+ $this->email($this->settings->comment_email, $subject, $email_template, "$feedback->name <$feedback->email>", "$feedback->name <$feedback->email>");
+ }
diff --git a/api/Orders.php b/api/Orders.php
index cbc3826..4cc0e17 100755
--- a/api/Orders.php
+++ b/api/Orders.php
@@ -15,70 +15,79 @@
class Orders extends Simpla
- public function get_order($id)
- {
- if(is_int($id))
- $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE o.id=? ', intval($id));
- else
- $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE o.url=? ', $id);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT o.id, o.delivery_id, o.delivery_price, o.separate_delivery,
+ public function get_order($id)
+ {
+ if (is_int($id)) {
+ $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE o.id=? ', intval($id));
+ } else {
+ $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE o.url=? ', $id);
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT o.id, o.delivery_id, o.delivery_price, o.separate_delivery,
o.payment_method_id, o.paid, o.payment_date, o.closed, o.discount, o.coupon_code, o.coupon_discount,
o.date, o.user_id, o.name, o.address, o.phone, o.email, o.comment, o.status,
o.url, o.total_price, o.note, o.ip
FROM __orders o $where LIMIT 1");
- if($this->db->query($query))
- return $this->db->result();
- else
- return false;
- }
- public function get_orders($filter = array())
- {
- // По умолчанию
- $limit = 100;
- $page = 1;
- $keyword_filter = '';
- $label_filter = '';
- $status_filter = '';
- $user_filter = '';
- $modified_since_filter = '';
- $id_filter = '';
- if(isset($filter['limit']))
- $limit = max(1, intval($filter['limit']));
- if(isset($filter['page']))
- $page = max(1, intval($filter['page']));
- $sql_limit = $this->db->placehold(' LIMIT ?, ? ', ($page-1)*$limit, $limit);
- if(isset($filter['status']))
- $status_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND o.status = ?', intval($filter['status']));
- if(isset($filter['id']))
- $id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND o.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
- if(isset($filter['user_id']))
- $user_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND o.user_id = ?', intval($filter['user_id']));
- if(isset($filter['modified_since']))
- $modified_since_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND o.modified > ?', $filter['modified_since']);
- if(!empty($filter['label']))
- $label_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND ol.label_id = ?', $filter['label']);
- if(!empty($filter['keyword']))
- {
- $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
- foreach($keywords as $keyword)
- $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (o.id = "'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'" OR o.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR REPLACE(o.phone, "-", "") LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(str_replace('-', '', trim($keyword))).'%" OR o.address LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" )');
- }
- // Выбираем заказы
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT o.id, o.delivery_id, o.delivery_price, o.separate_delivery,
+ if ($this->db->query($query)) {
+ return $this->db->result();
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public function get_orders($filter = array())
+ {
+ // По умолчанию
+ $limit = 100;
+ $page = 1;
+ $keyword_filter = '';
+ $label_filter = '';
+ $status_filter = '';
+ $user_filter = '';
+ $modified_since_filter = '';
+ $id_filter = '';
+ if (isset($filter['limit'])) {
+ $limit = max(1, intval($filter['limit']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['page'])) {
+ $page = max(1, intval($filter['page']));
+ }
+ $sql_limit = $this->db->placehold(' LIMIT ?, ? ', ($page-1)*$limit, $limit);
+ if (isset($filter['status'])) {
+ $status_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND o.status = ?', intval($filter['status']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['id'])) {
+ $id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND o.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['user_id'])) {
+ $user_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND o.user_id = ?', intval($filter['user_id']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['modified_since'])) {
+ $modified_since_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND o.modified > ?', $filter['modified_since']);
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['label'])) {
+ $label_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND ol.label_id = ?', $filter['label']);
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['keyword'])) {
+ $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
+ foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
+ $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (o.id = "'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'" OR o.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR REPLACE(o.phone, "-", "") LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(str_replace('-', '', trim($keyword))).'%" OR o.address LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" )');
+ }
+ }
+ // Выбираем заказы
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT o.id, o.delivery_id, o.delivery_price, o.separate_delivery,
o.payment_method_id, o.paid, o.payment_date, o.closed, o.discount, o.coupon_code, o.coupon_discount,
o.date, o.user_id, o.name, o.address, o.phone, o.email, o.comment, o.status,
o.url, o.total_price, o.note
@@ -86,158 +95,160 @@ public function get_orders($filter = array())
LEFT JOIN __orders_labels AS ol ON o.id=ol.order_id
$id_filter $status_filter $user_filter $keyword_filter $label_filter $modified_since_filter GROUP BY o.id ORDER BY status, id DESC $sql_limit", "%Y-%m-%d");
- $this->db->query($query);
- $orders = array();
- foreach($this->db->results() as $order)
- $orders[$order->id] = $order;
- return $orders;
- }
- public function count_orders($filter = array())
- {
- $keyword_filter = '';
- $label_filter = '';
- $status_filter = '';
- $user_filter = '';
- if(isset($filter['status']))
- $status_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND o.status = ?', intval($filter['status']));
- if(isset($filter['user_id']))
- $user_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND o.user_id = ?', intval($filter['user_id']));
- if(!empty($filter['label']))
- $label_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND ol.label_id = ?', $filter['label']);
- if(!empty($filter['keyword']))
- {
- $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
- foreach($keywords as $keyword)
- $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (o.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR REPLACE(o.phone, "-", "") LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(str_replace('-', '', trim($keyword))).'%" OR o.address LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" )');
- }
- // Выбираем заказы
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) as count
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $orders = array();
+ foreach ($this->db->results() as $order) {
+ $orders[$order->id] = $order;
+ }
+ return $orders;
+ }
+ public function count_orders($filter = array())
+ {
+ $keyword_filter = '';
+ $label_filter = '';
+ $status_filter = '';
+ $user_filter = '';
+ if (isset($filter['status'])) {
+ $status_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND o.status = ?', intval($filter['status']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['user_id'])) {
+ $user_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND o.user_id = ?', intval($filter['user_id']));
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['label'])) {
+ $label_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND ol.label_id = ?', $filter['label']);
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['keyword'])) {
+ $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
+ foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
+ $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (o.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR REPLACE(o.phone, "-", "") LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(str_replace('-', '', trim($keyword))).'%" OR o.address LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" )');
+ }
+ }
+ // Выбираем заказы
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) as count
FROM __orders AS o
LEFT JOIN __orders_labels AS ol ON o.id=ol.order_id
$status_filter $user_filter $label_filter $keyword_filter");
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->result('count');
- }
- public function update_order($id, $order)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __orders SET ?%, modified=now() WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $order, intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- $this->update_total_price(intval($id));
- return $id;
- }
- public function delete_order($id)
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __purchases WHERE order_id=?", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __orders_labels WHERE order_id=?", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __orders WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- }
- public function add_order($order)
- {
- $order = (object)$order;
- $order->url = md5(uniqid($this->config->salt, true));
- $set_curr_date = '';
- if(empty($order->date))
- $set_curr_date = ', date=now()';
- $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __orders SET ?%$set_curr_date", $order);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $id = $this->db->insert_id();
- return $id;
- }
- public function get_label($id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT * FROM __labels WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->result();
- }
- public function get_labels()
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT * FROM __labels ORDER BY position");
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- /*
- *
- * Создание метки заказов
- * @param $label
- *
- */
- public function add_label($label)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold('INSERT INTO __labels SET ?%', $label);
- if(!$this->db->query($query))
- return false;
- $id = $this->db->insert_id();
- $this->db->query("UPDATE __labels SET position=id WHERE id=?", $id);
- return $id;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Обновить метку
- * @param $id, $label
- *
- */
- public function update_label($id, $label)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __labels SET ?% WHERE id in(?@) LIMIT ?", $label, (array)$id, count((array)$id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $id;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Удалить метку
- * @param $id
- *
- */
- public function delete_label($id)
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __orders_labels WHERE label_id=?", intval($id));
- if($this->db->query($query))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __labels WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- return $this->db->query($query);
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- public function get_order_labels($order_id = array())
- {
- if(empty($order_id))
- return array();
- $label_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND order_id in(?@)', (array)$order_id);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT ol.order_id, l.id, l.name, l.color, l.position
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->result('count');
+ }
+ public function update_order($id, $order)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __orders SET ?%, modified=now() WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $order, intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $this->update_total_price(intval($id));
+ return $id;
+ }
+ public function delete_order($id)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __purchases WHERE order_id=?", $id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __orders_labels WHERE order_id=?", $id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __orders WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ }
+ public function add_order($order)
+ {
+ $order = (object)$order;
+ $order->url = md5(uniqid($this->config->salt, true));
+ $set_curr_date = '';
+ if (empty($order->date)) {
+ $set_curr_date = ', date=now()';
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __orders SET ?%$set_curr_date", $order);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $id = $this->db->insert_id();
+ return $id;
+ }
+ public function get_label($id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT * FROM __labels WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->result();
+ }
+ public function get_labels()
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT * FROM __labels ORDER BY position");
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Создание метки заказов
+ * @param $label
+ *
+ */
+ public function add_label($label)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold('INSERT INTO __labels SET ?%', $label);
+ if (!$this->db->query($query)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $id = $this->db->insert_id();
+ $this->db->query("UPDATE __labels SET position=id WHERE id=?", $id);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Обновить метку
+ * @param $id, $label
+ *
+ */
+ public function update_label($id, $label)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __labels SET ?% WHERE id in(?@) LIMIT ?", $label, (array)$id, count((array)$id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Удалить метку
+ * @param $id
+ *
+ */
+ public function delete_label($id)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __orders_labels WHERE label_id=?", intval($id));
+ if ($this->db->query($query)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __labels WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ return $this->db->query($query);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function get_order_labels($order_id = array())
+ {
+ if (empty($order_id)) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ $label_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND order_id in(?@)', (array)$order_id);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT ol.order_id, l.id, l.name, l.color, l.position
FROM __labels l LEFT JOIN __orders_labels ol ON ol.label_id = l.id
@@ -245,295 +256,307 @@ public function get_order_labels($order_id = array())
ORDER BY position
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- public function update_order_labels($id, $labels_ids)
- {
- $labels_ids = (array)$labels_ids;
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __orders_labels WHERE order_id=?", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- if(is_array($labels_ids))
- foreach($labels_ids as $l_id)
- $this->db->query("INSERT INTO __orders_labels SET order_id=?, label_id=?", $id, $l_id);
- }
- public function add_order_labels($id, $labels_ids)
- {
- $labels_ids = (array)$labels_ids;
- if(is_array($labels_ids))
- foreach($labels_ids as $l_id)
- {
- $this->db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO __orders_labels SET order_id=?, label_id=?", $id, $l_id);
- }
- }
- public function delete_order_labels($id, $labels_ids)
- {
- $labels_ids = (array)$labels_ids;
- if(is_array($labels_ids))
- foreach($labels_ids as $l_id)
- $this->db->query("DELETE FROM __orders_labels WHERE order_id=? AND label_id=?", $id, $l_id);
- }
- public function get_purchase($id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT * FROM __purchases WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->result();
- }
- public function get_purchases($filter = array())
- {
- $order_id_filter = '';
- if(!empty($filter['order_id']))
- $order_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND order_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['order_id']);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT * FROM __purchases WHERE 1 $order_id_filter ORDER BY id");
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- public function update_purchase($id, $purchase)
- {
- $purchase = (object)$purchase;
- $old_purchase = $this->get_purchase($id);
