diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
index 13c048b70..4443a2fc7 100644
--- a/docs/README.md
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -5,16 +5,13 @@ will have to configure your instance with how to find your user accounts, where
persisted data from and where your end-user interactions happen. The [example](/example) application
is a good starting point to get an idea of what you should provide.
-> ⚠️⚠️ This page now describes oidc-provider version v8.x documentation. See
-[here](https://github.com/panva/node-oidc-provider/blob/v7.x/docs/README.md) for v7.x.
## Sponsor
If you want to quickly add OpenID Connect authentication to Node.js apps, feel free to check out Auth0's Node.js SDK and free plan. [Create an Auth0 account; it's free!][sponsor-auth0]
@@ -45,24 +42,24 @@ If you or your company use this module, or you need help using/upgrading the mod
- [Configuration options ❗](#configuration-options)
- [FAQ ❗](#faq)
## Basic configuration example
-import Provider from 'oidc-provider';
+import Provider from 'oidc-provider'
const configuration = {
// ... see the available options in Configuration options section
- clients: [{
- client_id: 'foo',
- client_secret: 'bar',
- redirect_uris: ['http://lvh.me:8080/cb'],
- // + other client properties
- }],
+ clients: [
+ {
+ client_id: 'foo',
+ client_secret: 'bar',
+ redirect_uris: ['http://lvh.me:8080/cb'],
+ // + other client properties
+ },
+ ],
// ...
-const oidc = new Provider('http://localhost:3000', configuration);
+const oidc = new Provider('http://localhost:3000', configuration)
// express/nodejs style application callback (req, res, next) for use with express apps, see /examples/express.js
@@ -72,11 +69,12 @@ oidc.app
// or just expose a server standalone, see /examples/standalone.js
const server = oidc.listen(3000, () => {
- console.log('oidc-provider listening on port 3000, check http://localhost:3000/.well-known/openid-configuration');
+ console.log(
+ 'oidc-provider listening on port 3000, check http://localhost:3000/.well-known/openid-configuration',
+ )
## Accounts
This module needs to be able to find an account and once found the account needs to have an
@@ -89,19 +87,21 @@ const oidc = new Provider('http://localhost:3000', {
async findAccount(ctx, id) {
return {
accountId: id,
- async claims(use, scope) { return { sub: id }; },
- };
- }
+ async claims(use, scope) {
+ return { sub: id }
+ },
+ }
+ },
## User flows
Since oidc-provider only comes with feature-less views and interaction handlers it is up to you to fill
those in, here is how this module allows you to do so:
When oidc-provider cannot fulfill the authorization request for any of the possible reasons (missing
-user session, requested ACR not fulfilled, prompt requested, ...) it will resolve the
+user session, requested ACR not fulfilled, prompt requested, ...) it will resolve the
[`interactions.url`](#interactionsurl) helper function and redirect the User-Agent to that URL. Before
doing so it will save a short-lived "interaction session" and dump its identifier into a cookie scoped to the
resolved interaction path.
@@ -123,23 +123,24 @@ interaction session object.
The Provider instance comes with helpers that aid with getting interaction details as well as
packing the results. See them used in the [in-repo](/example) examples.
**`#provider.interactionDetails(req, res)`**
// with express
expressApp.get('/interaction/:uid', async (req, res) => {
- const details = await provider.interactionDetails(req, res);
+ const details = await provider.interactionDetails(req, res)
// ...
// with koa
router.get('/interaction/:uid', async (ctx, next) => {
- const details = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res);
+ const details = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res)
// ...
**`#provider.interactionFinished(req, res, result)`**
// with express
expressApp.post('/interaction/:uid/login', async (req, res) => {
@@ -189,66 +190,75 @@ immediate http redirect.
// with express
expressApp.post('/interaction/:uid/login', async (req, res) => {
- const redirectTo = await provider.interactionResult(req, res, result);
+ const redirectTo = await provider.interactionResult(req, res, result)
- res.send({ redirectTo });
+ res.send({ redirectTo })
// with koa
router.post('/interaction/:uid', async (ctx, next) => {
- const redirectTo = await provider.interactionResult(ctx.req, ctx.res, result);
+ const redirectTo = await provider.interactionResult(ctx.req, ctx.res, result)
- ctx.body = { redirectTo };
+ ctx.body = { redirectTo }
## Custom Grant Types
oidc-provider comes with the basic grants implemented, but you can register your own grant types,
-for example to implement an
+for example to implement an
[OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8693.html). You can check the standard
grant factories [here](/lib/actions/grants).
