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小彭老师大大,有关mpm的流体模拟函数优化 #10
这是你的仓库吗?看到这个仓库使用了OpenGL计算着色器,为什么说是单CPU的,可以参考一下我的:https://github.com/archibate/opengl_mpm |
P2G这一步里的+=需要是atomic的吧?不然累计结果会不对,导致仿真结果爆炸。 |
看到你把omp都注释了,是没加atomic炸了然后debug了半天是吧 float mass_contrib = weight * particle_mass;
grid[cell_index].mass += mass_contrib;
grid[cell_index].vel += mass_contrib * (p.vel + Q); 需要改成: float mass_contrib = weight * particle_mass;
#pragma omp atomic
grid[cell_index].mass += mass_contrib;
#pragma omp atomic
grid[cell_index].vel.x += mass_contrib * (p.vel.x + Q);
#pragma omp atomic
grid[cell_index].vel.y += mass_contrib * (p.vel.y + Q);
#pragma omp atomic
grid[cell_index].vel.z += mass_contrib * (p.vel.z + Q); 所以,并行并不是儿童玩具,并不是说加上 |
串行写法例如,在串行编程中过滤出一个vector所有的偶数: std::vector<int> in = {1, 2, 3, 4};
std::vector<int> out;
for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) {
if (in[i] % 2 == 0)
} 很明显,如果你无脑加上 串行思维的并行坚持使用“串行思维”写并行的方法是使用并发安全的vector容器 std::vector<int> in = {1, 2, 3, 4};
tbb::concurrent_vector<int> out;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) {
if (in[i] % 2 == 0)
} 但是你会发现性能提升不大,甚至可能反而倒退,这就是错误用“串行思维”写并行代码的后果(你的代码中需要atomic地 真正的大并行真正的并行方案可能令你大开眼界,需要把上面的单个for拆成三步: std::vector<int> in = {1, 2, 3, 4};
std::vector<int> cnt(in.size());
#pragma omp parallel for
for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) {
cnt[i] = in[i] % 2 == 0;
tbb::parallel_exclusive_scan(cnt.begin(), cnt.end());
std::vector<int> out(cnt.back() + in.back());
#pragma omp parallel for
for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) {
if (in[i] % 2 == 0)
out[cnt[i]] = in[i];
} 连续判断了两遍,很低效?不好意思。并行编程就是需要经常牺牲“计算量”来提升并行度,最终在高并行环境中反而更高效。 Building-Blocks其中 CPU优化可以走邪道当然,上面这种基于Building-Blocks的“三步走”战略是并行得最彻底的,好处是:不论是CPU并行,CPU SIMD,GPU并行,多GPU并行,多机联网并行,都可以轻松移植过去。但是因为牺牲了一点“计算量”,如果CPU核心数量不多(例如只有2核),可能还不如串行来得快。 |
好的,感谢小彭老师的指导,我使用#pragma omp parallel for能得到一点效率上的提升,debug的话主要是想用_mm_maskstore_epi32类似这种simd、avx指令来重写一下(虽然我也感觉需要一定的同步机制代码,可能编译器自带的锁机制满足了已经,没遇到崩溃的情况),但是现在我觉得走gpu加速会更好一点,所以是将这部分代码修改为在.cu代码文件,在cpu和gpu之间传递数据吗 |
不要在cpu和gpu之间来回拷,全部统一放gpu上,只有当你需要导出结果时才拷回cpu。 |
其实我更好奇的是,cpu上面的simd指令之类的具体实现是怎么做到的,我看对应的博文是使用寄存器,进行一系列的内存对齐,然后八个数据一批一批的处理,这也是我想向小彭老师大大请教的地方,或许小彭老师可以写一个简短cpu的simd指令的demo吗,就我给出的这个模拟函数,嘤嘤嘤 |
}这是我对p2g_1这部分的avx512的尝试,但是在我测试下,好像和原来代码的效率相比没有差异,求指正,求拷打(呜呜呜 |
_mm_set_ps(tempArray[gx][12] * tempArray[gy][13] * tempArray[gx][14], tempArray[gx][8] * tempArray[gy][9] * tempArray[gx][10], tempArray[gx][4] * tempArray[gy][5] * tempArray[gx][6], tempArray[gx][0] * tempArray[gy][1] * tempArray[gz][2_mm512_set_ps( 0.0, particles[i + 3].C[2][2], particles[i + 3].C[2][1], particles[i + 3].C[2][0], 0.0, particles[i + 2].C[2][2], particles[i + 2].C[2][1], particles[i + 2].C[2][0], 0.0, particles[i + 1].C[2][2], particles[i + 1].C[2][1], particles[i + 1].C[2][0], 0.0, particles[i].C[2][2], particles[i].C[2][1], particles[i].C[2][0] );这算什么?你实际上依然在标量地加载数据,标量地计算数据,你只是把结果存入了m512走个过场,实际的加减乘除计算你都是标量的,当然没法利用到m512的任何加速
例如_mm_setr_ps(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3])会生成四个指令,和标量根本没区别。
