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CESPED: Utilities for the Cryo-EM Supervised Pose Estimation Dataset

CESPED is a new dataset specifically designed for Supervised Pose Estimation in Cryo-EM. You can check our manuscript at


cesped has been tested on python 3.11. Installation should be automatic using pip

pip install cesped
#Or directy from the master branch
pip install git+

or cloning the repository

git clone
cd cesped
pip install .

Basic usage

ParticlesDataset class

It is used to load the images and poses.

  1. Get the list of downloadable entries
from cesped.particlesDataset import ParticlesDataset
listOfEntries = ParticlesDataset.getCESPEDEntries()
  1. Load a given entry
targetName, halfset = listOfEntries[0] #We will work with the first entry only

dataset = ParticlesDataset(targetName, halfset)

For a rapid test, use targetName="TEST" and halfset=0. If the dataset is not yet available in the benchmarkDir (defined in defaultDataConfig.yaml), it will be automatically downloaded. Metadata (Euler angles, CTF,...) are stored using Relion starfile format, and images are stored as .mrcs stacks.

  1. Use it as a regular dataset
dl = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32)
for batch in dl:
  iid, img, (rotMat, xyShiftAngs, confidence), metadata = batch
  #iid is the list of ids of the particles (string)
  #img is a batch of Bx1xNxN images
  #rotMat is a batch of rotation matrices Bx3x3
  #xyShiftAngs is a batch of image shifts in Angstroms Bx2
  #confidence is a batch of numbers, between 0 and 1, Bx1
  #metata is a dictionary of names:values for all the information about the particle
  predRot = model(img)
  loss = loss_function(predRot, rotMat)
  1. Once your model is trained, you can update the metadata of the ParticlesDataset and save it so that it can be used in cryo-EM software
for iid, pred_rotmats, maxprob in predictions:
    #iid is the list of ids of the particles (string)
    #pred_rotmats is a batch of predicted rotation matrices Bx3x3
    #maxprob is a batch of numbers, between 0 and 1, Bx1, that indicates the confidence in the prediction (e.g. softmax values)

    particlesDataset.updateMd(ids=iid, angles=pred_rotmats,
                              shifts=torch.zeros(pred_rotmats.shape[0],2, device=pred_rotmats.device), #Or actual predictions if you have them
particlesDataset.saveMd(outFname) #Save the metadata as an starfile, a common cryo-EM format

  1. Finally, evaluation can be computed if the predictions for the halfset 0 and halfset 1 were saved using the evaluateEntry script.
python -m cesped.evaluateEntry  --predictionType SO3 --targetName 11120  \
--half0PredsFname  --half1PredsFname \
--n_cpus 12 --outdir evaluation/

evaluateEntry uses Relion for reconstruction, so you will need to install it and edit the config file defaultRelionConfig.yaml or provide, via command line arguments, where Relion is installed

--mpirun /path/to/mpirun  --relionBinDir /path/to/relion/bin

Alternatively, you can build a singularity image, using the definition file we provide relionSingularity.def

singularity build relionSingularity.sif relionSingularity.def

and edit the config file to point where the singularity image file is located, or use the command line argument

--singularityImgFile /path/to/relionSingularity.sif

Cross-plataform usage.

Users of other deep learning frameworks can download CESPED entries using the following command

python -m cesped.particlesDataset download_entry -t 10166 --halfset 0

This will download the associated starfile and mrcs file to the default benchmark directory (defined in defaultDataConfig.yaml. Use --benchmarkDir to specify another directory

In order to list the entries available for download and the ones already downloaded, you can use

python -m cesped.particlesDataset list_entries

Preprocessing of the dataset entries can be executed using

python -m cesped.particlesDataset preprocess_entry --t 10166 --halfset 0 --o /tmp/dumpedData/ --ctf_correction "phase_flip"

where --t is the target name. Use -h to display the list of available preprocessing operations.

The raw data can be easily accessed using the Python package starstack, which relies on the mrcfile and starfile packages. Predictions should be written as a star file with the newly predicted Euler angles.

Evaluation can be computed once the predictions for the half-set 0 and half-set 1 are saved

python -m cesped.evaluateEntry  --predictionType SO3 --targetName 11120  \
--half0PredsFname  --half1PredsFname \
--n_cpus 12 --outdir evaluation/

Image2Sphere experiments

The experiments have been implemented using lightning and lightingCLI. You can find the configuration files located at :


You can also find it as:

import cesped


In order to train the model on one target, you run

python -m cesped.trainEntry --data.halfset <HALFSET> --data.targetName <TARGETNAME> --trainer.default_root_dir <OUTDIR>

with <HALFSET> 0 or 1 and <TARGETNAME> one of the list that can be found using ParticlesDataset.getCESPEDEntries()

The included targets are:

EMPIAR ID Composition Symmetry Image Pixels FSCR0.143 (Å) Masked FSCR0.143 (Å) # Particles
10166 Human 26S proteasome bound to the chemotherapeutic Oprozomib C1 284 5.0 3.9 238631
10786 Substance P-Neurokinin Receptor G protein complexes (SP-NK1R-miniGs399) C1 184 3.3 3.0* 288659
10280 Calcium-bound TMEM16F in nanodisc with supplement of PIP2 C2 182 3.6 3.0* 459504
11120 M22 bound TSHR Gs 7TM G protein C1 232 3.4 3.0* 244973
10648 PKM2 in complex with Compound 5 D2 222 3.7 3.3 234956
10409 Replicating SARS-CoV-2 polymerase (Map 1) C1 240 3.3 3.0* 406001
10374 Human ABCG2 transporter with inhibitor MZ29 and 5D3-Fab C2 216 3.7 3.0* 323681

* Nyquist Frequency at 1.5 Å/pixel; Resolution is estimated at the usual threshold 0.143.
Reported FSCR0.143 values were obtained directly from the relion_refine logs while Masked FSCR0.143 values were collected from the relion_postprocess logs.

In addition, the entry TEST is a small subset of EMPIAR-11120

Do not forget to change the configuration files or to provide different values via the command line or environmental variables. In addition, [--config CONFIG_NAME.yaml] also allows overwriting the default values using (a/several) custom yaml file(s). Use -h to see the list of configurable parameters. Some of the most important ones are.


By default, when using python -m cesped.trainEntry, inference on the complementary halfset is done on a single GPU after training finishes, and the starfile with the predictions can be found at <OUTDIR>/lightning_logs/version_<\d>/predictions_[0,1].star. In order to manually run the pose prediction code (and to make use of all GPUs) you can run

python -m cesped.inferEntry --data.halfset <HALFSET> --data.targetName <TARGETNAME> --ckpt_path <PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT> \
--outFname /path/to/output/


  1. As before, evaluation can be computed if the predictions for the halfset 0 and halfset 1 were saved using the evaluateEntry script.
python -m cesped.evaluateEntry  --predictionType SO3 --targetName 11120  \
--half0PredsFname  --half1PredsFname \
--n_cpus 12 --outdir evaluation/


For API documentation check the docs folder

Relion Singularity

A singularity container for relion_reconstruct with MPI support can be built with the following command.

singularity build relionSingulary.sif relionSingulary.def 

Then, Relion reconstruction can be computed with the following command:

singularity exec relionSingulary.sif mpirun -np 4 relion_reconstruct_mpi --ctf --pad 2 --i --o output_map.mrc
#Or the following command
./relionSingulary.sif  4 --ctf --pad 2 --i --o output_map.mrc #This uses 4 mpis

However, typical users will not need to execute the container manually. Everything happens transparently within the script