- if(!$old_purchase)
- return false;
- $order = $this->get_order(intval($old_purchase->order_id));
- if(!$order)
- return false;
- // Не допустить нехватки на складе
- $variant = $this->variants->get_variant($purchase->variant_id);
- if($order->closed && !empty($purchase->amount) && !empty($variant) && !$variant->infinity && $variant->stock<($purchase->amount-$old_purchase->amount))
- return false;
- // Если заказ закрыт, нужно обновить склад при изменении покупки
- if($order->closed && !empty($purchase->amount))
- {
- if($old_purchase->variant_id != $purchase->variant_id)
- {
- if(!empty($old_purchase->variant_id))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __variants SET stock=stock+? WHERE id=? AND stock IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1", $old_purchase->amount, $old_purchase->variant_id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- if(!empty($purchase->variant_id))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __variants SET stock=stock-? WHERE id=? AND stock IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1", $purchase->amount, $purchase->variant_id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- }
- elseif(!empty($purchase->variant_id))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __variants SET stock=stock+(?) WHERE id=? AND stock IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1", $old_purchase->amount - $purchase->amount, $purchase->variant_id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __purchases SET ?% WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $purchase, intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- $this->update_total_price($order->id);
- return $id;
- }
- public function add_purchase($purchase)
- {
- $purchase = (object)$purchase;
- if(!empty($purchase->variant_id))
- {
- $variant = $this->variants->get_variant($purchase->variant_id);
- if(empty($variant))
- return false;
- $product = $this->products->get_product(intval($variant->product_id));
- if(empty($product))
- return false;
- }
- $order = $this->get_order(intval($purchase->order_id));
- if(empty($order))
- return false;
- // Не допустить нехватки на складе
- if($order->closed && !empty($purchase->amount) && !$variant->infinity && $variant->stock<$purchase->amount)
- return false;
- if(!isset($purchase->product_id) && isset($variant))
- $purchase->product_id = $variant->product_id;
- if(!isset($purchase->product_name) && !empty($product))
- $purchase->product_name = $product->name;
- if(!isset($purchase->sku) && !empty($variant))
- $purchase->sku = $variant->sku;
- if(!isset($purchase->variant_name) && !empty($variant))
- $purchase->variant_name = $variant->name;
- if(!isset($purchase->price) && !empty($variant))
- $purchase->price = $variant->price;
- if(!isset($purchase->amount))
- $purchase->amount = 1;
- // Если заказ закрыт, нужно обновить склад при добавлении покупки
- if($order->closed && !empty($purchase->amount) && !empty($variant->id))
- {
- $stock_diff = $purchase->amount;
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __variants SET stock=stock-? WHERE id=? AND stock IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1", $stock_diff, $variant->id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __purchases SET ?%", $purchase);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $purchase_id = $this->db->insert_id();
- $this->update_total_price($order->id);
- return $purchase_id;
- }
- public function delete_purchase($id)
- {
- $purchase = $this->get_purchase($id);
- if(!$purchase)
- return false;
- $order = $this->get_order(intval($purchase->order_id));
- if(!$order)
- return false;
- // Если заказ закрыт, нужно обновить склад при изменении покупки
- if($order->closed && !empty($purchase->amount))
- {
- $stock_diff = $purchase->amount;
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __variants SET stock=stock+? WHERE id=? AND stock IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1", $stock_diff, $purchase->variant_id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __purchases WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- $this->update_total_price($order->id);
- return true;
- }
- public function close($order_id)
- {
- $order = $this->get_order(intval($order_id));
- if(empty($order))
- return false;
- if(!$order->closed)
- {
- $variants_amounts = array();
- $purchases = $this->get_purchases(array('order_id'=>$order->id));
- foreach($purchases as $purchase)
- {
- if(isset($variants_amounts[$purchase->variant_id]))
- $variants_amounts[$purchase->variant_id] += $purchase->amount;
- else
- $variants_amounts[$purchase->variant_id] = $purchase->amount;
- }
- foreach($variants_amounts as $id=>$amount)
- {
- $variant = $this->variants->get_variant($id);
- if(empty($variant) || ($variant->stock<$amount))
- return false;
- }
- foreach($purchases as $purchase)
- {
- $variant = $this->variants->get_variant($purchase->variant_id);
- if(!$variant->infinity)
- {
- $new_stock = $variant->stock-$purchase->amount;
- $this->variants->update_variant($variant->id, array('stock'=>$new_stock));
- }
- }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __orders SET closed=1, modified=NOW() WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $order->id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- return $order->id;
- }
- public function open($order_id)
- {
- $order = $this->get_order(intval($order_id));
- if(empty($order))
- return false;
- if($order->closed)
- {
- $purchases = $this->get_purchases(array('order_id'=>$order->id));
- foreach($purchases as $purchase)
- {
- $variant = $this->variants->get_variant($purchase->variant_id);
- if($variant && !$variant->infinity)
- {
- $new_stock = $variant->stock+$purchase->amount;
- $this->variants->update_variant($variant->id, array('stock'=>$new_stock));
- }
- }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __orders SET closed=0, modified=NOW() WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $order->id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- return $order->id;
- }
- public function pay($order_id)
- {
- $order = $this->get_order(intval($order_id));
- if(empty($order))
- return false;
- if(!$this->close($order->id))
- {
- return false;
- }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __orders SET payment_status=1, payment_date=NOW(), modified=NOW() WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $order->id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $order->id;
- }
- private function update_total_price($order_id)
- {
- $order = $this->get_order(intval($order_id));
- if(empty($order))
- return false;
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __orders o SET o.total_price=IFNULL((SELECT SUM(p.price*p.amount)*(100-o.discount)/100 FROM __purchases p WHERE p.order_id=o.id), 0)+o.delivery_price*(1-o.separate_delivery)-o.coupon_discount, modified=NOW() WHERE o.id=? LIMIT 1", $order->id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $order->id;
- }
- public function get_next_order($id, $status = null)
- {
- $f = '';
- if($status!==null)
- $f = $this->db->placehold('AND status=?', $status);
- $this->db->query("SELECT MIN(id) as id FROM __orders WHERE id>? $f LIMIT 1", $id);
- $next_id = $this->db->result('id');
- if($next_id)
- return $this->get_order(intval($next_id));
- else
- return false;
- }
- public function get_prev_order($id, $status = null)
- {
- $f = '';
- if($status !== null)
- $f = $this->db->placehold('AND status=?', $status);
- $this->db->query("SELECT MAX(id) as id FROM __orders WHERE id $f LIMIT 1", $id);
- $prev_id = $this->db->result('id');
- if($prev_id)
- return $this->get_order(intval($prev_id));
- else
- return false;
- }
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ public function update_order_labels($id, $labels_ids)
+ {
+ $labels_ids = (array)$labels_ids;
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __orders_labels WHERE order_id=?", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ if (is_array($labels_ids)) {
+ foreach ($labels_ids as $l_id) {
+ $this->db->query("INSERT INTO __orders_labels SET order_id=?, label_id=?", $id, $l_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function add_order_labels($id, $labels_ids)
+ {
+ $labels_ids = (array)$labels_ids;
+ if (is_array($labels_ids)) {
+ foreach ($labels_ids as $l_id) {
+ $this->db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO __orders_labels SET order_id=?, label_id=?", $id, $l_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function delete_order_labels($id, $labels_ids)
+ {
+ $labels_ids = (array)$labels_ids;
+ if (is_array($labels_ids)) {
+ foreach ($labels_ids as $l_id) {
+ $this->db->query("DELETE FROM __orders_labels WHERE order_id=? AND label_id=?", $id, $l_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function get_purchase($id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT * FROM __purchases WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->result();
+ }
+ public function get_purchases($filter = array())
+ {
+ $order_id_filter = '';
+ if (!empty($filter['order_id'])) {
+ $order_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND order_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['order_id']);
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT * FROM __purchases WHERE 1 $order_id_filter ORDER BY id");
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ public function update_purchase($id, $purchase)
+ {
+ $purchase = (object)$purchase;
+ $old_purchase = $this->get_purchase($id);
+ if (!$old_purchase) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $order = $this->get_order(intval($old_purchase->order_id));
+ if (!$order) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Не допустить нехватки на складе
+ $variant = $this->variants->get_variant($purchase->variant_id);
+ if ($order->closed && !empty($purchase->amount) && !empty($variant) && !$variant->infinity && $variant->stock<($purchase->amount-$old_purchase->amount)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Если заказ закрыт, нужно обновить склад при изменении покупки
+ if ($order->closed && !empty($purchase->amount)) {
+ if ($old_purchase->variant_id != $purchase->variant_id) {
+ if (!empty($old_purchase->variant_id)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __variants SET stock=stock+? WHERE id=? AND stock IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1", $old_purchase->amount, $old_purchase->variant_id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ if (!empty($purchase->variant_id)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __variants SET stock=stock-? WHERE id=? AND stock IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1", $purchase->amount, $purchase->variant_id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ } elseif (!empty($purchase->variant_id)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __variants SET stock=stock+(?) WHERE id=? AND stock IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1", $old_purchase->amount - $purchase->amount, $purchase->variant_id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __purchases SET ?% WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $purchase, intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $this->update_total_price($order->id);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ public function add_purchase($purchase)
+ {
+ $purchase = (object)$purchase;
+ if (!empty($purchase->variant_id)) {
+ $variant = $this->variants->get_variant($purchase->variant_id);
+ if (empty($variant)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $product = $this->products->get_product(intval($variant->product_id));
+ if (empty($product)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ $order = $this->get_order(intval($purchase->order_id));
+ if (empty($order)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Не допустить нехватки на складе
+ if ($order->closed && !empty($purchase->amount) && !$variant->infinity && $variant->stock<$purchase->amount) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!isset($purchase->product_id) && isset($variant)) {
+ $purchase->product_id = $variant->product_id;
+ }
+ if (!isset($purchase->product_name) && !empty($product)) {
+ $purchase->product_name = $product->name;
+ }
+ if (!isset($purchase->sku) && !empty($variant)) {
+ $purchase->sku = $variant->sku;
+ }
+ if (!isset($purchase->variant_name) && !empty($variant)) {
+ $purchase->variant_name = $variant->name;
+ }
+ if (!isset($purchase->price) && !empty($variant)) {
+ $purchase->price = $variant->price;
+ }
+ if (!isset($purchase->amount)) {
+ $purchase->amount = 1;
+ }
+ // Если заказ закрыт, нужно обновить склад при добавлении покупки
+ if ($order->closed && !empty($purchase->amount) && !empty($variant->id)) {
+ $stock_diff = $purchase->amount;
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __variants SET stock=stock-? WHERE id=? AND stock IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1", $stock_diff, $variant->id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __purchases SET ?%", $purchase);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $purchase_id = $this->db->insert_id();
+ $this->update_total_price($order->id);
+ return $purchase_id;
+ }
+ public function delete_purchase($id)
+ {
+ $purchase = $this->get_purchase($id);
+ if (!$purchase) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $order = $this->get_order(intval($purchase->order_id));
+ if (!$order) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Если заказ закрыт, нужно обновить склад при изменении покупки
+ if ($order->closed && !empty($purchase->amount)) {
+ $stock_diff = $purchase->amount;
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __variants SET stock=stock+? WHERE id=? AND stock IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1", $stock_diff, $purchase->variant_id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __purchases WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $this->update_total_price($order->id);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function close($order_id)
+ {
+ $order = $this->get_order(intval($order_id));
+ if (empty($order)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!$order->closed) {
+ $variants_amounts = array();
+ $purchases = $this->get_purchases(array('order_id'=>$order->id));
+ foreach ($purchases as $purchase) {
+ if (isset($variants_amounts[$purchase->variant_id])) {
+ $variants_amounts[$purchase->variant_id] += $purchase->amount;
+ } else {
+ $variants_amounts[$purchase->variant_id] = $purchase->amount;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($variants_amounts as $id=>$amount) {
+ $variant = $this->variants->get_variant($id);
+ if (empty($variant) || ($variant->stock<$amount)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($purchases as $purchase) {
+ $variant = $this->variants->get_variant($purchase->variant_id);
+ if (!$variant->infinity) {
+ $new_stock = $variant->stock-$purchase->amount;
+ $this->variants->update_variant($variant->id, array('stock'=>$new_stock));
+ }
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __orders SET closed=1, modified=NOW() WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $order->id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ return $order->id;
+ }
+ public function open($order_id)
+ {
+ $order = $this->get_order(intval($order_id));
+ if (empty($order)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ($order->closed) {
+ $purchases = $this->get_purchases(array('order_id'=>$order->id));
+ foreach ($purchases as $purchase) {
+ $variant = $this->variants->get_variant($purchase->variant_id);
+ if ($variant && !$variant->infinity) {
+ $new_stock = $variant->stock+$purchase->amount;
+ $this->variants->update_variant($variant->id, array('stock'=>$new_stock));
+ }
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __orders SET closed=0, modified=NOW() WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $order->id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ return $order->id;
+ }
+ public function pay($order_id)
+ {
+ $order = $this->get_order(intval($order_id));