const parameters = [
- 'audience', 'resource', 'scope', 'requested_token_type',
- 'subject_token', 'subject_token_type',
- 'actor_token', 'actor_token_type'
-const allowedDuplicateParameters = ['audience', 'resource'];
-const grantType = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange';
+ 'audience',
+ 'resource',
+ 'scope',
+ 'requested_token_type',
+ 'subject_token',
+ 'subject_token_type',
+ 'actor_token',
+ 'actor_token_type',
+const allowedDuplicateParameters = ['audience', 'resource']
+const grantType = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange'
async function tokenExchangeHandler(ctx, next) {
// ctx.oidc.params holds the parsed parameters
// ctx.oidc.client has the authenticated client
// your grant implementation
// see /lib/actions/grants for references on how to instantiate and issue tokens
-provider.registerGrantType(grantType, tokenExchangeHandler, parameters, allowedDuplicateParameters);
+ grantType,
+ tokenExchangeHandler,
+ parameters,
+ allowedDuplicateParameters,
## Registering module middlewares (helmet, ip-filters, rate-limiters, etc)
When using `provider.app` or `provider.callback()` as a mounted application in your own koa or express
stack just follow the respective module's documentation. However, when using the `provider.app` Koa
instance directly to register i.e. koa-helmet you must push the middleware in
front of oidc-provider in the middleware stack.
-import helmet from 'koa-helmet';
+import helmet from 'koa-helmet'
// Correct, pushes koa-helmet at the end of the middleware stack but BEFORE oidc-provider.
// Incorrect, pushes koa-helmet at the end of the middleware stack AFTER oidc-provider, not being
// executed when errors are encountered or during actions that do not "await next()".
## Pre- and post-middlewares
You can push custom middleware to be executed before and after oidc-provider.
@@ -256,9 +266,9 @@ provider.use(async (ctx, next) => {
/** pre-processing
* you may target a specific action here by matching `ctx.path`
- console.log('pre middleware', ctx.method, ctx.path);
+ console.log('pre middleware', ctx.method, ctx.path)
- await next();
+ await next()
/** post-processing
* since internal route matching was already executed you may target a specific action here
* checking `ctx.oidc.route`, the unique route names used are
@@ -292,84 +302,91 @@ provider.use(async (ctx, next) => {
* `token`
* `userinfo`
- console.log('post middleware', ctx.method, ctx.oidc.route);
+ console.log('post middleware', ctx.method, ctx.oidc.route)
## Mounting oidc-provider
The following snippets show how a provider instance can be mounted to existing applications with a
path prefix `/oidc`.
-Note: if you mount oidc-provider to a path it's likely you will have to also update the
+Note: if you mount oidc-provider to a path it's likely you will have to also update the
[`interactions.url`](#interactionsurl) configuration to reflect the new path.
### to a `connect` application
// assumes connect ^3.0.0
-connectApp.use('/oidc', oidc.callback());
+connectApp.use('/oidc', oidc.callback())
### to a `fastify` application
// assumes fastify ^4.0.0
-const fastify = new Fastify();
-await fastify.register(require('@fastify/middie'));
+const fastify = new Fastify()
+await fastify.register(require('@fastify/middie'))
// or
// await app.register(require('@fastify/express'));
-fastify.use('/oidc', oidc.callback());
+fastify.use('/oidc', oidc.callback())
### to a `hapi` application
// assumes @hapi/hapi ^21.0.0
-const callback = oidc.callback();
+const callback = oidc.callback()
path: `/oidc/{any*}`,
method: '*',
config: { payload: { output: 'stream', parse: false } },
async handler({ raw: { req, res } }, h) {
- req.originalUrl = req.url;
- req.url = req.url.replace('/oidc', '');
+ req.originalUrl = req.url
+ req.url = req.url.replace('/oidc', '')
- callback(req, res);
- await once(res, 'finish');
+ callback(req, res)
+ await once(res, 'finish')
- req.url = req.url.replace('/', '/oidc');
- delete req.originalUrl;
+ req.url = req.url.replace('/', '/oidc')
+ delete req.originalUrl
- return res.finished ? h.abandon : h.continue;
- }
+ return res.finished ? h.abandon : h.continue
+ },
### to a `nest` application
// assumes NestJS ^7.0.0
-import { Controller, All, Req, Res } from '@nestjs/common';
-import { Request, Response } from 'express';
-const callback = oidc.callback();
+import { Controller, All, Req, Res } from '@nestjs/common'
+import { Request, Response } from 'express'
+const callback = oidc.callback()
export class OidcController {
public mountedOidc(@Req() req: Request, @Res() res: Response): void {
- req.url = req.originalUrl.replace('/oidc', '');
- return callback(req, res);
+ req.url = req.originalUrl.replace('/oidc', '')
+ return callback(req, res)
### to an `express` application
// assumes express ^4.0.0
-expressApp.use('/oidc', oidc.callback());
+expressApp.use('/oidc', oidc.callback())
### to a `koa` application
// assumes koa ^2.0.0
// assumes koa-mount ^4.0.0
-import mount from 'koa-mount';
-koaApp.use(mount('/oidc', oidc.app));
+import mount from 'koa-mount'
+koaApp.use(mount('/oidc', oidc.app))
Note: when the issuer identifier does not include the path prefix you should take care of rewriting
@@ -390,15 +407,15 @@ https URL endpoints and keeping the right (secure) protocol).
