From dcc29d3db670ef84d2ea32708b62f5727b1933b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jarred Sumner
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2021 23:24:23 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Improve support for Create React App
--- | 8 ++-
src/cli/create_command.zig | 141 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
2 files changed, 137 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 62b621bcecd33d..1ad3a5acf415ae 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -435,7 +435,13 @@ Create a new React project:
bun create react ./app
-To see a list of available templates, run
+Create from a GitHub repo:
+bun create ahfarmer/calculator ./app
+To see a list of examples, run:
bun create
diff --git a/src/cli/create_command.zig b/src/cli/create_command.zig
index e79f8817a18df3..cc486b4a63aced 100644
--- a/src/cli/create_command.zig
+++ b/src/cli/create_command.zig
@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ const CreateOptions = struct {
overwrite: bool = false,
skip_git: bool = false,
skip_package_json: bool = false,
+ positionals: []const string,
verbose: bool = false,
const params = [_]clap.Param(clap.Help){
@@ -209,20 +210,25 @@ const CreateOptions = struct {
return undefined;
- Output.prettyln("bun create\n flags:\n", .{});
+ Output.prettyln("bun create\n\n flags:\n", .{});
Output.flush();, params[1..]) catch {};
Output.pretty("\n", .{});
Output.prettyln(" environment variables:\n\n", .{});
- Output.prettyln(" GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN Use a GitHub access token for downloading code from GitHub.", .{});
- Output.prettyln(" GITHUB_API_DOMAIN Instead of \"\", useful for GitHub Enterprise\n", .{});
- Output.prettyln(" NPM_CLIENT Absolute path to the npm client executable", .{});
+ Output.prettyln(" GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN Downloading code from GitHub with a higher rate limit", .{});
+ Output.prettyln(" GITHUB_API_DOMAIN Change \"\", useful for GitHub Enterprise\n", .{});
+ Output.prettyln(" NPM_CLIENT Absolute path to the npm client executable", .{});
- var opts = CreateOptions{};
+ var opts = CreateOptions{ .positionals = args.positionals() };
+ if (opts.positionals.len >= 1 and (strings.eqlComptime(opts.positionals[0], "c") or strings.eqlComptime(opts.positionals[0], "create"))) {
+ opts.positionals = opts.positionals[1..];
+ }
if (args.flag("--npm")) {
opts.npm_client = NPMClient.Tag.npm;
@@ -251,8 +257,9 @@ var home_dir_buf: [std.fs.MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8 = undefined;
pub const CreateCommand = struct {
var client: HTTPClient = undefined;
- pub fn exec(ctx: Command.Context, positionals: []const []const u8) !void {
+ pub fn exec(ctx: Command.Context, positionals_: []const []const u8) !void {
var create_options = try CreateOptions.parse(ctx, false);
+ const positionals = create_options.positionals;
if (positionals.len == 0) {
return try CreateListExamplesCommand.exec(ctx);
@@ -690,6 +697,8 @@ pub const CreateCommand = struct {
var is_nextjs = false;
+ var is_create_react_app = false;
+ var create_react_app_entry_point_path: string = "";
var preinstall_tasks = std.mem.zeroes(std.ArrayListUnmanaged([]const u8));
var postinstall_tasks = std.mem.zeroes(std.ArrayListUnmanaged([]const u8));
var has_dependencies: bool = false;
@@ -762,6 +771,7 @@ pub const CreateCommand = struct {
var has_react_refresh = false;
var has_bun_macro_relay = false;
var has_react = false;
+ var has_react_scripts = false;
const Prune = struct {
pub const packages = std.ComptimeStringMap(void, .{
@@ -810,6 +820,7 @@ pub const CreateCommand = struct {