+ if (empty($order)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!$this->close($order->id)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __orders SET payment_status=1, payment_date=NOW(), modified=NOW() WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $order->id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $order->id;
+ }
+ private function update_total_price($order_id)
+ {
+ $order = $this->get_order(intval($order_id));
+ if (empty($order)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __orders o SET o.total_price=IFNULL((SELECT SUM(p.price*p.amount)*(100-o.discount)/100 FROM __purchases p WHERE p.order_id=o.id), 0)+o.delivery_price*(1-o.separate_delivery)-o.coupon_discount, modified=NOW() WHERE o.id=? LIMIT 1", $order->id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $order->id;
+ }
+ public function get_next_order($id, $status = null)
+ {
+ $f = '';
+ if ($status!==null) {
+ $f = $this->db->placehold('AND status=?', $status);
+ }
+ $this->db->query("SELECT MIN(id) as id FROM __orders WHERE id>? $f LIMIT 1", $id);
+ $next_id = $this->db->result('id');
+ if ($next_id) {
+ return $this->get_order(intval($next_id));
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public function get_prev_order($id, $status = null)
+ {
+ $f = '';
+ if ($status !== null) {
+ $f = $this->db->placehold('AND status=?', $status);
+ }
+ $this->db->query("SELECT MAX(id) as id FROM __orders WHERE id $f LIMIT 1", $id);
+ $prev_id = $this->db->result('id');
+ if ($prev_id) {
+ return $this->get_order(intval($prev_id));
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/api/Pages.php b/api/Pages.php
index 66dee12..5192ae0 100755
--- a/api/Pages.php
+++ b/api/Pages.php
@@ -15,126 +15,132 @@
class Pages extends Simpla
- /*
- *
- * Функция возвращает страницу по ее id или url (в зависимости от типа)
- * @param $id id или url страницы
- *
- */
- public function get_page($id)
- {
- if(gettype($id) == 'string')
- $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE url=? ', $id);
- else
- $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE id=? ', intval($id));
- $query = "SELECT id, url, header, name, meta_title, meta_description, meta_keywords, body, menu_id, position, visible
+ /*
+ *
+ * Функция возвращает страницу по ее id или url (в зависимости от типа)
+ * @param $id id или url страницы
+ *
+ */
+ public function get_page($id)
+ {
+ if (gettype($id) == 'string') {
+ $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE url=? ', $id);
+ } else {
+ $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE id=? ', intval($id));
+ }
+ $query = "SELECT id, url, header, name, meta_title, meta_description, meta_keywords, body, menu_id, position, visible
FROM __pages $where LIMIT 1";
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->result();
- }
- /*
- *
- * Функция возвращает массив страниц, удовлетворяющих фильтру
- * @param $filter
- *
- */
- public function get_pages($filter = array())
- {
- $menu_filter = '';
- $visible_filter = '';
- $pages = array();
- if(isset($filter['menu_id']))
- $menu_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND menu_id in (?@)', (array)$filter['menu_id']);
- if(isset($filter['visible']))
- $visible_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND visible = ?', intval($filter['visible']));
- $query = "SELECT id, url, header, name, meta_title, meta_description, meta_keywords, body, menu_id, position, visible
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->result();
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Функция возвращает массив страниц, удовлетворяющих фильтру
+ * @param $filter
+ *
+ */
+ public function get_pages($filter = array())
+ {
+ $menu_filter = '';
+ $visible_filter = '';
+ $pages = array();
+ if (isset($filter['menu_id'])) {
+ $menu_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND menu_id in (?@)', (array)$filter['menu_id']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['visible'])) {
+ $visible_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND visible = ?', intval($filter['visible']));
+ }
+ $query = "SELECT id, url, header, name, meta_title, meta_description, meta_keywords, body, menu_id, position, visible
FROM __pages WHERE 1 $menu_filter $visible_filter ORDER BY position";
- $this->db->query($query);
- foreach($this->db->results() as $page)
- $pages[$page->id] = $page;
- return $pages;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Создание страницы
- *
- */
- public function add_page($page)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold('INSERT INTO __pages SET ?%', $page);
- if(!$this->db->query($query))
- return false;
- $id = $this->db->insert_id();
- $this->db->query("UPDATE __pages SET position=id WHERE id=?", $id);
- return $id;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Обновить страницу
- *
- */
- public function update_page($id, $page)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold('UPDATE __pages SET ?% WHERE id in (?@)', $page, (array)$id);
- if(!$this->db->query($query))
- return false;
- return $id;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Удалить страницу
- *
- */
- public function delete_page($id)
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __pages WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- if($this->db->query($query))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Функция возвращает массив меню
- *
- */
- public function get_menus()
- {
- $menus = array();
- $query = "SELECT * FROM __menu ORDER BY position";
- $this->db->query($query);
- foreach($this->db->results() as $menu)
- $menus[$menu->id] = $menu;
- return $menus;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Функция возвращает меню по id
- * @param $id
- *
- */
- public function get_menu($menu_id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT * FROM __menu WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($menu_id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->result();
- }
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ foreach ($this->db->results() as $page) {
+ $pages[$page->id] = $page;
+ }
+ return $pages;
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Создание страницы
+ *
+ */
+ public function add_page($page)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold('INSERT INTO __pages SET ?%', $page);
+ if (!$this->db->query($query)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $id = $this->db->insert_id();
+ $this->db->query("UPDATE __pages SET position=id WHERE id=?", $id);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Обновить страницу
+ *
+ */
+ public function update_page($id, $page)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold('UPDATE __pages SET ?% WHERE id in (?@)', $page, (array)$id);
+ if (!$this->db->query($query)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $id;
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Удалить страницу
+ *
+ */
+ public function delete_page($id)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __pages WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ if ($this->db->query($query)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Функция возвращает массив меню
+ *
+ */
+ public function get_menus()
+ {
+ $menus = array();
+ $query = "SELECT * FROM __menu ORDER BY position";
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ foreach ($this->db->results() as $menu) {
+ $menus[$menu->id] = $menu;
+ }
+ return $menus;
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Функция возвращает меню по id
+ * @param $id
+ *
+ */
+ public function get_menu($menu_id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT * FROM __menu WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($menu_id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->result();
+ }
diff --git a/api/Payment.php b/api/Payment.php
index 6700f40..94fad0a 100755
--- a/api/Payment.php
+++ b/api/Payment.php
@@ -14,153 +14,146 @@
class Payment extends Simpla
- public function get_payment_methods($filter = array())
- {
- $delivery_filter = '';
- if(!empty($filter['delivery_id']))
- $delivery_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND id in (SELECT payment_method_id FROM __delivery_payment dp WHERE dp.delivery_id=?)', intval($filter['delivery_id']));
- $enabled_filter = '';
- if(!empty($filter['enabled']))
- $enabled_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND enabled=?', intval($filter['enabled']));
- $query = "SELECT *
+ public function get_payment_methods($filter = array())
+ {
+ $delivery_filter = '';
+ if (!empty($filter['delivery_id'])) {
+ $delivery_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND id in (SELECT payment_method_id FROM __delivery_payment dp WHERE dp.delivery_id=?)', intval($filter['delivery_id']));
+ }
+ $enabled_filter = '';
+ if (!empty($filter['enabled'])) {
+ $enabled_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND enabled=?', intval($filter['enabled']));
+ }
+ $query = "SELECT *
FROM __payment_methods
ORDER BY position";
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- public function get_payment_method($id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT * FROM __payment_methods WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- $payment_method = $this->db->result();
- return $payment_method;
- }
- public function get_payment_settings($method_id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT settings FROM __payment_methods WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($method_id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- $settings = $this->db->result('settings');
- $settings = unserialize($settings);
- return $settings;
- }
- public function get_payment_modules()
- {
- $modules_dir = $this->config->root_dir.'payment/';
- $modules = array();
- $handler = opendir($modules_dir);
- while ($dir = readdir($handler))
- {
- $dir = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/", "", $dir);
- if (!empty($dir) && $dir != "." && $dir != ".." && is_dir($modules_dir.$dir))
- {
- if(is_readable($modules_dir.$dir.'/settings.xml') && $xml = simplexml_load_file($modules_dir.$dir.'/settings.xml'))
- {
- $module = new stdClass;
- $module->name = (string)$xml->name;
- $module->settings = array();
- foreach($xml->settings as $setting)
- {
- $module->settings[(string)$setting->variable] = new stdClass;
- $module->settings[(string)$setting->variable]->name = (string)$setting->name;
- $module->settings[(string)$setting->variable]->variable = (string)$setting->variable;
- $module->settings[(string)$setting->variable]->variable_options = array();
- foreach($setting->options as $option)
- {
- $module->settings[(string)$setting->variable]->options[(string)$option->value] = new stdClass;
- $module->settings[(string)$setting->variable]->options[(string)$option->value]->name = (string)$option->name;
- $module->settings[(string)$setting->variable]->options[(string)$option->value]->value = (string)$option->value;
- }
- }
- $modules[$dir] = $module;
- }
- }
- }
- closedir($handler);
- return $modules;
- }
- public function get_payment_deliveries($id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT delivery_id FROM __delivery_payment WHERE payment_method_id=?", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results('delivery_id');
- }
- public function update_payment_method($id, $payment_method)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __payment_methods SET ?% WHERE id in(?@)", $payment_method, (array)$id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $id;
- }
- public function update_payment_settings($method_id, $settings)
- {
- if(!is_string($settings))
- {
- $settings = serialize($settings);
- }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __payment_methods SET settings=? WHERE id in(?@) LIMIT 1", $settings, (array)$method_id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $method_id;
- }
- public function update_payment_deliveries($id, $deliveries_ids)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __delivery_payment WHERE payment_method_id=?", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- if(is_array($deliveries_ids))
- foreach($deliveries_ids as $d_id)
- $this->db->query("INSERT INTO __delivery_payment SET payment_method_id=?, delivery_id=?", $id, $d_id);
- }
- public function add_payment_method($payment_method)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold('INSERT INTO __payment_methods
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ public function get_payment_method($id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT * FROM __payment_methods WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $payment_method = $this->db->result();
+ return $payment_method;
+ }
+ public function get_payment_settings($method_id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT settings FROM __payment_methods WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($method_id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $settings = $this->db->result('settings');
+ $settings = unserialize($settings);
+ return $settings;
+ }
+ public function get_payment_modules()
+ {
+ $modules_dir = $this->config->root_dir.'payment/';
+ $modules = array();
+ $handler = opendir($modules_dir);
+ while ($dir = readdir($handler)) {
+ $dir = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/", "", $dir);
+ if (!empty($dir) && $dir != "." && $dir != ".." && is_dir($modules_dir.$dir)) {
+ if (is_readable($modules_dir.$dir.'/settings.xml') && $xml = simplexml_load_file($modules_dir.$dir.'/settings.xml')) {
+ $module = new stdClass;
+ $module->name = (string)$xml->name;
+ $module->settings = array();
+ foreach ($xml->settings as $setting) {
+ $module->settings[(string)$setting->variable] = new stdClass;
+ $module->settings[(string)$setting->variable]->name = (string)$setting->name;
+ $module->settings[(string)$setting->variable]->variable = (string)$setting->variable;
+ $module->settings[(string)$setting->variable]->variable_options = array();
+ foreach ($setting->options as $option) {
+ $module->settings[(string)$setting->variable]->options[(string)$option->value] = new stdClass;
+ $module->settings[(string)$setting->variable]->options[(string)$option->value]->name = (string)$option->name;
+ $module->settings[(string)$setting->variable]->options[(string)$option->value]->value = (string)$option->value;
+ }
+ }
+ $modules[$dir] = $module;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($handler);
+ return $modules;
+ }
+ public function get_payment_deliveries($id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT delivery_id FROM __delivery_payment WHERE payment_method_id=?", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results('delivery_id');
+ }
+ public function update_payment_method($id, $payment_method)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __payment_methods SET ?% WHERE id in(?@)", $payment_method, (array)$id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ public function update_payment_settings($method_id, $settings)
+ {
+ if (!is_string($settings)) {
+ $settings = serialize($settings);
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __payment_methods SET settings=? WHERE id in(?@) LIMIT 1", $settings, (array)$method_id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $method_id;
+ }
+ public function update_payment_deliveries($id, $deliveries_ids)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __delivery_payment WHERE payment_method_id=?", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ if (is_array($deliveries_ids)) {
+ foreach ($deliveries_ids as $d_id) {
+ $this->db->query("INSERT INTO __delivery_payment SET payment_method_id=?, delivery_id=?", $id, $d_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function add_payment_method($payment_method)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold('INSERT INTO __payment_methods
SET ?%',
- $payment_method);
- if(!$this->db->query($query))
- return false;
- $id = $this->db->insert_id();
- $this->db->query("UPDATE __payment_methods SET position=id WHERE id=?", $id);
+ $payment_method);
- return $id;
- }
+ if (!$this->db->query($query)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- public function delete_payment_method($id)
