All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.9.0 (2024-02-25)
- lsp: move lsp configs inside config directory
- cmp: boost copilot priority (6da4b80)
- config: disable ChatGPT by default (d58d5d2)
- dap: improve config (a97a93b)
- formatting: add conform.nvim & nvim-lint for linting & formatting (325074d)
- keymappings: add quickfix list keymap to q (610f504)
- keymappings: change save session management keymap to pS (7b14813)
- keymappings: support textsubjects prev selection with (ae67b8d)
- keymappings: use own format function for cf (4b5e751)
- lazy: remove "tohtml" default plugin (508a44d)
- lsp: automatically enable all LSPs installed by mason (84e9837)
- options: set localleader to ; instead of , (comma) (125312b)
- plugins: add codesnap instead of (f918d1a)
- plugins: add copilot chat (6274b67)
- plugins: add marks.nvim (5c8092c)
- plugins: add new textcase plugin with Subs command for smart substitute (09022a3)
- plugins: add nvim-bqf (aaf3d4b)
- plugins: add nvim-scissors plugin for snippet management (0e970d9)
- plugins: add refactoring.nvim (04b9144)
- plugins: add remote flash keybinding (fe5f67c)
- plugins: shorten directory path output in printer plugin to match git cwd (5a96b1a)
- plugins: simplify alpha keymappings (0610a4e)
- plugins: update button keybindings for Alpha plugin (91e3618)
- cmp: don't return from cmp config when one of plugins is not correctly loaded (07629b5), closes #165
- comment: require ts_context_commentstring after opting our of jsx branch (a0750d5)
- config: disable wezterm zen intergration by default (b6bac9c)
- keymappings: moving forward in jumplist via (ae1c279)
- lsp: directly go to definition instead opening glance if found only one (dfd83f2)
- lsp: require path to lsp.function in toggle auto format (fd03dd0)
- lsp: update signs config to new neovim spec (d2872d8)
- plugins: correctly disable indent blanklint in zen mode (4bd17f6)
- plugins: fix indent-blankline.nvim setup options (85e8940)
- plugins: remove 'shade' since it breaks (10c1e6d)
- typescript: correctly enable inlay hints lsp for typescript (ec42ddc)
- functions: extract format function which uses lsp format or eslint (2db797a)
- lsp: move lsp configs inside config directory (ab6879a)
- plugins: add luasnip as cmp dependency (db7e367)
3.8.0 (2023-09-29)
- cmp: prioritize copilot & limit options in cmp (9988c26)
- debugger: update dap config to use VSCode JS Adapter (30d4dff)
- functions: auto format on save by ESLint if possible (d9edbcc)
- improve todo comments bg adding foreground highlight for all text (73d8fc2)
- keymappings: remap git conflict mappings for intuitive usage (9d3206d)
- keymappings: remap telescope git status to gs and diffview git status to gS (9683427)
- lsp: add tailwind css intellisense support for cn() (e8d2425)
- lsp: use mason path for tsserver (4ea1701)
- plugins: add cmp-git plugin (5c9ecb0)
- plugins: add octo.nvim plugin for Pull Requests management (e97089c)
- plugins: add refactoring.nvim plugin (5e76f92)
- plugins: add tailwind-sorter.nvim plugin (TailwindSort command) (740df25)
- plugins: add tw-values.nvim plugin (keymap: cv) (25be62b)
- plugins: limit flash.nvim keys (c83958e)
- plugins: update indent-blankline config (a276c11)
- plugins: use native lsp styles for hover instead of noice.nvim (4ffe8c9)
- telescope: add typescript only shortcut to multi-rg (S-p) (05cefcd)
- telescope: match special characters in telescope grep (S-p mapping) without escape symbols (7b8f1a3)
- ui: add border to multicursors.nvim popup (270b620)
- ui: scale down lazygit window to 0.9 scaling factor (e80e0f7)
- utils: add GIT_CWD global fn (addd27c)
- plugins: remove deprecated hide_root_folder from nvim-tree config (4d915e5)
- plugins: remove unnecessary FixCursorHold.nvim plugin (7c53061), closes #12587
3.7.1 (2023-09-09)
- icons: update box & buffer nerd icons (00ed206)
- icons: update expandtab nerd icons in statusline (b00c3ef)
- icons: update paragraph & lsp icon in cmp (5e41d99)
