- Install Python
- Virtualenv, and how to set up manually and using pycharm
- Basic introduction on python
- Explain the scope of the course
- Described how python app, front-end and database will be used
- For loop --> print even and odd using range
- Find count of characters in a given string
- Find count of items in a given list
- Numbers, List, Dictionary and Tuple, Set
- Install pymysql and connecting to db
- Pycharm Link: https://download.jetbrains.com/python/pycharm-professional-2020.2.3.exe
- Package Repo: https://github.com/PyMySQL/PyMySQL
- Using Database form pycharm
- Basic Insert,Select,Update and Delete operation from pycharm and sql
- Import and From keyword
- Use of name == 'main'
- Functions
- DB operations from python
- Create a flask app
- Run and configure the flask app in pycharm
- Return a JSON response
- Load JSON in browser using a plugin
- Run HTTP from pycharm
- GET One / All Request using
endpoint - Pycharm Http, Curl to show api calls
- Help setup app in student's pc
- Set-up app in student's PC
- Help resolve bugs
- Set-up app in student's PC
- Help resolve bugs
- Set-up app in student's PC
- Help resolve bugs
- Run app in Student PC
- Show curl to make an api call from the CMD
- Assign student to create
route - Reviewed code and progress
- Help few student to run app (were left behind)
- Q&A
- Wrap up the class