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- // Удаляем связь метода оплаты с достаками
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __delivery_payment WHERE payment_method_id=?", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
+ $id = $this->db->insert_id();
+ $this->db->query("UPDATE __payment_methods SET position=id WHERE id=?", $id);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __payment_methods WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- }
+ return $id;
+ }
+ public function delete_payment_method($id)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ // Удаляем связь метода оплаты с достаками
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __delivery_payment WHERE payment_method_id=?", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __payment_methods WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/api/Products.php b/api/Products.php
index 75265b4..c04588c 100755
--- a/api/Products.php
+++ b/api/Products.php
@@ -13,101 +13,109 @@
class Products extends Simpla
- /**
- * Функция возвращает товары
- * Возможные значения фильтра:
- * id - id товара или их массив
- * category_id - id категории или их массив
- * brand_id - id бренда или их массив
- * page - текущая страница, integer
- * limit - количество товаров на странице, integer
- * sort - порядок товаров, возможные значения: position(по умолчанию), name, price
- * keyword - ключевое слово для поиска
- * features - фильтр по свойствам товара, массив (id свойства => значение свойства)
- */
- public function get_products($filter = array())
- {
- // По умолчанию
- $limit = 100;
- $page = 1;
- $category_id_filter = '';
- $brand_id_filter = '';
- $product_id_filter = '';
- $features_filter = '';
- $keyword_filter = '';
- $visible_filter = '';
- $is_featured_filter = '';
- $discounted_filter = '';
- $in_stock_filter = '';
- $group_by = '';
- $order = 'p.position DESC';
- if(isset($filter['limit']))
- $limit = max(1, intval($filter['limit']));
- if(isset($filter['page']))
- $page = max(1, intval($filter['page']));
- $sql_limit = $this->db->placehold(' LIMIT ?, ? ', ($page-1)*$limit, $limit);
- if(!empty($filter['id']))
- $product_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
- if(!empty($filter['category_id']))
- {
- $category_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('INNER JOIN __products_categories pc ON pc.product_id = p.id AND pc.category_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['category_id']);
- $group_by = "GROUP BY p.id";
- }
- if(!empty($filter['brand_id']))
- $brand_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.brand_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['brand_id']);
- if(isset($filter['featured']))
- $is_featured_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.featured=?', intval($filter['featured']));
- if(isset($filter['discounted']))
- $discounted_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND (SELECT 1 FROM __variants pv WHERE pv.product_id=p.id AND pv.compare_price>0 LIMIT 1) = ?', intval($filter['discounted']));
- if(isset($filter['in_stock']))
- $in_stock_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND (SELECT count(*)>0 FROM __variants pv WHERE pv.product_id=p.id AND pv.price>0 AND (pv.stock IS NULL OR pv.stock>0) LIMIT 1) = ?', intval($filter['in_stock']));
- if(isset($filter['visible']))
- $visible_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.visible=?', intval($filter['visible']));
- if(!empty($filter['sort']))
- switch ($filter['sort'])
- {
- case 'position':
- $order = 'p.position DESC';
- break;
- case 'name':
- $order = 'p.name';
- break;
- case 'created':
- $order = 'p.created DESC';
- break;
- case 'price':
- //$order = 'pv.price IS NULL, pv.price=0, pv.price';
- $order = '(SELECT -pv.price FROM __variants pv WHERE (pv.stock IS NULL OR pv.stock>0) AND p.id = pv.product_id AND pv.position=(SELECT MIN(position) FROM __variants WHERE (stock>0 OR stock IS NULL) AND product_id=p.id LIMIT 1) LIMIT 1) DESC';
- break;
- }
- if(!empty($filter['keyword']))
- {
- $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
- foreach($keywords as $keyword)
- {
- $kw = $this->db->escape(trim($keyword));
- if($kw!=='')
- $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold("AND (p.name LIKE '%$kw%' OR p.meta_keywords LIKE '%$kw%' OR p.id in (SELECT product_id FROM __variants WHERE sku LIKE '%$kw%'))");
- }
- }
- if(!empty($filter['features']) && !empty($filter['features']))
- foreach($filter['features'] as $feature=>$value)
- $features_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND p.id in (SELECT product_id FROM __options WHERE feature_id=? AND value=? ) ', $feature, $value);
- $query = "SELECT
+ /**
+ * Функция возвращает товары
+ * Возможные значения фильтра:
+ * id - id товара или их массив
+ * category_id - id категории или их массив
+ * brand_id - id бренда или их массив
+ * page - текущая страница, integer
+ * limit - количество товаров на странице, integer
+ * sort - порядок товаров, возможные значения: position(по умолчанию), name, price
+ * keyword - ключевое слово для поиска
+ * features - фильтр по свойствам товара, массив (id свойства => значение свойства)
+ */
+ public function get_products($filter = array())
+ {
+ // По умолчанию
+ $limit = 100;
+ $page = 1;
+ $category_id_filter = '';
+ $brand_id_filter = '';
+ $product_id_filter = '';
+ $features_filter = '';
+ $keyword_filter = '';
+ $visible_filter = '';
+ $is_featured_filter = '';
+ $discounted_filter = '';
+ $in_stock_filter = '';
+ $group_by = '';
+ $order = 'p.position DESC';
+ if (isset($filter['limit'])) {
+ $limit = max(1, intval($filter['limit']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['page'])) {
+ $page = max(1, intval($filter['page']));
+ }
+ $sql_limit = $this->db->placehold(' LIMIT ?, ? ', ($page-1)*$limit, $limit);
+ if (!empty($filter['id'])) {
+ $product_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['category_id'])) {
+ $category_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('INNER JOIN __products_categories pc ON pc.product_id = p.id AND pc.category_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['category_id']);
+ $group_by = "GROUP BY p.id";
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['brand_id'])) {
+ $brand_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.brand_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['brand_id']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['featured'])) {
+ $is_featured_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.featured=?', intval($filter['featured']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['discounted'])) {
+ $discounted_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND (SELECT 1 FROM __variants pv WHERE pv.product_id=p.id AND pv.compare_price>0 LIMIT 1) = ?', intval($filter['discounted']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['in_stock'])) {
+ $in_stock_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND (SELECT count(*)>0 FROM __variants pv WHERE pv.product_id=p.id AND pv.price>0 AND (pv.stock IS NULL OR pv.stock>0) LIMIT 1) = ?', intval($filter['in_stock']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['visible'])) {
+ $visible_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.visible=?', intval($filter['visible']));
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['sort'])) {
+ switch ($filter['sort']) {
+ case 'position':
+ $order = 'p.position DESC';
+ break;
+ case 'name':
+ $order = 'p.name';
+ break;
+ case 'created':
+ $order = 'p.created DESC';
+ break;
+ case 'price':
+ //$order = 'pv.price IS NULL, pv.price=0, pv.price';
+ $order = '(SELECT -pv.price FROM __variants pv WHERE (pv.stock IS NULL OR pv.stock>0) AND p.id = pv.product_id AND pv.position=(SELECT MIN(position) FROM __variants WHERE (stock>0 OR stock IS NULL) AND product_id=p.id LIMIT 1) LIMIT 1) DESC';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['keyword'])) {
+ $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
+ foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
+ $kw = $this->db->escape(trim($keyword));
+ if ($kw!=='') {
+ $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold("AND (p.name LIKE '%$kw%' OR p.meta_keywords LIKE '%$kw%' OR p.id in (SELECT product_id FROM __variants WHERE sku LIKE '%$kw%'))");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['features']) && !empty($filter['features'])) {
+ foreach ($filter['features'] as $feature=>$value) {
+ $features_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND p.id in (SELECT product_id FROM __options WHERE feature_id=? AND value=? ) ', $feature, $value);
+ }
+ }
+ $query = "SELECT
@@ -140,69 +148,77 @@ public function get_products($filter = array())
ORDER BY $order
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- /**
- * Функция возвращает количество товаров
- * Возможные значения фильтра:
- * category_id - id категории или их массив
- * brand_id - id бренда или их массив
- * keyword - ключевое слово для поиска
- * features - фильтр по свойствам товара, массив (id свойства => значение свойства)
- */
- public function count_products($filter = array())
- {
- $category_id_filter = '';
- $brand_id_filter = '';
- $product_id_filter = '';
- $keyword_filter = '';
- $visible_filter = '';
- $is_featured_filter = '';
- $in_stock_filter = '';
- $discounted_filter = '';
- $features_filter = '';
- if(!empty($filter['category_id']))
- $category_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('INNER JOIN __products_categories pc ON pc.product_id = p.id AND pc.category_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['category_id']);
- if(!empty($filter['brand_id']))
- $brand_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.brand_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['brand_id']);
- if(!empty($filter['id']))
- $product_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
- if(isset($filter['keyword']))
- {
- $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
- foreach($keywords as $keyword)
- {
- $kw = $this->db->escape(trim($keyword));
- if($kw!=='')
- $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold("AND (p.name LIKE '%$kw%' OR p.meta_keywords LIKE '%$kw%' OR p.id in (SELECT product_id FROM __variants WHERE sku LIKE '%$kw%'))");
- }
- }
- if(isset($filter['featured']))
- $is_featured_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.featured=?', intval($filter['featured']));
- if(isset($filter['in_stock']))
- $in_stock_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND (SELECT count(*)>0 FROM __variants pv WHERE pv.product_id=p.id AND pv.price>0 AND (pv.stock IS NULL OR pv.stock>0) LIMIT 1) = ?', intval($filter['in_stock']));
- if(isset($filter['discounted']))
- $discounted_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND (SELECT 1 FROM __variants pv WHERE pv.product_id=p.id AND pv.compare_price>0 LIMIT 1) = ?', intval($filter['discounted']));
- if(isset($filter['visible']))
- $visible_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.visible=?', intval($filter['visible']));
- if(!empty($filter['features']) && !empty($filter['features']))
- foreach($filter['features'] as $feature=>$value)
- $features_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND p.id in (SELECT product_id FROM __options WHERE feature_id=? AND value=? ) ', $feature, $value);
- $query = "SELECT count(distinct p.id) as count
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Функция возвращает количество товаров
+ * Возможные значения фильтра:
+ * category_id - id категории или их массив
+ * brand_id - id бренда или их массив
+ * keyword - ключевое слово для поиска
+ * features - фильтр по свойствам товара, массив (id свойства => значение свойства)
+ */
+ public function count_products($filter = array())
+ {
+ $category_id_filter = '';
+ $brand_id_filter = '';
+ $product_id_filter = '';
+ $keyword_filter = '';
+ $visible_filter = '';
+ $is_featured_filter = '';
+ $in_stock_filter = '';
+ $discounted_filter = '';
+ $features_filter = '';
+ if (!empty($filter['category_id'])) {
+ $category_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('INNER JOIN __products_categories pc ON pc.product_id = p.id AND pc.category_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['category_id']);
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['brand_id'])) {
+ $brand_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.brand_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['brand_id']);
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['id'])) {
+ $product_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['keyword'])) {
+ $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
+ foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
+ $kw = $this->db->escape(trim($keyword));
+ if ($kw!=='') {
+ $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold("AND (p.name LIKE '%$kw%' OR p.meta_keywords LIKE '%$kw%' OR p.id in (SELECT product_id FROM __variants WHERE sku LIKE '%$kw%'))");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['featured'])) {
+ $is_featured_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.featured=?', intval($filter['featured']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['in_stock'])) {
+ $in_stock_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND (SELECT count(*)>0 FROM __variants pv WHERE pv.product_id=p.id AND pv.price>0 AND (pv.stock IS NULL OR pv.stock>0) LIMIT 1) = ?', intval($filter['in_stock']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['discounted'])) {
+ $discounted_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND (SELECT 1 FROM __variants pv WHERE pv.product_id=p.id AND pv.compare_price>0 LIMIT 1) = ?', intval($filter['discounted']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['visible'])) {
+ $visible_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND p.visible=?', intval($filter['visible']));
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['features']) && !empty($filter['features'])) {
+ foreach ($filter['features'] as $feature=>$value) {
+ $features_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND p.id in (SELECT product_id FROM __options WHERE feature_id=? AND value=? ) ', $feature, $value);
+ }
+ }
+ $query = "SELECT count(distinct p.id) as count
FROM __products AS p
@@ -215,24 +231,25 @@ public function count_products($filter = array())
$features_filter ";
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->result('count');
- }
- /**
- * Функция возвращает товар по id
- * @param $id
- * @retval object
- */
- public function get_product($id)
- {
- if(is_int($id))
- $filter = $this->db->placehold('p.id = ?', $id);
- else
- $filter = $this->db->placehold('p.url = ?', $id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->result('count');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Функция возвращает товар по id
+ * @param $id
+ * @retval object
+ */
+ public function get_product($id)
+ {
+ if (is_int($id)) {
+ $filter = $this->db->placehold('p.id = ?', $id);
+ } else {
+ $filter = $this->db->placehold('p.url = ?', $id);
+ }
@@ -250,165 +267,175 @@ public function get_product($id)
WHERE $filter
- $this->db->query($query);
- $product = $this->db->result();
- return $product;
- }
- public function update_product($id, $product)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __products SET ?% WHERE id in (?@) LIMIT ?", $product, (array)$id, count((array)$id));
- if($this->db->query($query))
- return $id;
- else
- return false;
- }
- public function add_product($product)
- {
- $product = (array) $product;
- if(empty($product['url']))
- {
- $product['url'] = preg_replace("/[\s]+/ui", '-', $product['name']);
- $product['url'] = strtolower(preg_replace("/[^0-9a-zа-я\-]+/ui", '', $product['url']));
- }
- // Если есть товар с таким URL, добавляем к нему число
- while($this->get_product((string)$product['url']))
- {
- if(preg_match('/(.+)_([0-9]+)$/', $product['url'], $parts))
- $product['url'] = $parts[1].'_'.($parts[2]+1);
- else
- $product['url'] = $product['url'].'_2';
- }
- if($this->db->query("INSERT INTO __products SET ?%", $product))
- {
- $id = $this->db->insert_id();
- $this->db->query("UPDATE __products SET position=id WHERE id=?", $id);