例如_mm_setr_ps(x[0], x[2], x[1], x[3])存在乱序,无法用load一次性顺序加载,那就先load出来,然后一次shuffle搞定,一共两条指令,依然比setps生成4条指令高效,特别是m512的情况。
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发送时间: 2024年10月25日(周五) 下午5:55
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主题: Re: [parallel101/simdtutor] 小彭老师大大,有关mpm的流体模拟函数优化 (Issue #10)
for (int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i += 4) {
// 初始化一个 AVX-512 寄存器 位置
__m512 pos = _mm512_set_ps(
0.0f, particles[i + 3].pos.z, particles[i + 3].pos.y, particles[i + 3].pos.x,
0.0f, particles[i + 2].pos.z, particles[i + 2].pos.y, particles[i + 2].pos.x,
0.0f, particles[i + 1].pos.z, particles[i + 1].pos.y, particles[i + 1].pos.x,
0.0f, particles[i].pos.z, particles[i].pos.y, particles[i].pos.x
__m512 vel = _mm512_set_ps( 0.0, particles[i + 3].vel.z, particles[i + 3].vel.y, particles[i + 3].vel.x, 0.0, particles[i + 2].vel.z, particles[i + 2].vel.y, particles[i + 2].vel.x, 0.0, particles[i + 1].vel.z, particles[i + 1].vel.y, particles[i + 1].vel.x, 0.0, particles[i].vel.z, particles[i].vel.y, particles[i].vel.x ); // 计算整数部分 __m512 intPart = _mm512_floor_ps(pos); // 计算小数部分 __m512 fracPart = _mm512_sub_ps(pos, intPart); // 准备一个包含全部元素为0.5的向量 __m512 halfVector = _mm512_set1_ps(0.5f); __m512 halfVector1 = _mm512_set1_ps(0.75f); __m128 messVector = _mm_set1_ps(particle_mass); // 从小数部分中减去0.5 __m512 cell_diff = _mm512_sub_ps(fracPart, halfVector); __m512 weights[3]; weights[0] = _mm512_mul_ps(_mm512_mul_ps(_mm512_sub_ps(halfVector, cell_diff), _mm512_sub_ps(halfVector, cell_diff)), halfVector); weights[1] = _mm512_sub_ps(halfVector1,_mm512_mul_ps(cell_diff, cell_diff)); weights[2] = _mm512_mul_ps(_mm512_mul_ps(_mm512_add_ps(halfVector, cell_diff), _mm512_add_ps(halfVector, cell_diff)), halfVector); float tempArray[3][16]; _mm512_store_ps(tempArray[0], weights[0]); _mm512_store_ps(tempArray[1], weights[1]); _mm512_store_ps(tempArray[2], weights[2]); for (int gx = 0; gx < 3; ++gx) { for (int gy = 0; gy < 3; ++gy) { for (int gz = 0; gz < 3; ++gz) { __m128 weight = _mm_set_ps(tempArray[gx][12] * tempArray[gy][13] * tempArray[gx][14], tempArray[gx][8] * tempArray[gy][9] * tempArray[gx][10], tempArray[gx][4] * tempArray[gy][5] * tempArray[gx][6], tempArray[gx][0] * tempArray[gy][1] * tempArray[gz][2]); __m512 oneVector = _mm512_set_ps(0.0, gz - 1, gy - 1, gx - 1, 0.0, gz - 1, gy - 1, gx - 1, 0.0, gz - 1, gy - 1, gx - 1, 0.0, gz - 1, gy - 1, gx - 1); __m512 cell_pos = _mm512_add_ps(intPart, oneVector); __m512 cell_dist = _mm512_add_ps(_mm512_sub_ps(cell_pos, pos), halfVector); __m512 C[3]; C[0] = _mm512_set_ps( 0.0, particles[i + 3].C[0][2], particles[i + 3].C[0][1], particles[i + 3].C[0][0], 0.0, particles[i + 2].C[0][2], particles[i + 2].C[0][1], particles[i + 2].C[0][0], 0.0, particles[i + 1].C[0][2], particles[i + 1].C[0][1], particles[i + 1].C[0][0], 0.0, particles[i].C[0][2], particles[i].C[0][1], particles[i].C[0][0] ); C[1] = _mm512_set_ps( 0.0, particles[i + 3].C[1][2], particles[i + 3].C[1][1], particles[i + 3].C[1][0], 0.0, particles[i + 2].C[1][2], particles[i + 