auth 2fa reCaptcha on registration password reset e2e test users CRUD password strength check email verification API endpoints sign-upload from howto put upload behind subscription gate pagination on photo endpoint photo album CRUD decorate returned album photos appropriately published album API album ordering photo provenance API design how do edited versions of photos interact? it’s a graph, links are ‘edit’ or ‘render’ configuration app-host env on API dev/prod CDN prefixes api-host env on app double check timestamp columns on database user-facing stuff before launch marketing site homepage pricing grid about us / licensing page analytics on site matomo site matomo account for Marcus ‘album’ concept (photo attribute) think about ordering inside albums metadata - caption, transition after photo, etc photo gallery list of photos Admin dashboard w/ information about site how much space are users using? job to delete stale photos some way to handle DMCA’d photos legal LLC stripe integration product name domain emails logo ToS / Use