- return $id;
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- /*
- *
- * Удалить товар
- *
- */
- public function delete_product($id)
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- // Удаляем варианты
- $variants = $this->variants->get_variants(array('product_id'=>$id));
- foreach($variants as $v)
- $this->variants->delete_variant($v->id);
- // Удаляем изображения
- $images = $this->get_images(array('product_id'=>$id));
- foreach($images as $i)
- $this->delete_image($i->id);
- // Удаляем категории
- $categories = $this->categories->get_categories(array('product_id'=>$id));
- foreach($categories as $c)
- $this->categories->delete_product_category($id, $c->id);
- // Удаляем свойства
- $options = $this->features->get_options(array('product_id'=>$id));
- foreach($options as $o)
- $this->features->delete_option($id, $o->feature_id);
- // Удаляем связанные товары
- $related = $this->get_related_products($id);
- foreach($related as $r)
- $this->delete_related_product($id, $r->related_id);
- // Удаляем товар из связанных с другими
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __related_products WHERE related_id=?", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- // Удаляем отзывы
- $comments = $this->comments->get_comments(array('object_id'=>$id, 'type'=>'product'));
- foreach($comments as $c)
- $this->comments->delete_comment($c->id);
- // Удаляем из покупок
- $this->db->query('UPDATE __purchases SET product_id=NULL WHERE product_id=?', intval($id));
- // Удаляем товар
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __products WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- if($this->db->query($query))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public function duplicate_product($id)
- {
- $product = $this->get_product($id);
- $product->id = null;
- $product->external_id = '';
- $product->created = null;
- // Сдвигаем товары вперед и вставляем копию на соседнюю позицию
- $this->db->query('UPDATE __products SET position=position+1 WHERE position>?', $product->position);
- $new_id = $this->products->add_product($product);
- $this->db->query('UPDATE __products SET position=? WHERE id=?', $product->position+1, $new_id);
- // Очищаем url
- $this->db->query('UPDATE __products SET url="" WHERE id=?', $new_id);
- // Дублируем категории
- $categories = $this->categories->get_product_categories($id);
- foreach($categories as $c)
- $this->categories->add_product_category($new_id, $c->category_id);
- // Дублируем изображения
- $images = $this->get_images(array('product_id'=>$id));
- foreach($images as $image)
- $this->add_image($new_id, $image->filename);
- // Дублируем варианты
- $variants = $this->variants->get_variants(array('product_id'=>$id));
- foreach($variants as $variant)
- {
- $variant->product_id = $new_id;
- unset($variant->id);
- if($variant->infinity)
- $variant->stock = null;
- unset($variant->infinity);
- $variant->external_id = '';
- $this->variants->add_variant($variant);
- }
- // Дублируем свойства
- $options = $this->features->get_options(array('product_id'=>$id));
- foreach($options as $o)
- $this->features->update_option($new_id, $o->feature_id, $o->value);
- // Дублируем связанные товары
- $related = $this->get_related_products($id);
- foreach($related as $r)
- $this->add_related_product($new_id, $r->related_id);
- return $new_id;
- }
- public function get_related_products($product_id = array())
- {
- if(empty($product_id))
- return array();
- $product_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND product_id in(?@)', (array)$product_id);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT product_id, related_id, position
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $product = $this->db->result();
+ return $product;
+ }
+ public function update_product($id, $product)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __products SET ?% WHERE id in (?@) LIMIT ?", $product, (array)$id, count((array)$id));
+ if ($this->db->query($query)) {
+ return $id;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public function add_product($product)
+ {
+ $product = (array) $product;
+ if (empty($product['url'])) {
+ $product['url'] = preg_replace("/[\s]+/ui", '-', $product['name']);
+ $product['url'] = strtolower(preg_replace("/[^0-9a-zа-я\-]+/ui", '', $product['url']));
+ }
+ // Если есть товар с таким URL, добавляем к нему число
+ while ($this->get_product((string)$product['url'])) {
+ if (preg_match('/(.+)_([0-9]+)$/', $product['url'], $parts)) {
+ $product['url'] = $parts[1].'_'.($parts[2]+1);
+ } else {
+ $product['url'] = $product['url'].'_2';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($this->db->query("INSERT INTO __products SET ?%", $product)) {
+ $id = $this->db->insert_id();
+ $this->db->query("UPDATE __products SET position=id WHERE id=?", $id);
+ return $id;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Удалить товар
+ *
+ */
+ public function delete_product($id)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ // Удаляем варианты
+ $variants = $this->variants->get_variants(array('product_id'=>$id));
+ foreach ($variants as $v) {
+ $this->variants->delete_variant($v->id);
+ }
+ // Удаляем изображения
+ $images = $this->get_images(array('product_id'=>$id));
+ foreach ($images as $i) {
+ $this->delete_image($i->id);
+ }
+ // Удаляем категории
+ $categories = $this->categories->get_categories(array('product_id'=>$id));
+ foreach ($categories as $c) {
+ $this->categories->delete_product_category($id, $c->id);
+ }
+ // Удаляем свойства
+ $options = $this->features->get_options(array('product_id'=>$id));
+ foreach ($options as $o) {
+ $this->features->delete_option($id, $o->feature_id);
+ }
+ // Удаляем связанные товары
+ $related = $this->get_related_products($id);
+ foreach ($related as $r) {
+ $this->delete_related_product($id, $r->related_id);
+ }
+ // Удаляем товар из связанных с другими
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __related_products WHERE related_id=?", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ // Удаляем отзывы
+ $comments = $this->comments->get_comments(array('object_id'=>$id, 'type'=>'product'));
+ foreach ($comments as $c) {
+ $this->comments->delete_comment($c->id);
+ }
+ // Удаляем из покупок
+ $this->db->query('UPDATE __purchases SET product_id=NULL WHERE product_id=?', intval($id));
+ // Удаляем товар
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __products WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ if ($this->db->query($query)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function duplicate_product($id)
+ {
+ $product = $this->get_product($id);
+ $product->id = null;
+ $product->external_id = '';
+ $product->created = null;
+ // Сдвигаем товары вперед и вставляем копию на соседнюю позицию
+ $this->db->query('UPDATE __products SET position=position+1 WHERE position>?', $product->position);
+ $new_id = $this->products->add_product($product);
+ $this->db->query('UPDATE __products SET position=? WHERE id=?', $product->position+1, $new_id);
+ // Очищаем url
+ $this->db->query('UPDATE __products SET url="" WHERE id=?', $new_id);
+ // Дублируем категории
+ $categories = $this->categories->get_product_categories($id);
+ foreach ($categories as $c) {
+ $this->categories->add_product_category($new_id, $c->category_id);
+ }
+ // Дублируем изображения
+ $images = $this->get_images(array('product_id'=>$id));
+ foreach ($images as $image) {
+ $this->add_image($new_id, $image->filename);
+ }
+ // Дублируем варианты
+ $variants = $this->variants->get_variants(array('product_id'=>$id));
+ foreach ($variants as $variant) {
+ $variant->product_id = $new_id;
+ unset($variant->id);
+ if ($variant->infinity) {
+ $variant->stock = null;
+ }
+ unset($variant->infinity);
+ $variant->external_id = '';
+ $this->variants->add_variant($variant);
+ }
+ // Дублируем свойства
+ $options = $this->features->get_options(array('product_id'=>$id));
+ foreach ($options as $o) {
+ $this->features->update_option($new_id, $o->feature_id, $o->value);
+ }
+ // Дублируем связанные товары
+ $related = $this->get_related_products($id);
+ foreach ($related as $r) {
+ $this->add_related_product($new_id, $r->related_id);
+ }
+ return $new_id;
+ }
+ public function get_related_products($product_id = array())
+ {
+ if (empty($product_id)) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ $product_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND product_id in(?@)', (array)$product_id);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT product_id, related_id, position
FROM __related_products
@@ -416,136 +443,134 @@ public function get_related_products($product_id = array())
ORDER BY position
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- // Функция возвращает связанные товары
- public function add_related_product($product_id, $related_id, $position=0)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT IGNORE INTO __related_products SET product_id=?, related_id=?, position=?", $product_id, $related_id, $position);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $related_id;
- }
- // Удаление связанного товара
- public function delete_related_product($product_id, $related_id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __related_products WHERE product_id=? AND related_id=? LIMIT 1", intval($product_id), intval($related_id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- public function get_images($filter = array())
- {
- $product_id_filter = '';
- $group_by = '';
- if(!empty($filter['product_id']))
- $product_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND i.product_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['product_id']);
- // images
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT i.id, i.product_id, i.name, i.filename, i.position
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ // Функция возвращает связанные товары
+ public function add_related_product($product_id, $related_id, $position=0)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT IGNORE INTO __related_products SET product_id=?, related_id=?, position=?", $product_id, $related_id, $position);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $related_id;
+ }
+ // Удаление связанного товара
+ public function delete_related_product($product_id, $related_id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __related_products WHERE product_id=? AND related_id=? LIMIT 1", intval($product_id), intval($related_id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ public function get_images($filter = array())
+ {
+ $product_id_filter = '';
+ $group_by = '';
+ if (!empty($filter['product_id'])) {
+ $product_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND i.product_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['product_id']);
+ }
+ // images
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT i.id, i.product_id, i.name, i.filename, i.position
FROM __images AS i WHERE 1 $product_id_filter $group_by ORDER BY i.product_id, i.position");
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- public function add_image($product_id, $filename, $name = '')
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT id FROM __images WHERE product_id=? AND filename=?", $product_id, $filename);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $id = $this->db->result('id');
- if(empty($id))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __images SET product_id=?, filename=?", $product_id, $filename);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $id = $this->db->insert_id();
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __images SET position=id WHERE id=?", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- }
- return($id);
- }
- public function update_image($id, $image)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __images SET ?% WHERE id=?", $image, $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return($id);
- }
- public function delete_image($id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT filename FROM __images WHERE id=?", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $filename = $this->db->result('filename');
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __images WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT count(*) as count FROM __images WHERE filename=? LIMIT 1", $filename);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $count = $this->db->result('count');
- if($count == 0)
- {
- $file = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
- $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
- // Удалить все ресайзы
- $rezised_images = glob($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->resized_images_dir.$file.".*x*.".$ext);
- if(is_array($rezised_images))
- foreach (glob($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->resized_images_dir.$file.".*x*.".$ext) as $f)
- @unlink($f);
- @unlink($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->original_images_dir.$filename);
- }
- }
- /*
- *
- * Следующий товар
- *
- */
- public function get_next_product($id)
- {
- $this->db->query("SELECT position FROM __products WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
- $position = $this->db->result('position');
- $this->db->query("SELECT pc.category_id FROM __products_categories pc WHERE product_id=? ORDER BY position LIMIT 1", $id);
- $category_id = $this->db->result('category_id');
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT id FROM __products p, __products_categories pc
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ public function add_image($product_id, $filename, $name = '')
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT id FROM __images WHERE product_id=? AND filename=?", $product_id, $filename);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $id = $this->db->result('id');
+ if (empty($id)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __images SET product_id=?, filename=?", $product_id, $filename);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $id = $this->db->insert_id();
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __images SET position=id WHERE id=?", $id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ }
+ return($id);
+ }
+ public function update_image($id, $image)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __images SET ?% WHERE id=?", $image, $id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return($id);
+ }
+ public function delete_image($id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT filename FROM __images WHERE id=?", $id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $filename = $this->db->result('filename');
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __images WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT count(*) as count FROM __images WHERE filename=? LIMIT 1", $filename);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $count = $this->db->result('count');
+ if ($count == 0) {
+ $file = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
+ $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
+ // Удалить все ресайзы
+ $rezised_images = glob($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->resized_images_dir.$file.".*x*.".$ext);
+ if (is_array($rezised_images)) {
+ foreach (glob($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->resized_images_dir.$file.".*x*.".$ext) as $f) {
+ @unlink($f);
+ }
+ }
+ @unlink($this->config->root_dir.$this->config->original_images_dir.$filename);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Следующий товар
+ *
+ */
+ public function get_next_product($id)
+ {
+ $this->db->query("SELECT position FROM __products WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
+ $position = $this->db->result('position');
+ $this->db->query("SELECT pc.category_id FROM __products_categories pc WHERE product_id=? ORDER BY position LIMIT 1", $id);
+ $category_id = $this->db->result('category_id');
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT id FROM __products p, __products_categories pc
WHERE pc.product_id=p.id AND p.position>?
AND pc.position=(SELECT MIN(pc2.position) FROM __products_categories pc2 WHERE pc.product_id=pc2.product_id)
AND pc.category_id=?