- lazy: set concurrency to 5 so it fixes issue with github timeout (e963507)
- plugins: add max_item_count back for buffer in cmp (60c7d7d)
- plugins: fix commenting in Comment.nvim plugin (b288dee)
- plugins: fix lazy spec for nvim-lsp-file-operations (60ee27d), closes #161
- plugins: nvim-surround loading (711731c)
- plugins: proper sorting of copilot & max view entries set to 100 for performance (e03fe28)
- plugins: remove legacy view.mappings from nvim-tree (d2656d3)
3.7.0 (2023-08-02)
- keymappings: add visual keymap for multicursor plugin (2f2ffcf)
- keymappings: move spectre keymaps to plugin itself (60c8b9f)
- keymappings: move which-key bufferline keymaps to plugin itself (97e48d5)
- keymappings: move which-key comment-box keymaps to plugin itself (03cca90)
- keymappings: move which-key git-conflict keymaps to plugin itself (dd2d2a7)
- keymappings: move which-key gitsigns keymaps to plugin itself (a46ba66)
- keymappings: move which-key lazygit keymaps to plugin itself (eeabba7)
- keymappings: move which-key session manager keymaps to plugin itself (78f0240)
- keymappings: move which-key toggleterm keymaps to plugin itself (5ac11bb)
- plugins: add min_chars opt to tailwind-fold plugin (45741ab)
- plugins: change vim-visual-multi to multicursors.nvim (1c34619)
- plugins: enable diffview & move which-key keymaps to plugin itself (8f71912)
- blame: remove t_Co option which fixes highlighting in Git Blame window (12b011b)
- icons: change deprecated nerd icons to new ones (0e29a84)
- icons: fix alpha icons & provide new ones (78c2704)
- icons: fix arrow bottom left icon of nvim-ufo (dc6facc)
- icons: fix more icons (15f44a9)
- keymappings: remove duplicated keymaps of comment-box (5ac2e50)
- plugins: fix loading of vim-rooter (efc344d)
- plugins: remove deprecated anchor option from dressing (8e3011b)
3.6.0 (2023-07-10)
- cmp: add support for TailwindCSS colors previews in autocompletion (b37c297)
- lsp: do NOT lazy load lspconfig (e838416)
- lsp: switch typescript.nvim and tsserver LSP to typescript-tools plugin (41164b6)
- plugins: add plugin (d025184)
- plugins: add nvim-lsp-file-operations plugin (dfea8a3)
- plugins: add support for WezTerm & Alacritty in Zen plugin (6754f7f)
- plugins: add tailwind-fold.nvim plugin which automatically folds tailwind classes (06fd8e3)
- plugins: change deprecated nvim-ts-rainbow to rainbow-delimiters.nvim (0cadfda)
- plugins: deprecate null-ls (689bb6e)
- plugins: keep main branch of typescript-tools (704320d)
- plugins: remove duplicated opts from TSC.nvim (8b564a1)
- plugins: remove inlay-hints plugin since it's natively available in nvim 0.10 (573589c)
- plugins: replace lightspeed.nvim with folke/flash.nvim (8e42262)
- lsp: resolve error getting lsp code for diagnostics (4848699)
- minor typo in (#150) (432bae9)
- plugins: change loading event of gitsigns.nvim to BufRead so it doesn't throw an error (b586ff6)
- plugins: keep fixed width of 40 in nvim-tree (cfdb764)
- plugins: remove improt-cost.nvim plugin since it breaks (8d27308)
- which-key: change LSP mappings to new one from typescript-tools (503f10f)
3.5.2 (2023-05-27)
- cmp: fix cmp when copilot is disabled (7cbedc8), closes #143
- cmp: properly skip copilot comparators if copilot is disabled in EcoVim settings (4ee606a)
- git: use new utils method to close other buffers with worktree (63e17b9)
- plugins: install dap_repl treesitter parser only if not installed (2c40c0e), closes #145
3.5.1 (2023-05-24)
- treesitter: ensure that "vim" parser is installed (6ca2ca3), closes #142
- which-key: close other buffers (#138) (ba94cf6)
3.5.0 (2023-05-17)
- dap: add nvim-dap-vscode-js new adapter (69a8a59)
- plugins: add nvim-dap-repl-highlights with treesitter plugin (4816b16)
- plugins: switch barbar.nvim to bufferline.nvim (6ecd9f4)
- ui: add rounded float border to LspInfo (2bcd96e)
- ui: link LspInfoBorder to FloatBoder in tokyonight.nvim (60e737c)
- colorscheme: almost correct barbar highlights (00645d6)
- keymaps: support range formating with visual selection (24bef17)