2].C[1][1], particles[i + 2].C[1][0], 0.0, particles[i + 1].C[1][2], particles[i + 1].C[1][1], particles[i + 1].C[1][0], 0.0, particles[i].C[1][2], particles[i].C[1][1], particles[i].C[1][0] ); C[2] = _mm512_set_ps( 0.0, particles[i + 3].C[2][2], particles[i + 3].C[2][1], particles[i + 3].C[2][0], 0.0, particles[i + 2].C[2][2], particles[i + 2].C[2][1], particles[i + 2].C[2][0], 0.0, particles[i + 1].C[2][2], particles[i + 1].C[2][1], particles[i + 1].C[2][0], 0.0, particles[i].C[2][2], particles[i].C[2][1], particles[i].C[2][0] ); __m512 Q = _mm512_add_ps(_mm512_add_ps(_mm512_mul_ps(cell_dist, C[0]), _mm512_mul_ps(cell_dist, C[1])), _mm512_mul_ps(cell_dist, C[2])); __m512 temp = _mm512_set_ps( 0.0, grid_res * grid_res, grid_res, 1, 0.0, grid_res * grid_res, grid_res, 1, 0.0, grid_res * grid_res, grid_res, 1, 0.0, grid_res * grid_res, grid_res, 1 ); float tempArray[16]; __m512 cell_index_temp = _mm512_mul_ps(cell_pos, temp); _mm512_store_ps(tempArray, cell_index_temp); __m128 cell_index = _mm_set_ps( tempArray[14] + tempArray[13] + tempArray[12], tempArray[10] + tempArray[9] + tempArray[8], tempArray[6] + tempArray[5] + tempArray[4], tempArray[2] + tempArray[1] + tempArray[0] ); __m128 mass_contrib = _mm_mul_ps(weight, messVector); float masstemp[4] = { 0 }; float cellindextemp[4] = { 0 }; _mm_store_ps(masstemp, mass_contrib); _mm_store_ps(cellindextemp, cell_index); if (cellindextemp[0] >= 91125 || cellindextemp[1] >= 91125 || cellindextemp[2] >= 91125 || cellindextemp[3] >= 91125|| cellindextemp[0] < 0 || cellindextemp[1] < 0 || cellindextemp[2] < 0 || cellindextemp[3] <0) { printf("fucking"); } grid[cellindextemp[0]].mass += masstemp[0]; grid[cellindextemp[1]].mass += masstemp[1]; grid[cellindextemp[2]].mass += masstemp[2]; grid[cellindextemp[3]].mass += masstemp[3]; __m512 massvector = _mm512_set_ps( 0.0, masstemp[3], masstemp[3], masstemp[3], 0.0, masstemp[2], masstemp[2], masstemp[2], 0.0, masstemp[1], masstemp[1], masstemp[1], 0.0,masstemp[0], masstemp[0], masstemp[0] ); __m512 massvector1 = _mm512_set1_ps(masstemp[1]); __m512 massvector2 = _mm512_set1_ps(masstemp[2]); __m512 massvector3 = _mm512_set1_ps(masstemp[3]); float veltmp[16] = { 0 }; _mm512_store_ps(veltmp, _mm512_mul_ps(_mm512_add_ps(vel, Q), massvector)); grid[cellindextemp[0]].vel.x += veltmp[0]; grid[cellindextemp[0]].vel.y += veltmp[1]; grid[cellindextemp[0]].vel.z += veltmp[2]; grid[cellindextemp[1]].vel.x += veltmp[4]; grid[cellindextemp[1]].vel.y += veltmp[5]; grid[cellindextemp[1]].vel.z += veltmp[6]; grid[cellindextemp[2]].vel.x += veltmp[8]; grid[cellindextemp[2]].vel.y += veltmp[9]; grid[cellindextemp[2]].vel.z += veltmp[10]; grid[cellindextemp[3]].vel.x += veltmp[12]; grid[cellindextemp[3]].vel.y += veltmp[13]; grid[cellindextemp[3]].vel.z += veltmp[14]; } } }
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发送时间: 2024年10月25日(周五) 下午5:55
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主题: Re: [parallel101/simdtutor] 小彭老师大大,有关mpm的流体模拟函数优化 (Issue #10)
for (int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i += 4) {