AND p.visible ORDER BY p.position limit 1", $position, $category_id);
- $this->db->query($query);
+ $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->get_product((integer)$this->db->result('id'));
- }
+ return $this->get_product((integer)$this->db->result('id'));
+ }
- /*
- *
- * Предыдущий товар
- *
- */
- public function get_prev_product($id)
- {
- $this->db->query("SELECT position FROM __products WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
- $position = $this->db->result('position');
+ /*
+ *
+ * Предыдущий товар
+ *
+ */
+ public function get_prev_product($id)
+ {
+ $this->db->query("SELECT position FROM __products WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $id);
+ $position = $this->db->result('position');
- $this->db->query("SELECT pc.category_id FROM __products_categories pc WHERE product_id=? ORDER BY position LIMIT 1", $id);
- $category_id = $this->db->result('category_id');
+ $this->db->query("SELECT pc.category_id FROM __products_categories pc WHERE product_id=? ORDER BY position LIMIT 1", $id);
+ $category_id = $this->db->result('category_id');
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT id FROM __products p, __products_categories pc
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT id FROM __products p, __products_categories pc
WHERE pc.product_id=p.id AND p.position
AND pc.position=(SELECT MIN(pc2.position) FROM __products_categories pc2 WHERE pc.product_id=pc2.product_id)
AND pc.category_id=?
AND p.visible ORDER BY p.position DESC limit 1", $position, $category_id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->get_product((integer)$this->db->result('id'));
- }
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->get_product((integer)$this->db->result('id'));
+ }
diff --git a/api/Request.php b/api/Request.php
index ef98bcd..3ccb744 100755
--- a/api/Request.php
+++ b/api/Request.php
@@ -15,306 +15,312 @@
class Request extends Simpla
- /**
- * Конструктор, чистка слешей
- */
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- if(get_magic_quotes_gpc())
- {
- $_POST = $this->stripslashes_recursive($_POST);
- $_GET = $this->stripslashes_recursive($_GET);
- $_COOKIE = $this->stripslashes_recursive($_COOKIE);
- $_REQUEST = $this->stripslashes_recursive($_REQUEST);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Определение request-метода обращения к странице (GET, POST)
- * Если задан аргумент функции (название метода, в любом регистре), возвращает true или false
- * Если аргумент не задан, возвращает имя метода
- * Пример:
- *
- * if($simpla->request->method('post'))
- * print 'Request method is POST';
- *
- */
- public function method($method = null)
- {
- if(!empty($method))
- return strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == strtolower($method);
- }
- /**
- * Возвращает переменную _GET, отфильтрованную по заданному типу, если во втором параметре указан тип фильтра
- * Второй параметр $type может иметь такие значения: integer, string, boolean
- * Если $type не задан, возвращает переменную в чистом виде
- */
- public function get($name, $type = null)
- {
- $val = null;
- if(isset($_GET[$name]))
- $val = $_GET[$name];
- if(!empty($type) && is_array($val))
- $val = reset($val);
- if($type == 'string')
- return strval(preg_replace('/[^\p{L}\p{Nd}\d\s_\-\.\%\s]/ui', '', $val));
- if($type == 'integer')
- return intval($val);
- if($type == 'boolean')
- return !empty($val);
- return $val;
- }
- /**
- * Возвращает переменную _POST, отфильтрованную по заданному типу, если во втором параметре указан тип фильтра
- * Второй параметр $type может иметь такие значения: integer, string, boolean
- * Если $type не задан, возвращает переменную в чистом виде
- */
- public function post($name = null, $type = null)
- {
- $val = null;
- if(!empty($name) && isset($_POST[$name]))
- $val = $_POST[$name];
- elseif(empty($name))
- $val = file_get_contents('php://input');
- if($type == 'string')
- return strval(preg_replace('/[^\p{L}\p{Nd}\d\s_\-\.\%\s]/ui', '', $val));
- if($type == 'integer')
- return intval($val);
- if($type == 'boolean')
- return !empty($val);
- return $val;
- }
- /**
- * Возвращает переменную _FILES
- * Обычно переменные _FILES являются двухмерными массивами, поэтому можно указать второй параметр,
- * например, чтобы получить имя загруженного файла: $filename = $simpla->request->files('myfile', 'name');
- */
- public function files($name, $name2 = null)
- {
- if(!empty($name2) && !empty($_FILES[$name][$name2]))
- return $_FILES[$name][$name2];
- elseif(empty($name2) && !empty($_FILES[$name]))
- return $_FILES[$name];
- else
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Рекурсивная чистка магических слешей
- */
- private function stripslashes_recursive($var)
- {
- if (is_array($var))
- {
- $res = array();
- foreach($var as $k => $v)
- $res[$this->stripslashes_recursive($k)] = $this->stripslashes_recursive($v);
- return $res;
- }
- else
- {
- return stripslashes($var);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Проверка сессии
- */
- public function check_session()
- {
- if(!empty($_POST))
- {
- if(empty($_POST['session_id']) || $_POST['session_id'] != session_id())
- {
- unset($_POST);
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * URL
- */
- public function url($params = array())
- {
- $url = @parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
- parse_str($url['query'], $query);
- if(get_magic_quotes_gpc())
- foreach($query as &$v)
- {
- if(!is_array($v))
- $v = stripslashes(urldecode($v));
- }
- foreach($params as $name=>$value)
- $query[$name] = $value;
- $query_is_empty = true;
- foreach($query as $name=>$value)
- if($value!=='' && $value!==null)
- $query_is_empty = false;
- if(!$query_is_empty)
- $url['query'] = http_build_query($query);
- else
- $url['query'] = null;
- $result = http_build_url(null, $url);
- return $result;
- }
+ /**
+ * Конструктор, чистка слешей
+ */
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ parent::__construct();
+ if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
+ $_POST = $this->stripslashes_recursive($_POST);
+ $_GET = $this->stripslashes_recursive($_GET);
+ $_COOKIE = $this->stripslashes_recursive($_COOKIE);
+ $_REQUEST = $this->stripslashes_recursive($_REQUEST);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Определение request-метода обращения к странице (GET, POST)
+ * Если задан аргумент функции (название метода, в любом регистре), возвращает true или false
+ * Если аргумент не задан, возвращает имя метода
+ * Пример:
+ *
+ * if($simpla->request->method('post'))
+ * print 'Request method is POST';
+ *
+ */
+ public function method($method = null)
+ {
+ if (!empty($method)) {
+ return strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == strtolower($method);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Возвращает переменную _GET, отфильтрованную по заданному типу, если во втором параметре указан тип фильтра
+ * Второй параметр $type может иметь такие значения: integer, string, boolean
+ * Если $type не задан, возвращает переменную в чистом виде
+ */
+ public function get($name, $type = null)
+ {
+ $val = null;
+ if (isset($_GET[$name])) {
+ $val = $_GET[$name];
+ }
+ if (!empty($type) && is_array($val)) {
+ $val = reset($val);
+ }
+ if ($type == 'string') {
+ return strval(preg_replace('/[^\p{L}\p{Nd}\d\s_\-\.\%\s]/ui', '', $val));
+ }
+ if ($type == 'integer') {
+ return intval($val);
+ }
+ if ($type == 'boolean') {
+ return !empty($val);
+ }
+ return $val;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Возвращает переменную _POST, отфильтрованную по заданному типу, если во втором параметре указан тип фильтра
+ * Второй параметр $type может иметь такие значения: integer, string, boolean
+ * Если $type не задан, возвращает переменную в чистом виде
+ */
+ public function post($name = null, $type = null)
+ {
+ $val = null;
+ if (!empty($name) && isset($_POST[$name])) {
+ $val = $_POST[$name];
+ } elseif (empty($name)) {
+ $val = file_get_contents('php://input');
+ }
+ if ($type == 'string') {
+ return strval(preg_replace('/[^\p{L}\p{Nd}\d\s_\-\.\%\s]/ui', '', $val));
+ }
+ if ($type == 'integer') {
+ return intval($val);
+ }
+ if ($type == 'boolean') {
+ return !empty($val);
+ }
+ return $val;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Возвращает переменную _FILES
+ * Обычно переменные _FILES являются двухмерными массивами, поэтому можно указать второй параметр,
+ * например, чтобы получить имя загруженного файла: $filename = $simpla->request->files('myfile', 'name');
+ */
+ public function files($name, $name2 = null)
+ {
+ if (!empty($name2) && !empty($_FILES[$name][$name2])) {
+ return $_FILES[$name][$name2];
+ } elseif (empty($name2) && !empty($_FILES[$name])) {
+ return $_FILES[$name];
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Рекурсивная чистка магических слешей
+ */
+ private function stripslashes_recursive($var)
+ {
+ if (is_array($var)) {
+ $res = array();
+ foreach ($var as $k => $v) {
+ $res[$this->stripslashes_recursive($k)] = $this->stripslashes_recursive($v);
+ }
+ return $res;
+ } else {
+ return stripslashes($var);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Проверка сессии
+ */
+ public function check_session()
+ {
+ if (!empty($_POST)) {
+ if (empty($_POST['session_id']) || $_POST['session_id'] != session_id()) {
+ unset($_POST);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * URL
+ */
+ public function url($params = array())
+ {
+ $url = @parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
+ parse_str($url['query'], $query);
+ if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
+ foreach ($query as &$v) {
+ if (!is_array($v)) {
+ $v = stripslashes(urldecode($v));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($params as $name=>$value) {
+ $query[$name] = $value;
+ }
+ $query_is_empty = true;
+ foreach ($query as $name=>$value) {
+ if ($value!=='' && $value!==null) {
+ $query_is_empty = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$query_is_empty) {
+ $url['query'] = http_build_query($query);
+ } else {
+ $url['query'] = null;
+ }
+ $result = http_build_url(null, $url);
+ return $result;
+ }
-if (!function_exists('http_build_url'))
- define('HTTP_URL_REPLACE', 1); // Replace every part of the first URL when there's one of the second URL
- define('HTTP_URL_JOIN_PATH', 2); // Join relative paths
- define('HTTP_URL_JOIN_QUERY', 4); // Join query strings
- define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_USER', 8); // Strip any user authentication information
- define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_PASS', 16); // Strip any password authentication information
- define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_AUTH', 32); // Strip any authentication information
- define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_PORT', 64); // Strip explicit port numbers
- define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_PATH', 128); // Strip complete path
- define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_QUERY', 256); // Strip query string
- define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_FRAGMENT', 512); // Strip any fragments (#identifier)
- define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_ALL', 1024); // Strip anything but scheme and host
- // Build an URL
- // The parts of the second URL will be merged into the first according to the flags argument.
- //
- // @param mixed (Part(s) of) an URL in form of a string or associative array like parse_url() returns
- // @param mixed Same as the first argument
- // @param int A bitmask of binary or'ed HTTP_URL constants (Optional)HTTP_URL_REPLACE is the default
- // @param array If set, it will be filled with the parts of the composed url like parse_url() would return
- function http_build_url($url, $parts=array(), $flags=HTTP_URL_REPLACE, &$new_url=false)
- {
- $keys = array('user','pass','port','path','query','fragment');
- // HTTP_URL_STRIP_ALL becomes all the HTTP_URL_STRIP_Xs
- if ($flags & HTTP_URL_STRIP_ALL)
- {
- $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_USER;
- $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PASS;
- $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PORT;
- $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PATH;
- }
- else if ($flags & HTTP_URL_STRIP_AUTH)
- {
- $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_USER;
- $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PASS;
- }
- // Parse the original URL
- $parse_url = parse_url($url);
- // Scheme and Host are always replaced
- if (isset($parts['scheme']))
- $parse_url['scheme'] = $parts['scheme'];
- if (isset($parts['host']))
- $parse_url['host'] = $parts['host'];
- // (If applicable) Replace the original URL with it's new parts
- if ($flags & HTTP_URL_REPLACE)
- {
- foreach ($keys as $key)
- {
- if (isset($parts[$key]))
- $parse_url[$key] = $parts[$key];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Join the original URL path with the new path
- if (isset($parts['path']) && ($flags & HTTP_URL_JOIN_PATH))
- {
- if (isset($parse_url['path']))
- $parse_url['path'] = rtrim(str_replace(basename($parse_url['path']), '', $parse_url['path']), '/') . '/' . ltrim($parts['path'], '/');
- else
- $parse_url['path'] = $parts['path'];
- }
- // Join the original query string with the new query string
- if (isset($parts['query']) && ($flags & HTTP_URL_JOIN_QUERY))
- {
- if (isset($parse_url['query']))
- $parse_url['query'] .= '&' . $parts['query'];
- else
- $parse_url['query'] = $parts['query'];
- }
- }
- // Strips all the applicable sections of the URL
- // Note: Scheme and Host are never stripped
- foreach ($keys as $key)
- {
- if ($flags & (int)constant('HTTP_URL_STRIP_' . strtoupper($key)))
- unset($parse_url[$key]);
- }
- $new_url = $parse_url;
- return
- ((isset($parse_url['scheme'])) ? $parse_url['scheme'] . '://' : '')
- .((isset($parse_url['user'])) ? $parse_url['user'] . ((isset($parse_url['pass'])) ? ':' . $parse_url['pass'] : '') .'@' : '')
- .((isset($parse_url['host'])) ? $parse_url['host'] : '')
- .((isset($parse_url['port'])) ? ':' . $parse_url['port'] : '')
- .((isset($parse_url['path'])) ? $parse_url['path'] : '')
- .((isset($parse_url['query'])) ? '?' . $parse_url['query'] : '')
- .((isset($parse_url['fragment'])) ? '#' . $parse_url['fragment'] : '')
- ;
- }
+if (!function_exists('http_build_url')) {
+ define('HTTP_URL_REPLACE', 1); // Replace every part of the first URL when there's one of the second URL
+ define('HTTP_URL_JOIN_PATH', 2); // Join relative paths
+ define('HTTP_URL_JOIN_QUERY', 4); // Join query strings
+ define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_USER', 8); // Strip any user authentication information
+ define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_PASS', 16); // Strip any password authentication information
+ define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_AUTH', 32); // Strip any authentication information
+ define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_PORT', 64); // Strip explicit port numbers
+ define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_PATH', 128); // Strip complete path
+ define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_QUERY', 256); // Strip query string
+ define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_FRAGMENT', 512); // Strip any fragments (#identifier)
+ define('HTTP_URL_STRIP_ALL', 1024); // Strip anything but scheme and host
+ // Build an URL
+ // The parts of the second URL will be merged into the first according to the flags argument.