3.4.0 (2023-04-28)
- plugins: resize of nvim-tree works with "File Explorer" title (94c4fed)
- winbar: return filename if parent dir doesn't exist (6b53c18), closes #134
3.3.0 (2023-04-25)
- cmp: prioritize copilot cmp comparators & lint (afe1f07)
- dap: add new keymaps to focus specific dap window & disable shade by default (e3710c1)
- lsp: enable codespell for markdown & text files (0e2e426)
- lsp: improve vuels lsp config (e64b642)
- options: set cmdheight to 0 by default (can be changed personally) (241691f)
- plugins: add 'jump_by_subwords' option to EcoVim config with nvim-spider plugin && enable noice by default (b23c9ae)
- plugins: add glance.nvim plugin for great definitions/references LSP UI (6fda79d)
- plugins: add tsc.nvim (fb762fe)
- plugins: add tsc.nvim mapping to which-key & remove chatgpt config file (10e68ae)
- plugins: replace ChatGPT.nvim with NeoAI.nvim (772af39)
- plugins: update nvim-tree & make "File Explorer" title always align in the middle even when resized (9494b6f)
- winbar: move winbar autocmds to winbar itself & add titles for DAP windows (aa4b3fa)
- zen: disable signcolumn on zen mode & lint (07954cf)
- colorscheme: change color of BufferInactiveIndex in tab bar (barbar.nvim) (1f7a415)
- return nvim-notify notification record from vim.notify (#133) (f35c525)
- telescope: weird issue in insert mode in telescope (ee6d428)
- utils: change deprecated pretty_print to print (a4a2cf4)
3.2.0 (2023-04-04)
- ai: add codeium AI plugin & configure copilot (df0bf24)
- ai: make ChatGPT disabled by default and configurable via EcoVim config (b172d8b)
- colorscheme: remove italic from comments (7db438e)
- lsp: enable TypeScript codeactions for null-ls by default (7f15721)
- plugins: add experimental noice UI plugin disabled by default toggable via EcoVim config (3445910)
- plugins: use nvim-navic instead of nvim-gps which is deprecated (d43d281)
- plugins: use treejs instead of splitjoin & configure mappings (f930dd2)
- tabnine: disable by default & make configurable via EcoVim config (3124357)
- ai: fix copilot config (c1314c8)
- cmp: fix cmp completely for AI & provide new kind sources (55b7a62)
- lsp: silent unnecessary messages while using tsserver & tailwing via hover handlers (055be17)
- plugins: fix zen mode after removing hlargs (55db522)
- plugins: keep barbar 1.0 version until fixed (42b95c1)
- plugins: remove cinnamon plugin (dbdcbeb)
- plugins: temporarily disable diffview.nvim since it's broken (a470f5b)
- plugins: trigger nvim-tree via cmds (cfd75fd)
3.1.1 (2023-03-17)
- cmp: increase priority of LSP since buffer was breaking sorting (4c0eee8)
- plugins: leep default keymaps of ChatGPT cause new versions breaks custom ones (fe83f5d)
- plugins: map "s" key to lightspeed.nvim plugin so it works correctly (7a7b4d6)
- plugins: use new api of nvim-tree in session-manager (61a20f7)
3.1.0 (2023-03-13)
- cmp: limit lsp autocompletion types specifically for TypeScript & JavaScript (87432e5)
- config: disable hlargs.nvim since semantic tokens support is added to tokyonight colorscheme (30ec1bc)
- lsp: add cva classRegex & style tailwindcss config (1936f30)
- lsp: add includeCompletionsForModuleExports suggest option to tsserver settings (a930ba0)
- plugins: add autocmd to notify when conflict is detected in git file (e98989d)
- plugins: add chat-gpt.lua config (5360709)
- plugins: add import-cost plugin (2944316)
- plugins: add inlay hints banned notify message (7a7168b)
- plugins: add mason-null-ls and configure it (8983c47)
- plugins: add nvim-coverage plugin and load on Coverage command (d5cc8f8)
- plugins: make printer.nvim load lazily (6e38313)
- plugins: replace AndrewRedev/splitjoin.vim plugin with Wansmer/treesj which uses treesitter and lua (92e8857)
- plugins: temporarily disable cinnamon.nvim plugin (e998225)
- config: remove old api from colorscheme config (9f23046)
- plugins: change nvim tree api keymap in lazy.vim plugins keys (5f83da6)
- plugins: do not lazy load diffview.nvim (b737e2e)