// 初始化一个 AVX-512 寄存器 位置
__m512 pos = _mm512_set_ps(
0.0f, particles[i + 3].pos.z, particles[i + 3].pos.y, particles[i + 3].pos.x,
0.0f, particles[i + 2].pos.z, particles[i + 2].pos.y, particles[i + 2].pos.x,
0.0f, particles[i + 1].pos.z, particles[i + 1].pos.y, particles[i + 1].pos.x,
0.0f, particles[i].pos.z, particles[i].pos.y, particles[i].pos.x
__m512 vel = _mm512_set_ps( 0.0, particles[i + 3].vel.z, particles[i + 3].vel.y, particles[i + 3].vel.x, 0.0, particles[i + 2].vel.z, particles[i + 2].vel.y, particles[i + 2].vel.x, 0.0, particles[i + 1].vel.z, particles[i + 1].vel.y, particles[i + 1].vel.x, 0.0, particles[i].vel.z, particles[i].vel.y, particles[i].vel.x ); // 计算整数部分 __m512 intPart = _mm512_floor_ps(pos); // 计算小数部分 __m512 fracPart = _mm512_sub_ps(pos, intPart); // 准备一个包含全部元素为0.5的向量 __m512 halfVector = _mm512_set1_ps(0.5f); __m512 halfVector1 = _mm512_set1_ps(0.75f); __m128 messVector = _mm_set1_ps(particle_mass); // 从小数部分中减去0.5 __m512 cell_diff = _mm512_sub_ps(fracPart, halfVector); __m512 weights[3]; weights[0] = _mm512_mul_ps(_mm512_mul_ps(_mm512_sub_ps(halfVector, cell_diff), _mm512_sub_ps(halfVector, cell_diff)), halfVector); weights[1] = _mm512_sub_ps(halfVector1,_mm512_mul_ps(cell_diff, cell_diff)); weights[2] = _mm512_mul_ps(_mm512_mul_ps(_mm512_add_ps(halfVector, cell_diff), _mm512_add_ps(halfVector, cell_diff)), halfVector); float tempArray[3][16]; _mm512_store_ps(tempArray[0], weights[0]); _mm512_store_ps(tempArray[1], weights[1]); _mm512_store_ps(tempArray[2], weights[2]); for (int gx = 0; gx < 3; ++gx) { for (int gy = 0; gy < 3; ++gy) { for (int gz = 0; gz < 3; ++gz) { __m128 weight = _mm_set_ps(tempArray[gx][12] * tempArray[gy][13] * tempArray[gx][14], tempArray[gx][8] * tempArray[gy][9] * tempArray[gx][10], tempArray[gx][4] * tempArray[gy][5] * tempArray[gx][6], tempArray[gx][0] * tempArray[gy][1] * tempArray[gz][2]); __m512 oneVector = _mm512_set_ps(0.0, gz - 1, gy - 1, gx - 1, 0.0, gz - 1, gy - 1, gx - 1, 0.0, gz - 1, gy - 1, gx - 1, 0.0, gz - 1, gy - 1, gx - 1); __m512 cell_pos = _mm512_add_ps(intPart, oneVector); __m512 cell_dist = _mm512_add_ps(_mm512_sub_ps(cell_pos, pos), halfVector); __m512 C[3]; C[0] = _mm512_set_ps( 0.0, particles[i + 3].C[0][2], particles[i + 3].C[0][1], particles[i + 3].C[0][0], 0.0, particles[i + 2].C[0][2], particles[i + 2].C[0][1], particles[i + 2].C[0][0], 0.0, particles[i + 1].C[0][2], particles[i + 1].C[0][1], particles[i + 1].C[0][0], 0.0, particles[i].C[0][2], particles[i].C[0][1], particles[i].C[0][0] ); C[1] = _mm512_set_ps( 0.0, particles[i + 3].C[1][2], particles[i + 3].C[1][1], particles[i + 3].C[1][0], 0.0, particles[i + 2].C[1][2], particles[i + 2].C[1][1], particles[i + 2].C[1][0], 0.0, particles[i + 1].C[1][2], particles[i + 1].C[1][1], particles[i + 1].C[1][0], 0.0, particles[i].C[1][2], particles[i].C[1][1], particles[i].C[1][0] ); C[2] = _mm512_set_ps( 0.0, particles[i + 3].C[2][2], particles[i + 3].C[2][1], particles[i + 3].C[2][0], 0.0, particles[i + 2].C[2][2], particles[i + 2].C[2][1], particles[i + 