if ( == .e_object and > 0) {
+ has_react_scripts = has_react_scripts or property.hasAnyPropertyNamed(&.{"react-scripts"});
has_relay = has_relay or property.hasAnyPropertyNamed(&.{ "react-relay", "relay-runtime", "babel-plugin-relay" }); = Prune.prune(;
@@ -831,6 +842,7 @@ pub const CreateCommand = struct {
if ( == .e_object and > 0) {
+ has_react_scripts = has_react_scripts or property.hasAnyPropertyNamed(&.{"react-scripts"});
has_relay = has_relay or property.hasAnyPropertyNamed(&.{ "react-relay", "relay-runtime", "babel-plugin-relay" }); = Prune.prune(;
@@ -859,6 +871,7 @@ pub const CreateCommand = struct {
needs.bun_framework_next = is_nextjs and !has_bun_framework_next;
needs.bun_bun_for_nextjs = is_nextjs;
needs.bun_macro_relay_dependency = needs.bun_macro_relay;
+ var bun_bun_for_react_scripts = false;
var bun_macros_prop: ?js_ast.Expr = null;
var bun_prop: ?js_ast.Expr = null;
@@ -893,15 +906,15 @@ pub const CreateCommand = struct {
// if (create_options.verbose) {
if (needs.bun_macro_relay) {
- Output.prettyErrorln("[package.json] Detected Relay -> added \"bun-macro-relay\" for compatibility", .{});
+ Output.prettyErrorln("[package.json] Detected Relay -> added \"bun-macro-relay\"", .{});
if (needs.react_refresh) {
- Output.prettyErrorln("[package.json] Detected React -> added \"react-refresh\" to enable React Fast Refresh", .{});
+ Output.prettyErrorln("[package.json] Detected React -> added \"react-refresh\"", .{});
if (needs.bun_framework_next) {
- Output.prettyErrorln("[package.json] Detected Next -> added \"bun-framework-next\" for compatibility", .{});
+ Output.prettyErrorln("[package.json] Detected Next -> added \"bun-framework-next\"", .{});
} else if (is_nextjs) {
Output.prettyErrorln("[package.json] Detected Next.js", .{});
@@ -1235,6 +1248,101 @@ pub const CreateCommand = struct {
+ // this is a little dicey
+ // The idea is:
+ // Before the closing
tag of Create React App's public/index.html
+ // Inject ""
+ // Only do this for create-react-app
+ // Which we define as:
+ // 1. has a "public/index.html"
+ // 2. "react-scripts" in package.json dependencies or devDependencies
+ // 3. has a src/index.{jsx,tsx,ts,mts,mcjs}
+ // If at any point those expectations are not matched OR the string /src/index.js already exists in the HTML
+ // don't do it!
+ if (has_react_scripts) {
+ bail: {
+ var public_index_html_parts = [_]string{ destination, "public/index.html" };
+ var public_index_html_path = filesystem.absBuf(&public_index_html_parts, &bun_path_buf);
+ const public_index_html_file = std.fs.openFileAbsolute(public_index_html_path, .{ .read = true, .write = true }) catch break :bail;
+ defer public_index_html_file.close();
+ const file_extensions_to_try = [_]string{ ".tsx", ".ts", ".jsx", ".js", ".mts", ".mcjs" };
+ var found_file = false;
+ var entry_point_path: string = "";
+ var entry_point_file_parts = [_]string{ destination, "src/index" };
+ var entry_point_file_path_base = filesystem.absBuf(&entry_point_file_parts, &bun_path_buf);
+ for (file_extensions_to_try) |ext| {
+ std.mem.copy(u8, bun_path_buf[entry_point_file_path_base.len..], ext);
+ entry_point_path = bun_path_buf[0 .. entry_point_file_path_base.len + ext.len];
+ std.fs.accessAbsolute(entry_point_path, .{}) catch continue;
+ found_file = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!found_file) break :bail;
+ var public_index_file_contents = public_index_html_file.readToEndAlloc(ctx.allocator, public_index_html_file.getEndPos() catch break :bail) catch break :bail;
+ if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, public_index_file_contents, entry_point_path[destination.len..]) != null) {
+ break :bail;