- plugins: do not lazy load git-conflict.nvim plugin (ce3a809)
- plugins: fix nvim-tree config (fa4a9be)
- plugins: fix zen config (2872089)
- plugins: remove lazyredraw option (b35768a)
3.0.3 (2023-02-14)
- lsp: add "Inlay Hints request failed" to banned messages (9e9a3a4)
- plugins: correctly load printer.nvim (065a9a3)
- plugins: lazy load ZenMode on command (964aa3d)
- replace sumneko_lua (deprecated) with lua_ls (c133fd7)
3.0.2 (2023-01-29)
- plugins: fix keymaps for dap (0ac5cd4)
- plugins: lazy load dap via keys (131bbbc)
- plugins: lazy load git-worktree via keys (dea1b42)
- plugins: lazy load template-string (16d3688)
- plugins: lazy load vim-visual-multi (157fe44)
- ui: fix issue with spamming "No information avialable" via vim.notify (d4fd970), closes #121
- plugins: kyazdani42 -> nvim-tree (c7c199f)
3.0.1 (2023-01-27)
- plugins: use inlay-hints config to change highlight group (3d87878)
3.0.0 (2023-01-27)
- change packer.nvim to lazy.nvim
- add lazy-lock.json (24e9070)
- change packer.nvim to lazy.nvim (0b2a659)
- config: add luarc.json (626571c)
- disable diagnostics with git conflict in file (2a28a97)
- install: update installation script for lazy.nvim (ba20bb0)
- keymappings: add keymaps for Lazy management (19ab421)
- plugins: add Copilot.nvim & refactor cmp formatting (51f0ebc)
- plugins: add inlay-hints default config (c75d448)
- plugins: add notifiations to session manager (3b60f90)
- plugins: add printer plugin with gp keymap (dbbd3ec)
- plugins: center view after scrolling with and (4ee1c5c)
- plugins: shade windows on terminal open (52b1d41)
- plugins: use main branch of inlay-hints & default config (3d6bace)
- autocmds: icons path (40fc776)
- install: install lazy before running neovim plugin sync in headless mode (923548e)
- keymappings: correct git blame maps (e613248)
- lazy: reorder plugins (68aef6b)
- lsp: deprecated vim.lsp.buf.range_code_action (43e2907)
- lsp: use ufo config handler only for virtual text (eb680cb)
- plugins: disable unnecessary diagnostics in neotest (39e7df7)
- plugins: do not resize window on open file (c476be9), closes #94
- plugins: enable table mode for markdown by default (c38e3e8)
- plugins: force date display in alpha to english (8dd721d), closes #110
- plugins: icons in gps (7886514)
- plugins: set keymappings in plugin load directly instead of nvim-ufo config file (e1c08b4)
- plugins: update gitsigns hl groups (49ace44)
- config: remove impatient (eed1c66)
- dirs: config.lua -> EcoVim.lua (bd16a02)
- dirs: move autocmds, colorscheme, keymappings to config dir (0118159)
- dirs: move icons & functions to utils dir (fb44f0b)
- dirs: settings.lua -> config/options.lua (84b79d2)
- internal: remove packer commands (9413e74)
2.4.2 (2022-10-20)
- lsp: replace update_capabilities with default_capabilities (f2f2323)
- lsp: use lspconfig server names (36caeed)
2.4.1 (2022-10-06)
- plugins: remove filetype.nvim since it's not needed in 0.8 anymore (d37004f)
- tree: use bufferline.api to set offset (2dc1488)
2.4.0 (2022-09-29)
- autocmds: decrease yank highlight timeout from 200ms to 100ms (af3a6fb)
- keybindings: add [t and ]t mappings for jumping to next/prev todo (689d83c)
- keymappings: add gl keymapping to open line diagnostic (ebb61bb)
- lsp: add emmet ls with deprioritized autocomplete sorting (always at the bottom) (9dccb4b), closes #96
- lsp: more consistent ReactDTS filtering (#97) (b3652ba)
- plugins: switch vim-easy-align to mini.nvim (484a84f)
- plugins: revert todo-comments to folke (#98) (fbd0dcf)
- plugins: use lua setup for barbar.nvim bufferline (4d48147)
2.3.0 (2022-09-12)
- keymappings: add git conflict keymappings (2908199)
- lsp: support classnames & clsx in tailwindcss LSP (4aa4e81)
- lsp: support inlay hints (d8ac1d8)
- plugins: support back diffview.nvim (eb23a34)
- colorscheme: provide MsgArea fg color (a4f3698)
- lsp: ignore rules linting for Tailwind in CSS/SCSS files (2373084)
- plugins: add default jestCommand for neotest-jest to fix running tests (9679774)