2].C[2][0], 0.0, particles[i + 1].C[2][2], particles[i + 1].C[2][1], particles[i + 1].C[2][0], 0.0, particles[i].C[2][2], particles[i].C[2][1], particles[i].C[2][0] ); __m512 Q = _mm512_add_ps(_mm512_add_ps(_mm512_mul_ps(cell_dist, C[0]), _mm512_mul_ps(cell_dist, C[1])), _mm512_mul_ps(cell_dist, C[2])); __m512 temp = _mm512_set_ps( 0.0, grid_res * grid_res, grid_res, 1, 0.0, grid_res * grid_res, grid_res, 1, 0.0, grid_res * grid_res, grid_res, 1, 0.0, grid_res * grid_res, grid_res, 1 ); float tempArray[16]; __m512 cell_index_temp = _mm512_mul_ps(cell_pos, temp); _mm512_store_ps(tempArray, cell_index_temp); __m128 cell_index = _mm_set_ps( tempArray[14] + tempArray[13] + tempArray[12], tempArray[10] + tempArray[9] + tempArray[8], tempArray[6] + tempArray[5] + tempArray[4], tempArray[2] + tempArray[1] + tempArray[0] ); __m128 mass_contrib = _mm_mul_ps(weight, messVector); float masstemp[4] = { 0 }; float cellindextemp[4] = { 0 }; _mm_store_ps(masstemp, mass_contrib); _mm_store_ps(cellindextemp, cell_index); if (cellindextemp[0] >= 91125 || cellindextemp[1] >= 91125 || cellindextemp[2] >= 91125 || cellindextemp[3] >= 91125|| cellindextemp[0] < 0 || cellindextemp[1] < 0 || cellindextemp[2] < 0 || cellindextemp[3] <0) { printf("fucking"); } grid[cellindextemp[0]].mass += masstemp[0]; grid[cellindextemp[1]].mass += masstemp[1]; grid[cellindextemp[2]].mass += masstemp[2]; grid[cellindextemp[3]].mass += masstemp[3]; __m512 massvector = _mm512_set_ps( 0.0, masstemp[3], masstemp[3], masstemp[3], 0.0, masstemp[2], masstemp[2], masstemp[2], 0.0, masstemp[1], masstemp[1], masstemp[1], 0.0,masstemp[0], masstemp[0], masstemp[0] ); __m512 massvector1 = _mm512_set1_ps(masstemp[1]); __m512 massvector2 = _mm512_set1_ps(masstemp[2]); __m512 massvector3 = _mm512_set1_ps(masstemp[3]); float veltmp[16] = { 0 }; _mm512_store_ps(veltmp, _mm512_mul_ps(_mm512_add_ps(vel, Q), massvector)); grid[cellindextemp[0]].vel.x += veltmp[0]; grid[cellindextemp[0]].vel.y += veltmp[1]; grid[cellindextemp[0]].vel.z += veltmp[2]; grid[cellindextemp[1]].vel.x += veltmp[4]; grid[cellindextemp[1]].vel.y += veltmp[5]; grid[cellindextemp[1]].vel.z += veltmp[6]; grid[cellindextemp[2]].vel.x += veltmp[8]; grid[cellindextemp[2]].vel.y += veltmp[9]; grid[cellindextemp[2]].vel.z += veltmp[10]; grid[cellindextemp[3]].vel.x += veltmp[12]; grid[cellindextemp[3]].vel.y += veltmp[13]; grid[cellindextemp[3]].vel.z += veltmp[14]; } } }
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太难了,感觉这个算法走avx512也太难了,死了一大半脑细胞也不知道应该怎么优化这里了: __m128 weight = _mm_set_ps(tempArray[gx][12] * tempArray[gy][13] * tempArray[gx][14], |
void Simulate() {
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(grid_size); ++i) {
grid[i].vel = glm::vec3(0.0f);
grid[i].mass = 0.0f;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(grid_size); ++i) {
auto& cell = grid[static_caststd::size_t(i)]; // 使用 static_cast 将索引转换为 std::size_t
if (cell.mass > 0) {
cell.vel /= cell.mass;
cell.vel += dt * glm::vec3(0.0f, gravity, 0.0f);
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