+ //
+ // @param mixed (Part(s) of) an URL in form of a string or associative array like parse_url() returns
+ // @param mixed Same as the first argument
+ // @param int A bitmask of binary or'ed HTTP_URL constants (Optional)HTTP_URL_REPLACE is the default
+ // @param array If set, it will be filled with the parts of the composed url like parse_url() would return
+ function http_build_url($url, $parts=array(), $flags=HTTP_URL_REPLACE, &$new_url=false)
+ {
+ $keys = array('user','pass','port','path','query','fragment');
+ // HTTP_URL_STRIP_ALL becomes all the HTTP_URL_STRIP_Xs
+ if ($flags & HTTP_URL_STRIP_ALL) {
+ $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_USER;
+ $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PASS;
+ $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PORT;
+ $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PATH;
+ }
+ elseif ($flags & HTTP_URL_STRIP_AUTH) {
+ $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_USER;
+ $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PASS;
+ }
+ // Parse the original URL
+ $parse_url = parse_url($url);
+ // Scheme and Host are always replaced
+ if (isset($parts['scheme'])) {
+ $parse_url['scheme'] = $parts['scheme'];
+ }
+ if (isset($parts['host'])) {
+ $parse_url['host'] = $parts['host'];
+ }
+ // (If applicable) Replace the original URL with it's new parts
+ if ($flags & HTTP_URL_REPLACE) {
+ foreach ($keys as $key) {
+ if (isset($parts[$key])) {
+ $parse_url[$key] = $parts[$key];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Join the original URL path with the new path
+ if (isset($parts['path']) && ($flags & HTTP_URL_JOIN_PATH)) {
+ if (isset($parse_url['path'])) {
+ $parse_url['path'] = rtrim(str_replace(basename($parse_url['path']), '', $parse_url['path']), '/') . '/' . ltrim($parts['path'], '/');
+ } else {
+ $parse_url['path'] = $parts['path'];
+ }
+ }
+ // Join the original query string with the new query string
+ if (isset($parts['query']) && ($flags & HTTP_URL_JOIN_QUERY)) {
+ if (isset($parse_url['query'])) {
+ $parse_url['query'] .= '&' . $parts['query'];
+ } else {
+ $parse_url['query'] = $parts['query'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Strips all the applicable sections of the URL
+ // Note: Scheme and Host are never stripped
+ foreach ($keys as $key) {
+ if ($flags & (int)constant('HTTP_URL_STRIP_' . strtoupper($key))) {
+ unset($parse_url[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ $new_url = $parse_url;
+ return
+ ((isset($parse_url['scheme'])) ? $parse_url['scheme'] . '://' : '')
+ .((isset($parse_url['user'])) ? $parse_url['user'] . ((isset($parse_url['pass'])) ? ':' . $parse_url['pass'] : '') .'@' : '')
+ .((isset($parse_url['host'])) ? $parse_url['host'] : '')
+ .((isset($parse_url['port'])) ? ':' . $parse_url['port'] : '')
+ .((isset($parse_url['path'])) ? $parse_url['path'] : '')
+ .((isset($parse_url['query'])) ? '?' . $parse_url['query'] : '')
+ .((isset($parse_url['fragment'])) ? '#' . $parse_url['fragment'] : '')
+ ;
+ }
-if(!function_exists('http_build_query')) {
- function http_build_query($data,$prefix=null,$sep='',$key='') {
- $ret = array();
- foreach((array)$data as $k => $v) {
- $k = urlencode($k);
- if(is_int($k) && $prefix != null) {
- $k = $prefix.$k;
- };
- if(!empty($key)) {
- $k = $key."[".$k."]";
- };
- if(is_array($v) || is_object($v)) {
- array_push($ret,http_build_query($v,"",$sep,$k));
- }
- else {
- array_push($ret,$k."=".urlencode($v));
- };
- };
- if(empty($sep)) {
- $sep = ini_get("arg_separator.output");
- };
- return implode($sep, $ret);
- };
+if (!function_exists('http_build_query')) {
+ function http_build_query($data, $prefix=null, $sep='', $key='')
+ {
+ $ret = array();
+ foreach ((array)$data as $k => $v) {
+ $k = urlencode($k);
+ if (is_int($k) && $prefix != null) {
+ $k = $prefix.$k;
+ };
+ if (!empty($key)) {
+ $k = $key."[".$k."]";
+ };
+ if (is_array($v) || is_object($v)) {
+ array_push($ret, http_build_query($v, "", $sep, $k));
+ } else {
+ array_push($ret, $k."=".urlencode($v));
+ };
+ };
+ if (empty($sep)) {
+ $sep = ini_get("arg_separator.output");
+ };
+ return implode($sep, $ret);
+ };
diff --git a/api/Settings.php b/api/Settings.php
index 3f6ebf6..9d47311 100755
--- a/api/Settings.php
+++ b/api/Settings.php
@@ -14,50 +14,56 @@
class Settings extends Simpla
- private $vars = array();
- public function __construct()
- {
- parent::__construct();
- // Выбираем из базы настройки
- $this->db->query('SELECT name, value FROM __settings');
- // и записываем их в переменную
- foreach($this->db->results() as $result)
- if(!($this->vars[$result->name] = @unserialize($result->value)))
- $this->vars[$result->name] = $result->value;
- }
- public function __get($name)
- {
- if($res = parent::__get($name))
- return $res;
- if(isset($this->vars[$name]))
- return $this->vars[$name];
- else
- return null;
- }
- public function __set($name, $value)
- {
- $this->vars[$name] = $value;
- if(is_array($value))
- $value = serialize($value);
- else
- $value = (string) $value;
- $this->db->query('SELECT count(*) as count FROM __settings WHERE name=?', $name);
- if($this->db->result('count')>0)
- $this->db->query('UPDATE __settings SET value=? WHERE name=?', $value, $name);
- else
- $this->db->query('INSERT INTO __settings SET value=?, name=?', $value, $name);
- }
- public function __isset($name)
- {
- return isset($this->vars[$name]);
- }
+ private $vars = array();
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ parent::__construct();
+ // Выбираем из базы настройки
+ $this->db->query('SELECT name, value FROM __settings');
+ // и записываем их в переменную
+ foreach ($this->db->results() as $result) {
+ if (!($this->vars[$result->name] = @unserialize($result->value))) {
+ $this->vars[$result->name] = $result->value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function __get($name)
+ {
+ if ($res = parent::__get($name)) {
+ return $res;
+ }
+ if (isset($this->vars[$name])) {
+ return $this->vars[$name];
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ public function __set($name, $value)
+ {
+ $this->vars[$name] = $value;
+ if (is_array($value)) {
+ $value = serialize($value);
+ } else {
+ $value = (string) $value;
+ }
+ $this->db->query('SELECT count(*) as count FROM __settings WHERE name=?', $name);
+ if ($this->db->result('count')>0) {
+ $this->db->query('UPDATE __settings SET value=? WHERE name=?', $value, $name);
+ } else {
+ $this->db->query('INSERT INTO __settings SET value=?, name=?', $value, $name);
+ }
+ }
+ public function __isset($name)
+ {
+ return isset($this->vars[$name]);
+ }
diff --git a/api/Simpla.php b/api/Simpla.php
index dbeff97..6efe85f 100755
--- a/api/Simpla.php
+++ b/api/Simpla.php
@@ -14,96 +14,88 @@
class Simpla
- // Свойства - Классы API
- private $classes = array(
- 'config' => 'Config',
- 'request' => 'Request',
- 'db' => 'Database',
- 'settings' => 'Settings',
- 'design' => 'Design',
- 'products' => 'Products',
- 'variants' => 'Variants',
- 'categories' => 'Categories',
- 'brands' => 'Brands',
- 'features' => 'Features',
- 'money' => 'Money',
- 'pages' => 'Pages',
- 'blog' => 'Blog',
- 'cart' => 'Cart',
- 'image' => 'Image',
- 'delivery' => 'Delivery',
- 'payment' => 'Payment',
- 'orders' => 'Orders',
- 'users' => 'Users',
- 'coupons' => 'Coupons',
- 'comments' => 'Comments',
- 'feedbacks' => 'Feedbacks',
- 'notify' => 'Notify',
- 'managers' => 'Managers'
- );
+ // Свойства - Классы API
+ private $classes = array(
+ 'config' => 'Config',
+ 'request' => 'Request',
+ 'db' => 'Database',
+ 'settings' => 'Settings',
+ 'design' => 'Design',
+ 'products' => 'Products',
+ 'variants' => 'Variants',
+ 'categories' => 'Categories',
+ 'brands' => 'Brands',
+ 'features' => 'Features',
+ 'money' => 'Money',
+ 'pages' => 'Pages',
+ 'blog' => 'Blog',
+ 'cart' => 'Cart',
+ 'image' => 'Image',
+ 'delivery' => 'Delivery',
+ 'payment' => 'Payment',
+ 'orders' => 'Orders',
+ 'users' => 'Users',
+ 'coupons' => 'Coupons',
+ 'comments' => 'Comments',
+ 'feedbacks' => 'Feedbacks',
+ 'notify' => 'Notify',
+ 'managers' => 'Managers'
+ );
- // Созданные объекты
- private static $objects = array();
+ // Созданные объекты
+ private static $objects = array();
- /**
- * Конструктор оставим пустым, но определим его на случай обращения parent::__construct() в классах API
- */
- public function __construct()
- {
- //error_reporting(E_ALL & !E_STRICT);
- }
+ /**
+ * Конструктор оставим пустым, но определим его на случай обращения parent::__construct() в классах API
+ */
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ //error_reporting(E_ALL & !E_STRICT);
+ }
- /**
- * Магический метод, создает нужный объект API
- */
- public function __get($name)
- {
- // Если такой объект уже существует, возвращаем его
- if(isset(self::$objects[$name]))
- {
- return(self::$objects[$name]);
- }
+ /**
+ * Магический метод, создает нужный объект API
+ */
+ public function __get($name)
+ {
+ // Если такой объект уже существует, возвращаем его
+ if (isset(self::$objects[$name])) {
+ return(self::$objects[$name]);
+ }
- // Если запрошенного API не существует - ошибка
- if(!array_key_exists($name, $this->classes))
- {
- return null;
- }
+ // Если запрошенного API не существует - ошибка
+ if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->classes)) {
+ return null;
+ }
- // Определяем имя нужного класса
- $class = $this->classes[$name];
+ // Определяем имя нужного класса
+ $class = $this->classes[$name];
- // Подключаем его
- include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$class.'.php');
+ // Подключаем его
+ include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$class.'.php');
- // Сохраняем для будущих обращений к нему
- self::$objects[$name] = new $class();
+ // Сохраняем для будущих обращений к нему
+ self::$objects[$name] = new $class();
- // Возвращаем созданный объект
- return self::$objects[$name];
- }
+ // Возвращаем созданный объект
+ return self::$objects[$name];
+ }
- /*
- Вспомогательные методы
- */
+ /*
+ Вспомогательные методы
+ */
- public function convert_str_encoding($str, $to_encoding, $from_encoding, $alt = false)
- {
+ public function convert_str_encoding($str, $to_encoding, $from_encoding, $alt = false)
+ {
+ if (function_exists('iconv')) {
+ $str = @iconv($from_encoding, $to_encoding, $str);
+ } elseif (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
+ $str = @mb_convert_encoding($str, $to_encoding, $from_encoding);
+ } else {
+ // TODO add сonverting Windows-1251 to UTF-8 and the reverse when no iconv and mb_convert_encoding
+ return $alt ? $alt : $str;
+ }
- if (function_exists('iconv'))
- {
- $str = @iconv($from_encoding, $to_encoding, $str);
- }
- elseif (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding'))
- {
- $str = @mb_convert_encoding($str, $to_encoding, $from_encoding);
- }
- else
- {
- // TODO add сonverting Windows-1251 to UTF-8 and the reverse when no iconv and mb_convert_encoding
- return $alt ? $alt : $str;
- }
- return $str;
- }
+ return $str;
+ }
diff --git a/api/Users.php b/api/Users.php
index 7b59f1d..825c567 100755
--- a/api/Users.php
+++ b/api/Users.php
@@ -13,210 +13,219 @@
class Users extends Simpla
- // осторожно, при изменении соли испортятся текущие пароли пользователей
- private $salt = '8e86a279d6e182b3c811c559e6b15484';
- public function get_users($filter = array())
- {
- $limit = 1000;
- $page = 1;
- $group_id_filter = '';
- $keyword_filter = '';
- if(isset($filter['limit']))
- $limit = max(1, intval($filter['limit']));
- if(isset($filter['page']))
- $page = max(1, intval($filter['page']));
- if(isset($filter['group_id']))
- $group_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND u.group_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['group_id']);
- if(isset($filter['keyword']))
- {
- $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
- foreach($keywords as $keyword)
- $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (u.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR u.email LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR u.last_ip LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%")');
- }
- $order = 'u.name';
- if(!empty($filter['sort']))
- switch ($filter['sort'])
- {
- case 'date':
- $order = 'u.created DESC';
- break;
- case 'name':
- $order = 'u.name';
- break;
- }
- $sql_limit = $this->db->placehold(' LIMIT ?, ? ', ($page-1)*$limit, $limit);
- // Выбираем пользователей
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT u.id, u.email, u.password, u.name, u.group_id, u.enabled, u.last_ip, u.created, g.discount, g.name as group_name
+ // осторожно, при изменении соли испортятся текущие пароли пользователей
+ private $salt = '8e86a279d6e182b3c811c559e6b15484';
+ public function get_users($filter = array())
+ {
+ $limit = 1000;
+ $page = 1;
+ $group_id_filter = '';
+ $keyword_filter = '';
+ if (isset($filter['limit'])) {
+ $limit = max(1, intval($filter['limit']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['page'])) {
+ $page = max(1, intval($filter['page']));
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['group_id'])) {
+ $group_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND u.group_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['group_id']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['keyword'])) {
+ $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
+ foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
+ $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (u.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR u.email LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR u.last_ip LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%")');
+ }
+ }
+ $order = 'u.name';
+ if (!empty($filter['sort'])) {
+ switch ($filter['sort']) {
+ case 'date':
+ $order = 'u.created DESC';
+ break;
+ case 'name':
+ $order = 'u.name';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $sql_limit = $this->db->placehold(' LIMIT ?, ? ', ($page-1)*$limit, $limit);
+ // Выбираем пользователей
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT u.id, u.email, u.password, u.name, u.group_id, u.enabled, u.last_ip, u.created, g.discount, g.name as group_name
FROM __users u
LEFT JOIN __groups g ON u.group_id=g.id
ORDER BY $order $sql_limit");
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- public function count_users($filter = array())
- {
- $group_id_filter = '';
- $keyword_filter = '';
- if(isset($filter['group_id']))
- $group_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND u.group_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['group_id']);
- if(isset($filter['keyword']))
- {