- plugins: fix colorizer.nvim config (2fba6ea)
- plugins: update barbar to default branch cause wipeout-cmds was deleted (9bbaac2)
- plugins: use recommended tag for git-conflict plugin (16a101e)
2.2.2 (2022-09-07)
- colorscheme: remove foreground from Nvim Tree Folder Icon after its update (4655783)
- colorscheme: update tokyonight.nvim theme api (72ee898)
2.2.1 (2022-08-28)
2.2.0 (2022-08-22)
- colorscheme: change hlargs highlight color to aka red & remove constant highlight link to boolean (72ad079)
- lsp: enable formatting in css language server (b6c4a48), closes #89
- plugins: add visual multi leader key as ; (f937231)
- plugins: add comment box name to which key actions menu (068c793)
- plugins: fix going to prev/next git hunks by ]c and [c (ee9b83b)
- plugins: pcall require on ufo & add openFoldsExceptKinds mapping (d3b1cb5)
- plugins: switch to maintained version of todo-comments.nvim (30d6b03)
- plugins: move section in alpha config (466d0ed)
2.1.1 (2022-08-21)
2.1.0 (2022-08-15)
- colorscheme: change Constants highlights to link Booleans (87a0d0b)
- lsp: add prisma lsp (eaddca7)
- lsp: detach nvim-colorizer from buffer where tailwind is attached so they doesn't conflict (3782d5b)
- plugins: add internal cursorword plugin (098db24)
- plugins: add template-string.nvim plugin to automatically create tempalate literals from strings if JS variable is used (b3124f3)
- plugins: add ufo plugin for pretty and smart folding via LSP (5ad0a49)
- plugins: enable extended_mode in treesitter since it's fixed in JSX (ef8ca21)
- toggleterm: use horizontal direction for toggleterm by default & add winbar support (017e983)
- dressing: update dressing config & use builtin backend for code action since nui breaks (d91b249)
- fillchars: append via vim.opt function (e846c22)
- plugins: correctly require ufo config (f7bc533)
- plugins: temporarily disable diffview.nvim cause it shows errors :( (b45af78)
- plugins: update lightspeed to only 's' key & correctly require config (316264b)
- blame: change blame directory to internal (da9b0ab)
- packer: change packer commands directory to internal (b051def)
- utils: move globals to utils (8aba17a)
- winbar: move to internal & disable in toggleterm (b7a9ab3)
2.0.1 (2022-08-01)
- ui: disable extended mode of rainbow to correctly highlight JSX via Treesitter (bc890de)
- lsp: change installed lsp names in mason setup (6c0febe)
2.0.0 (2022-07-27)
- lsp: Uninstall lsp-installer servers by :LspUninstallAll first
- lsp: move from lsp-installer to mason (4f8f48e), closes #80
- plugins: add stay-in-place plugin (a80aa23)
- plugins: configure DAP and test with React.js (de647d7)
1.11.1 (2022-07-17)
1.11.0 (2022-07-16)
- lsp: create option to toggle inline messages (69fb322)
- plugins: use nvim-surround instead of tpope/vim-surround (e23cef4)
- colorscheme: use new nvim set_hl api in newest neovim nightly and keep vim.highlight.create in 0.7 (648981c)
- plugins: do not attach zen in which-key in dashboard (0a57006), closes #69
- plugins: limit colorizer.lua filetypes (ed8bec4), closes #64
- settings: set correct fillchars to not show ^ on newest nightly in statusbar (d09c743)
1.10.0 (2022-06-21)
- git: use lazygit for all & buffer commits view for default keymaps (df72edb)
- keymappings: add mappings for case change in visual mode (e546e3e)
- keymappings: add spectre lazy keymappings (a8562b4)
- keymappings: use cached list of telescope repo for speedup (needs additional config on macOS) (6a9817b)
- plugins: add git-worktree plugin (95313ce)
- plugins: add lazygit.nvim plugin because it works better with git worktree (3b46c04)
- plugins: add neotest and jest support via j (8b0965a)
- plugins: add notification after switching worktree (f49a46e)
- plugins: enable zen by default (e78129e)
- ui: add rounded borders by default to LspInstallInfo floating window (be3ef2d)
- ui: dotfiles picker, command history & search history in dropdown (bc09a24)
- #62: update typescript.nvim & remove server capabilities settings for tsserver (1399d87), closes #62