Depending on your setup you should do the following in your downstream
application code
-| setup | example |
-| standalone oidc-provider | `provider.proxy = true` |
-| oidc-provider mounted to an `express` application | `provider.proxy = true` |
-| oidc-provider mounted to a `connect` application | `provider.proxy = true` |
-| oidc-provider mounted to a `koa` application | `yourKoaApp.proxy = true` |
-| oidc-provider mounted to a `fastify` application | `provider.proxy = true` |
-| oidc-provider mounted to a `hapi` application | `provider.proxy = true` |
-| oidc-provider mounted to a `nest` application | `provider.proxy = true` |
+| setup | example |
+| ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- |
+| standalone oidc-provider | `provider.proxy = true` |
+| oidc-provider mounted to an `express` application | `provider.proxy = true` |
+| oidc-provider mounted to a `connect` application | `provider.proxy = true` |
+| oidc-provider mounted to a `koa` application | `yourKoaApp.proxy = true` |
+| oidc-provider mounted to a `fastify` application | `provider.proxy = true` |
+| oidc-provider mounted to a `hapi` application | `provider.proxy = true` |
+| oidc-provider mounted to a `nest` application | `provider.proxy = true` |
It is also necessary that the web server doing the offloading also passes
those headers to the downstream application. Here is a common configuration
@@ -418,7 +435,6 @@ location / {
## Configuration options
**Table of Contents**
@@ -3810,12 +3826,12 @@ https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749.html#appendix-B
-const client_id = 'an:identifier';
-const client_secret = 'some secure & non-standard secret';
+const client_id = 'an:identifier'
+const client_secret = 'some secure & non-standard secret'
// After formencoding these two tokens
-const encoded_id = 'an%3Aidentifier';
-const encoded_secret = 'some+secure+%26+non%2Dstandard+secret';
+const encoded_id = 'an%3Aidentifier'
+const encoded_secret = 'some+secure+%26+non%2Dstandard+secret'
// Basic auth header format Authorization: Basic base64(encoded_id + ':' + encoded_secret)
// Authorization: Basic YW4lM0FpZGVudGlmaWVyOnNvbWUrc2VjdXJlKyUyNitub24lMkRzdGFuZGFyZCtzZWNyZXQ=
@@ -3835,34 +3851,37 @@ listeners for errors
deliver them to client developers out-of-band, e.g. by logs in an admin interface.
-function handleClientAuthErrors({ headers: { authorization }, oidc: { body, client } }, err) {
+function handleClientAuthErrors(
+ { headers: { authorization }, oidc: { body, client } },
+ err,
+) {
if (err.statusCode === 401 && err.message === 'invalid_client') {
// console.log(err);
// save error details out-of-bands for the client developers, `authorization`, `body`, `client`
// are just some details available, you can dig in ctx object for more.
-provider.on('grant.error', handleClientAuthErrors);
-provider.on('introspection.error', handleClientAuthErrors);
-provider.on('revocation.error', handleClientAuthErrors);
+provider.on('grant.error', handleClientAuthErrors)
+provider.on('introspection.error', handleClientAuthErrors)
+provider.on('revocation.error', handleClientAuthErrors)
### Refresh Tokens
- > I'm not getting refresh_token from token_endpoint grant_type=authorization_code responses, why?
+> I'm not getting refresh_token from token_endpoint grant_type=authorization_code responses, why?
Do you support offline_access scope and consent prompt? Did the client request them in the
authentication request?
- > Yeah, still no refresh_token
+> Yeah, still no refresh_token
Does the client have grant_type=refresh_token configured?
- > Aaaah, that was it. (or one of the above if you follow [Core 1.0#OfflineAccess](http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#OfflineAccess))
+> Aaaah, that was it. (or one of the above if you follow [Core 1.0#OfflineAccess](http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#OfflineAccess))
- > The Authorization Server MAY grant Refresh Tokens in other contexts that are beyond the scope of this specification. How about that?
+> The Authorization Server MAY grant Refresh Tokens in other contexts that are beyond the scope of this specification. How about that?
Yeah, yeah, see [configuration](#issuerefreshtoken)
@@ -3915,6 +3934,5 @@ none. You're getting this error because they are required properties, but they c
[support-sponsor]: https://github.com/sponsors/panva
[sponsor-auth0]: https://auth0.com/signup?utm_source=external_sites&utm_medium=panva&utm_campaign=devn_signup