A list of changes between each release.
- Full test coverage outside of event service.
- Added support for automations and quick actions #7 and #8
- Added PIR Device Offline/Online #13
- Added Remote Controller Offline/Online #14
- Added Siren Device #15
- Added --json argument #11
- Added support for timeline event via event service #12
- Refactored file structure.
- Added power switch meter #9
- More bug fixes.
- Fixed various bugs.
- Refactored almost the entire package layout
- Command line is now called with the 'abodepy' command directly
- Cleaned up command line help
- Changed --setting to --set, --switchOn to --on, and --switchOff to --off
- Modified get_devices() to update existing devices instead of creating new ones every time
- Added additional property methods
- Added support for more device types
- Small bug fix release regarding event callbacks for HASS testing
- Added siren settings for Issue #1
- Wrote tests for setting changes
- Upgraded to correct version of socketio_client3, fixing Issue #4
- Added switchOn, switchOff, lock, and unlock command line arguments
- Now including abodecl with package for Issue #2
- Modified abodepy to also execute abodecl as part of its main method.
- Added settings changes for Issue #1
- Merge pull request #4 from amelchio/origin-slash
- Now referencing forked socketIO_client3.
- Fixed socketio errors. Apparently Abode updated to Socket IO 2.0 which was broken with socketio_client 0.7.2. Someone luckily fixed it in their own git repo so I am now referencing their git repo in which they released 0.7.3.
- Rewrote a lot of the SocketIO code to better handle connection errors.
- Now manages to recover from connection errors cleanly and shutdown is smoother.
- Added additional logging statements throughout.
- Added --verbose command line argument to output info-level abodepy logs.
- More tests
- Cleaner code (thanks pylint)
- Likely ready to start implementing in HASS
- Added tests for the alarm device
- Added mock responses for several other devices for tests that will be written
- Reworked a significant chunk of the code to be more python-y.
- Fixed a hand-full of bugs found while writing tests.
- Initial release of abodepy