- add missing comma (359c58c)
- blame: add custom winbar to Git Blame to fix matching between lines issue (80da821)
- colorscheme: match quicklist border color to float border (b0643f2)
- keymappings: conflicting keymaps (f13cc0b)
- lsp: limit tailwindcss filetypes (d0d30c5)
- plugins: correct refreshing current file & close all buffers on worktree switch (c4aae38)
- plugins: remove cinnamon animation on & (2368acc)
- plugins: remove unnecessary todo-comments plugin require (639c6b9)
- plugins: toggleterm highlights & size (c55c5e1)
- telescope: wrap results in workspace diagnostics (7e20d99)
- ui: fix spacing between vertical pos and size in statusbar by shifting numbers (23391ef)
- ui: & vim.ui.input error when using nui backend with LSP rename/code actions (7d081ff)
- plugins: move all git plugins to git subdirectory inside plugins (fd86430)
1.9.1 (2022-06-05)
- winbar: pcall require winbar and check if loaded type is not boolean by first time (#55) (#58) (edaca98)
1.9.0 (2022-06-03)
- colorscheme: please configure nightfly yourself if you use it
- colorscheme: add Ecovim colors & change telescope title & cursor line color (31e01c2)
- icons: add exit & fileRecent icon (7820842)
- mappings: attach zen mapping to which-key if enabled (aeba8ac)
- mappings: refactor which key & add visual mode mappings (156ed23)
- plugins: to close telescope even in insert mode & to smart send to qflist and open it (585a10a)
- plugins: add comment box plugin (184367a)
- plugins: improve zen by disabling gitsigns, blanklines, relativenumber & hlards when is active (cd62efe)
- plugins: new alpha look & custom config (3f1da4a)
- ui: rounded borders in which key (0ac8d2c)
- ui: use packer.nvim in float bordered window (4aeb00d)
barbar: remove pcall of nvim_web_devicons (c3412e0)
cmp: limit item count for luasnip & buffer (918ddc4)
lua: add packer_plugins to globals (ed470d0)
plugins: autosave only in session (256ba84)
plugins: reorder fzf-native (5473aa2)
utils: decrease relative path length (e919dd9)
which-key: use the right command to open Alpha (#53) (76fb267)
colorscheme: drop support for nightfly colorscheme (aa45d38)
1.8.2 (2022-06-01)
- #51: replace dashboard with alpha.nvim & fix installation script (#52) (847f38d), closes #51 #51 #51
- which-key: mappings for alpha (311537c)
1.8.1 (2022-05-31)
- gps: fix spacing in react hook icons in gps (cd1a5fd)
- plugins: set max_jobs to 50 to prevent freezing when syncing plugins (f032bb3)
- plugins: update nvim-tree config (585bc06)
- snippets: check if luasnip is loaded (f023f4f), closes #50
- winbar: enable winbar only for neovim 0.8+ (6eb9eac), closes #50
- icons: change ' to " (2f10dde)
1.8.0 (2022-05-23)
- autocmds: enable LSP typescript mappings only in ts & tsx files (1512000)
- icons: provide new icons for winbar (f314a9d)
- keymappings: remap H to ^ (946f137)
- plugins: add luasnip jumpable mapping as and (308665b)
- plugins: add nvim-bqf (8993acf)
- plugins: configure package-info with correct config, status in galaxyline & which-key mappings only in package.json (5149189)
- snippets: add react component treesitter snippet as "comp" (223bac6)
- ui: change lsp virtual text rectangle icon to circle and add extra space (c4515f3)
- winbar: use new neovim feature of top winbar with nvim-gps reimplemented & drop from galaxyline (01fcce9)
- bufferline: exclude quickfix list from bufferline (12a8c91)
- bufferline: fix moving between buffers (747a2bd)
- keymappings: fix line diagnostics mapping (13ccc51)
- plugins: reorder cmp source mapping (858d0e0)
- plugins: use nvim-colorizer maintaned fork from NvChad & update config (007273a)
- require: require impatient by pcall (16dca98), closes #48
- require: safetely require specific plugins (3b4ca9d)
- winbar: add hl_group to caret (69253b9)
1.7.2 (2022-05-14)
- lsp: fix lsp installer loading issues (d84b928), closes #47
- lsp: set max-width of diagnostic window to 100 to prevent issues on smaller and very large screens (a67bc25)