- $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
- foreach($keywords as $keyword)
- $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (u.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR u.email LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR u.last_ip LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%")');
- }
- // Выбираем пользователей
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT count(*) as count
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ public function count_users($filter = array())
+ {
+ $group_id_filter = '';
+ $keyword_filter = '';
+ if (isset($filter['group_id'])) {
+ $group_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND u.group_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['group_id']);
+ }
+ if (isset($filter['keyword'])) {
+ $keywords = explode(' ', $filter['keyword']);
+ foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
+ $keyword_filter .= $this->db->placehold('AND (u.name LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR u.email LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%" OR u.last_ip LIKE "%'.$this->db->escape(trim($keyword)).'%")');
+ }
+ }
+ // Выбираем пользователей
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT count(*) as count
FROM __users u
LEFT JOIN __groups g ON u.group_id=g.id
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->result('count');
- }
- public function get_user($id)
- {
- if(gettype($id) == 'string')
- $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE u.email=? ', $id);
- else
- $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE u.id=? ', intval($id));
- // Выбираем пользователя
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT u.id, u.email, u.password, u.name, u.group_id, u.enabled, u.last_ip, u.created, g.discount, g.name as group_name
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->result('count');
+ }
+ public function get_user($id)
+ {
+ if (gettype($id) == 'string') {
+ $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE u.email=? ', $id);
+ } else {
+ $where = $this->db->placehold(' WHERE u.id=? ', intval($id));
+ }
+ // Выбираем пользователя
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT u.id, u.email, u.password, u.name, u.group_id, u.enabled, u.last_ip, u.created, g.discount, g.name as group_name
FROM __users u
LEFT JOIN __groups g ON u.group_id=g.id
LIMIT 1", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $user = $this->db->result();
- if(empty($user))
- return false;
- $user->discount *= 1; // Убираем лишние нули, чтобы было 5 вместо 5.00
- return $user;
- }
- public function add_user($user)
- {
- $user = (array)$user;
- if(isset($user['password']))
- $user['password'] = md5($this->salt.$user['password'].md5($user['password']));
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT count(*) as count
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $user = $this->db->result();
+ if (empty($user)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $user->discount *= 1; // Убираем лишние нули, чтобы было 5 вместо 5.00
+ return $user;
+ }
+ public function add_user($user)
+ {
+ $user = (array)$user;
+ if (isset($user['password'])) {
+ $user['password'] = md5($this->salt.$user['password'].md5($user['password']));
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT count(*) as count
FROM __users
WHERE email=?", $user['email']);
- $this->db->query($query);
- if($this->db->result('count') > 0)
- return false;
- $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __users SET ?%", $user);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->insert_id();
- }
- public function update_user($id, $user)
- {
- $user = (array)$user;
- if(isset($user['password']))
- $user['password'] = md5($this->salt.$user['password'].md5($user['password']));
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __users SET ?% WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $user, intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $id;
- }
- public function delete_user($id)
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __orders SET user_id=NULL WHERE user_id=?", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __users WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- if($this->db->query($query))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public function get_groups()
- {
- // Выбираем группы
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT g.id, g.name, g.discount
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ if ($this->db->result('count') > 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __users SET ?%", $user);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->insert_id();
+ }
+ public function update_user($id, $user)
+ {
+ $user = (array)$user;
+ if (isset($user['password'])) {
+ $user['password'] = md5($this->salt.$user['password'].md5($user['password']));
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __users SET ?% WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $user, intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ public function delete_user($id)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __orders SET user_id=NULL WHERE user_id=?", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __users WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ if ($this->db->query($query)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function get_groups()
+ {
+ // Выбираем группы
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT g.id, g.name, g.discount
FROM __groups AS g
ORDER BY g.discount");
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
- public function get_group($id)
- {
- // Выбираем группу
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT g.*
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
+ public function get_group($id)
+ {
+ // Выбираем группу
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT g.*
FROM __groups AS g
WHERE g.id=?
LIMIT 1", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $group = $this->db->result();
- return $group;
- }
- public function add_group($group)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __groups SET ?%", $group);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->insert_id();
- }
- public function update_group($id, $group)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __groups SET ?% WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $group, intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $id;
- }
- public function delete_group($id)
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __users SET group_id=NULL WHERE group_id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __groups WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- if($this->db->query($query))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public function check_password($email, $password)
- {
- $encpassword = md5($this->salt.$password.md5($password));
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT id FROM __users WHERE email=? AND password=? LIMIT 1", $email, $encpassword);
- $this->db->query($query);
- if($id = $this->db->result('id'))
- return $id;
- return false;
- }
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $group = $this->db->result();
+ return $group;
+ }
+ public function add_group($group)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __groups SET ?%", $group);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->insert_id();
+ }
+ public function update_group($id, $group)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __groups SET ?% WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $group, intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ public function delete_group($id)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __users SET group_id=NULL WHERE group_id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __groups WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ if ($this->db->query($query)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function check_password($email, $password)
+ {
+ $encpassword = md5($this->salt.$password.md5($password));
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT id FROM __users WHERE email=? AND password=? LIMIT 1", $email, $encpassword);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ if ($id = $this->db->result('id')) {
+ return $id;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
diff --git a/api/Variants.php b/api/Variants.php
index 2a19130..19a5c87 100755
--- a/api/Variants.php
+++ b/api/Variants.php
@@ -14,30 +14,34 @@
class Variants extends Simpla
- /**
- * Функция возвращает варианты товара
- * @param $filter
- * @retval array
- */
- public function get_variants($filter = array())
- {
- $product_id_filter = '';
- $variant_id_filter = '';
- $instock_filter = '';
- if(!empty($filter['product_id']))
- $product_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND v.product_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['product_id']);
- if(!empty($filter['id']))
- $variant_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND v.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
- if(!empty($filter['in_stock']) && $filter['in_stock'])
- $instock_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND (v.stock>0 OR v.stock IS NULL)');
- if(!$product_id_filter && !$variant_id_filter)
- return array();
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT v.id, v.product_id , v.price, NULLIF(v.compare_price, 0) as compare_price, v.sku, IFNULL(v.stock, ?) as stock, (v.stock IS NULL) as infinity, v.name, v.attachment, v.position
+ /**
+ * Функция возвращает варианты товара
+ * @param $filter
+ * @retval array
+ */
+ public function get_variants($filter = array())
+ {
+ $product_id_filter = '';
+ $variant_id_filter = '';
+ $instock_filter = '';
+ if (!empty($filter['product_id'])) {
+ $product_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND v.product_id in(?@)', (array)$filter['product_id']);
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['id'])) {
+ $variant_id_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND v.id in(?@)', (array)$filter['id']);
+ }
+ if (!empty($filter['in_stock']) && $filter['in_stock']) {
+ $instock_filter = $this->db->placehold('AND (v.stock>0 OR v.stock IS NULL)');
+ }
+ if (!$product_id_filter && !$variant_id_filter) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT v.id, v.product_id , v.price, NULLIF(v.compare_price, 0) as compare_price, v.sku, IFNULL(v.stock, ?) as stock, (v.stock IS NULL) as infinity, v.name, v.attachment, v.position
FROM __variants AS v
@@ -47,61 +51,61 @@ public function get_variants($filter = array())
ORDER BY v.position
", $this->settings->max_order_amount);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->results();
- }
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->results();
+ }
- public function get_variant($id)
- {
- if(empty($id))
- return false;
+ public function get_variant($id)
+ {
+ if (empty($id)) {
+ return false;
+ }
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT v.id, v.product_id , v.price, NULLIF(v.compare_price, 0) as compare_price, v.sku, IFNULL(v.stock, ?) as stock, (v.stock IS NULL) as infinity, v.name, v.attachment
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT v.id, v.product_id , v.price, NULLIF(v.compare_price, 0) as compare_price, v.sku, IFNULL(v.stock, ?) as stock, (v.stock IS NULL) as infinity, v.name, v.attachment
FROM __variants v WHERE v.id=?
LIMIT 1", $this->settings->max_order_amount, $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $variant = $this->db->result();
- return $variant;
- }
- public function update_variant($id, $variant)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __variants SET ?% WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $variant, intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $id;
- }
- public function add_variant($variant)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __variants SET ?%", $variant);
- $this->db->query($query);
- return $this->db->insert_id();
- }
- public function delete_variant($id)
- {
- if(!empty($id))
- {
- $this->delete_attachment($id);
- $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __variants WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
- $this->db->query($query);
- $this->db->query('UPDATE __purchases SET variant_id=NULL WHERE variant_id=?', intval($id));
- }
- }
- public function delete_attachment($id)
- {
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT attachment FROM __variants WHERE id=?", $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $filename = $this->db->result('attachment');
- $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT 1 FROM __variants WHERE attachment=? AND id!=?", $filename, $id);
- $this->db->query($query);
- $exists = $this->db->num_rows();
- if(!empty($filename) && $exists == 0)
- @unlink($this->config->root_dir.'/'.$this->config->downloads_dir.$filename);
- $this->update_variant($id, array('attachment'=>null));
- }
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $variant = $this->db->result();
+ return $variant;
+ }
+ public function update_variant($id, $variant)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("UPDATE __variants SET ?% WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", $variant, intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $id;
+ }
+ public function add_variant($variant)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("INSERT INTO __variants SET ?%", $variant);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ return $this->db->insert_id();
+ }
+ public function delete_variant($id)
+ {
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ $this->delete_attachment($id);
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("DELETE FROM __variants WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", intval($id));
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $this->db->query('UPDATE __purchases SET variant_id=NULL WHERE variant_id=?', intval($id));
+ }
+ }
+ public function delete_attachment($id)
+ {
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT attachment FROM __variants WHERE id=?", $id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $filename = $this->db->result('attachment');
+ $query = $this->db->placehold("SELECT 1 FROM __variants WHERE attachment=? AND id!=?", $filename, $id);
+ $this->db->query($query);
+ $exists = $this->db->num_rows();
+ if (!empty($filename) && $exists == 0) {
+ @unlink($this->config->root_dir.'/'.$this->config->downloads_dir.$filename);
+ }
+ $this->update_variant($id, array('attachment'=>null));
+ }