A list of rectangle coordinates forming an area.
- Inheritance
- Constructor
- Methods
- addRect() - Adds the rectangle coordinates to the area.
- clear() - Clears all rectangle coordinates.
- getRect() - Obtain coordinates of the i-th rectangle from the area.
- intersects() - Returns true if the given rectangle coordinates intersect the area.
- intersectsBorder()
- isWithin() - Returns true if the given rectangle coordinates are within the area.
- iteration() - Iterate through all rectangle coordinates.
- Inherited Methods
- / Object /
Creates an empty area object.
Area:addRect(x, y, w, h)
Adds the rectangle coordinates to the area.
Clears all rectangle coordinates. After this the area does not contain any rectangle, i.e. area.count == 0.
Obtain coordinates of the i-th rectangle from the area.
- i - index of the rectangle, 1 <= i <= area.count
Returns x, y, w, h rectangle coordinates
Area:intersects(x, y, w, h)
Returns true if the given rectangle coordinates intersect the area.
Area:intersectsBorder(x, y, w, h, borderWidth)
Area:isWithin(x, y, w, h)
Returns true if the given rectangle coordinates are within the area.
Iterate through all rectangle coordinates.
Returns an iterator function, self and 0, so that the construction
for i, x, y, w, h in area:iteration() do ... end
will iterate over all rectangle indices and coordinates.