- plugins: repair markdown-preview installation (c83e7ce)
1.7.1 (2022-05-09)
- lsp: make ESLint formatting work (715bf11)
- plugins: use nvim_tree events (c186db7)
1.7.0 (2022-05-08)
- lsp: add icon for no-unused-vars in tsserver lsp (44bae0f)
- plugins: add swap function argument functionality mapped to ~ in normal mode (8239245)
- settings: reduce timeoutlen a bit (2041982)
- ui: add borders to lspconfig ui windows (e.g. :LspInfo) (b1265df)
- ui: add offset to file explorer (nvim tree) (f9b6e80)
- utils: add new utility func for adding whitespaces & refactor get_relative_gitpath (3685478)
- which-key: show markdown preview only for *.md filetypes via autocmd (2507df7)
- lsp: make sure to check require of typescript plugin in lsp setup (dd00198), closes #44
- lsp: move typescript.nvim to pack start instead of opt (b569c76), closes #44
- pickers: don't show tests when tsx picker filter is attached to live grep (522674d)
1.6.0 (2022-05-08)
- lsp: add no_console code with icon (bf497ff)
- plugins: completely refactor packer.nvim & add typescript.nvim plugin (3c58eee)
- which-key: add telescope git_branches mapping (85a7242)
- lsp: remove nvim-lsp-ts-utils from tsserver setup (edd2dbd)
- plugins: enable treesitter indent (a7b14a6), closes #43
1.5.2 (2022-05-03)
- colorscheme: change Boolean highlight color for better matching (4fc9be4)
- galaxyline: show correct relative path in specific git projects (5c86cb2)
- lua: update vim api functions of format & lsp server capabilities (566d14a)
- plugins: enable which_key mapping in telescope (d515afa)
1.5.1 (2022-04-29)
- keymappings: change telescope project mappings (60fc138)
- keymappings: do not include declaration of variable when looking for its references (a4fcdd5)
- keymappings: pass opts to telescope project_files (10e9a9b)
- lsp: completely refactor LSP Installer & how to manage lsp config due to lsp-installer changes (93aad40)
- lsp: format on save function fix (3e37ae9)
1.5.0 (2022-04-24)
- autocmds: enable spell checking for certain file types (txt, md, tex) (274a2d5)
- autopairs: use treesitter for auto-pairing (85ec233)
- lsp: provide toggle format on save custom function and add to which-key (e327ed8)
- plugins: add cmp cmdline & add buffer completion options (597c8fc)
- plugins: add nvim-spectre with pr mapping to refactor (fc5413d)
- plugins: add todo comments config and extra keywords (a84fe78)
- plugins: change nvim tree git icons & highlight (8e7140b)
- settings: use two signcolumns (cfb8297)
- colorscheme: remove ui.float.highlight from EcoVim config & add manually for nightfly colorscheme (0ff2843)
- lsp: add additional check of requiring nvim-lsp-installer.servers (1bb6ceb)
- lsp: make sure that cmp_nvim_lsp is loaded before updating capabilities for html (cc78446)
- plugins: make telescope window default width & height (9dc3051)
- plugins: set cinnamon mappings manually (2fa2a0f)
- plugins: use new cmp mapping api & window api (6678703)
- plugin: use main branch instead of master for toggleterm (c01b0f3)
1.4.0 (2022-04-18)
- cmp: add config variable to select first item on enter in completion menu (false by default) (44b0095)
- cmp: update completion menu item colors (2c099ed)
- cmp: use dev branch, new sorting options & popup decorations (0220f99)
- colorscheme: set great cmp highlights for tokyonight colorscheme (349bccb)
- colorscheme: use tokyonight as default EcoVim colorscheme (55ad0e7)
- lsp: add native autocmds support (48fc971)
- lsp: change error sign to filled for better visibility and consistency (baf96c2)
- lsp: disable diagnostic inside node_modules file (0f0f0d7)
- lsp: use config to load lsp servers (a079103)
- plugins: add cinnamon plugin for smooth scrolling (e9a9fe5)
- plugins: add hlargs plugin (60291c9)
- plugins: provide changeable patterns for rooter in EcoVim config (b0c767f)
- settings: have a global statusline at the bottom instead of one for each window (7152d7f)
- settings: set max num of items in completion menu to 10 (92de6d9)