+ }
+ var body_closing_tag: usize = std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, public_index_file_contents, "") orelse break :bail;
+ var public_index_file_out = std.ArrayList(u8).initCapacity(ctx.allocator, public_index_file_contents.len) catch break :bail;
+ var html_writer = public_index_file_out.writer();
+ _ = html_writer.writeAll(public_index_file_contents[0..body_closing_tag]) catch break :bail;
+ create_react_app_entry_point_path = std.fmt.allocPrint(
+ ctx.allocator,
+ "./{s}",
+ .{
+ std.mem.trimLeft(
+ u8,
+ entry_point_path[destination.len..],
+ "/",
+ ),
+ },
+ ) catch break :bail;
+ html_writer.print(
+ "\n{s}",
+ .{
+ create_react_app_entry_point_path[2..],
+ public_index_file_contents[body_closing_tag..],
+ },
+ ) catch break :bail;
+ var outfile = std.mem.replaceOwned(u8, ctx.allocator, public_index_file_out.items, "%PUBLIC_URL%", "") catch break :bail;
+ // don't do this actually
+ // it completely breaks when there is more than one CSS file loaded
+ // // bonus: check for an index.css file
+ // // inject it into the .html file statically if the file exists but isn't already in
+ // inject_css: {
+ // const head_i: usize = std.mem.indexOf(u8, outfile, "
") orelse break :inject_css;
+ // if (std.mem.indexOf(u8, outfile, "/src/index.css") != null) break :inject_css;
+ // std.mem.copy(u8, bun_path_buf[destination.len + "/src/index".len ..], ".css");
+ // var index_css_file_path = bun_path_buf[0 .. destination.len + "/src/index.css".len];
+ // std.fs.accessAbsolute(index_css_file_path, .{}) catch break :inject_css;
+ // var list = std.ArrayList(u8).fromOwnedSlice(ctx.allocator, outfile);
+ // list.insertSlice(head_i + "
".len, "\n") catch break :inject_css;
+ // outfile = list.toOwnedSlice();
+ // }
+ public_index_html_file.pwriteAll(outfile, 0) catch break :bail;
+ std.os.ftruncate(public_index_html_file.handle, outfile.len + 1) catch break :bail;
+ bun_bun_for_react_scripts = true;
+ is_create_react_app = true;
+ Output.prettyln("[package.json] Added entry point {s} to public/index.html", .{create_react_app_entry_point_path});
+ }
+ }
+ = false; = properties_list.items;
@@ -1298,13 +1406,14 @@ pub const CreateCommand = struct {
.e_array => |tasks| {
for (tasks.items) |task| {
if (task.asString(ctx.allocator)) |task_entry| {
- if (needs.bun_bun_for_nextjs) {
+ if (needs.bun_bun_for_nextjs or bun_bun_for_react_scripts) {
var iter = std.mem.split(u8, task_entry, " ");
var last_was_bun = false;
while ( |current| {
if (strings.eqlComptime(current, "bun")) {
if (last_was_bun) {
needs.bun_bun_for_nextjs = false;
+ bun_bun_for_react_scripts = false;
last_was_bun = true;
@@ -1360,6 +1469,8 @@ pub const CreateCommand = struct {
if (needs.bun_bun_for_nextjs) {
try postinstall_tasks.append(ctx.allocator, InjectionPrefill.bun_bun_for_nextjs_task);
+ } else if (bun_bun_for_react_scripts) {
+ try postinstall_tasks.append(ctx.allocator, try std.fmt.allocPrint(ctx.allocator, "bun bun {s}", .{create_react_app_entry_point_path}));
@@ -1541,6 +1652,14 @@ pub const CreateCommand = struct {
\\ bun bun --use next
, .{});
+ } else if (is_create_react_app) {
+ Output.pretty(
+ \\
+ \\# When dependencies change, run this to update node_modules.bun:
+ \\
+ \\ bun bun {s}
+ \\
+ , .{create_react_app_entry_point_path});
@@ -2052,7 +2171,7 @@ pub const CreateListExamplesCommand = struct {
Example.print(examples.items, null);
- Output.prettyln("You can also paste a GitHub repository:\n\n bun create github-user/github-repo\n\n bun create\n\n", .{});
+ Output.prettyln("# You can also paste a GitHub repository:\n\n bun create ahfarmer/calculator calc\n\n", .{});
if ("HOME")) |homedir| {