- telescope: add multi-rg custom picker and use with default mapping (c48f74f)
- which-key: increase resize value, remove balance windows map & rename code action (3f4c4ac)
- cmp: add winhighlight for window completion menu (21f1f64)
- cmp: provide better suggestions based on sources priorities & sorting (10b55a7)
- cmp: remove deprecated native_menu option from setup (962b9b4)
- cmp: use master branch of cmp (8aed467)
- colorscheme: change default red rainbow color of parenthesis to blue (38a9f77)
- config: wrap LSP servers with a
key (266a371) - install: do not update treesitter on plugins.lua run (9006bb6)
- lsp: disable all lsp by default (a16a9dd)
- plugins: do not hijack unnamed buffer (ex. dashboard) when opening (993b344)
- plugins: do not map for editing in place inside nvim-tree (6485cf2)
- plugins: do not select first item in cmp menu automatically (4e834de)
- plugins: do not use cached list for telescope repo (745f52b)
- plugins: remove default and deprecated config from dressing.lua (035c9b4)
- plugins: remove mpack rocks require from impatient.nvim (f70ab85)
- statusline: change separator icons for line pos & fix spacing (c4ffbe1)
- telescope: update multi-rg aliases (b638c2c)
- treesitter: disable indent what fixes a lot of indentation issues in TSX (028026c)
1.3.0 (2022-03-09)
- lsp: add native autocmds support (48fc971)
- lsp: change error sign to filled for better visibility and consistency (baf96c2)
- lsp: disable diagnostic inside node_modules file (0f0f0d7)
- lsp: use config to load lsp servers (a079103)
- plugins: provide changeable patterns for rooter in EcoVim config (b0c767f)
- config: wrap LSP servers with a
key (266a371) - install: do not update treesitter on plugins.lua run (9006bb6)
- lsp: disable all lsp by default (a16a9dd)
- plugins: do not hijack unnamed buffer (ex. dashboard) when opening (993b344)
- plugins: do not map for editing in place inside nvim-tree (6485cf2)
- plugins: remove default and deprecated config from dressing.lua (035c9b4)
- plugins: remove mpack rocks require from impatient.nvim (f70ab85)
1.2.1 (2022-02-15)
- install: do not update treesitter on plugins.lua run (8771105)
- plugins: remove mpack rocks require from impatient.nvim (4235ad7)
1.2.0 (2022-02-10)
- blame: add custom git blame functionality of whole file with commit checking (9841fe5)
- colorscheme: clear StatusLine bg for Tokyonight (60304dc)
- keymappings: add "gb" map for git blame open, q to close inside (7aa40b4)
- keymappings: add signature help mapping to (e2a5737)
- lsp: add filetypes opts for Vue and set to vue, javascript by default (2182853)
- lsp: add lsp codes & diagnostic source information formats to LSP (c79e565)
- lsp: refactor vue -> vue2 (7d573d7)
- lsp: use HTML syntax highlighting in template for Vue.js by Treesitter (4e06266)
- plugins: add vim-rooter & do not update cwd by nvim-tree (4a50259)
- plugins: enhancement in autopairs plugin config (9d98b7c)
- tree: enable update_cwd option in Nvim Tree (f79d667)
- utils: add git functions (50095ae)
- utils: add globals functions to debug (5c15c11)
- utils: refactor utils to utils/init and add couple new functions (6a6a341)
- colorscheme: float colors for Tokyonight theme (93a6c91)
- colorscheme: link comment highlight to GitSignsCurrentLineBlame in Tokyonight theme (6457cf6)
- keymappings: change map of signature help to L cause of conflicting mapping (41ade5d)
- lsp: change signs icons and make them work (4abe5bc)
1.1.1 (2022-02-02)
- colorscheme: make telescope windows transparent in Tokyonight (47843b0)
- lsp: require graphql settings in installer (55f733b)
- plugins: disable space and eol chars & sort indent_blankline options (2476e93)
- plugins: indent_blankline uses default char symbol for now, so it doesn't break between macOS & Linux (9c06bc6)
1.1.0 (2022-01-27)
- colorscheme: link line number color to comment in TOKYO NIGHT & VertSplit and Galaxyline background to same color as nvim tree (fc03882)
- plugins: switch glow.nvim to markdown-preview.nvim (2a1cf2a)